diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 9cc41b7a7..215d3f3cc 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ ChangeLog
diff --git a/bandit.yaml b/bandit.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d41da69aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bandit.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+# optional: after how many files to update progress
+#show_progress_every: 100
+# optional: plugins directory name
+#plugins_dir: plugins
+# optional: plugins discovery name pattern
+plugin_name_pattern: '*.py'
+# optional: terminal escape sequences to display colors
+#    DEFAULT: \033[0m
+#    HEADER: \033[95m
+#    LOW: \033[94m
+#    MEDIUM: \033[93m
+#    HIGH: \033[91m
+# optional: log format string
+#log_format: "[%(module)s]\t%(levelname)s\t%(message)s"
+# globs of files which should be analyzed
+    - '*.py'
+    - '*.pyw'
+# a list of strings, which if found in the path will cause files to be excluded
+# for example /tests/ - to remove all files in tests directory
+    - '/tests/'
+    oslo.messaging:
+        include:
+            - any_other_function_with_shell_equals_true
+            # Some occurrences in the olso.messaging code, but not much to do
+            # to get rid of these warnings, so just skip this.
+            # - assert_used
+            - blacklist_calls
+            - blacklist_import_func
+            - blacklist_imports
+            - exec_used
+            - execute_with_run_as_root_equals_true
+            - hardcoded_bind_all_interfaces
+            - hardcoded_password_string
+            - hardcoded_password_funcarg
+            - hardcoded_password_default
+            - hardcoded_sql_expressions
+            - hardcoded_tmp_directory
+            - jinja2_autoescape_false
+            - linux_commands_wildcard_injection
+            - paramiko_calls
+            - password_config_option_not_marked_secret
+            - request_with_no_cert_validation
+            - set_bad_file_permissions
+            - subprocess_popen_with_shell_equals_true
+            - subprocess_without_shell_equals_true
+            - start_process_with_a_shell
+            - start_process_with_no_shell
+            - start_process_with_partial_path
+            - ssl_with_bad_defaults
+            - ssl_with_bad_version
+            - ssl_with_no_version
+            # This might be nice to have, but we currently ignore a lot of
+            # exceptions during the cleanup phases, so this throws a lot
+            # false positives.
+            # - try_except_pass
+            - use_of_mako_templates
+            - weak_cryptographic_key
+    XSS:
+        include:
+            - jinja2_autoescape_false
+            - use_of_mako_templates
+    ShellInjection:
+        include:
+            - subprocess_popen_with_shell_equals_true
+            - subprocess_without_shell_equals_true
+            - any_other_function_with_shell_equals_true
+            - start_process_with_a_shell
+            - start_process_with_no_shell
+            - start_process_with_partial_path
+        exclude:
+    SqlInjection:
+        include:
+            - hardcoded_sql_expressions
+    bad_name_sets:
+        - pickle:
+            qualnames:
+                - pickle.loads
+                - pickle.load
+                - pickle.Unpickler
+                - cPickle.loads
+                - cPickle.load
+                - cPickle.Unpickler
+            message: >
+                Pickle library appears to be in use, possible security issue.
+        - marshal:
+            qualnames: [marshal.load, marshal.loads]
+            message: >
+                Deserialization with the marshal module is possibly dangerous.
+        - md5:
+            qualnames:
+                - hashlib.md5
+                - Crypto.Hash.MD2.new
+                - Crypto.Hash.MD4.new
+                - Crypto.Hash.MD5.new
+                - cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.MD5
+            message: Use of insecure MD2, MD4, or MD5 hash function.
+        - ciphers:
+            qualnames:
+                - Crypto.Cipher.ARC2.new
+                - Crypto.Cipher.ARC4.new
+                - Crypto.Cipher.Blowfish.new
+                - Crypto.Cipher.DES.new
+                - Crypto.Cipher.XOR.new
+                - cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.ARC4
+                - cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.Blowfish
+                - cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.IDEA
+            message: >
+                Use of insecure cipher {func}. Replace with a known secure
+                cipher such as AES.
+            level: HIGH
+        - cipher_modes:
+            qualnames:
+                - cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes.ECB
+            message: Use of insecure cipher mode {func}.
+        - mktemp_q:
+            qualnames: [tempfile.mktemp]
+            message: Use of insecure and deprecated function (mktemp).
+        - eval:
+            qualnames: [eval]
+            message: >
+                Use of possibly insecure function - consider using safer
+                ast.literal_eval.
+        - mark_safe:
+            names: [mark_safe]
+            message: >
+                Use of mark_safe() may expose cross-site scripting
+                vulnerabilities and should be reviewed.
+        - httpsconnection:
+            qualnames: [httplib.HTTPSConnection]
+            message: >
+                Use of HTTPSConnection does not provide security, see
+                https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OSSN/OSSN-0033
+        - yaml_load:
+            qualnames: [yaml.load]
+            message: >
+                Use of unsafe yaml load. Allows instantiation of arbitrary
+                objects. Consider yaml.safe_load().
+        - urllib_urlopen:
+            qualnames:
+                - urllib.urlopen
+                - urllib.urlretrieve
+                - urllib.URLopener
+                - urllib.FancyURLopener
+                - urllib2.urlopen
+                - urllib2.Request
+            message: >
+                Audit url open for permitted schemes. Allowing use of file:/ or
+                custom schemes is often unexpected.
+        - telnetlib:
+            qualnames:
+                - telnetlib.*
+            message: >
+                Telnet-related funtions are being called. Telnet is considered
+                insecure. Use SSH or some other encrypted protocol.
+            level: HIGH
+        # Most of this is based off of Christian Heimes' work on defusedxml:
+        #   https://pypi.python.org/pypi/defusedxml/#defusedxml-sax
+        - xml_bad_cElementTree:
+            qualnames:
+                - xml.etree.cElementTree.parse
+                - xml.etree.cElementTree.iterparse
+                - xml.etree.cElementTree.fromstring
+                - xml.etree.cElementTree.XMLParser
+            message: >
+                Using {func} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {func} with its defusedxml
+                equivalent function.
+        - xml_bad_ElementTree:
+            qualnames:
+                - xml.etree.ElementTree.parse
+                - xml.etree.ElementTree.iterparse
+                - xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring
+                - xml.etree.ElementTree.XMLParser
+            message: >
+                Using {func} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {func} with its defusedxml
+                equivalent function.
+        - xml_bad_expatreader:
+            qualnames: [xml.sax.expatreader.create_parser]
+            message: >
+                Using {func} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {func} with its defusedxml
+                equivalent function.
+        - xml_bad_expatbuilder:
+            qualnames:
+                - xml.dom.expatbuilder.parse
+                - xml.dom.expatbuilder.parseString
+            message: >
+                Using {func} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {func} with its defusedxml
+                equivalent function.
+        - xml_bad_sax:
+            qualnames:
+                - xml.sax.parse
+                - xml.sax.parseString
+                - xml.sax.make_parser
+            message: >
+                Using {func} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {func} with its defusedxml
+                equivalent function.
+        - xml_bad_minidom:
+            qualnames:
+                - xml.dom.minidom.parse
+                - xml.dom.minidom.parseString
+            message: >
+                Using {func} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {func} with its defusedxml
+                equivalent function.
+        - xml_bad_pulldom:
+            qualnames:
+                - xml.dom.pulldom.parse
+                - xml.dom.pulldom.parseString
+            message: >
+                Using {func} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {func} with its defusedxml
+                equivalent function.
+        - xml_bad_etree:
+            qualnames:
+                - lxml.etree.parse
+                - lxml.etree.fromstring
+                - lxml.etree.RestrictedElement
+                - lxml.etree.GlobalParserTLS
+                - lxml.etree.getDefaultParser
+                - lxml.etree.check_docinfo
+            message: >
+                Using {func} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {func} with its defusedxml
+                equivalent function.
+    # Start a process using the subprocess module, or one of its wrappers.
+    subprocess:
+        - subprocess.Popen
+        - subprocess.call
+        - subprocess.check_call
+        - subprocess.check_output
+        - utils.execute
+        - utils.execute_with_timeout
+    # Start a process with a function vulnerable to shell injection.
+    shell:
+        - os.system
+        - os.popen
+        - os.popen2
+        - os.popen3
+        - os.popen4
+        - popen2.popen2
+        - popen2.popen3
+        - popen2.popen4
+        - popen2.Popen3
+        - popen2.Popen4
+        - commands.getoutput
+        - commands.getstatusoutput
+    # Start a process with a function that is not vulnerable to shell injection.
+    no_shell:
+        - os.execl
+        - os.execle
+        - os.execlp
+        - os.execlpe
+        - os.execv
+        - os.execve
+        - os.execvp
+        - os.execvpe
+        - os.spawnl
+        - os.spawnle
+        - os.spawnlp
+        - os.spawnlpe
+        - os.spawnv
+        - os.spawnve
+        - os.spawnvp
+        - os.spawnvpe
+        - os.startfile
+    bad_import_sets:
+        - telnet:
+            imports: [telnetlib]
+            level: HIGH
+            message: >
+                A telnet-related module is being imported.  Telnet is
+                considered insecure. Use SSH or some other encrypted protocol.
+        - info_libs:
+            imports: [pickle, cPickle, subprocess, Crypto]
+            level: LOW
+            message: >
+                Consider possible security implications associated with
+                {module} module.
+        # Most of this is based off of Christian Heimes' work on defusedxml:
+        #   https://pypi.python.org/pypi/defusedxml/#defusedxml-sax
+        - xml_libs:
+            imports:
+                - xml.etree.cElementTree
+                - xml.etree.ElementTree
+                - xml.sax.expatreader
+                - xml.sax
+                - xml.dom.expatbuilder
+                - xml.dom.minidom
+                - xml.dom.pulldom
+                - lxml.etree
+                - lxml
+            message: >
+                Using {module} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Replace {module} with the equivalent
+                defusedxml package.
+            level: LOW
+        - xml_libs_high:
+            imports: [xmlrpclib]
+            message: >
+                Using {module} to parse untrusted XML data is known to be
+                vulnerable to XML attacks. Use defused.xmlrpc.monkey_patch()
+                function to monkey-patch xmlrpclib and mitigate XML
+                vulnerabilities.
+            level: HIGH
+    tmp_dirs:  [/tmp, /var/tmp, /dev/shm]
+    # Support for full path, relative path and special "%(site_data_dir)s"
+    # substitution (/usr/{local}/share)
+    word_list: "%(site_data_dir)s/wordlist/default-passwords"
+    bad_protocol_versions:
+        - PROTOCOL_SSLv2
+        - SSLv2_METHOD
+        - SSLv23_METHOD
+        - PROTOCOL_SSLv3  # strict option
+        - PROTOCOL_TLSv1  # strict option
+        - SSLv3_METHOD    # strict option
+        - TLSv1_METHOD    # strict option
+    function_names:
+        - oslo.config.cfg.StrOpt
+        - oslo_config.cfg.StrOpt
+    function_names:
+        - ceilometer.utils.execute
+        - cinder.utils.execute
+        - neutron.agent.linux.utils.execute
+        - nova.utils.execute
+        - nova.utils.trycmd
diff --git a/doc/source/FAQ.rst b/doc/source/FAQ.rst
index ebb6fe3c2..2a67bba8c 100644
--- a/doc/source/FAQ.rst
+++ b/doc/source/FAQ.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ I don't need notifications on the message bus. How do I disable them?
 Notification messages can be disabled using the ``noop`` notify
-driver. Set ``notification_driver = noop`` in your configuration file.
+driver. Set ``driver = noop`` in your configuration file under the
+[oslo_messaging_notifications] section.
 Why does the notification publisher create queues, too? Shouldn't the subscriber do that?
@@ -26,9 +27,9 @@ notification "level". The default topic is ``notifications``, so an
 info-level notification is published to the topic
 ``notifications.info``. A subscriber queue of the same name is created
 automatically for each of these topics. To change the queue names,
-change the notification topic using the ``notification_topics``
-configuration option. The option accepts a list of values, so it is
-possible to publish to multiple topics.
+change the notification topic using the ``topics``
+configuration option in ``[oslo_messaging_notifications]``. The option
+accepts a list of values, so it is possible to publish to multiple topics.
 What are the other choices of notification drivers available?
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index 5f45af872..9a6873cbd 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Contents
+   supported-messaging-drivers
diff --git a/doc/source/supported-messaging-drivers.rst b/doc/source/supported-messaging-drivers.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75c7a844f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/supported-messaging-drivers.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ Supported Messaging Drivers
+RabbitMQ may not be sufficient for the entire community as the community
+grows. Pluggability is still something we should maintain, but we should
+have a very high standard for drivers that are shipped and documented
+as being supported.
+This document defines a very clear policy as to the requirements
+for drivers to be carried in oslo.messaging and thus supported by the
+OpenStack community as a whole. We will deprecate any drivers that do not
+meet the requirements, and announce said deprecations in any appropriate
+channels to give users time to signal their needs. Deprecation will last
+for two release cycles before removing the code. We will also review and
+update documentation to annotate which drivers are supported and which
+are deprecated given these policies
+* Must have unit and/or functional test coverage of at least 60% as
+  reported by coverage report. Unit tests must be run for all versions
+  of python oslo.messaging currently gates on.
+* Must have integration testing including at least 3 popular oslo.messaging
+  dependents, preferrably at the minimum a devstack-gate job with Nova,
+  Cinder, and Neutron.
+* All testing above must be voting in the gate of oslo.messaging.
+* Must have a reasonable amount of documentation including documentation
+  in the official OpenStack deployment guide.
+* Must have at least two individuals from the community commited to
+  triaging and fixing bugs, and responding to test failures in a timely
+  manner.
+Prospective Drivers
+* Drivers that intend to meet the requirements above, but that do not yet
+  meet them will be given one full release cycle, or 6 months, whichever
+  is longer, to comply before being marked for deprecation. Their use,
+  however, will not be supported by the community. This will prevent a
+  chicken and egg problem for new drivers.
+.. note::
+  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
+  http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode
diff --git a/doc/source/transport.rst b/doc/source/transport.rst
index 547198aa8..3449e9b7d 100644
--- a/doc/source/transport.rst
+++ b/doc/source/transport.rst
@@ -25,6 +25,4 @@ different 3rd party libraries that don't ensure that. In certain
 cases, with some drivers, it does work:
 * rabbit: works only if no connection have already been established.
