Database Service command-line clientThe trove client is the command-line interface
(CLI) for the Database API and its extensions. This chapter documents
trove version 1.0.6.
For help on a specific trove
command, enter:
$troveCOMMANDtrove usageusage: trove [--version] [--debug] [--os-username <auth-user-name>]
[--os-password <auth-password>]
[--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>]
[--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>] [--os-auth-url <auth-url>]
[--os-region-name <region-name>] [--service-type <service-type>]
[--service-name <service-name>] [--bypass-url <bypass-url>]
[--database-service-name <database-service-name>]
[--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>]
[--os-database-api-version <database-api-ver>]
[--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--retries <retries>] [--json]
<subcommand> ...Subcommandsbackup-copy
Creates a backup from another backup.
Creates a backup of an instance.
Deletes a backup.
Lists available backups.
Lists available backups for an instance.
Shows details of a backup.
Attaches a configuration group to an
Creates a configuration group.
Shows the default configuration of an
Deletes a configuration group.
Detaches a configuration group from an
Lists all instances associated with a
configuration group.
Lists all configuration groups.
Lists available parameters for a
configuration group.
Shows details of a configuration parameter.
Patches a configuration group.
Shows details of a configuration group.
Updates a configuration group.
Creates a new instance.
Creates a database on an instance.
Deletes a database from an instance.
Lists available databases on an instance.
Lists available datastores.
Shows details of a datastore.
Lists available versions for a datastore.
Shows details of a datastore version.
Deletes an instance.
Detaches a replica instance from its
replication source.
Lists available flavors.
Shows details of a flavor.
Lists the limits for a tenant.
Lists all the instances.
Creates metadata in the database for
instance <id>.
Deletes metadata for instance <id>.
Replaces metadata value with a new one, this
is non-destructive.
Shows all metadata for instance <id>.
Shows metadata entry for key <key> and
instance <id>.
Updates metadata, this is destructive.
[DEPRECATED] Please use resize-instance
Resizes an instance with a new flavor.
Resizes the volume size of an instance.
Restarts an instance.
Enables root for an instance and resets if
already exists.
Gets status if root was ever enabled for an
Creates a security group rule.
Deletes a security group rule.
Lists all security groups.
Lists all rules for a security group.
Shows details of a security group.
Shows details of an instance.
Updates an instance: Edits name,
configuration, or replica source.
Creates a user on an instance.
Deletes a user from an instance.
Grants access to a database(s) for a user.
Lists the users for an instance.
Revokes access to a database for a user.
Shows details of a user of an instance.
Shows access details of a user of an
Updates a user's attributes on an instance.
Prints arguments for bash_completion.
Displays help about this program or one of
its subcommands.
trove optional arguments--version
show program's version number and exit
Print debugging output.
--os-username <auth-user-name>
Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME].
--os-password <auth-password>
Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD].
--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>
Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].
--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>
Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID].
--os-auth-url <auth-url>
Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL].
--os-region-name <region-name>
Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME].
--service-type <service-type>
Defaults to database for most actions.
--service-name <service-name>
Defaults to env[TROVE_SERVICE_NAME].
--bypass-url <bypass-url>
Defaults to env[TROVE_BYPASS_URL].
--database-service-name <database-service-name>
Defaults to
--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>
Defaults to env[TROVE_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or
--os-database-api-version <database-api-ver>
Accepts 1, defaults to
--os-cacert <ca-certificate>
Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying
a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults
to env[OS_CACERT].
--retries <retries>
Number of retries.
--json, --os-json-output
Output JSON instead of prettyprint. Defaults
trove backup-copy commandusage: trove backup-copy <name> <backup>
[--region <region>] [--description <description>]
Creates a backup from another backup.
Positional arguments<name>
Name of the backup.
Backup ID of the source backup.
Optional arguments--region <region>
Region where the source backup resides.
--description <description>
An optional description for the backup.
trove backup-create commandusage: trove backup-create <instance> <name>
[--description <description>] [--parent <parent>]
Creates a backup of an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of the backup.
