========== Next steps ========== Your OpenStack environment now includes the dashboard. You can :doc:`launch an instance ` or add more services to your environment in the following chapters. After you install and configure the dashboard, you can complete the following tasks: * Provide users with a public IP address, a username, and a password so they can access the dashboard through a web browser. In case of any SSL certificate connection problems, point the server IP address to a domain name, and give users access. * Customize your dashboard. See section `Customize the dashboad `__ in the `OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide `__ for information on setting up colors, logos, and site titles. * Set up session storage. See section `Set up session storage for the dashboard `__ in the `OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide `__ for information on user session data. * To use the VNC client with the dashboard, the browser must support HTML5 Canvas and HTML5 WebSockets. For details about browsers that support noVNC, see `README `__ and `browser support `__.