-* qpid: doesn't work (The qpid library has a global state that uses
-  file descriptors that can't be reset)
 * amqp1: works
diff --git a/doc/source/zmq_driver.rst b/doc/source/zmq_driver.rst
index eff2bf3ce..da4d0abc5 100644
--- a/doc/source/zmq_driver.rst
+++ b/doc/source/zmq_driver.rst
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ ZeroMQ Driver Deployment Guide
-0MQ (also known as ZeroMQ or zmq) looks like an embeddable
-networking library but acts like a concurrency framework. It gives
-you sockets that carry atomic messages across various transports
+0MQ (also known as ZeroMQ or zmq) is embeddable networking library
+but acts like a concurrency framework. It gives you sockets
+that carry atomic messages across various transports
 like in-process, inter-process, TCP, and multicast. You can connect
 sockets N-to-N with patterns like fan-out, pub-sub, task distribution,
 and request-reply. It's fast enough to be the fabric for clustered
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Juno release, as almost all the core projects in OpenStack have switched to
 oslo_messaging, ZeroMQ can be the only RPC driver across the OpenStack cluster.
 This document provides deployment information for this driver in oslo_messaging.
-Other than AMQP-based drivers, like RabbitMQ or Qpid, ZeroMQ doesn't have
+Other than AMQP-based drivers, like RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ doesn't have
 any central brokers in oslo.messaging, instead, each host (running OpenStack
 services) is both ZeroMQ client and server. As a result, each host needs to
 listen to a certain TCP port for incoming connections and directly connect
@@ -96,8 +96,9 @@ must be set to the hostname of the current node.
         rpc_backend = zmq
         rpc_zmq_host = {hostname}
 Match Making (mandatory)
 The ZeroMQ driver implements a matching capability to discover hosts available
 for communication when sending to a bare topic. This allows broker-less
@@ -105,35 +106,20 @@ communications.
 The MatchMaker is pluggable and it provides two different MatchMaker classes.
-MatchMakerLocalhost: default matchmaker driver for all-in-one scenario (messages
+DummyMatchMaker: default matchmaker driver for all-in-one scenario (messages
 are sent to itself).
-MatchMakerRing: loads a static hash table from a JSON file, sends messages to
-a certain host via directed topics or cycles hosts per bare topic and supports
-broker-less fanout messaging. On fanout messages returns an array of directed
-topics (messages are sent to all destinations).
-MatchMakerRedis: loads the hash table from a remote Redis server, supports
+RedisMatchMaker: loads the hash table from a remote Redis server, supports
 dynamic host/topic registrations, host expiration, and hooks for consuming
 applications to acknowledge or neg-acknowledge topic.host service availability.
 To set the MatchMaker class, use option 'rpc_zmq_matchmaker' in [DEFAULT].
-        rpc_zmq_matchmaker = local
-        or
-        rpc_zmq_matchmaker = ring
+        rpc_zmq_matchmaker = dummy
         rpc_zmq_matchmaker = redis
-To specify the ring file for MatchMakerRing, use option 'ringfile' in
-For example::
-        [matchmaker_ring]
-        ringfile = /etc/oslo/oslo_matchmaker_ring.json
-To specify the Redis server for MatchMakerRedis, use options in
+To specify the Redis server for RedisMatchMaker, use options in
 [matchmaker_redis] of each project.
@@ -141,47 +127,36 @@ To specify the Redis server for MatchMakerRedis, use options in
         port = 6379
         password = None
 MatchMaker Data Source (mandatory)
 MatchMaker data source is stored in files or Redis server discussed in the
 previous section. How to make up the database is the key issue for making ZeroMQ
 driver work.
-If deploying the MatchMakerRing, a ring file is required. The format of the ring
-file should contain a hash where each key is a base topic and the values are
-hostname arrays to be sent to.
-For example::
-        /etc/oslo/oslo_matchmaker_ring.json
-        {
-            "scheduler": ["host1", "host2"],
-            "conductor": ["host1", "host2"],
-        }
-The AMQP-based methods like RabbitMQ and Qpid don't require any knowledge
-about the source and destination of any topic. However, ZeroMQ driver
-with MatchMakerRing does. The challenging task is that you should learn
-and get all the (K, V) pairs from each OpenStack project to make up the
-matchmaker ring file.
-If deploying the MatchMakerRedis, a Redis server is required. Each (K, V) pair
+If deploying the RedisMatchMaker, a Redis server is required. Each (K, V) pair
 stored in Redis is that the key is a base topic and the corresponding values are
 hostname arrays to be sent to.
-Message Receivers (mandatory)
-Each machine running OpenStack services, or sending RPC messages, must run the
-'oslo-messaging-zmq-receiver' daemon. This receives replies to call requests and
-routes responses via IPC to blocked callers.
+Proxy to avoid blocking (optional)
-The way that deploy the receiver process is to run it under a new user 'oslo'
-and give all openstack daemons access via group membership of 'oslo' - this
-supports using /var/run/openstack as a shared IPC directory for all openstack
-processes, allowing different services to be hosted on the same server, served
-by a single oslo-messaging-zmq-receiver process.
+Each machine running OpenStack services, or sending RPC messages, may run the
+'oslo-messaging-zmq-broker' daemon. This is needed to avoid blocking
+if a listener (server) appears after the sender (client).
+Running the local broker (proxy) or not is defined by the option 'zmq_use_broker'
+(True by default). This option can be set in [DEFAULT] section.
+For example::
+        zmq_use_broker = False
+In case of using the broker all publishers (clients) talk to servers over
+the local broker connecting to it via IPC transport.
 The IPC runtime directory, 'rpc_zmq_ipc_dir', can be set in [DEFAULT] section.
@@ -191,28 +166,14 @@ For example::
 The parameters for the script oslo-messaging-zmq-receiver should be::
-        oslo-messaging-zmq-receiver
+        oslo-messaging-zmq-broker
             --config-file /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf
-            --log-file /var/log/oslo/zmq-receiver.log
+            --log-file /var/log/oslo/zmq-broker.log
 You can specify ZeroMQ options in /etc/oslo/zeromq.conf if necessary.
-Thread Pool (optional)
-Each service will launch threads for incoming requests. These threads are
-maintained via a pool, the maximum number of threads is limited by
-rpc_thread_pool_size. The default value is 1024. (This is a common RPC
-configuration variable, also applicable to Kombu and Qpid)
-This configuration can be set in [DEFAULT] section.
-For example::
-        rpc_thread_pool_size = 1024
 Listening Address (optional)
 All services bind to an IP address or Ethernet adapter. By default, all services
 bind to '*', effectively binding to This may be changed with the option
@@ -224,18 +185,40 @@ For example::
         rpc_zmq_bind_address = *
+Currently zmq driver uses dynamic port binding mechanism, which means that
+each listener will allocate port of a random number. Ports range is controlled
+by two options 'rpc_zmq_min_port' and 'rpc_zmq_max_port'. Change them to
+restrict current service's port binding range. 'rpc_zmq_bind_port_retries'
+controls number of retries before 'ports range exceeded' failure.
+For example::
+        rpc_zmq_min_port = 9050
+        rpc_zmq_max_port = 10050
+        rpc_zmq_bind_port_retries = 100
 DevStack Support
 ZeroMQ driver has been supported by DevStack. The configuration is as follows::
-        ENABLED_SERVICES+=,-rabbit,-qpid,zeromq
+        ENABLED_SERVICES+=,-rabbit,zeromq
+In local.conf [localrc] section need to enable zmq plugin which lives in
+`devstack-plugin-zmq`_ repository.
+For example::
+    enable_plugin zmq https://github.com/openstack/devstack-plugin-zmq.git
+.. _devstack-plugin-zmq: https://github.com/openstack/devstack-plugin-zmq.git
 Current Status
 The current development status of ZeroMQ driver is shown in `wiki`_.
 .. _wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/ZeroMQ
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po b/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
index 1fce8b65e..2a8f94dba 100644
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
+++ b/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
@@ -8,19 +8,18 @@
 # OpenStack Infra <zanata@openstack.org>, 2015. #zanata
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.5.1.dev7\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.7.1.dev15\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-16 18:44+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 06:27+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-27 12:47+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Andi Chandler <andi@gowling.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/openstack/"
+"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom)\n"
 "Language: en-GB\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
 "X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.1\n"
 #, python-format
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-info.po b/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-info.po
index 9280d3220..6a9211d95 100644
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-info.po
+++ b/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-info.po
@@ -8,19 +8,18 @@
 # OpenStack Infra <zanata@openstack.org>, 2015. #zanata
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.5.1.dev7\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.7.1.dev15\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-16 18:44+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 06:26+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-27 12:47+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Andi Chandler <andi@gowling.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/openstack/"
+"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom)\n"
 "Language: en-GB\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
 "X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.1\n"
 #, python-format
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po b/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po
index 61e720610..ca64daf3a 100644
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po
+++ b/oslo.messaging/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po
@@ -8,28 +8,24 @@
 # OpenStack Infra <zanata@openstack.org>, 2015. #zanata
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.5.1.dev7\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.7.1.dev15\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-16 18:44+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 06:27+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-27 12:55+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Andi Chandler <andi@gowling.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom) (http://www.transifex.com/openstack/"
+"Language-Team: English (United Kingdom)\n"
 "Language: en-GB\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
 "X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.1\n"
 #, python-format
 msgid "Failed to load any notifiers for %s"
 msgstr "Failed to load any notifiers for %s"
-msgid "start/stop/wait must be called in the same thread"
-msgstr "start/stop/wait must be called in the same thread"
 msgid ""
 "wait() should be called after stop() as it waits for existing messages to "
 "finish processing"
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po b/oslo.messaging/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
index a0ff82857..18978068a 100644
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
+++ b/oslo.messaging/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
@@ -6,21 +6,22 @@
 # Translators:
 # Adriana Chisco Landazábal <achisco94@gmail.com>, 2015
 # Miriam Godinez <miriamgc@hotmail.com>, 2015
+# OpenStack Infra <zanata@openstack.org>, 2015. #zanata
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.7.1.dev15\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-09-08 06:18+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-07 22:46+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 06:27+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-09-07 10:46+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Miriam Godinez <miriamgc@hotmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (http://www.transifex.com/openstack/oslomessaging/"
+"Language-Team: Spanish\n"
 "Language: es\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.1\n"
 #, python-format
 msgid "An exception occurred processing the API call: %s "
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po b/oslo.messaging/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po
deleted file mode 100644
index f7970147c..000000000
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Translations template for oslo.messaging.
-# Copyright (C) 2015 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the oslo.messaging
-# project.
-# Translators:
-# Adriana Chisco Landazábal <achisco94@gmail.com>, 2015
-# Lucía Pradillos <dreamers_88@hotmail.com>, 2015
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-26 06:33+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-26 03:46+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Lucía Pradillos <dreamers_88@hotmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: Spanish (http://www.transifex.com/openstack/oslomessaging/"
-"Language: es\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-msgid "start/stop/wait must be called in the same thread"
-msgstr "empezar/parar/esperar debe ser llamado en el mismo hilo"
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po b/oslo.messaging/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
index d6931b3e2..585e8b228 100644
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
+++ b/oslo.messaging/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
@@ -5,21 +5,22 @@
 # Translators:
 # Maxime COQUEREL <max.coquerel@gmail.com>, 2014
+# OpenStack Infra <zanata@openstack.org>, 2015. #zanata
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.7.1.dev15\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-04 06:29+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 06:27+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-25 08:57+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Maxime COQUEREL <max.coquerel@gmail.com>\n"
-"Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.com/openstack/oslomessaging/"
+"Language-Team: French\n"
 "Language: fr\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
+"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.1\n"
 #, python-format
 msgid "An exception occurred processing the API call: %s "
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po b/oslo.messaging/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po
deleted file mode 100644
index c7a5cc23d..000000000
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-warning.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Translations template for oslo.messaging.
-# Copyright (C) 2015 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the oslo.messaging
-# project.
-# Translators:
-# Lucas Mascaro <mascaro.lucas@yahoo.fr>, 2015
-# Maxime COQUEREL <max.coquerel@gmail.com>, 2014
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-18 06:33+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-17 22:45+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Lucas Mascaro <mascaro.lucas@yahoo.fr>\n"
-"Language-Team: French (http://www.transifex.com/openstack/oslomessaging/"
-"Language: fr\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"
-msgid "start/stop/wait must be called in the same thread"
-msgstr "start/stop/wait doivent être appellés dans le même thread "
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/oslo.messaging-log-critical.pot b/oslo.messaging/locale/oslo.messaging-log-critical.pot
deleted file mode 100644
index d921c5a9c..000000000
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/oslo.messaging-log-critical.pot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Translations template for oslo.messaging.
-# Copyright (C) 2015 ORGANIZATION
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the oslo.messaging
-# project.
-#, fuzzy
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.1.0\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-07-29 06:39+0000\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
-"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/oslo.messaging-log-warning.pot b/oslo.messaging/locale/oslo.messaging-log-warning.pot
index de9167049..2dbd51efd 100644
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/oslo.messaging-log-warning.pot
+++ b/oslo.messaging/locale/oslo.messaging-log-warning.pot
@@ -7,20 +7,16 @@
 #, fuzzy
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.4.1.dev1\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.7.1.dev15\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-26 06:33+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 06:27+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
-#: oslo_messaging/server.py:145
-msgid "start/stop/wait must be called in the same thread"
-msgstr ""
+"Generated-By: Babel 2.1.1\n"
 #: oslo_messaging/server.py:178
 msgid ""
@@ -28,6 +24,14 @@ msgid ""
 " finish processing"
 msgstr ""
+#: oslo_messaging/server.py:191
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"wait() should have been called after stop() as wait() waits for existing "
+"messages to finish processing, it has been %0.2f seconds and stop() still"
+" has not been called"
+msgstr ""
 #: oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_routing.py:80
 #, python-format
 msgid "Failed to load any notifiers for %s"
diff --git a/oslo.messaging/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po b/oslo.messaging/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
index 14a6dc7b6..cf613ada1 100644
--- a/oslo.messaging/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
+++ b/oslo.messaging/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/oslo.messaging-log-error.po
@@ -5,23 +5,24 @@
 # Translators:
 # kogamatranslator49 <r.podarov@yandex.ru>, 2015
+# OpenStack Infra <zanata@openstack.org>, 2015. #zanata
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: oslo.messaging 2.7.1.dev15\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: EMAIL@ADDRESS\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-04 06:29+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-23 06:27+0000\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-05 11:39+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: kogamatranslator49 <r.podarov@yandex.ru>\n"
-"Language-Team: Russian (http://www.transifex.com/openstack/oslomessaging/"
+"Language-Team: Russian\n"
 "Language: ru\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n"
 "%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n"
 "%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);\n"
+"Generated-By: Babel 2.0\n"
+"X-Generator: Zanata 3.7.1\n"
 #, python-format
 msgid "An exception occurred processing the API call: %s "
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqp.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqp.py
index 55fb9d49f..06a59f846 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqp.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqp.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 Shared code between AMQP based openstack.common.rpc implementations.
 The code in this module is shared between the rpc implementations based on
-AMQP. Specifically, this includes impl_kombu and impl_qpid.  impl_carrot also
+AMQP. Specifically, this includes impl_kombu.  impl_carrot also
 uses AMQP, but is deprecated and predates this code.
