Description of configuration options for compute
Configuration option=Default value Description
base_dir_name=_base (StrOpt) Where cached images are stored under $instances_path.This is NOT the full path - just a folder name.For per-compute-host cached images, set to _base_$my_ip
checksum_interval_seconds=3600 (IntOpt) How frequently to checksum base images
compute_api_class=nova.compute.api.API (StrOpt) The full class name of the compute API class to use (deprecated)
compute_driver=None (StrOpt) Driver to use for controlling virtualization. Options include: libvirt.LibvirtDriver, xenapi.XenAPIDriver, fake.FakeDriver, baremetal.BareMetalDriver, vmwareapi.VMwareESXDriver, vmwareapi.VMwareVCDriver
compute_manager=nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager (StrOpt) full class name for the Manager for compute
compute_stats_class=nova.compute.stats.Stats (StrOpt) Class that will manage stats for the local compute host
console_host=docwork (StrOpt) Console proxy host to use to connect to instances on this host.
console_manager=nova.console.manager.ConsoleProxyManager (StrOpt) full class name for the Manager for console proxy
default_flavor=m1.small (StrOpt) default flavor to use for the EC2 API only. The Nova API does not support a default flavor.
default_notification_level=INFO (StrOpt) Default notification level for outgoing notifications
default_publisher_id=None (StrOpt) Default publisher_id for outgoing notifications
enable_instance_password=True (BoolOpt) Allows use of instance password during server creation
heal_instance_info_cache_interval=60 (IntOpt) Number of seconds between instance info_cache self healing updates
host_state_interval=120 (IntOpt) Interval in seconds for querying the host status
image_cache_manager_interval=2400 (IntOpt) Number of seconds to wait between runs of the image cache manager
image_info_filename_pattern=$instances_path/$base_dir_name/%(image) (StrOpt) Allows image information files to be stored in non-standard locations
instance_build_timeout=0 (IntOpt) Amount of time in seconds an instance can be in BUILD before going into ERROR status.Set to 0 to disable.
instance_delete_interval=300 (IntOpt) Interval in seconds for retrying failed instance file deletes
instance_usage_audit=False (BoolOpt) Generate periodic compute.instance.exists notifications
instance_usage_audit_period=month (StrOpt) time period to generate instance usages for. Time period must be hour, day, month or year
instances_path=$state_path/instances (StrOpt) where instances are stored on disk
maximum_instance_delete_attempts=5 (IntOpt) The number of times to attempt to reap an instance's files.
reboot_timeout=0 (IntOpt) Automatically hard reboot an instance if it has been stuck in a rebooting state longer than N seconds. Set to 0 to disable.
reclaim_instance_interval=0 (IntOpt) Interval in seconds for reclaiming deleted instances
resize_confirm_window=0 (IntOpt) Automatically confirm resizes after N seconds. Set to 0 to disable.
resume_guests_state_on_host_boot=False (BoolOpt) Whether to start guests that were running before the host rebooted
running_deleted_instance_action=log (StrOpt) Action to take if a running deleted instance is detected.Valid options are 'noop', 'log' and 'reap'. Set to 'noop' to disable.
running_deleted_instance_poll_interval=1800 (IntOpt) Number of seconds to wait between runs of the cleanup task.
running_deleted_instance_timeout=0 (IntOpt) Number of seconds after being deleted when a running instance should be considered eligible for cleanup.
shelved_offload_time=0 (IntOpt) Time in seconds before a shelved instance is eligible for removing from a host. -1 never offload, 0 offload when shelved
shelved_poll_interval=3600 (IntOpt) Interval in seconds for polling shelved instances to offload
sync_power_state_interval=600 (IntOpt) interval to sync power states between the database and the hypervisor