Installing XenServer and
XCPBefore you can run OpenStack with XCP or XenServer, you must
install the software on an appropriate server.Xen is a type 1 hypervisor: When your server starts, Xen
is the first software that runs. Consequently, you must
install XenServer or XCP before you install the operating
system on which you want to run OpenStack code. The
OpenStack services then run in a virtual machine that you
install on top of XenServer.Before you can install your system you must decide if you
want to install Citrix XenServer (either the free edition, or
one of the paid editions) or Xen Cloud Platform from
You can download the software from the following locations:
When installing many servers, you may find it
easier to perform PXE boot installations of XenServer or XCP. You
can also package up any post install changes you wish to make
to your XenServer by creating your own XenServer supplemental
pack.It is also possible to get XCP by installing the xcp-xenapi package on Debian based
distributions. However, this is not as mature or feature
complete as above distributions. This will modify your boot
loader to first boot Xen, then boot your existing OS on top of
Xen as Dom0. It is in Dom0 that the xapi daemon will run. You
can find more details on the wiki: Ensure you are using the EXT type of storage
repository (SR). Features that require access to VHD
files (such as copy on write, snapshot and migration)
do not work when using the LVM SR. Storage repository
(SR) is a XenAPI specific term relating to the
physical storage on which virtual disks are
stored.On the XenServer/XCP installation screen, this is
selected by choosing "XenDesktop Optimized" option. In
case you are using an answer file, make sure you use
srtype="ext" within the
installation tag of the answer
file.Post install stepsYou are now ready to install OpenStack onto your
XenServer system. This process involves the following
steps: For resize and migrate functionality, please
perform the changes described in the Configuring Resize section of the
OpenStack Compute Administration
Manual.Install the VIF isolation rules to help
prevent mac and ip address spoofing.Install the XenAPI plugins - see the next
section.To support AMI type images, you must set up
symlink/directory in Dom0. For detailed
instructions, see next section.To support resize/migration, set up an ssh
trust relation between your XenServer hosts,
and ensure /images is
properly set up. See next section for more
details.Create a Paravirtualized virtual machine
that can run the OpenStack compute
code.Install and configure the nova-compute
in the above virtual machine. For further information on these steps
look at how DevStack performs the last three steps when
doing developer deployments. For more information on
DevStack, take a look at the DevStack and XenServer Readme. More
information on the first step can be found in the XenServer mutli-tenancy protection doc. More
information on how to install the XenAPI plugins can be
found in the XenAPI plugins Readme.Xen Boot from ISOXenServer, through the XenAPI integration with OpenStack
provides a feature to boot instances from an ISO file. To
activate the "Boot From ISO" feature, you must configure
the SR elements on XenServer host that way.To Xen boot from ISOCreate an ISO-typed SR, such as an NFS ISO
library, for instance. For this, using XenCenter
is a simple method. You must export an NFS volume
from a remote NFS server. Make sure it is exported
in read-write mode.On the compute host, find the uuid of this ISO
SR and write it down.
#xe host-listLocate the uuid of the NFS ISO library:
#xe sr-list content-type=isoSet the uuid and configuration. Even if an NFS
mount point isn't local storage, you must specify
"local-storage-iso."#xe sr-param-set uuid=[iso sr uuid] other-config:i18n-key=local-storage-isoMake sure the host-uuid from "xe pbd-list"
equals the uuid of the host you found
earlier:#xe sr-uuid=[iso sr uuid]You can now add images via the OpenStack Image
Registry, with disk-format=iso,
and boot them in OpenStack Compute.
#glance image-create --name=fedora_iso --disk-format=iso --container-format=bare < Fedora-16-x86_64-netinst.iso