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ from oslo_config import cfg
 import six
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import pool
 deprecated_durable_opts = [
@@ -49,139 +48,11 @@ amqp_opts = [
                 help='Auto-delete queues in AMQP.'),
-    cfg.BoolOpt('send_single_reply',
-                default=False,
-                help='Send a single AMQP reply to call message. The current '
-                     'behaviour since oslo-incubator is to send two AMQP '
-                     'replies - first one with the payload, a second one to '
-                     'ensure the other have finish to send the payload. We '
-                     'are going to remove it in the N release, but we must '
-                     'keep backward compatible at the same time. This option '
-                     'provides such compatibility - it defaults to False in '
-                     'Liberty and can be turned on for early adopters with a '
-                     'new installations or for testing. Please note, that '
-                     'this option will be removed in the Mitaka release.')
 UNIQUE_ID = '_unique_id'
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# NOTE(sileht): Even if rabbit/qpid have only one Connection class,
-# this connection can be used for two purposes:
-# * wait and receive amqp messages (only do read stuffs on the socket)
-# * send messages to the broker (only do write stuffs on the socket)
-# The code inside a connection class is not concurrency safe.
-# Using one Connection class instance for doing both, will result
-# of eventlet complaining of multiple greenthreads that read/write the
-# same fd concurrently... because 'send' and 'listen' run in different
-# greenthread.
-# So, a connection cannot be shared between thread/greenthread and
-# this two variables permit to define the purpose of the connection
-# to allow drivers to add special handling if needed (like heatbeat).
-# amqp drivers create 3 kind of connections:
-# * driver.listen*(): each call create a new 'PURPOSE_LISTEN' connection
-# * driver.send*(): a pool of 'PURPOSE_SEND' connections is used
-# * driver internally have another 'PURPOSE_LISTEN' connection dedicated
-#   to wait replies of rpc call
-PURPOSE_LISTEN = 'listen'
-PURPOSE_SEND = 'send'
-class ConnectionPool(pool.Pool):
-    """Class that implements a Pool of Connections."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, rpc_conn_pool_size, url, connection_cls):
-        self.connection_cls = connection_cls
-        self.conf = conf
-        self.url = url
-        super(ConnectionPool, self).__init__(rpc_conn_pool_size)
-        self.reply_proxy = None
-    # TODO(comstud): Timeout connections not used in a while
-    def create(self, purpose=None):
-        if purpose is None:
-            purpose = PURPOSE_SEND
-        LOG.debug('Pool creating new connection')
-        return self.connection_cls(self.conf, self.url, purpose)
-    def empty(self):
-        for item in self.iter_free():
-            item.close()
-class ConnectionContext(rpc_common.Connection):
-    """The class that is actually returned to the create_connection() caller.
-    This is essentially a wrapper around Connection that supports 'with'.
-    It can also return a new Connection, or one from a pool.
-    The function will also catch when an instance of this class is to be
-    deleted.  With that we can return Connections to the pool on exceptions
-    and so forth without making the caller be responsible for catching them.
-    If possible the function makes sure to return a connection to the pool.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, connection_pool, purpose):
-        """Create a new connection, or get one from the pool."""
-        self.connection = None
-        self.connection_pool = connection_pool
-        pooled = purpose == PURPOSE_SEND
-        if pooled:
-            self.connection = connection_pool.get()
-        else:
-            # a non-pooled connection is requested, so create a new connection
-            self.connection = connection_pool.create(purpose)
-        self.pooled = pooled
-        self.connection.pooled = pooled
-    def __enter__(self):
-        """When with ConnectionContext() is used, return self."""
-        return self
-    def _done(self):
-        """If the connection came from a pool, clean it up and put it back.
-        If it did not come from a pool, close it.
-        """
-        if self.connection:
-            if self.pooled:
-                # Reset the connection so it's ready for the next caller
-                # to grab from the pool
-                try:
-                    self.connection.reset()
-                except Exception:
-                    LOG.exception("Fail to reset the connection, drop it")
-                    try:
-                        self.connection.close()
-                    except Exception:
-                        pass
-                    self.connection = self.connection_pool.create()
-                finally:
-                    self.connection_pool.put(self.connection)
-            else:
-                try:
-                    self.connection.close()
-                except Exception:
-                    pass
-            self.connection = None
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
-        """End of 'with' statement.  We're done here."""
-        self._done()
-    def __del__(self):
-        """Caller is done with this connection.  Make sure we cleaned up."""
-        self._done()
-    def close(self):
-        """Caller is done with this connection."""
-        self._done()
-    def __getattr__(self, key):
-        """Proxy all other calls to the Connection instance."""
-        if self.connection:
-            return getattr(self.connection, key)
-        else:
-            raise rpc_common.InvalidRPCConnectionReuse()
 class RpcContext(rpc_common.CommonRpcContext):
     """Context that supports replying to a rpc.call."""
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqpdriver.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqpdriver.py
index d3405086a..21cda4373 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqpdriver.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/amqpdriver.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ __all__ = ['AMQPDriverBase']
 import logging
 import threading
+import time
 import uuid
 import cachetools
@@ -47,45 +48,27 @@ class AMQPIncomingMessage(base.IncomingMessage):
         self.requeue_callback = message.requeue
         self._obsolete_reply_queues = obsolete_reply_queues
-    def _send_reply(self, conn, reply=None, failure=None,
-                    ending=False, log_failure=True):
-        if (self.reply_q and
-            not self._obsolete_reply_queues.reply_q_valid(self.reply_q,
-                                                          self.msg_id)):
+    def _send_reply(self, conn, reply=None, failure=None, log_failure=True):
+        if not self._obsolete_reply_queues.reply_q_valid(self.reply_q,
+                                                         self.msg_id):
         if failure:
             failure = rpc_common.serialize_remote_exception(failure,
-        msg = {'result': reply, 'failure': failure}
-        if ending:
-            msg['ending'] = True
+        # NOTE(sileht): ending can be removed in N*, see Listener.wait()
+        # for more detail.
+        msg = {'result': reply, 'failure': failure, 'ending': True,
+               '_msg_id': self.msg_id}
         unique_id = msg[rpc_amqp.UNIQUE_ID]
-        # If a reply_q exists, add the msg_id to the reply and pass the
-        # reply_q to direct_send() to use it as the response queue.
-        # Otherwise use the msg_id for backward compatibility.
-        if self.reply_q:
-            msg['_msg_id'] = self.msg_id
-            try:
-                if ending:
-                    LOG.debug("sending reply msg_id: %(msg_id)s "
-                              "reply queue: %(reply_q)s" % {
-                                  'msg_id': self.msg_id,
-                                  'unique_id': unique_id,
-                                  'reply_q': self.reply_q})
-                conn.direct_send(self.reply_q, rpc_common.serialize_msg(msg))
-            except rpc_amqp.AMQPDestinationNotFound:
-                self._obsolete_reply_queues.add(self.reply_q, self.msg_id)
-        else:
-            # TODO(sileht): look at which version of oslo-incubator rpc
-            # send need this, but I guess this is older than icehouse
-            # if this is icehouse, we can drop this at Mitaka
-            # if this is havana, we can drop this now.
-            conn.direct_send(self.msg_id, rpc_common.serialize_msg(msg))
+        LOG.debug("sending reply msg_id: %(msg_id)s "
+                  "reply queue: %(reply_q)s" % {
+                      'msg_id': self.msg_id,
+                      'unique_id': unique_id,
+                      'reply_q': self.reply_q})
+        conn.direct_send(self.reply_q, rpc_common.serialize_msg(msg))
     def reply(self, reply=None, failure=None, log_failure=True):
         if not self.msg_id:
@@ -94,19 +77,41 @@ class AMQPIncomingMessage(base.IncomingMessage):
         # NOTE(sileht): return without hold the a connection if possible
-        if (self.reply_q and
-            not self._obsolete_reply_queues.reply_q_valid(self.reply_q,
-                                                          self.msg_id)):
+        if not self._obsolete_reply_queues.reply_q_valid(self.reply_q,
+                                                         self.msg_id):
-        with self.listener.driver._get_connection(
-                rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_SEND) as conn:
-            if self.listener.driver.send_single_reply:
-                self._send_reply(conn, reply, failure, log_failure=log_failure,
-                                 ending=True)
-            else:
-                self._send_reply(conn, reply, failure, log_failure=log_failure)
-                self._send_reply(conn, ending=True)
+        # NOTE(sileht): we read the configuration value from the driver
+        # to be able to backport this change in previous version that
+        # still have the qpid driver
+        duration = self.listener.driver.missing_destination_retry_timeout
+        timer = rpc_common.DecayingTimer(duration=duration)
+        timer.start()
+        while True:
+            try:
+                with self.listener.driver._get_connection(
+                        rpc_common.PURPOSE_SEND) as conn:
+                    self._send_reply(conn, reply, failure,
+                                     log_failure=log_failure)
+                return
+            except rpc_amqp.AMQPDestinationNotFound:
+                if timer.check_return() > 0:
+                    LOG.debug(("The reply %(msg_id)s cannot be sent  "
+                               "%(reply_q)s reply queue don't exist, "
+                               "retrying...") % {
+                                   'msg_id': self.msg_id,
+                                   'reply_q': self.reply_q})
+                    time.sleep(0.25)
+                else:
+                    self._obsolete_reply_queues.add(self.reply_q, self.msg_id)
+                    LOG.info(_LI("The reply %(msg_id)s cannot be sent  "
+                                 "%(reply_q)s reply queue don't exist after "
+                                 "%(duration)s sec abandoning...") % {
+                                     'msg_id': self.msg_id,
+                                     'reply_q': self.reply_q,
+                                     'duration': duration})
+                    return
     def acknowledge(self):
@@ -187,12 +192,8 @@ class AMQPListener(base.Listener):
         unique_id = self.msg_id_cache.check_duplicate_message(message)
-        if ctxt.reply_q:
-            LOG.debug(
-                "received message msg_id: %(msg_id)s reply to %(queue)s" % {
-                    'queue': ctxt.reply_q, 'msg_id': ctxt.msg_id})
-        else:
-            LOG.debug("received message unique_id: %s " % unique_id)
+        LOG.debug("received message msg_id: %(msg_id)s reply to %(queue)s" % {
+            'queue': ctxt.reply_q, 'msg_id': ctxt.msg_id})
@@ -202,6 +203,7 @@ class AMQPListener(base.Listener):
+    @base.batch_poll_helper
     def poll(self, timeout=None):
         while not self._stopped.is_set():
             if self.incoming:
@@ -345,10 +347,10 @@ class ReplyWaiter(object):
 class AMQPDriverBase(base.BaseDriver):
+    missing_destination_retry_timeout = 0
     def __init__(self, conf, url, connection_pool,
-                 default_exchange=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None,
-                 send_single_reply=False):
+                 default_exchange=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None):
         super(AMQPDriverBase, self).__init__(conf, url, default_exchange,
@@ -361,14 +363,12 @@ class AMQPDriverBase(base.BaseDriver):
         self._reply_q_conn = None
         self._waiter = None
-        self.send_single_reply = send_single_reply
     def _get_exchange(self, target):
         return target.exchange or self._default_exchange
-    def _get_connection(self, purpose=rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_SEND):
-        return rpc_amqp.ConnectionContext(self._connection_pool,
-                                          purpose=purpose)
+    def _get_connection(self, purpose=rpc_common.PURPOSE_SEND):
+        return rpc_common.ConnectionContext(self._connection_pool,
+                                            purpose=purpose)
     def _get_reply_q(self):
         with self._reply_q_lock:
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ class AMQPDriverBase(base.BaseDriver):
             reply_q = 'reply_' + uuid.uuid4().hex
-            conn = self._get_connection(rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
+            conn = self._get_connection(rpc_common.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
             self._waiter = ReplyWaiter(reply_q, conn,
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ class AMQPDriverBase(base.BaseDriver):
             log_msg = "CAST unique_id: %s " % unique_id
-            with self._get_connection(rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_SEND) as conn:
+            with self._get_connection(rpc_common.PURPOSE_SEND) as conn:
                 if notify:
                     exchange = self._get_exchange(target)
                     log_msg += "NOTIFY exchange '%(exchange)s'" \
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ class AMQPDriverBase(base.BaseDriver):
                           envelope=(version == 2.0), notify=True, retry=retry)
     def listen(self, target):
-        conn = self._get_connection(rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
+        conn = self._get_connection(rpc_common.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
         listener = AMQPListener(self, conn)
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ class AMQPDriverBase(base.BaseDriver):
         return listener
     def listen_for_notifications(self, targets_and_priorities, pool):
-        conn = self._get_connection(rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
+        conn = self._get_connection(rpc_common.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
         listener = AMQPListener(self, conn)
         for target, priority in targets_and_priorities:
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/base.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/base.py
index 607821faa..9c2cb87ba 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/base.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/base.py
@@ -15,9 +15,12 @@
 import abc
-import six
 from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_utils import timeutils
+import six
+from six.moves import range as compat_range
 from oslo_messaging import exceptions
 base_opts = [
@@ -28,6 +31,27 @@ base_opts = [
+def batch_poll_helper(func):
+    """Decorator to poll messages in batch
+    This decorator helps driver that polls message one by one,
+    to returns a list of message.
+    """
+    def wrapper(in_self, timeout=None, prefetch_size=1):
+        incomings = []
+        watch = timeutils.StopWatch(duration=timeout)
+        with watch:
+            for __ in compat_range(prefetch_size):
+                msg = func(in_self, timeout=watch.leftover(return_none=True))
+                if msg is not None:
+                    incomings.append(msg)
+                else:
+                    # timeout reached or listener stopped
+                    break
+        return incomings
+    return wrapper
 class TransportDriverError(exceptions.MessagingException):
     """Base class for transport driver specific exceptions."""
@@ -61,8 +85,9 @@ class Listener(object):
         self.driver = driver
-    def poll(self, timeout=None):
-        """Blocking until a message is pending and return IncomingMessage.
+    def poll(self, timeout=None, prefetch_size=1):
+        """Blocking until 'prefetch_size' message is pending and return
+        [IncomingMessage].
         Return None after timeout seconds if timeout is set and no message is
         ending or if the listener have been stopped.
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/common.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/common.py
index 78bdd9239..85d814da6 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/common.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/common.py
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class Timeout(RPCException):
         :param info: Extra info to convey to the user
         :param topic: The topic that the rpc call was sent to
-        :param rpc_method_name: The name of the rpc method being
+        :param method: The name of the rpc method being
         self.info = info
@@ -348,3 +348,99 @@ class DecayingTimer(object):
         if left <= 0 and timeout_callback is not None:
             timeout_callback(*args, **kwargs)
         return left if maximum is None else min(left, maximum)
+# NOTE(sileht): Even if rabbit has only one Connection class,
+# this connection can be used for two purposes:
+# * wait and receive amqp messages (only do read stuffs on the socket)
+# * send messages to the broker (only do write stuffs on the socket)
+# The code inside a connection class is not concurrency safe.
