Verify the Installation You can run these commands from the proxy server or any server that has access to the Identity Service. To verify the installation Export the swift admin password, which you set up as an Identity service admin, and added to the proxy-server.conf file, to a variable. You can also set up an openrc file as described in the OpenStack User Guide where the variable is OS_USERNAME. $ export OS_PASSWORD=ADMIN_PASS $ export OS_AUTH_URL=http://controller:5000/v2.0 The sample proxy-server.conf file uses "swift" for ADMIN_PASS. If you do not wish to have the swift admin password stored in your shell's history, you can run the following command: $ export SWIFT_PROXY_CONF=/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf export OS_PASSWORD=$( grep admin_password ${SWIFT_PROXY_CONF} | awk '{ print $NF }' ) Run the following swift command with the correct Identity Service URL:$ swift -V 2.0 -A $OS_AUTH_URL -U demo:admin -K $ADMINPASS stat Account: AUTH_11b9758b7049476d9b48f7a91ea11493 Containers: 0 Objects: 0 Bytes: 0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 X-Timestamp: 1381434243.83760 X-Trans-Id: txdcdd594565214fb4a2d33-0052570383 X-Put-Timestamp: 1381434243.83760 Run the following swift commands to upload files to a container (create a test text files if needed): $ swift -V 2.0 -A $OS_AUTH_URL -U demo:admin -K $OS_PASSWORD upload myfiles test.txt $ swift -V 2.0 -A $OS_AUTH_URL -U demo:admin -K $ADMINPASS upload myfiles test2.txt Run the following swift command to download all files from the ‘myfiles’ container: $ swift -V 2.0 -A $OS_AUTH_URL -U demo:admin -K $ADMINPASS download myfiles test2.txt [headers 0.267s, total 0.267s, 0.000s MB/s] test.txt [headers 0.271s, total 0.271s, 0.000s MB/s]