Optional arguments--description <description>
An optional description for the backup.
--parent <parent>
Optional ID of the parent backup to perform an
incremental backup from.
trove backup-delete commandusage: trove backup-delete <backup>
Deletes a backup.
Positional arguments<backup>
ID of the backup.
trove backup-list commandusage: trove backup-list [--limit <limit>] [--datastore <datastore>]
Lists available backups.
Optional arguments--limit <limit>
Return up to N number of the most recent backups.
--datastore <datastore>
Name or ID of the datastore to list backups for.
trove backup-list-instance commandusage: trove backup-list-instance [--limit <limit>] <instance>
Lists available backups for an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Optional arguments--limit <limit>
Return up to N number of the most recent backups.
trove backup-show commandusage: trove backup-show <backup>
Shows details of a backup.
Positional arguments<backup>
ID of the backup.
trove configuration-attach commandusage: trove configuration-attach <instance> <configuration>
Attaches a configuration group to an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
ID of the configuration group to attach to the instance.
trove configuration-create commandusage: trove configuration-create <name> <values>
[--datastore <datastore>]
[--datastore_version <datastore_version>]
[--description <description>]
Creates a configuration group.
Positional arguments<name>
Name of the configuration group.
Dictionary of the values to set.
Optional arguments--datastore <datastore>
Datastore assigned to the configuration
--datastore_version <datastore_version>
Datastore version ID assigned to the
configuration group.
--description <description>
An optional description for the
configuration group.
trove configuration-default commandusage: trove configuration-default <instance>
Shows the default configuration of an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
trove configuration-delete commandusage: trove configuration-delete <configuration_group>
Deletes a configuration group.
Positional arguments<configuration_group>
ID of the configuration group.
trove configuration-detach commandusage: trove configuration-detach <instance>
Detaches a configuration group from an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
trove configuration-instances commandusage: trove configuration-instances <configuration_group>
Lists all instances associated with a configuration group.
Positional arguments<configuration_group>
ID of the configuration group.
trove configuration-list commandusage: trove configuration-list
Lists all configuration groups.
trove configuration-parameter-list commandusage: trove configuration-parameter-list <datastore_version>
[--datastore <datastore>]
Lists available parameters for a configuration group.
Positional arguments<datastore_version>
Datastore version name or ID assigned to the
configuration group.
Optional arguments--datastore <datastore> ID
or name of the datastore to list configuration
parameters for. Optional if the ID of the
datastore_version is provided.
trove configuration-parameter-show commandusage: trove configuration-parameter-show <datastore_version> <parameter>
[--datastore <datastore>]
Shows details of a configuration parameter.
Positional arguments<datastore_version>
Datastore version name or ID assigned to the
configuration group.
Name of the configuration parameter.
Optional arguments--datastore <datastore> ID
or name of the datastore to list configuration
parameters for. Optional if the ID of the
datastore_version is provided.
trove configuration-patch commandusage: trove configuration-patch <configuration_group> <values>
Patches a configuration group.
Positional arguments<configuration_group>
ID of the configuration group.
Dictionary of the values to set.
trove configuration-show commandusage: trove configuration-show <configuration_group>
Shows details of a configuration group.
Positional arguments<configuration_group>
ID of the configuration group.
trove configuration-update commandusage: trove configuration-update <configuration_group> <values>
[--name <name>]
[--description <description>]
Updates a configuration group.
Positional arguments<configuration_group>
ID of the configuration group.
Dictionary of the values to set.
Optional arguments--name <name>
Name of the configuration group.
--description <description>
An optional description for the configuration
trove create commandusage: trove create <name> <flavor_id>
[--size <size>]
[--databases <databases> [<databases> ...]]
[--users <users> [<users> ...]] [--backup <backup>]
[--availability_zone <availability_zone>]
[--datastore <datastore>]
[--datastore_version <datastore_version>]
[--nic <net-id=net-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,port-id=port-uuid>]
[--configuration <configuration>] [--slave_of <master_id>]
Creates a new instance.
