Description of configuration options for storage
Configuration option=Default value Description
backend=sqlalchemy (StrOpt) The backend to use for db
bindir=$pybasedir/bin (StrOpt) Directory where cinder binaries are installed
capacity_weight_multiplier=1.0 (FloatOpt) Multiplier used for weighing volume capacity. Negative numbers mean to stack vs spread.
enabled_backends=None (ListOpt) A list of backend names to use. These backend names should be backed by a unique [CONFIG] group with its options
iscsi_helper=tgtadm (StrOpt) iscsi target user-land tool to use
iscsi_iotype=fileio (StrOpt) Sets the behavior of the iSCSI target to either perform blockio or fileio optionally, auto can be set and Cinder will autodetect type of backing device
iscsi_ip_address=$my_ip (StrOpt) The IP address that the iSCSI daemon is listening on
iscsi_num_targets=100 (IntOpt) The maximum number of iscsi target ids per host
iscsi_port=3260 (IntOpt) The port that the iSCSI daemon is listening on (StrOpt) prefix for iscsi volumes
iser_helper=tgtadm (StrOpt) iser target user-land tool to use
iser_ip_address=$my_ip (StrOpt) The IP address that the iSER daemon is listening on
iser_num_targets=100 (IntOpt) The maximum number of iser target ids per host
iser_port=3260 (IntOpt) The port that the iSER daemon is listening on (StrOpt) prefix for iser volumes
max_gigabytes=10000 (IntOpt) maximum number of volume gigabytes to allow per host
max_overflow=None (IntOpt) If set, use this value for max_overflow with sqlalchemy
max_pool_size=5 (IntOpt) Maximum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
max_retries=10 (IntOpt) maximum db connection retries during startup. (setting -1 implies an infinite retry count)
memcached_servers=None (ListOpt) Memcached servers or None for in process cache.
migration_create_volume_timeout_secs=300 (IntOpt) Timeout for creating the volume to migrate to when performing volume migration (seconds)
min_pool_size=1 (IntOpt) Minimum number of SQL connections to keep open in a pool
num_iser_scan_tries=3 (IntOpt) The maximum number of times to rescan iSER targetto find volume
num_volume_device_scan_tries=3 (IntOpt) The maximum number of times to rescan targets to find volume
volume_backend_name=None (StrOpt) The backend name for a given driver implementation
volume_clear_size=0 (IntOpt) Size in MiB to wipe at start of old volumes. 0 => all
volume_clear=zero (StrOpt) Method used to wipe old voumes (valid options are: none, zero, shred)
volume_dd_blocksize=1M (StrOpt) The default block size used when copying/clearing volumes
volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMISCSIDriver (StrOpt) Driver to use for volume creation
volume_manager=cinder.volume.manager.VolumeManager (StrOpt) full class name for the Manager for volume
volumes_dir=$state_path/volumes (StrOpt) Volume configuration file storage directory
volume_usage_audit_period=month (StrOpt) time period to generate volume usages for. Time period must be hour, day, month or year
zadara_default_stripesize=64 (StrOpt) Default stripe size for volumes