Colin McNamara c2f25ab932 added card071 - creating cinder volumes
added three sections from the horizon admin guide. It also
includes updating and deleting volumes from horizon. cleaned
up whitespace in created and chapter files and user include

Change-Id: I7ae44fb9efe102a2c074ffbd758d4601f61c37d3
Implements: bp/training-manuals
2013-10-07 18:41:33 -07:00

46 lines
3.8 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section xmlns=""
<title>Including external content for user stories, version 1.1</title>
<para>Save your user story file as associate-my-user-story-name, operator-my-user-story, etc. For
example my user story that I assigned myself is operator bug fix so the file name would be
operator-fix-documentation-bug.xml. See the operator-fix-documentation-bug.xml file in the
repository for more details.</para>
<para>The include statements below are meant to help you tell and teach the user story. Include as
much content as necessary. Use examples.</para>
<para>Create diagrams through gdraw. Export as png. Reference as local file in the /figures/
director. Share as 'Anyone With the Link' can 'Edit' and add URL to the description so anyone
else can update the original.</para>
<imagedata fileref="figures/openstack-training-example-image.png" scale="20"/>
big dummy example image</para>
<para>image source</para>
<para><link xlink:href=""></link></para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Including a whole file. Include as much description about what is
being taught here.</emphasis></para>
<!-- this maps to cardXXX user story title "blah blah" -->
<xi:include href="../install-guide/basic-install-files/basic-install_architecture.xml"
xpointer="xmlns(db= xpath(/*/*[not(self::db:title)])">
<xi:fallback><para><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/openstack-training-remote-content-not-available.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></mediaobject>Remote content not available</para><para>image source</para><para><link xlink:href=""></link></para></xi:fallback>
<para><link xlink:href="" xlink:show="new">Submit a bug on
the section above. Short description for the bug summary. Paragraph for the description and
then tag with training-manuals.</link></para>
<para><emphasis role="bold">Including a section of a file. Include as much description about
what is being taught here.</emphasis></para>
<!-- this maps to cardXXX user story title "blah blah" -->
<xi:include href="../install-guide/basic-install-files/basic-install_controller-common.xml"
xpointer="xmlns(db= xpath(//*[@xml:id = 'controller-os']/*[not(self::db:title)])">
<xi:fallback><para><mediaobject><imageobject><imagedata fileref="figures/openstack-training-remote-content-not-available.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject></mediaobject>Remote content not available</para><para>image source</para><para><link xlink:href=""></link></para></xi:fallback>
<para><link xlink:href="" xlink:show="new">Submit a bug on
the section above. Short description for the bug summary. Paragraph for the description and
then tag with training-manuals.</link></para>