Prepare for AMI type images
To support AMI type images in your OpenStack installation,
you must create a /boot/guest directory
inside Dom0. The OpenStack VM extracts the kernel and ramdisk
from the AKI and ARI images puts them in this location.
OpenStack maintains the contents of this directory and its
size should not increase during normal operation. However, in
case of power failures or accidental shutdowns, some files
might be left over. To prevent these files from filling the
Dom0 disk, set up this directory as a symlink that points to a
subdirectory of the local SR.
Run these commands in Dom0 to achieve this setup:
# LOCAL_SR=$(xe sr-list name-label="Local storage" --minimal)
# LOCALPATH="/var/run/sr-mount/$LOCAL_SR/os-guest-kernels"
# mkdir -p "$LOCALPATH"
# ln -s "$LOCALPATH" /boot/guest