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<chapter xml:id="assumptions" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0">
<title>Installation Assumptions</title>
<para>OpenStack Compute has a large number of configuration
options. To simplify this installation guide, we make a number
of assumptions about the target installation. For a longer
guide that discusses the basis for these assumptions, see the
<link xlink:href="http://docs.openstack.org/ops/"
><citetitle>OpenStack Operations Guide</citetitle></link>.</para>
<para os="rhel;centos;fedora">You have a collection of
compute nodes, each installed with Fedora 18, RHEL
6.4, Scientific Linux 6.1 or CentOS 6 + CR
distributions (continuous release ( CR )
<para os="ubuntu">You have a collection of compute nodes,
each installed with Ubuntu Server 12.04.</para>
<para os="opensuse">You have a collection of compute nodes,
each installed with openSUSE 12.3.</para>
There are also
<phrase os="rhel;centos;fedora;opensuse">an
>OpenStack Install and Deploy Manual for
Ubuntu</link> and </phrase>
<phrase os="ubuntu;opensuse">an <link
>OpenStack Install and Deploy Manual for
RHEL, CentOS and Fedora</link></phrase>
<phrase os="ubuntu"> and </phrase>
<phrase os="rhel;centos;fedora;ubuntu;">an <link
>OpenStack Install and Deploy Manual for
Debian also has OpenStack
support, but is not documented here.</para>
<para>You have designated one of the nodes as the Cloud
Controller, which will run all of the services
(RabbitMQ or Qpid, MySQL, Identity, Image, nova-api,
nova-network, <systemitem class="service">nova-scheduler</systemitem>, nova-volume,
<systemitem class="service">nova-conductor</systemitem>) except for <systemitem class="service"
>nova-compute</systemitem> and possibly networking
services depending on the configuration.</para>
<para>The disk partitions on your cloud controller are
being managed by the <link
>Logical Volume Manager</link> (LVM).</para>
<para>Your Cloud Controller has an LVM volume group named
"cinder-volumes" to provide persistent storage to
guest VMs. Either create this during the installation
or leave some free space to create it prior to
installing nova services.</para>
<para>Ensure that the server can resolve its own hostname,
otherwise you may have problems if you are using
RabbitMQ as the messaging backend. <phrase os="ubuntu"
>RabbitMQ is the default messaging back-end on
<phrase os="opensuse">RabbitMQ is the default
messaging back-end on openSUSE</phrase>
<phrase os="rhel;centos;fedora">Qpid is the default
messaging back-end on Fedora</phrase>.</para>
<para><literal></literal> is the primary IP
for our host on <literal>eth0</literal>.</para>
<para><literal></literal> as the fixed
range for our guest VMs, connected to the host via
<para>FlatDHCP with a single network interface.</para>
<para>KVM or Xen (XenServer or XCP) as the
<listitem os="ubuntu">
<para>On Ubuntu, enable the <link
>Cloud Archive</link> repository by adding the
following to
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/grizzly.list:<screen>deb http://ubuntu-cloud.archive.canonical.com/ubuntu precise-updates/grizzly main</screen></para>
<para>Before you run <command>apt-get update</command> and
<command>apt-get upgrade</command>, install the
<screen>sudo apt-get install ubuntu-cloud-keyring</screen>
<listitem os="opensuse">
<para os="opensuse">On openSUSE, use the Open Build Service
repositories for Grizzly:
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>zypper ar -f obs://Cloud:OpenStack:Grizzly/openSUSE_12.3 Grizzly</userinput></screen>
<listitem os="opensuse">
<para>Ensure the operating system is up-to-date by running
<command>zypper update</command> prior to the
<listitem os="rhel;fedora;centos">
<para>Ensure the operating system is up-to-date by running
<command>yum update</command> prior to the
<listitem os="ubuntu">
<para>Ensure the operating system is up-to-date by running
<command>apt-get update</command> and
<command>apt-get upgrade</command> prior to the
<listitem os="rhel;fedora;centos">
<para>On RHEL (and derivative distributions) enable the
RDO repository to retrieve OpenStack Havana packages:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>yum install http://rdo.fedorapeople.org/openstack/openstack-havana/rdo-release-havana.rpm</userinput></screen>
<para>The Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
repository must also be enabled. The EPEL repository
provides additional packages required by OpenStack:</para>
<screen><prompt>#</prompt> <userinput>yum install http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm</userinput></screen>
<para>The RDO and EPEL release packages are not
architecture dependent.</para>
<para>This installation process walks through installing a cloud
controller node and a compute node using a set of packages
that are known to work with each other. The cloud controller
node contains all the nova- services including the API server
and the database server. The compute node needs to run only
the <systemitem class="service">nova-compute</systemitem>
service. You only need one nova-network service running in a
multi-node install, though if high availability for networks
is required, there are additional options.</para>
<xi:include href="section_colocating-services.xml"/>