+# Using one Connection class instance for doing both, will result
+# of eventlet complaining of multiple greenthreads that read/write the
+# same fd concurrently... because 'send' and 'listen' run in different
+# greenthread.
+# So, a connection cannot be shared between thread/greenthread and
+# this two variables permit to define the purpose of the connection
+# to allow drivers to add special handling if needed (like heatbeat).
+# amqp drivers create 3 kind of connections:
+# * driver.listen*(): each call create a new 'PURPOSE_LISTEN' connection
+# * driver.send*(): a pool of 'PURPOSE_SEND' connections is used
+# * driver internally have another 'PURPOSE_LISTEN' connection dedicated
+#   to wait replies of rpc call
+PURPOSE_LISTEN = 'listen'
+PURPOSE_SEND = 'send'
+class ConnectionContext(Connection):
+    """The class that is actually returned to the create_connection() caller.
+    This is essentially a wrapper around Connection that supports 'with'.
+    It can also return a new Connection, or one from a pool.
+    The function will also catch when an instance of this class is to be
+    deleted.  With that we can return Connections to the pool on exceptions
+    and so forth without making the caller be responsible for catching them.
+    If possible the function makes sure to return a connection to the pool.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, connection_pool, purpose):
+        """Create a new connection, or get one from the pool."""
+        self.connection = None
+        self.connection_pool = connection_pool
+        pooled = purpose == PURPOSE_SEND
+        if pooled:
+            self.connection = connection_pool.get()
+        else:
+            # a non-pooled connection is requested, so create a new connection
+            self.connection = connection_pool.create(purpose)
+        self.pooled = pooled
+        self.connection.pooled = pooled
+    def __enter__(self):
+        """When with ConnectionContext() is used, return self."""
+        return self
+    def _done(self):
+        """If the connection came from a pool, clean it up and put it back.
+        If it did not come from a pool, close it.
+        """
+        if self.connection:
+            if self.pooled:
+                # Reset the connection so it's ready for the next caller
+                # to grab from the pool
+                try:
+                    self.connection.reset()
+                except Exception:
+                    LOG.exception("Fail to reset the connection, drop it")
+                    try:
+                        self.connection.close()
+                    except Exception:
+                        pass
+                    self.connection = self.connection_pool.create()
+                finally:
+                    self.connection_pool.put(self.connection)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    self.connection.close()
+                except Exception:
+                    pass
+            self.connection = None
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb):
+        """End of 'with' statement.  We're done here."""
+        self._done()
+    def __del__(self):
+        """Caller is done with this connection.  Make sure we cleaned up."""
+        self._done()
+    def close(self):
+        """Caller is done with this connection."""
+        self._done()
+    def __getattr__(self, key):
+        """Proxy all other calls to the Connection instance."""
+        if self.connection:
+            return getattr(self.connection, key)
+        else:
+            raise InvalidRPCConnectionReuse()
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_fake.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_fake.py
index 36365e91c..4dea4df79 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_fake.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_fake.py
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class FakeListener(base.Listener):
             exchange = self._exchange_manager.get_exchange(target.exchange)
             exchange.ensure_queue(target, pool)
+    @base.batch_poll_helper
     def poll(self, timeout=None):
         if timeout is not None:
             deadline = time.time() + timeout
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_kafka.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_kafka.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce6452dc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_kafka.py
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import threading
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as driver_common
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import pool as driver_pool
+from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
+from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LW
+from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
+import kafka
+from kafka.common import KafkaError
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+PURPOSE_SEND = 'send'
+PURPOSE_LISTEN = 'listen'
+kafka_opts = [
+    cfg.StrOpt('kafka_default_host', default='localhost',
+               help='Default Kafka broker Host'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('kafka_default_port', default=9092,
+               help='Default Kafka broker Port'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('kafka_max_fetch_bytes', default=1024 * 1024,
+               help='Max fetch bytes of Kafka consumer'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('kafka_consumer_timeout', default=1.0,
+               help='Default timeout(s) for Kafka consumers'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('pool_size', default=10,
+               help='Pool Size for Kafka Consumers'),
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+def pack_context_with_message(ctxt, msg):
+    """Pack context into msg."""
+    if isinstance(ctxt, dict):
+        context_d = ctxt
+    else:
+        context_d = ctxt.to_dict()
+    return {'message': msg, 'context': context_d}
+def target_to_topic(target):
+    """Convert target into topic string
+    :param target: Message destination target
+    :type target: oslo_messaging.Target
+    """
+    if target.exchange is None:
+        return target.topic
+    return "%s_%s" % (target.exchange, target.topic)
+class Connection(object):
+    def __init__(self, conf, url, purpose):
+        driver_conf = conf.oslo_messaging_kafka
+        self.conf = conf
+        self.kafka_client = None
+        self.producer = None
+        self.consumer = None
+        self.fetch_messages_max_bytes = driver_conf.kafka_max_fetch_bytes
+        self.consumer_timeout = float(driver_conf.kafka_consumer_timeout)
+        self.url = url
+        self._parse_url()
+        # TODO(Support for manual/auto_commit functionality)
+        # When auto_commit is False, consumer can manually notify
+        # the completion of the subscription.
+        # Currently we don't support for non auto commit option
+        self.auto_commit = True
+        self._consume_loop_stopped = False
+    def _parse_url(self):
+        driver_conf = self.conf.oslo_messaging_kafka
+        try:
+            self.host = self.url.hosts[0].hostname
+        except (NameError, IndexError):
+            self.host = driver_conf.kafka_default_host
+        try:
+            self.port = self.url.hosts[0].port
+        except (NameError, IndexError):
+            self.port = driver_conf.kafka_default_port
+        if self.host is None:
+            self.host = driver_conf.kafka_default_host
+        if self.port is None:
+            self.port = driver_conf.kafka_default_port
+    def notify_send(self, topic, ctxt, msg, retry):
+        """Send messages to Kafka broker.
+        :param topic: String of the topic
+        :param ctxt: context for the messages
+        :param msg: messages for publishing
+        :param retry: the number of retry
+        """
+        message = pack_context_with_message(ctxt, msg)
+        self._ensure_connection()
+        self._send_and_retry(message, topic, retry)
+    def _send_and_retry(self, message, topic, retry):
+        current_retry = 0
+        if not isinstance(message, str):
+            message = jsonutils.dumps(message)
+        while message is not None:
+            try:
+                self._send(message, topic)
+                message = None
+            except Exception:
+                LOG.warn(_LW("Failed to publish a message of topic %s"), topic)
+                current_retry += 1
+                if retry is not None and current_retry >= retry:
+                    LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to retry to send data "
+                                      "with max retry times"))
+                    message = None
+    def _send(self, message, topic):
+        self.producer.send_messages(topic, message)
+    def consume(self, timeout=None):
+        """recieve messages as many as max_fetch_messages.
+        In this functions, there are no while loop to subscribe.
+        This would be helpful when we wants to control the velocity of
+        subscription.
+        """
+        duration = (self.consumer_timeout if timeout is None else timeout)
+        timer = driver_common.DecayingTimer(duration=duration)
+        timer.start()
+        def _raise_timeout():
+            LOG.debug('Timed out waiting for Kafka response')
+            raise driver_common.Timeout()
+        poll_timeout = (self.consumer_timeout if timeout is None
+                        else min(timeout, self.consumer_timeout))
+        while True:
+            if self._consume_loop_stopped:
+                return
+            try:
+                next_timeout = poll_timeout * 1000.0
+                # TODO(use configure() method instead)
+                # Currently KafkaConsumer does not support for
+                # the case of updating only fetch_max_wait_ms parameter
+                self.consumer._config['fetch_max_wait_ms'] = next_timeout
+                messages = list(self.consumer.fetch_messages())
+            except Exception as e:
+                LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to consume messages: %s"), e)
+                messages = None
+            if not messages:
+                poll_timeout = timer.check_return(
+                    _raise_timeout, maximum=self.consumer_timeout)
+                continue
+            return messages
+    def stop_consuming(self):
+        self._consume_loop_stopped = True
+    def reset(self):
+        """Reset a connection so it can be used again."""
+        if self.kafka_client:
+            self.kafka_client.close()
+        self.kafka_client = None
+        if self.producer:
+            self.producer.stop()
+        self.producer = None
+        self.consumer = None
+    def close(self):
+        if self.kafka_client:
+            self.kafka_client.close()
+        self.kafka_client = None
+        if self.producer:
+            self.producer.stop()
+        self.consumer = None
+    def commit(self):
+        """Commit is used by subscribers belonging to the same group.
+        After subscribing messages, commit is called to prevent
+        the other subscribers which belong to the same group
+        from re-subscribing the same messages.
+        Currently self.auto_commit option is always True,
+        so we don't need to call this function.
+        """
+        self.consumer.commit()
+    def _ensure_connection(self):
+        if self.kafka_client:
+            return
+        try:
+            self.kafka_client = kafka.KafkaClient(
+                "%s:%s" % (self.host, str(self.port)))
+            self.producer = kafka.SimpleProducer(self.kafka_client)
+        except KafkaError as e:
+            LOG.exception(_LE("Kafka Connection is not available: %s"), e)
+            self.kafka_client = None
+    def declare_topic_consumer(self, topics, group=None):
+        self.consumer = kafka.KafkaConsumer(
+            *topics, group_id=group,
+            metadata_broker_list=["%s:%s" % (self.host, str(self.port))],
+            # auto_commit_enable=self.auto_commit,
+            fetch_message_max_bytes=self.fetch_messages_max_bytes)
+class OsloKafkaMessage(base.IncomingMessage):
+    def __init__(self, listener, ctxt, message):
+        super(OsloKafkaMessage, self).__init__(listener, ctxt, message)
+    def requeue(self):
+        LOG.warn(_LW("requeue is not supported"))
+    def reply(self, reply=None, failure=None, log_failure=True):
+        LOG.warn(_LW("reply is not supported"))
+class KafkaListener(base.Listener):
+    def __init__(self, driver, conn):
+        super(KafkaListener, self).__init__(driver)
+        self._stopped = threading.Event()
+        self.conn = conn
+        self.incoming_queue = []
+    @base.batch_poll_helper
+    def poll(self, timeout=None):
+        while not self._stopped.is_set():
+            if self.incoming_queue:
+                return self.incoming_queue.pop(0)
+            try:
+                messages = self.conn.consume(timeout=timeout)
+                for msg in messages:
+                    message = msg.value
+                    message = jsonutils.loads(message)
+                    self.incoming_queue.append(OsloKafkaMessage(
+                        listener=self, ctxt=message['context'],
+                        message=message['message']))
+            except driver_common.Timeout:
+                return None
+    def stop(self):
+        self._stopped.set()
+        self.conn.stop_consuming()
+    def cleanup(self):
+        self.conn.close()
+    def commit(self):
+        # TODO(Support for manually/auto commit functionality)
+        # It's better to allow users to commit manually and support for
+        # self.auto_commit = False option. For now, this commit function
+        # is meaningless since user couldn't call this function and
+        # auto_commit option is always True.
+        self.conn.commit()
+class KafkaDriver(base.BaseDriver):
+    """Note: Current implementation of this driver is experimental.
+    We will have functional and/or integrated testing enabled for this driver.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, conf, url, default_exchange=None,
+                 allowed_remote_exmods=None):
+        opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='oslo_messaging_kafka',
+                                 title='Kafka driver options')
+        conf.register_group(opt_group)
+        conf.register_opts(kafka_opts, group=opt_group)
+        super(KafkaDriver, self).__init__(
+            conf, url, default_exchange, allowed_remote_exmods)
+        self.connection_pool = driver_pool.ConnectionPool(
+            self.conf, self.conf.oslo_messaging_kafka.pool_size,
+            self._url, Connection)
+        self.listeners = []
+    def cleanup(self):
+        for c in self.listeners:
+            c.close()
+        self.listeners = []
+    def send(self, target, ctxt, message, wait_for_reply=None, timeout=None,
+             retry=None):
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'The RPC implementation for Kafka is not implemented')
+    def send_notification(self, target, ctxt, message, version, retry=None):
+        """Send notification to Kafka brokers
+        :param target: Message destination target
+        :type target: oslo_messaging.Target
+        :param ctxt: Message context
+        :type ctxt: dict
+        :param message: Message payload to pass
+        :type message: dict
+        :param version: Messaging API version (currently not used)
+        :type version: str
+        :param retry: an optional default kafka consumer retries configuration
+                      None means to retry forever
+                      0 means no retry
+                      N means N retries
+        :type retry: int
+        """
+        with self._get_connection(purpose=PURPOSE_SEND) as conn:
+            conn.notify_send(target_to_topic(target), ctxt, message, retry)
+    def listen(self, target):
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'The RPC implementation for Kafka is not implemented')
+    def listen_for_notifications(self, targets_and_priorities, pool=None):
+        """Listen to a specified list of targets on Kafka brokers
+        :param targets_and_priorities: List of pairs (target, priority)
+                                       priority is not used for kafka driver
+                                       target.exchange_target.topic is used as
+                                       a kafka topic
+        :type targets_and_priorities: list
+        :param pool: consumer group of Kafka consumers
+        :type pool: string
+        """
+        conn = self._get_connection(purpose=PURPOSE_LISTEN)
+        topics = []
+        for target, priority in targets_and_priorities:
+            topics.append(target_to_topic(target))
+        conn.declare_topic_consumer(topics, pool)
+        listener = KafkaListener(self, conn)
+        return listener
+    def _get_connection(self, purpose):
+        return driver_common.ConnectionContext(self.connection_pool, purpose)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_qpid.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_qpid.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e0e901968..000000000
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_qpid.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,800 +0,0 @@
-#    Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation
-#    Copyright 2011 - 2012, Red Hat, Inc.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-import functools
-import itertools
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import time
-import warnings
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
-from oslo_utils import importutils
-from oslo_utils import netutils
-import six
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqp as rpc_amqp
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqpdriver
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
-from oslo_messaging._i18n import _
-from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
-from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI
-from oslo_messaging import exceptions
-qpid_codec = importutils.try_import("qpid.codec010")
-qpid_messaging = importutils.try_import("qpid.messaging")
-qpid_exceptions = importutils.try_import("qpid.messaging.exceptions")
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-qpid_opts = [
-    cfg.StrOpt('qpid_hostname',
-               default='localhost',
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help='Qpid broker hostname.'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('qpid_port',
-               default=5672,
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help='Qpid broker port.'),
-    cfg.ListOpt('qpid_hosts',
-                default=['$qpid_hostname:$qpid_port'],
-                deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-                help='Qpid HA cluster host:port pairs.'),
-    cfg.StrOpt('qpid_username',
-               default='',
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help='Username for Qpid connection.'),
-    cfg.StrOpt('qpid_password',
-               default='',
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help='Password for Qpid connection.',
-               secret=True),
-    cfg.StrOpt('qpid_sasl_mechanisms',
-               default='',
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help='Space separated list of SASL mechanisms to use for '
-                    'auth.'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('qpid_heartbeat',
-               default=60,
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help='Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats.'),
-    cfg.StrOpt('qpid_protocol',
-               default='tcp',
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help="Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl'."),
-    cfg.BoolOpt('qpid_tcp_nodelay',
-                default=True,
-                deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-                help='Whether to disable the Nagle algorithm.'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('qpid_receiver_capacity',
-               default=1,
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help='The number of prefetched messages held by receiver.'),
-    # NOTE(russellb) If any additional versions are added (beyond 1 and 2),
-    # this file could probably use some additional refactoring so that the
-    # differences between each version are split into different classes.
