messaging: notification dispatcher filter

Change-Id: I841d141cd20edc0db3b12215133b7fb520f1a4c2
This commit is contained in:
gordon chung 2014-11-18 12:51:02 -05:00
parent c31a00a76b
commit e817b89f20

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Notification Dispatcher Filter
Oslo.messaging lacks the ability to filter out notifications it sends to
endpoints. This spec proposes to enable filtering process before messages are
dispatched to endpoints.
Problem description
Currently, oslo.messaging blindly dispatches notifications to all registered
endpoints. It is after the endpoints receive the messages are we able to filter
and decide whether the endpoint should process the notifications. This decision
can be made earlier before it dispatches messages to the endpoints to avoid
the overhead of sending messages to endpoints which will ignore them.
For example, in Ceilometer, multiple endpoints are connected to the
notification listener. Each endpoint may only process a subset of the
notifications that are picked up. It is at the endpoint level where we
currently filter whether to continue processing the notification but this
filtering can easily be done before it's even dispatched to the endpoint.
Proposed change
The proposed solution is to add a NotificationFilter to the dispatcher. When
oslo.messaging dispatches messages to the endpoints, it will first pass through
the filter and check if the messages fits the criteria defined in filter.
Messages can be filtered using regex against all first level attributes of a
message: context, publisher_id, event_type, metadata, and payload. As context,
metadata, and payload are dictionary values, multiple contraints can be
defined for them.
An example filter is as follows:
.. code-block:: python
filter = NotificationFilter(
context={'tenant_id': '^5f643cfc-664b-4c69-8000-ce2ed7b08216$',
'roles': 'private'},
metadata={'timestamp': 'Aug'}.
payload={'state': '^active$'})
We continue to filter at the endpoint level.
Impact on Existing APIs
Security impact
Performance Impact
None, but it does offer potential to reduce load dispatched.
Configuration Impact
Developer Impact
Developers nowi have ability to add a filter when they defined Endpoints.
.. code-block:: python
class NotificationEndpoint(object):
filter = NotificationFilter(publisher_id='^compute.*')
Testing Impact
Unit tests are sufficient as the functionality is limited to dispatcher.
Indirectly, when implemented in Ceilometer, this will be tested via tempest.
Primary assignee:
Other contributors:
Target Milestone for completion: kilo-1
Work Items
- Add filter to dispatcher with unit tests
- change filters in Ceilometer to use new filters.
Ceilometer but it seems like common functionality that other listeners
would use.
Anticipated API Stabilization
Documentation Impact
code review:
.. note::
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License.