Description of configuration options for qpid
Configuration option=Default value Description
qpid_heartbeat=60 (IntOpt) Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats
qpid_hostname=localhost (StrOpt) Qpid broker hostname
qpid_notification_exchange=glance (StrOpt) Qpid exchange for notifications
qpid_notification_topic=notifications (StrOpt) Qpid topic for notifications
qpid_password= (StrOpt) Password for qpid connection
qpid_port=5672 (StrOpt) Qpid broker port
qpid_protocol=tcp (StrOpt) Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'
qpid_reconnect_interval=0 (IntOpt) Equivalent to setting max and min to the same value
qpid_reconnect_interval_max=0 (IntOpt) Maximum seconds between reconnection attempts
qpid_reconnect_interval_min=0 (IntOpt) Minimum seconds between reconnection attempts
qpid_reconnect_limit=0 (IntOpt) Max reconnections before giving up
qpid_reconnect_timeout=0 (IntOpt) Reconnection timeout in seconds
qpid_sasl_mechanisms= (StrOpt) Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for auth
qpid_tcp_nodelay=True (BoolOpt) Disable Nagle algorithm
qpid_username= (StrOpt) Username for qpid connection