-    cfg.IntOpt('qpid_topology_version',
-               default=1,
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help="The qpid topology version to use.  Version 1 is what "
-                    "was originally used by impl_qpid.  Version 2 includes "
-                    "some backwards-incompatible changes that allow broker "
-                    "federation to work.  Users should update to version 2 "
-                    "when they are able to take everything down, as it "
-                    "requires a clean break."),
-JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json; charset=utf8'
-def raise_invalid_topology_version(conf):
-    msg = (_("Invalid value for qpid_topology_version: %d") %
-           conf.qpid_topology_version)
-    LOG.error(msg)
-    raise Exception(msg)
-class QpidMessage(dict):
-    def __init__(self, session, raw_message):
-        super(QpidMessage, self).__init__(
-            rpc_common.deserialize_msg(raw_message.content))
-        self._raw_message = raw_message
-        self._session = session
-    def acknowledge(self):
-        self._session.acknowledge(self._raw_message)
-    def requeue(self):
-        pass
-class ConsumerBase(object):
-    """Consumer base class."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, session, callback, node_name, node_opts,
-                 link_name, link_opts):
-        """Declare a queue on an amqp session.
-        'session' is the amqp session to use
-        'callback' is the callback to call when messages are received
-        'node_name' is the first part of the Qpid address string, before ';'
-        'node_opts' will be applied to the "x-declare" section of "node"
-                    in the address string.
-        'link_name' goes into the "name" field of the "link" in the address
-                    string
-        'link_opts' will be applied to the "x-declare" section of "link"
-                    in the address string.
-        """
-        self.callback = callback
-        self.receiver = None
-        self.rcv_capacity = conf.qpid_receiver_capacity
-        self.session = None
-        if conf.qpid_topology_version == 1:
-            addr_opts = {
-                "create": "always",
-                "node": {
-                    "type": "topic",
-                    "x-declare": {
-                        "durable": True,
-                        "auto-delete": True,
-                    },
-                },
-                "link": {
-                    "durable": True,
-                    "x-declare": {
-                        "durable": False,
-                        "auto-delete": True,
-                        "exclusive": False,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-            addr_opts["node"]["x-declare"].update(node_opts)
-        elif conf.qpid_topology_version == 2:
-            addr_opts = {
-                "link": {
-                    "x-declare": {
-                        "auto-delete": True,
-                        "exclusive": False,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-        else:
-            raise_invalid_topology_version(conf)
-        addr_opts["link"]["x-declare"].update(link_opts)
-        if link_name:
-            addr_opts["link"]["name"] = link_name
-        self.address = "%s ; %s" % (node_name, jsonutils.dumps(addr_opts))
-        self.connect(session)
-    def connect(self, session):
-        """Declare the receiver on connect."""
-        self._declare_receiver(session)
-    def reconnect(self, session):
-        """Re-declare the receiver after a Qpid reconnect."""
-        self._declare_receiver(session)
-    def _declare_receiver(self, session):
-        self.session = session
-        self.receiver = session.receiver(self.address)
-        self.receiver.capacity = self.rcv_capacity
-    def _unpack_json_msg(self, msg):
-        """Load the JSON data in msg if msg.content_type indicates that it
-           is necessary.  Put the loaded data back into msg.content and
-           update msg.content_type appropriately.
-        A Qpid Message containing a dict will have a content_type of
-        'amqp/map', whereas one containing a string that needs to be converted
-        back from JSON will have a content_type of JSON_CONTENT_TYPE.
-        :param msg: a Qpid Message object
-        :returns: None
-        """
-        if msg.content_type == JSON_CONTENT_TYPE:
-            msg.content = jsonutils.loads(msg.content)
-            msg.content_type = 'amqp/map'
-    def consume(self):
-        """Fetch the message and pass it to the callback object."""
-        message = self.receiver.fetch()
-        try:
-            self._unpack_json_msg(message)
-            self.callback(QpidMessage(self.session, message))
-        except Exception:
-            LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to process message... skipping it."))
-            self.session.acknowledge(message)
-    def get_receiver(self):
-        return self.receiver
-    def get_node_name(self):
-        return self.address.split(';')[0]
-class DirectConsumer(ConsumerBase):
-    """Queue/consumer class for 'direct'."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, session, msg_id, callback):
-        """Init a 'direct' queue.
-        'session' is the amqp session to use
-        'msg_id' is the msg_id to listen on
-        'callback' is the callback to call when messages are received
-        """
-        link_opts = {
-            "exclusive": True,
-            "durable": conf.amqp_durable_queues,
-        }
-        if conf.qpid_topology_version == 1:
-            node_name = "%s/%s" % (msg_id, msg_id)
-            node_opts = {"type": "direct"}
-            link_name = msg_id
-        elif conf.qpid_topology_version == 2:
-            node_name = "amq.direct/%s" % msg_id
-            node_opts = {}
-            link_name = msg_id
-        else:
-            raise_invalid_topology_version(conf)
-        super(DirectConsumer, self).__init__(conf, session, callback,
-                                             node_name, node_opts, link_name,
-                                             link_opts)
-class TopicConsumer(ConsumerBase):
-    """Consumer class for 'topic'."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, session, topic, callback, exchange_name,
-                 name=None):
-        """Init a 'topic' queue.
-        :param session: the amqp session to use
-        :param topic: is the topic to listen on
-        :paramtype topic: str
-        :param callback: the callback to call when messages are received
-        :param name: optional queue name, defaults to topic
-        """
-        link_opts = {
-            "auto-delete": conf.amqp_auto_delete,
-            "durable": conf.amqp_durable_queues,
-        }
-        if conf.qpid_topology_version == 1:
-            node_name = "%s/%s" % (exchange_name, topic)
-        elif conf.qpid_topology_version == 2:
-            node_name = "amq.topic/topic/%s/%s" % (exchange_name, topic)
-        else:
-            raise_invalid_topology_version(conf)
-        super(TopicConsumer, self).__init__(conf, session, callback, node_name,
-                                            {}, name or topic, link_opts)
-class FanoutConsumer(ConsumerBase):
-    """Consumer class for 'fanout'."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, session, topic, callback):
-        """Init a 'fanout' queue.
-        'session' is the amqp session to use
-        'topic' is the topic to listen on
-        'callback' is the callback to call when messages are received
-        """
-        self.conf = conf
-        link_opts = {"exclusive": True}
-        if conf.qpid_topology_version == 1:
-            node_name = "%s_fanout" % topic
-            node_opts = {"durable": False, "type": "fanout"}
-        elif conf.qpid_topology_version == 2:
-            node_name = "amq.topic/fanout/%s" % topic
-            node_opts = {}
-        else:
-            raise_invalid_topology_version(conf)
-        super(FanoutConsumer, self).__init__(conf, session, callback,
-                                             node_name, node_opts, None,
-                                             link_opts)
-class Publisher(object):
-    """Base Publisher class."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, session, node_name, node_opts=None):
-        """Init the Publisher class with the exchange_name, routing_key,
-        and other options
-        """
-        self.sender = None
-        self.session = session
-        if conf.qpid_topology_version == 1:
-            addr_opts = {
-                "create": "always",
-                "node": {
-                    "type": "topic",
-                    "x-declare": {
-                        "durable": False,
-                        # auto-delete isn't implemented for exchanges in qpid,
-                        # but put in here anyway
-                        "auto-delete": True,
-                    },
-                },
-            }
-            if node_opts:
-                addr_opts["node"]["x-declare"].update(node_opts)
-            self.address = "%s ; %s" % (node_name, jsonutils.dumps(addr_opts))
-        elif conf.qpid_topology_version == 2:
-            self.address = node_name
-        else:
-            raise_invalid_topology_version(conf)
-        self.reconnect(session)
-    def reconnect(self, session):
-        """Re-establish the Sender after a reconnection."""
-        self.sender = session.sender(self.address)
-    def _pack_json_msg(self, msg):
-        """Qpid cannot serialize dicts containing strings longer than 65535
-           characters.  This function dumps the message content to a JSON
-           string, which Qpid is able to handle.
-        :param msg: May be either a Qpid Message object or a bare dict.
-        :returns: A Qpid Message with its content field JSON encoded.
-        """
-        try:
-            msg.content = jsonutils.dumps(msg.content)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # Need to have a Qpid message so we can set the content_type.
-            msg = qpid_messaging.Message(jsonutils.dumps(msg))
-        msg.content_type = JSON_CONTENT_TYPE
-        return msg
-    def send(self, msg):
-        """Send a message."""
-        try:
-            # Check if Qpid can encode the message
-            check_msg = msg
-            if not hasattr(check_msg, 'content_type'):
-                check_msg = qpid_messaging.Message(msg)
-            content_type = check_msg.content_type
-            enc, dec = qpid_messaging.message.get_codec(content_type)
-            enc(check_msg.content)
-        except qpid_codec.CodecException:
-            # This means the message couldn't be serialized as a dict.
-            msg = self._pack_json_msg(msg)
-        self.sender.send(msg)
-class DirectPublisher(Publisher):
-    """Publisher class for 'direct'."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, session, topic):
-        """Init a 'direct' publisher."""
-        if conf.qpid_topology_version == 1:
-            node_name = "%s/%s" % (topic, topic)
-            node_opts = {"type": "direct"}
-        elif conf.qpid_topology_version == 2:
-            node_name = "amq.direct/%s" % topic
-            node_opts = {}
-        else:
-            raise_invalid_topology_version(conf)
-        super(DirectPublisher, self).__init__(conf, session, node_name,
-                                              node_opts)
-class TopicPublisher(Publisher):
-    """Publisher class for 'topic'."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, session, exchange_name, topic):
-        """Init a 'topic' publisher.
-        """
-        if conf.qpid_topology_version == 1:
-            node_name = "%s/%s" % (exchange_name, topic)
-        elif conf.qpid_topology_version == 2:
-            node_name = "amq.topic/topic/%s/%s" % (exchange_name, topic)
-        else:
-            raise_invalid_topology_version(conf)
-        super(TopicPublisher, self).__init__(conf, session, node_name)
-class FanoutPublisher(Publisher):
-    """Publisher class for 'fanout'."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, session, topic):
-        """Init a 'fanout' publisher.
-        """
-        if conf.qpid_topology_version == 1:
-            node_name = "%s_fanout" % topic
-            node_opts = {"type": "fanout"}
-        elif conf.qpid_topology_version == 2:
-            node_name = "amq.topic/fanout/%s" % topic
-            node_opts = {}
-        else:
-            raise_invalid_topology_version(conf)
-        super(FanoutPublisher, self).__init__(conf, session, node_name,
-                                              node_opts)
-class NotifyPublisher(Publisher):
-    """Publisher class for notifications."""
-    def __init__(self, conf, session, exchange_name, topic):
-        """Init a 'topic' publisher.
-        """
-        node_opts = {"durable": True}
-        if conf.qpid_topology_version == 1:
-            node_name = "%s/%s" % (exchange_name, topic)
-        elif conf.qpid_topology_version == 2:
-            node_name = "amq.topic/topic/%s/%s" % (exchange_name, topic)
-        else:
-            raise_invalid_topology_version(conf)
-        super(NotifyPublisher, self).__init__(conf, session, node_name,
-                                              node_opts)
-class Connection(object):
-    """Connection object."""
-    pools = {}
-    def __init__(self, conf, url, purpose):
-        if not qpid_messaging:
-            raise ImportError("Failed to import qpid.messaging")
-        self.connection = None
-        self.session = None
-        self.consumers = {}
-        self.conf = conf
-        self.driver_conf = conf.oslo_messaging_qpid
-        self._consume_loop_stopped = False
-        self.brokers_params = []
-        if url.hosts:
-            for host in url.hosts:
-                params = {
-                    'username': host.username or '',
-                    'password': host.password or '',
-                }
-                if host.port is not None:
-                    params['host'] = '%s:%d' % (host.hostname, host.port)
-                else:
-                    params['host'] = host.hostname
-                self.brokers_params.append(params)
-        else:
-            # Old configuration format
-            for adr in self.driver_conf.qpid_hosts:
-                hostname, port = netutils.parse_host_port(
-                    adr, default_port=5672)
-                if ':' in hostname:
-                    hostname = '[' + hostname + ']'
-                params = {
-                    'host': '%s:%d' % (hostname, port),
-                    'username': self.driver_conf.qpid_username,
-                    'password': self.driver_conf.qpid_password,
-                }
-                self.brokers_params.append(params)
-        random.shuffle(self.brokers_params)
-        self.brokers = itertools.cycle(self.brokers_params)
-        self._initial_pid = os.getpid()
-        self.reconnect()
-    def _connect(self, broker):
-        # Create the connection - this does not open the connection
-        self.connection = qpid_messaging.Connection(broker['host'])
-        # Check if flags are set and if so set them for the connection
-        # before we call open
-        self.connection.username = broker['username']
-        self.connection.password = broker['password']
-        self.connection.sasl_mechanisms = self.driver_conf.qpid_sasl_mechanisms
-        # Reconnection is done by self.reconnect()
-        self.connection.reconnect = False
-        self.connection.heartbeat = self.driver_conf.qpid_heartbeat
-        self.connection.transport = self.driver_conf.qpid_protocol
-        self.connection.tcp_nodelay = self.driver_conf.qpid_tcp_nodelay
-        self.connection.open()
-    def _register_consumer(self, consumer):
-        self.consumers[six.text_type(consumer.get_receiver())] = consumer
-    def _lookup_consumer(self, receiver):
-        return self.consumers[six.text_type(receiver)]
-    def _disconnect(self):
-        # Close the session if necessary
-        if self.connection is not None and self.connection.opened():
-            try:
-                self.connection.close()
-            except qpid_exceptions.MessagingError:
-                pass
-        self.connection = None
-    def reconnect(self, retry=None):
-        """Handles reconnecting and re-establishing sessions and queues.
-        Will retry up to retry number of times.