Positional arguments<name>
Name of the instance.
Flavor of the instance.
Optional arguments--size <size>
Size of the instance disk volume in GB.
Required when volume support is enabled.
--databases <databases> [<databases> ...]
Optional list of databases.
--users <users> [<users> ...]
Optional list of users in the form
--backup <backup> A
backup ID.
--availability_zone <availability_zone>
The Zone hint to give to nova.
--datastore <datastore> A
datastore name or ID.
--datastore_version <datastore_version>
A datastore version name or ID.
--nic <net-id=net-uuid,v4-fixed-ip=ip-addr,port-id=port-uuid>
Create a NIC on the instance. Specify option
multiple times to create multiple NICs. net-
id: attach NIC to network with this ID
(either port-id or net-id must be
specified), v4-fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed address
for NIC (optional), port-id: attach NIC to
port with this ID (either port-id or net-id
must be specified).
--configuration <configuration>
ID of the configuration group to attach to
the instance.
--slave_of <master_id> ID
of an existing instance to replicate
trove database-create commandusage: trove database-create <instance> <name>
[--character_set <character_set>]
[--collate <collate>]
Creates a database on an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of the database.
Optional arguments--character_set <character_set>
Optional character set for database.
--collate <collate>
Optional collation type for database.
trove database-delete commandusage: trove database-delete <instance> <database>
Deletes a database from an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of the database.
trove database-list commandusage: trove database-list <instance>
Lists available databases on an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
trove datastore-list commandusage: trove datastore-list
Lists available datastores.
trove datastore-show commandusage: trove datastore-show <datastore>
Shows details of a datastore.
Positional arguments<datastore>
ID of the datastore.
trove datastore-version-list commandusage: trove datastore-version-list <datastore>
Lists available versions for a datastore.
Positional arguments<datastore>
ID or name of the datastore.
trove datastore-version-show commandusage: trove datastore-version-show <datastore_version>
[--datastore <datastore>]
Shows details of a datastore version.
Positional arguments<datastore_version>
ID or name of the datastore version.
Optional arguments--datastore <datastore> ID
or name of the datastore. Optional if the ID of
the datastore_version is provided.
trove delete commandusage: trove delete <instance>
Deletes an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
trove detach-replica commandusage: trove detach-replica <instance>
Detaches a replica instance from its replication source.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
trove flavor-list commandusage: trove flavor-list
Lists available flavors.
trove flavor-show commandusage: trove flavor-show <flavor>
Shows details of a flavor.
Positional arguments<flavor>
ID or name of the flavor.
trove limit-list commandusage: trove limit-list
Lists the limits for a tenant.
trove list commandusage: trove list [--limit <limit>] [--marker <ID>]
Lists all the instances.
Optional arguments--limit <limit>
Limit the number of results displayed.
--marker <ID>
Begin displaying the results for IDs greater than the
specified marker. When used with --limit, set this to the
last ID displayed in the previous run.
trove metadata-create commandusage: trove metadata-create <instance_id> <key> <value>
Creates metadata in the database for instance <id>.
Positional arguments<instance_id>
UUID for instance
Key for assignment
Value to assign to <key>
trove metadata-delete commandusage: trove metadata-delete <instance_id> <key>
Deletes metadata for instance <id>.
Positional arguments<instance_id>
UUID for instance
Metadata key to delete
trove metadata-edit commandusage: trove metadata-edit <instance_id> <key> <value>
Replaces metadata value with a new one, this is non-destructive.
Positional arguments<instance_id>
UUID for instance
Key to replace
New value to assign to <key>
trove metadata-list commandusage: trove metadata-list <instance_id>
Shows all metadata for instance <id>.
Positional arguments<instance_id>
UUID for instance
trove metadata-show commandusage: trove metadata-show <instance_id> <key>
Shows metadata entry for key <key> and instance <id>.
