Gauvain Pocentek 77ff96074a config-ref: glance tables update
Change-Id: Idc0de341dce591a4d675d1ae2c7abd99cb10af2e
2015-04-24 15:08:01 +02:00

190 lines
11 KiB

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<table rules="all" xml:id="config_table_glance_common">
<caption>Description of common configuration options</caption>
<col width="50%"/>
<col width="50%"/>
<th>Configuration option = Default value</th>
<th colspan="2">[DEFAULT]</th>
<td><option>allow_additional_image_properties</option> = <replaceable>True</replaceable></td>
<td>(BoolOpt) Whether to allow users to specify image properties beyond what the image schema provides</td>
<td><option>api_limit_max</option> = <replaceable>1000</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) Maximum permissible number of items that could be returned by a request</td>
<td><option>backlog</option> = <replaceable>4096</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) The backlog value that will be used when creating the TCP listener socket.</td>
<td><option>bind_host</option> = <replaceable></replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Address to bind the server. Useful when selecting a particular network interface.</td>
<td><option>bind_port</option> = <replaceable>None</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) The port on which the server will listen.</td>
<td><option>data_api</option> = <replaceable>glance.db.sqlalchemy.api</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Python module path of data access API</td>
<td><option>digest_algorithm</option> = <replaceable>sha1</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Digest algorithm which will be used for digital signature; the default is sha1 the default in Kilo for a smooth upgrade process, and it will be updated with sha256 in next release(L). Use the command "openssl list-message-digest-algorithms" to get the available algorithms supported by the version of OpenSSL on the platform. Examples are "sha1", "sha256", "sha512", etc.</td>
<td><option>host</option> = <replaceable>localhost</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Name of this node, which must be valid in an AMQP key. Can be an opaque identifier. For ZeroMQ only, must be a valid host name, FQDN, or IP address.</td>
<td><option>image_location_quota</option> = <replaceable>10</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) Maximum number of locations allowed on an image. Negative values evaluate to unlimited.</td>
<td><option>image_member_quota</option> = <replaceable>128</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) Maximum number of image members per image. Negative values evaluate to unlimited.</td>
<td><option>image_property_quota</option> = <replaceable>128</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) Maximum number of properties allowed on an image. Negative values evaluate to unlimited.</td>
<td><option>image_tag_quota</option> = <replaceable>128</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) Maximum number of tags allowed on an image. Negative values evaluate to unlimited.</td>
<td><option>limit_param_default</option> = <replaceable>25</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) Default value for the number of items returned by a request if not specified explicitly in the request</td>
<td><option>listener_workers</option> = <replaceable>1</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) Number of workers for notification service. A single notification agent is enabled by default.</td>
<td><option>memcached_servers</option> = <replaceable>None</replaceable></td>
<td>(ListOpt) Memcached servers or None for in process cache.</td>
<td><option>metadata_encryption_key</option> = <replaceable>None</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) AES key for encrypting store 'location' metadata. This includes, if used, Swift or S3 credentials. Should be set to a random string of length 16, 24 or 32 bytes</td>
<td><option>metadata_source_path</option> = <replaceable>/etc/glance/metadefs/</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Path to the directory where json metadata files are stored</td>
<td><option>property_protection_file</option> = <replaceable>None</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) The location of the property protection file.This file contains the rules for property protections and the roles/policies associated with it. If this config value is not specified, by default, property protections won't be enforced. If a value is specified and the file is not found, then the glance-api service will not start.</td>
<td><option>property_protection_rule_format</option> = <replaceable>roles</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) This config value indicates whether "roles" or "policies" are used in the property protection file.</td>
<td><option>show_image_direct_url</option> = <replaceable>False</replaceable></td>
<td>(BoolOpt) Whether to include the backend image storage location in image properties. Revealing storage location can be a security risk, so use this setting with caution!</td>
<td><option>user_storage_quota</option> = <replaceable>0</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Set a system wide quota for every user. This value is the total capacity that a user can use across all storage systems. A value of 0 means unlimited.Optional unit can be specified for the value. Accepted units are B, KB, MB, GB and TB representing Bytes, KiloBytes, MegaBytes, GigaBytes and TeraBytes respectively. If no unit is specified then Bytes is assumed. Note that there should not be any space between value and unit and units are case sensitive.</td>
<td><option>workers</option> = <replaceable>4</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) The number of child process workers that will be created to service requests. The default will be equal to the number of CPUs available.</td>
<th colspan="2">[glance_store]</th>
<td><option>os_region_name</option> = <replaceable>None</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Region name of this node</td>
<th colspan="2">[image_format]</th>
<td><option>container_formats</option> = <replaceable>ami, ari, aki, bare, ovf, ova</replaceable></td>
<td>(ListOpt) Supported values for the 'container_format' image attribute</td>
<td><option>disk_formats</option> = <replaceable>ami, ari, aki, vhd, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, iso</replaceable></td>
<td>(ListOpt) Supported values for the 'disk_format' image attribute</td>
<th colspan="2">[keystone_authtoken]</th>
<td><option>memcached_servers</option> = <replaceable>None</replaceable></td>
<td>(ListOpt) Optionally specify a list of memcached server(s) to use for caching. If left undefined, tokens will instead be cached in-process.</td>
<th colspan="2">[service_credentials]</th>
<td><option>insecure</option> = <replaceable>False</replaceable></td>
<td>(BoolOpt) Disables X.509 certificate validation when an SSL connection to Identity Service is established.</td>
<td><option>os_auth_url</option> = <replaceable>http://localhost:5000/v2.0</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Auth URL to use for OpenStack service access.</td>
<td><option>os_cacert</option> = <replaceable>None</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Certificate chain for SSL validation.</td>
<td><option>os_endpoint_type</option> = <replaceable>publicURL</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for communication with OpenStack services.</td>
<td><option>os_password</option> = <replaceable>admin</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Password to use for OpenStack service access.</td>
<td><option>os_region_name</option> = <replaceable>None</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Region name to use for OpenStack service endpoints.</td>
<td><option>os_tenant_id</option> = <replaceable></replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Tenant ID to use for OpenStack service access.</td>
<td><option>os_tenant_name</option> = <replaceable>admin</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Tenant name to use for OpenStack service access.</td>
<td><option>os_username</option> = <replaceable>glance</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) User name to use for OpenStack service access.</td>
<th colspan="2">[task]</th>
<td><option>task_executor</option> = <replaceable>taskflow</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Specifies which task executor to be used to run the task scripts.</td>
<td><option>task_time_to_live</option> = <replaceable>48</replaceable></td>
<td>(IntOpt) Time in hours for which a task lives after, either succeeding or failing</td>
<td><option>work_dir</option> = <replaceable>None</replaceable></td>
<td>(StrOpt) Work dir for asynchronous task operations. The directory set here will be used to operate over images - normally before they are imported in the destination store. When providing work dir, make sure enough space is provided for concurrent tasks to run efficiently without running out of space. A rough estimation can be done by multiplying the number of `max_workers` - or the N of workers running - by an average image size (e.g 500MB). The image size estimation should be done based on the average size in your deployment. Note that depending on the tasks running you may need to multiply this number by some factor depending on what the task does. For example, you may want to double the available size if image conversion is enabled. All this being said, remember these are just estimations and you should do them based on the worst case scenario and be prepared to act in case they were wrong.</td>