-        retry = None or -1 means to retry forever
-        retry = 0 means no retry
-        retry = N means N retries
-        """
-        delay = 1
-        attempt = 0
-        loop_forever = False
-        if retry is None or retry < 0:
-            loop_forever = True
-        while True:
-            self._disconnect()
-            attempt += 1
-            broker = six.next(self.brokers)
-            try:
-                self._connect(broker)
-            except qpid_exceptions.MessagingError as e:
-                msg_dict = dict(e=e,
-                                delay=delay,
-                                retry=retry,
-                                broker=broker)
-                if not loop_forever and attempt > retry:
-                    msg = _('Unable to connect to AMQP server on '
-                            '%(broker)s after %(retry)d '
-                            'tries: %(e)s') % msg_dict
-                    LOG.error(msg)
-                    raise exceptions.MessageDeliveryFailure(msg)
-                else:
-                    msg = _LE("Unable to connect to AMQP server on "
-                              "%(broker)s: %(e)s. Sleeping %(delay)s seconds")
-                    LOG.error(msg, msg_dict)
-                    time.sleep(delay)
-                    delay = min(delay + 1, 5)
-            else:
-                LOG.info(_LI('Connected to AMQP server on %s'), broker['host'])
-                break
-        self.session = self.connection.session()
-        if self.consumers:
-            consumers = self.consumers
-            self.consumers = {}
-            for consumer in six.itervalues(consumers):
-                consumer.reconnect(self.session)
-                self._register_consumer(consumer)
-            LOG.debug("Re-established AMQP queues")
-    def ensure(self, error_callback, method, retry=None):
-        current_pid = os.getpid()
-        if self._initial_pid != current_pid:
-            # NOTE(sileht):
-            # to get the same level of fork support that rabbit driver have
-            # (ie: allow fork before the first connection established)
-            # we could use the kombu workaround:
-            # https://github.com/celery/kombu/blob/master/kombu/transport/
-            # qpid_patches.py#L67
-            LOG.warn("Process forked! "
-                     "This can result in unpredictable behavior. "
-                     "See: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/"
-                     "oslo_messaging/transport.html")
-            self._initial_pid = current_pid
-        while True:
-            try:
-                return method()
-            except (qpid_exceptions.Empty,
-                    qpid_exceptions.MessagingError) as e:
-                if error_callback:
-                    error_callback(e)
-                self.reconnect(retry=retry)
-    def close(self):
-        """Close/release this connection."""
-        try:
-            self.connection.close()
-        except Exception:
-            # NOTE(dripton) Logging exceptions that happen during cleanup just
-            # causes confusion; there's really nothing useful we can do with
-            # them.
-            pass
-        self.connection = None
-    def reset(self):
-        """Reset a connection so it can be used again."""
-        self.session.close()
-        self.session = self.connection.session()
-        self.consumers = {}
-    def declare_consumer(self, consumer_cls, topic, callback):
-        """Create a Consumer using the class that was passed in and
-        add it to our list of consumers
-        """
-        def _connect_error(exc):
-            log_info = {'topic': topic, 'err_str': exc}
-            LOG.error(_LE("Failed to declare consumer for topic '%(topic)s': "
-                          "%(err_str)s"), log_info)
-        def _declare_consumer():
-            consumer = consumer_cls(self.driver_conf, self.session, topic,
-                                    callback)
-            self._register_consumer(consumer)
-            return consumer
-        return self.ensure(_connect_error, _declare_consumer)
-    def consume(self, timeout=None):
-        """Consume from all queues/consumers."""
-        timer = rpc_common.DecayingTimer(duration=timeout)
-        timer.start()
-        def _raise_timeout(exc):
-            LOG.debug('Timed out waiting for RPC response: %s', exc)
-            raise rpc_common.Timeout()
-        def _error_callback(exc):
-            timer.check_return(_raise_timeout, exc)
-            LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to consume message from queue: %s'), exc)
-        def _consume():
-            # NOTE(sileht):
-            # maximum value chosen according the best practice from kombu:
-            # http://kombu.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/kombu.common.html#kombu.common.eventloop
-            poll_timeout = 1 if timeout is None else min(timeout, 1)
-            while True:
-                if self._consume_loop_stopped:
-                    self._consume_loop_stopped = False
-                    return
-                try:
-                    nxt_receiver = self.session.next_receiver(
-                        timeout=poll_timeout)
-                except qpid_exceptions.Empty as exc:
-                    poll_timeout = timer.check_return(_raise_timeout, exc,
-                                                      maximum=1)
-                else:
-                    break
-            try:
-                self._lookup_consumer(nxt_receiver).consume()
-            except Exception:
-                LOG.exception(_LE("Error processing message. "
-                                  "Skipping it."))
-        self.ensure(_error_callback, _consume)
-    def publisher_send(self, cls, topic, msg, retry=None, **kwargs):
-        """Send to a publisher based on the publisher class."""
-        def _connect_error(exc):
-            log_info = {'topic': topic, 'err_str': exc}
-            LOG.exception(_LE("Failed to publish message to topic "
-                          "'%(topic)s': %(err_str)s"), log_info)
-        def _publisher_send():
-            publisher = cls(self.driver_conf, self.session, topic=topic,
-                            **kwargs)
-            publisher.send(msg)
-        return self.ensure(_connect_error, _publisher_send, retry=retry)
-    def declare_direct_consumer(self, topic, callback):
-        """Create a 'direct' queue.
-        In nova's use, this is generally a msg_id queue used for
-        responses for call/multicall
-        """
-        self.declare_consumer(DirectConsumer, topic, callback)
-    def declare_topic_consumer(self, exchange_name, topic, callback=None,
-                               queue_name=None):
-        """Create a 'topic' consumer."""
-        self.declare_consumer(functools.partial(TopicConsumer,
-                                                name=queue_name,
-                                                exchange_name=exchange_name,
-                                                ),
-                              topic, callback)
-    def declare_fanout_consumer(self, topic, callback):
-        """Create a 'fanout' consumer."""
-        self.declare_consumer(FanoutConsumer, topic, callback)
-    def direct_send(self, msg_id, msg):
-        """Send a 'direct' message."""
-        self.publisher_send(DirectPublisher, topic=msg_id, msg=msg)
-    def topic_send(self, exchange_name, topic, msg, timeout=None, retry=None):
-        """Send a 'topic' message."""
-        #
-        # We want to create a message with attributes, for example a TTL. We
-        # don't really need to keep 'msg' in its JSON format any longer
-        # so let's create an actual Qpid message here and get some
-        # value-add on the go.
-        #
-        # WARNING: Request timeout happens to be in the same units as
-        # Qpid's TTL (seconds). If this changes in the future, then this
-        # will need to be altered accordingly.
-        #
-        qpid_message = qpid_messaging.Message(content=msg, ttl=timeout)
-        self.publisher_send(TopicPublisher, topic=topic, msg=qpid_message,
-                            exchange_name=exchange_name, retry=retry)
-    def fanout_send(self, topic, msg, retry=None):
-        """Send a 'fanout' message."""
-        self.publisher_send(FanoutPublisher, topic=topic, msg=msg, retry=retry)
-    def notify_send(self, exchange_name, topic, msg, retry=None, **kwargs):
-        """Send a notify message on a topic."""
-        self.publisher_send(NotifyPublisher, topic=topic, msg=msg,
-                            exchange_name=exchange_name, retry=retry)
-    def stop_consuming(self):
-        self._consume_loop_stopped = True
-class QpidDriver(amqpdriver.AMQPDriverBase):
-    """qpidd Driver
-    .. deprecated:: 1.16 (Liberty)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, conf, url,
-                 default_exchange=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None):
-        warnings.warn(_('The Qpid driver has been deprecated. '
-                        'The driver is planned to be removed during the '
-                        '`Mitaka` development cycle.'),
-                      DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
-        opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='oslo_messaging_qpid',
-                                 title='QPID driver options')
-        conf.register_group(opt_group)
-        conf.register_opts(qpid_opts, group=opt_group)
-        conf.register_opts(rpc_amqp.amqp_opts, group=opt_group)
-        conf.register_opts(base.base_opts, group=opt_group)
-        connection_pool = rpc_amqp.ConnectionPool(
-            conf, conf.oslo_messaging_qpid.rpc_conn_pool_size,
-            url, Connection)
-        super(QpidDriver, self).__init__(
-            conf, url,
-            connection_pool,
-            default_exchange,
-            allowed_remote_exmods,
-            conf.oslo_messaging_qpid.send_single_reply,
-        )
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_rabbit.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_rabbit.py
index eaa866882..1f75b3349 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_rabbit.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_rabbit.py
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqp as rpc_amqp
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqpdriver
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import pool
 from oslo_messaging._i18n import _
 from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
 from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI
@@ -72,27 +73,28 @@ rabbit_opts = [
                  help='How long to wait before reconnecting in response to an '
                       'AMQP consumer cancel notification.'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('kombu_reconnect_timeout',
-               # NOTE(dhellmann): We want this to be similar to
-               # rpc_response_timeout, but we can't use
-               # "$rpc_response_timeout" as a default because that
-               # option may not have been defined by the time this
-               # option is accessed. Instead, document the intent in
-               # the help text for this option and provide a separate
-               # literal default value.
+    cfg.IntOpt('kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout',
+               deprecated_name="kombu_reconnect_timeout",
-               help='How long to wait before considering a reconnect '
-                    'attempt to have failed. This value should not be '
-                    'longer than rpc_response_timeout.'),
+               help='How long to wait a missing client beforce abandoning to '
+                    'send it its replies. This value should not be longer '
+                    'than rpc_response_timeout.'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('kombu_failover_strategy',
+               choices=('round-robin', 'shuffle'),
+               default='round-robin',
+               help='Determines how the next RabbitMQ node is chosen in case '
+                    'the one we are currently connected to becomes '
+                    'unavailable. Takes effect only if more than one '
+                    'RabbitMQ node is provided in config.'),
                help='The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is '
-    cfg.IntOpt('rabbit_port',
-               default=5672,
-               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
-               help='The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used.'),
+    cfg.PortOpt('rabbit_port',
+                default=5672,
+                deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
+                help='The RabbitMQ broker port where a single node is used.'),
@@ -376,7 +378,9 @@ class Connection(object):
         self.amqp_durable_queues = driver_conf.amqp_durable_queues
         self.amqp_auto_delete = driver_conf.amqp_auto_delete
         self.rabbit_use_ssl = driver_conf.rabbit_use_ssl
-        self.kombu_reconnect_timeout = driver_conf.kombu_reconnect_timeout
+        self.kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout = \
+            driver_conf.kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout
+        self.kombu_failover_strategy = driver_conf.kombu_failover_strategy
         if self.rabbit_use_ssl:
             self.kombu_ssl_version = driver_conf.kombu_ssl_version
@@ -448,7 +452,7 @@ class Connection(object):
         # NOTE(sileht): if purpose is PURPOSE_LISTEN
         # we don't need the lock because we don't
         # have a heartbeat thread
-        if purpose == rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_SEND:
+        if purpose == rpc_common.PURPOSE_SEND:
             self._connection_lock = ConnectionLock()
             self._connection_lock = DummyConnectionLock()
@@ -456,8 +460,8 @@ class Connection(object):
         self.connection = kombu.connection.Connection(
             self._url, ssl=self._fetch_ssl_params(),
-            failover_strategy="shuffle",
+            failover_strategy=self.kombu_failover_strategy,
                 'confirm_publish': True,
                 'on_blocked': self._on_connection_blocked,
@@ -465,8 +469,8 @@ class Connection(object):
-        LOG.info(_LI('Connecting to AMQP server on %(hostname)s:%(port)s'),
-                 self.connection.info())
+        LOG.debug('Connecting to AMQP server on %(hostname)s:%(port)s',
+                  self.connection.info())
         # NOTE(sileht): kombu recommend to run heartbeat_check every
         # seconds, but we use a lock around the kombu connection
@@ -488,11 +492,12 @@ class Connection(object):
         # the consume code does the heartbeat stuff
         # we don't need a thread
         self._heartbeat_thread = None
-        if purpose == rpc_amqp.PURPOSE_SEND:
+        if purpose == rpc_common.PURPOSE_SEND:
-        LOG.info(_LI('Connected to AMQP server on %(hostname)s:%(port)s'),
-                 self.connection.info())
+        LOG.debug('Connected to AMQP server on %(hostname)s:%(port)s '
+                  'via [%(transport)s] client',
+                  self.connection.info())
         # NOTE(sileht): value chosen according the best practice from kombu
         # http://kombu.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/kombu.common.html#kombu.common.eventloop
@@ -576,7 +581,10 @@ class Connection(object):
         LOG.info(_LI("The broker has unblocked the connection"))
     def ensure_connection(self):
-        self.ensure(method=lambda: True)
+        # NOTE(sileht): we reset the channel and ensure
+        # the kombu underlying connection works
+        self._set_current_channel(None)
+        self.ensure(method=lambda: self.connection.connection)
     def ensure(self, method, retry=None,
                recoverable_error_callback=None, error_callback=None,
@@ -649,7 +657,7 @@ class Connection(object):
             LOG.info(_LI('Reconnected to AMQP server on '
-                         '%(hostname)s:%(port)s'),
+                         '%(hostname)s:%(port)s via [%(transport)s] client'),
         def execute_method(channel):
@@ -695,6 +703,10 @@ class Connection(object):
                     'tries: %(err_str)s') % info
             raise exceptions.MessageDeliveryFailure(msg)
+        except rpc_amqp.AMQPDestinationNotFound:
+            # NOTE(sileht): we must reraise this without
+            # trigger error_callback
+            raise
         except Exception as exc:
             error_callback and error_callback(exc)
@@ -727,7 +739,6 @@ class Connection(object):
                 for tag, consumer in enumerate(self._consumers):
             except recoverable_errors:
-                self._set_current_channel(None)
             self._consumers = []
@@ -848,7 +859,8 @@ class Connection(object):
             raise rpc_common.Timeout()
         def _recoverable_error_callback(exc):
-            self._new_consumers = self._consumers
+            if not isinstance(exc, rpc_common.Timeout):
+                self._new_consumers = self._consumers
             timer.check_return(_raise_timeout, exc)
         def _error_callback(exc):
@@ -1033,32 +1045,20 @@ class Connection(object):
         self._publish(exchange, msg, routing_key=routing_key, timeout=timeout)
-    def _publish_and_retry_on_missing_exchange(self, exchange, msg,
-                                               routing_key=None, timeout=None):
-        """Publisher that retry if the exchange is missing.
-        """
+    def _publish_and_raises_on_missing_exchange(self, exchange, msg,
+                                                routing_key=None,
+                                                timeout=None):
+        """Publisher that raises exception if exchange is missing."""
         if not exchange.passive:
             raise RuntimeError("_publish_and_retry_on_missing_exchange() must "
                                "be called with an passive exchange.")