Positional arguments<instance_id>
UUID for instance
key to display
trove metadata-update commandusage: trove metadata-update <instance_id> <key> <newkey> <value>
Updates metadata, this is destructive.
Positional arguments<instance_id>
UUID for instance
Key to update
New key
Value to assign to <newkey>
trove resize-instance commandusage: trove resize-instance <instance> <flavor_id>
Resizes an instance with a new flavor.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
New flavor of the instance.
trove resize-volume commandusage: trove resize-volume <instance> <size>
Resizes the volume size of an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
New size of the instance disk volume in GB.
trove restart commandusage: trove restart <instance>
Restarts an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
trove root-enable commandusage: trove root-enable <instance>
Enables root for an instance and resets if already exists.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
trove root-show commandusage: trove root-show <instance>
Gets status if root was ever enabled for an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
trove secgroup-add-rule commandusage: trove secgroup-add-rule <security_group> <cidr>
Creates a security group rule.
Positional arguments<security_group>
Security group ID.
CIDR address.
trove secgroup-delete-rule commandusage: trove secgroup-delete-rule <security_group_rule>
Deletes a security group rule.
Positional arguments<security_group_rule>
Name of security group rule.
trove secgroup-list commandusage: trove secgroup-list
Lists all security groups.
trove secgroup-list-rules commandusage: trove secgroup-list-rules <security_group>
Lists all rules for a security group.
Positional arguments<security_group>
Security group ID.
trove secgroup-show commandusage: trove secgroup-show <security_group>
Shows details of a security group.
Positional arguments<security_group>
Security group ID
trove show commandusage: trove show <instance>
Shows details of an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID or name of the instance.
trove update commandusage: trove update <instance>
[--name <name>] [--configuration <configuration>]
[--detach-replica-source] [--remove_configuration]
Updates an instance: Edits name, configuration, or replica source.
Positional arguments<instance>
UUID of the instance.
Optional arguments--name <name>
Name of the instance.
--configuration <configuration>
ID of the configuration reference to attach.
Detach the replica instance from its
replication source.
Drops the current configuration reference.
trove user-create commandusage: trove user-create <instance> <name> <password>
[--host <host>]
[--databases <databases> [<databases> ...]]
Creates a user on an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of user.
Password of user.
Optional arguments--host <host>
Optional host of user.
--databases <databases> [<databases> ...]
Optional list of databases.
trove user-delete commandusage: trove user-delete [--host <host>] <instance> <name>
Deletes a user from an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of user.
Optional arguments--host <host>
Optional host of user.
trove user-grant-access commandusage: trove user-grant-access <instance> <name> <databases> [<databases> ...]
[--host <host>]
Grants access to a database(s) for a user.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of user.
List of databases.
Optional arguments--host <host>
Optional host of user.
trove user-list commandusage: trove user-list <instance>
Lists the users for an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
trove user-revoke-access commandusage: trove user-revoke-access [--host <host>] <instance> <name> <database>
Revokes access to a database for a user.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of user.
A single database.
Optional arguments--host <host>
Optional host of user.
trove user-show commandusage: trove user-show [--host <host>] <instance> <name>
Shows details of a user of an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of user.
Optional arguments--host <host>
Optional host of user.
trove user-show-access commandusage: trove user-show-access [--host <host>] <instance> <name>
Shows access details of a user of an instance.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of user.
Optional arguments--host <host>
Optional host of user.
trove user-update-attributes commandusage: trove user-update-attributes <instance> <name>
[--host <host>] [--new_name <new_name>]
[--new_password <new_password>]
[--new_host <new_host>]
Updates a user's attributes on an instance. At least one optional argument
must be provided.
Positional arguments<instance>
ID of the instance.
Name of user.
Optional arguments--host <host>
Optional host of user.
--new_name <new_name>
Optional new name of user.
--new_password <new_password>
Optional new password of user.
--new_host <new_host>
Optional new host of user.