-        # TODO(sileht): use @retrying
-        # NOTE(sileht): no need to wait the application expect a response
-        # before timeout is exshauted
-        duration = (
-            timeout if timeout is not None
-            else self.kombu_reconnect_timeout
-        )
-        timer = rpc_common.DecayingTimer(duration=duration)
-        timer.start()
-        while True:
-            try:
-                self._publish(exchange, msg, routing_key=routing_key,
-                              timeout=timeout)
-                return
-            except self.connection.channel_errors as exc:
+        try:
+            self._publish(exchange, msg, routing_key=routing_key,
+                          timeout=timeout)
+            return
+        except self.connection.channel_errors as exc:
+            if exc.code == 404:
                 # NOTE(noelbk/sileht):
                 # If rabbit dies, the consumer can be disconnected before the
                 # publisher sends, and if the consumer hasn't declared the
@@ -1067,24 +1067,9 @@ class Connection(object):
                 # So we set passive=True to the publisher exchange and catch
                 # the 404 kombu ChannelError and retry until the exchange
                 # appears
-                if exc.code == 404 and timer.check_return() > 0:
-                    LOG.info(_LI("The exchange %(exchange)s to send to "
-                                 "%(routing_key)s doesn't exist yet, "
-                                 "retrying...") % {
-                                     'exchange': exchange.name,
-                                     'routing_key': routing_key})
-                    time.sleep(0.25)
-                    continue
-                elif exc.code == 404:
-                    msg = _("The exchange %(exchange)s to send to "
-                            "%(routing_key)s still doesn't exist after "
-                            "%(duration)s sec abandoning...") % {
-                                'duration': duration,
-                                'exchange': exchange.name,
-                                'routing_key': routing_key}
-                    LOG.info(msg)
-                    raise rpc_amqp.AMQPDestinationNotFound(msg)
-                raise
+                raise rpc_amqp.AMQPDestinationNotFound(
+                    "exchange %s doesn't exists" % exchange.name)
+            raise
     def direct_send(self, msg_id, msg):
         """Send a 'direct' message."""
@@ -1094,7 +1079,7 @@ class Connection(object):
-        self._ensure_publishing(self._publish_and_retry_on_missing_exchange,
+        self._ensure_publishing(self._publish_and_raises_on_missing_exchange,
                                 exchange, msg, routing_key=msg_id)
     def topic_send(self, exchange_name, topic, msg, timeout=None, retry=None):
@@ -1150,7 +1135,10 @@ class RabbitDriver(amqpdriver.AMQPDriverBase):
         conf.register_opts(rpc_amqp.amqp_opts, group=opt_group)
         conf.register_opts(base.base_opts, group=opt_group)
-        connection_pool = rpc_amqp.ConnectionPool(
+        self.missing_destination_retry_timeout = (
+            conf.oslo_messaging_rabbit.kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout)
+        connection_pool = pool.ConnectionPool(
             conf, conf.oslo_messaging_rabbit.rpc_conn_pool_size,
             url, Connection)
@@ -1158,8 +1146,7 @@ class RabbitDriver(amqpdriver.AMQPDriverBase):
             conf, url,
-            allowed_remote_exmods,
-            conf.oslo_messaging_rabbit.send_single_reply,
+            allowed_remote_exmods
     def require_features(self, requeue=True):
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_zmq.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_zmq.py
index f91c34166..f8bf1378e 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_zmq.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/impl_zmq.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #    under the License.
 import logging
+import os
 import pprint
 import socket
 import threading
@@ -23,8 +24,11 @@ from stevedore import driver
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import base
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_client
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_client_light
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server import zmq_server
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
 from oslo_messaging._executors import impl_pooledexecutor  # FIXME(markmc)
+from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
 pformat = pprint.pformat
@@ -78,8 +82,23 @@ zmq_opts = [
                     'Poll raises timeout exception when timeout expired.'),
-                default=True,
-                help='Shows whether zmq-messaging uses broker or not.')
+                default=False,
+                help='Configures zmq-messaging to use broker or not.'),
+    cfg.PortOpt('rpc_zmq_min_port',
+                default=49152,
+                help='Minimal port number for random ports range.'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('rpc_zmq_max_port',
+               min=1,
+               max=65536,
+               default=65536,
+               help='Maximal port number for random ports range.'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('rpc_zmq_bind_port_retries',
+               default=100,
+               help='Number of retries to find free port number before '
+                    'fail with ZMQBindError.')
@@ -91,6 +110,7 @@ class LazyDriverItem(object):
         self.item_class = item_cls
         self.args = args
         self.kwargs = kwargs
+        self.process_id = os.getpid()
     def get(self):
         #  NOTE(ozamiatin): Lazy initialization.
@@ -99,11 +119,12 @@ class LazyDriverItem(object):
         # __init__, but 'fork' extensively used by services
         #  breaks all things.
-        if self.item is not None:
+        if self.item is not None and os.getpid() == self.process_id:
             return self.item
-        if self.item is None:
+        if self.item is None or os.getpid() != self.process_id:
+            self.process_id = os.getpid()
             self.item = self.item_class(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
         return self.item
@@ -143,6 +164,10 @@ class ZmqDriver(base.BaseDriver):
         :param allowed_remote_exmods: remote exception passing options
         :type allowed_remote_exmods: list
+        zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
+        if zmq is None:
+            raise ImportError(_LE("ZeroMQ is not available!"))
@@ -160,12 +185,15 @@ class ZmqDriver(base.BaseDriver):
         self.notify_server = LazyDriverItem(
             zmq_server.ZmqServer, self, self.conf, self.matchmaker)
+        client_cls = zmq_client_light.ZmqClientLight \
+            if conf.zmq_use_broker else zmq_client.ZmqClient
         self.client = LazyDriverItem(
-            zmq_client.ZmqClient, self.conf, self.matchmaker,
+            client_cls, self.conf, self.matchmaker,
         self.notifier = LazyDriverItem(
-            zmq_client.ZmqClient, self.conf, self.matchmaker,
+            client_cls, self.conf, self.matchmaker,
         super(ZmqDriver, self).__init__(conf, url, default_exchange,
@@ -229,7 +257,7 @@ class ZmqDriver(base.BaseDriver):
         :param target: Message destination target
         :type target: oslo_messaging.Target
-        server = self.server.get()
+        server = zmq_server.ZmqServer(self, self.conf, self.matchmaker)
         return server
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/pool.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/pool.py
index e689d678a..699ce5c10 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/pool.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/pool.py
@@ -17,8 +17,13 @@ import abc
 import collections
 import threading
+from oslo_log import log as logging
 import six
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import common
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Pool(object):
@@ -86,3 +91,24 @@ class Pool(object):
     def create(self):
         """Construct a new item."""
+class ConnectionPool(Pool):
+    """Class that implements a Pool of Connections."""
+    def __init__(self, conf, rpc_conn_pool_size, url, connection_cls):
+        self.connection_cls = connection_cls
+        self.conf = conf
+        self.url = url
+        super(ConnectionPool, self).__init__(rpc_conn_pool_size)
+        self.reply_proxy = None
+    # TODO(comstud): Timeout connections not used in a while
+    def create(self, purpose=None):
+        if purpose is None:
+            purpose = common.PURPOSE_SEND
+        LOG.debug('Pool creating new connection')
+        return self.connection_cls(self.conf, self.url, purpose)
+    def empty(self):
+        for item in self.iter_free():
+            item.close()
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/driver.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/driver.py
index cf1c9127b..32abf435f 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/driver.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/driver.py
@@ -117,8 +117,12 @@ class ProtonListener(base.Listener):
         super(ProtonListener, self).__init__(driver)
         self.incoming = moves.queue.Queue()
-    def poll(self):
-        message = self.incoming.get()
+    @base.batch_poll_helper
+    def poll(self, timeout=None):
+        try:
+            message = self.incoming.get(True, timeout)
+        except moves.queue.Empty:
+            return
         request, ctxt = unmarshal_request(message)
         LOG.debug("Returning incoming message")
         return ProtonIncomingMessage(self, ctxt, request, message)
@@ -180,7 +184,7 @@ class ProtonDriver(base.BaseDriver):
         """Send a message to the given target."""
         # TODO(kgiusti) need to add support for retry
         if retry is not None:
-            raise NotImplementedError('"retry" not implemented by'
+            raise NotImplementedError('"retry" not implemented by '
                                       'this transport driver')
         request = marshal_request(message, ctxt, envelope)
@@ -210,7 +214,7 @@ class ProtonDriver(base.BaseDriver):
         """Send a notification message to the given target."""
         # TODO(kgiusti) need to add support for retry
         if retry is not None:
-            raise NotImplementedError('"retry" not implemented by'
+            raise NotImplementedError('"retry" not implemented by '
                                       'this transport driver')
         return self.send(target, ctxt, message, envelope=(version == 2.0))
@@ -226,7 +230,7 @@ class ProtonDriver(base.BaseDriver):
     def listen_for_notifications(self, targets_and_priorities, pool):
         LOG.debug("Listen for notifications %s", targets_and_priorities)
         if pool:
-            raise NotImplementedError('"pool" not implemented by'
+            raise NotImplementedError('"pool" not implemented by '
                                       'this transport driver')
         listener = ProtonListener(self)
         for target, priority in targets_and_priorities:
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/drivertasks.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/drivertasks.py
index 5d9e2ed4d..385241334 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/drivertasks.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/drivertasks.py
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class SendTask(controller.Task):
         """Wait for the send to complete, and, optionally, a reply message from
         the remote.  Will raise MessagingTimeout if the send does not complete
         or no reply is received within timeout seconds. If the request has
-        failed for any other reason, a MessagingException is raised."
+        failed for any other reason, a MessagingException is raised.
             result = self._results_queue.get(timeout=timeout)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/opts.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/opts.py
index cba1fd339..5c69c966c 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/opts.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/opts.py
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ amqp1_opts = [
+               secret=True,
                help='Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted)'),
@@ -94,5 +95,6 @@ amqp1_opts = [
+               secret=True,
                help='Password for message broker authentication')
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/zmq_broker.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/zmq_broker.py
index 5f20b807d..8351e2ef9 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/zmq_broker.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/zmq_broker.py
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import logging
 import os
 from oslo_utils import excutils
-import six
 from stevedore import driver
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.broker import zmq_queue_proxy
@@ -51,11 +50,8 @@ class ZmqBroker(object):
         self.context = zmq.Context()
-        self.queue = six.moves.queue.Queue()
-        self.proxies = [zmq_queue_proxy.OutgoingQueueProxy(
-            conf, self.context, self.queue, self.matchmaker),
-            zmq_queue_proxy.IncomingQueueProxy(
-                conf, self.context, self.queue)
+        self.proxies = [zmq_queue_proxy.UniversalQueueProxy(
+            conf, self.context, self.matchmaker)
     def _create_ipc_dirs(self):
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/zmq_queue_proxy.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/zmq_queue_proxy.py
index 11114d008..eb752bed7 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/zmq_queue_proxy.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/broker/zmq_queue_proxy.py
@@ -14,65 +14,69 @@
 import logging
-import six
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.broker import zmq_base_proxy
-from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers\
-    import zmq_dealer_publisher
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers.dealer \
+    import zmq_dealer_publisher_proxy
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
 from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI
 zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq(zmq_concurrency='native')
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class OutgoingQueueProxy(zmq_base_proxy.BaseProxy):
+class UniversalQueueProxy(zmq_base_proxy.BaseProxy):
+    def __init__(self, conf, context, matchmaker):
+        super(UniversalQueueProxy, self).__init__(conf, context)
+        self.poller = zmq_async.get_poller(zmq_concurrency='native')
+        self.router_socket = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER)
+        self.router_socket.bind(zmq_address.get_broker_address(conf))
+        self.poller.register(self.router_socket, self._receive_in_request)
+        LOG.info(_LI("Polling at universal proxy"))
-    def __init__(self, conf, context, queue, matchmaker):
-        super(OutgoingQueueProxy, self).__init__(conf, context)
-        self.queue = queue
         self.matchmaker = matchmaker
-        self.publisher = zmq_dealer_publisher.DealerPublisher(
-            conf, matchmaker)
-        LOG.info(_LI("Polling at outgoing proxy ..."))
+        reply_receiver = zmq_dealer_publisher_proxy.ReplyReceiver(self.poller)
+        self.publisher = zmq_dealer_publisher_proxy.DealerPublisherProxy(
+            conf, matchmaker, reply_receiver)
     def run(self):
-        try:
-            request = self.queue.get(timeout=self.conf.rpc_poll_timeout)
-            LOG.info(_LI("Redirecting request %s to TCP publisher ...")
-                     % request)
-            self.publisher.send_request(request)
-        except six.moves.queue.Empty:
+        message, socket = self.poller.poll(self.conf.rpc_poll_timeout)
+        if message is None:
+        if socket == self.router_socket:
+            self._redirect_in_request(message)
+        else:
+            self._redirect_reply(message)
-class IncomingQueueProxy(zmq_base_proxy.BaseProxy):
+    def _redirect_in_request(self, request):
+        LOG.debug("-> Redirecting request %s to TCP publisher"
+                  % request)
+        self.publisher.send_request(request)
-    def __init__(self, conf, context, queue):
-        super(IncomingQueueProxy, self).__init__(conf, context)
-        self.poller = zmq_async.get_poller(
-            zmq_concurrency='native')
-        self.queue = queue
-        self.socket = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER)
-        self.socket.bind(zmq_address.get_broker_address(conf))
-        self.poller.register(self.socket, self.receive_request)
-        LOG.info(_LI("Polling at incoming proxy ..."))
-    def run(self):
-        request, socket = self.poller.poll(self.conf.rpc_poll_timeout)
-        if request is None:
+    def _redirect_reply(self, reply):
+        LOG.debug("Reply proxy %s" % reply)
+        if reply[zmq_names.IDX_REPLY_TYPE] == zmq_names.ACK_TYPE:
+            LOG.debug("Acknowledge dropped %s" % reply)
-        LOG.info(_LI("Received request and queue it: %s") % str(request))
+        LOG.debug("<- Redirecting reply to ROUTER: reply: %s"
+                  % reply[zmq_names.IDX_REPLY_BODY:])
-        self.queue.put(request)
+        self.router_socket.send_multipart(reply[zmq_names.IDX_REPLY_BODY:])
-    def receive_request(self, socket):
+    def _receive_in_request(self, socket):
         reply_id = socket.recv()
         assert reply_id is not None, "Valid id expected"
         empty = socket.recv()
         assert empty == b'', "Empty delimiter expected"
-        return socket.recv_pyobj()
+        envelope = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        if envelope[zmq_names.FIELD_MSG_TYPE] == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
+            envelope[zmq_names.FIELD_REPLY_ID] = reply_id
+        payload = socket.recv_multipart()
+        payload.insert(0, envelope)
+        return payload
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/__init__.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/zmq_dealer_call_publisher.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/zmq_dealer_call_publisher.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c4e7536d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/zmq_dealer_call_publisher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#    Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import logging
+import threading
+from concurrent import futures
+import futurist
+import oslo_messaging
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers\
+    import zmq_publisher_base
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_socket
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
+class DealerCallPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherBase):
+    """Thread-safe CALL publisher
+        Used as faster and thread-safe publisher for CALL
+        instead of ReqPublisher.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker):
+        super(DealerCallPublisher, self).__init__(conf)
+        self.matchmaker = matchmaker
+        self.reply_waiter = ReplyWaiter(conf)
+        self.sender = RequestSender(conf, matchmaker, self.reply_waiter) \
+            if not conf.zmq_use_broker else \
+            RequestSenderLight(conf, matchmaker, self.reply_waiter)
+    def send_request(self, request):
+        reply_future = self.sender.send_request(request)
+        try:
+            reply = reply_future.result(timeout=request.timeout)
+        except futures.TimeoutError:
+            raise oslo_messaging.MessagingTimeout(
+                "Timeout %s seconds was reached" % request.timeout)
+        finally:
+            self.reply_waiter.untrack_id(request.message_id)
+        LOG.debug("Received reply %s" % reply)
+        if reply[zmq_names.FIELD_FAILURE]:
+            raise rpc_common.deserialize_remote_exception(
+                reply[zmq_names.FIELD_FAILURE],
+                request.allowed_remote_exmods)
+        else:
+            return reply[zmq_names.FIELD_REPLY]
+class RequestSender(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherMultisend):
+    def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, reply_waiter):
+        super(RequestSender, self).__init__(conf, matchmaker, zmq.DEALER)
+        self.reply_waiter = reply_waiter
+        self.queue, self.empty_except = zmq_async.get_queue()
+        self.executor = zmq_async.get_executor(self.run_loop)
+        self.executor.execute()
+    def send_request(self, request):
+        reply_future = futurist.Future()
+        self.reply_waiter.track_reply(reply_future, request.message_id)
+        self.queue.put(request)
+        return reply_future
+    def _do_send_request(self, socket, request):
+        socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
+        socket.send_pyobj(request)
+        LOG.debug("Sending message_id %(message)s to a target %(target)s"
+                  % {"message": request.message_id,
+                     "target": request.target})
+    def _check_hosts_connections(self, target, listener_type):
+        if str(target) in self.outbound_sockets:
+            socket = self.outbound_sockets[str(target)]
+        else:
+            hosts = self.matchmaker.get_hosts(
+                target, listener_type)
+            socket = zmq_socket.ZmqSocket(self.zmq_context, self.socket_type)
+            self.outbound_sockets[str(target)] = socket
+            for host in hosts:
+                self._connect_to_host(socket, host, target)
+        return socket
+    def run_loop(self):
+        try:
+            request = self.queue.get(timeout=self.conf.rpc_poll_timeout)
+        except self.empty_except:
+            return
+        socket = self._check_hosts_connections(
+            request.target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(zmq.ROUTER))
+        self._do_send_request(socket, request)
+        self.reply_waiter.poll_socket(socket)
+class RequestSenderLight(RequestSender):
+    """This class used with proxy.
+        Simplified address matching because there is only
+        one proxy IPC address.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, reply_waiter):
+        if not conf.zmq_use_broker:
+            raise rpc_common.RPCException("RequestSenderLight needs a proxy!")
+        super(RequestSenderLight, self).__init__(
+            conf, matchmaker, reply_waiter)
+        self.socket = None
+    def _check_hosts_connections(self, target, listener_type):
+        if self.socket is None:
+            self.socket = zmq_socket.ZmqSocket(self.zmq_context,
+                                               self.socket_type)
+            self.outbound_sockets[str(target)] = self.socket
+            address = zmq_address.get_broker_address(self.conf)
+            self._connect_to_address(self.socket, address, target)
+        return self.socket
+    def _do_send_request(self, socket, request):
+        LOG.debug("Sending %(type)s message_id %(message)s"
+                  " to a target %(target)s"
+                  % {"type": request.msg_type,
+                     "message": request.message_id,
+                     "target": request.target})
+        envelope = request.create_envelope()
+        socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
+        socket.send_pyobj(envelope, zmq.SNDMORE)
+        socket.send_pyobj(request)
+class ReplyWaiter(object):
+    def __init__(self, conf):
+        self.conf = conf
+        self.replies = {}
+        self.poller = zmq_async.get_poller()
+        self.executor = zmq_async.get_executor(self.run_loop)
+        self.executor.execute()
+        self._lock = threading.Lock()
+    def track_reply(self, reply_future, message_id):
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        self.replies[message_id] = reply_future
+        self._lock.release()
+    def untrack_id(self, message_id):
+        self._lock.acquire()
+        self.replies.pop(message_id)
+        self._lock.release()
+    def poll_socket(self, socket):
+        def _receive_method(socket):
+            empty = socket.recv()
+            assert empty == b'', "Empty expected!"
+            reply = socket.recv_pyobj()
+            LOG.debug("Received reply %s" % reply)
+            return reply
+        self.poller.register(socket, recv_method=_receive_method)
+    def run_loop(self):
+        reply, socket = self.poller.poll(
+            timeout=self.conf.rpc_poll_timeout)
+        if reply is not None:
+            call_future = self.replies[reply[zmq_names.FIELD_MSG_ID]]
+            call_future.set_result(reply)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_dealer_publisher.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/zmq_dealer_publisher.py
similarity index 84%
rename from oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_dealer_publisher.py
rename to oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/zmq_dealer_publisher.py
index 2c8fc5ec5..22e09c3fe 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_dealer_publisher.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/zmq_dealer_publisher.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers\
     import zmq_publisher_base
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
-from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI, _LW
+from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LW
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -29,14 +29,13 @@ class DealerPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherMultisend):
     def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker):
         super(DealerPublisher, self).__init__(conf, matchmaker, zmq.DEALER)
-        self.ack_receiver = AcknowledgementReceiver()
     def send_request(self, request):
-        if request.msg_type == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
-            raise zmq_publisher_base.UnsupportedSendPattern(request.msg_type)
+        self._check_request_pattern(request)
-        dealer_socket, hosts = self._check_hosts_connections(request.target)
+        dealer_socket = self._check_hosts_connections(
+            request.target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(zmq.ROUTER))
         if not dealer_socket.connections:
             # NOTE(ozamiatin): Here we can provide
@@ -47,29 +46,31 @@ class DealerPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherMultisend):
                         % request.msg_type)
-        self.ack_receiver.track_socket(dealer_socket.handle)
         if request.msg_type in zmq_names.MULTISEND_TYPES:
             for _ in range(dealer_socket.connections_count()):
                 self._send_request(dealer_socket, request)
             self._send_request(dealer_socket, request)
+    def _check_request_pattern(self, request):
+        if request.msg_type == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
+            raise zmq_publisher_base.UnsupportedSendPattern(request.msg_type)
     def _send_request(self, socket, request):
         socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
-        LOG.info(_LI("Sending message %(message)s to a target %(target)s")
-                 % {"message": request.message,
-                    "target": request.target})
+        LOG.debug("Sending message_id %(message)s to a target %(target)s"
+                  % {"message": request.message_id,
+                     "target": request.target})
     def cleanup(self):
-        self.ack_receiver.cleanup()
         super(DealerPublisher, self).cleanup()
 class DealerPublisherLight(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherBase):
+    """Used when publishing to proxy. """
     def __init__(self, conf, address):
         super(DealerPublisherLight, self).__init__(conf)
@@ -81,7 +82,10 @@ class DealerPublisherLight(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherBase):
         if request.msg_type == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
             raise zmq_publisher_base.UnsupportedSendPattern(request.msg_type)
+        envelope = request.create_envelope()
         self.socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
+        self.socket.send_pyobj(envelope, zmq.SNDMORE)
     def cleanup(self):
@@ -107,8 +111,7 @@ class AcknowledgementReceiver(object):
     def poll_for_acknowledgements(self):
         ack_message, socket = self.poller.poll()
-        LOG.info(_LI("Message %s acknowledged")
-                 % ack_message[zmq_names.FIELD_ID])
+        LOG.debug("Message %s acknowledged" % ack_message[zmq_names.FIELD_ID])
     def cleanup(self):
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/zmq_dealer_publisher_proxy.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/zmq_dealer_publisher_proxy.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8ad98345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/dealer/zmq_dealer_publisher_proxy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#    Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import logging
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers.dealer \
+    import zmq_dealer_publisher
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
+from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI, _LW
+zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DealerPublisherProxy(zmq_dealer_publisher.DealerPublisher):
+    def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker, reply_receiver):
+        super(DealerPublisherProxy, self).__init__(conf, matchmaker)
+        self.reply_receiver = reply_receiver
+    def send_request(self, multipart_message):
+        envelope = multipart_message[zmq_names.MULTIPART_IDX_ENVELOPE]
+        LOG.debug("Envelope: %s" % envelope)
+        target = envelope[zmq_names.FIELD_TARGET]
+        dealer_socket = self._check_hosts_connections(
+            target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(zmq.ROUTER))
+        if not dealer_socket.connections:
+            # NOTE(ozamiatin): Here we can provide
+            # a queue for keeping messages to send them later
+            # when some listener appears. However such approach
+            # being more reliable will consume additional memory.
+            LOG.warning(_LW("Request %s was dropped because no connection")
+                        % envelope[zmq_names.FIELD_MSG_TYPE])
+            return
+        self.reply_receiver.track_socket(dealer_socket.handle)
+        LOG.debug("Sending message %(message)s to a target %(target)s"
+                  % {"message": envelope[zmq_names.FIELD_MSG_ID],
+                     "target": envelope[zmq_names.FIELD_TARGET]})
+        if envelope[zmq_names.FIELD_MSG_TYPE] in zmq_names.MULTISEND_TYPES:
+            for _ in range(dealer_socket.connections_count()):
+                self._send_request(dealer_socket, multipart_message)
+        else:
+            self._send_request(dealer_socket, multipart_message)
+    def _send_request(self, socket, multipart_message):
+        socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
+        socket.send_pyobj(
+            multipart_message[zmq_names.MULTIPART_IDX_ENVELOPE],
+            zmq.SNDMORE)
+        socket.send(multipart_message[zmq_names.MULTIPART_IDX_BODY])
+class ReplyReceiver(object):
+    def __init__(self, poller):
+        self.poller = poller
+        LOG.info(_LI("Reply waiter created in broker"))
+    def _receive_reply(self, socket):
+        return socket.recv_multipart()
+    def track_socket(self, socket):
+        self.poller.register(socket, self._receive_reply)
+    def cleanup(self):
+        self.poller.close()
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_pub_publisher.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_pub_publisher.py
index 228724b6c..6ecfb2f77 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_pub_publisher.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_pub_publisher.py
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers\
     import zmq_publisher_base
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
-from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -35,13 +34,14 @@ class PubPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherMultisend):
         if request.msg_type not in zmq_names.NOTIFY_TYPES:
             raise zmq_publisher_base.UnsupportedSendPattern(request.msg_type)
-        pub_socket, hosts = self._check_hosts_connections(request.target)
+        pub_socket = self._check_hosts_connections(
+            request.target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(zmq.SUB))
         self._send_request(pub_socket, request)
     def _send_request(self, socket, request):
         super(PubPublisher, self)._send_request(socket, request)
-        LOG.info(_LI("Publishing message %(message)s to a target %(target)s")
-                 % {"message": request.message,
-                    "target": request.target})
+        LOG.debug("Publishing message %(message)s to a target %(target)s"
+                  % {"message": request.message,
+                     "target": request.target})
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_publisher_base.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_publisher_base.py
index faee64d25..e2f898550 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_publisher_base.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_publisher_base.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 import abc
 import logging
+import uuid
 import six
@@ -89,6 +90,11 @@ class PublisherBase(object):
         :param request: Message data and destination container object
         :type request: zmq_request.Request
+        LOG.debug("Sending %(type)s message_id %(message)s to a target "
+                  "%(target)s"
+                  % {"type": request.msg_type,
+                     "message": request.message_id,
+                     "target": request.target})
     def cleanup(self):
@@ -115,30 +121,33 @@ class PublisherMultisend(PublisherBase):
         self.socket_type = socket_type
         self.matchmaker = matchmaker
-    def _check_hosts_connections(self, target):
+    def _check_hosts_connections(self, target, listener_type):
         #  TODO(ozamiatin): Place for significant optimization
         #  Matchmaker cache should be implemented
-        hosts = self.matchmaker.get_hosts(target)
         if str(target) in self.outbound_sockets:
             socket = self.outbound_sockets[str(target)]
+            hosts = self.matchmaker.get_hosts(target, listener_type)
             socket = zmq_socket.ZmqSocket(self.zmq_context, self.socket_type)
             self.outbound_sockets[str(target)] = socket
+            for host in hosts:
+                self._connect_to_host(socket, host, target)
-        for host in hosts:
-            self._connect_to_host(socket, host, target)
+        return socket
-        return socket, hosts
-    def _connect_to_host(self, socket, host, target):
-        address = zmq_address.get_tcp_direct_address(host)
-        LOG.info(address)
+    def _connect_to_address(self, socket, address, target):
         stype = zmq_names.socket_type_str(self.socket_type)
             LOG.info(_LI("Connecting %(stype)s to %(address)s for %(target)s")
                      % {"stype": stype,
                         "address": address,
                         "target": target})
+            if six.PY3:
+                socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.IDENTITY, str(uuid.uuid1()))
+            else:
+                socket.handle.identity = str(uuid.uuid1())
         except zmq.ZMQError as e:
             errmsg = _LE("Failed connecting %(stype) to %(address)s: %(e)s")\
@@ -146,3 +155,7 @@ class PublisherMultisend(PublisherBase):
             LOG.error(_LE("Failed connecting %(stype) to %(address)s: %(e)s")
                       % (stype, address, e))
             raise rpc_common.RPCException(errmsg)
+    def _connect_to_host(self, socket, host, target):
+        address = zmq_address.get_tcp_direct_address(host)
+        self._connect_to_address(socket, address, target)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_push_publisher.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_push_publisher.py
index b8fc4fe51..3a38cfd43 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_push_publisher.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_push_publisher.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers\
     import zmq_publisher_base
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
-from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI, _LW
+from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LW
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ class PushPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherMultisend):
         if request.msg_type == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
             raise zmq_publisher_base.UnsupportedSendPattern(request.msg_type)
-        push_socket, hosts = self._check_hosts_connections(request.target)
+        push_socket = self._check_hosts_connections(
+            request.target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(zmq.PULL))
         if not push_socket.connections:
             LOG.warning(_LW("Request %s was dropped because no connection")
@@ -52,6 +53,6 @@ class PushPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherMultisend):
         super(PushPublisher, self)._send_request(socket, request)
-        LOG.info(_LI("Publishing message %(message)s to a target %(target)s")
-                 % {"message": request.message,
-                    "target": request.target})
+        LOG.debug("Publishing message %(message)s to a target %(target)s"
+                  % {"message": request.message,
+                     "target": request.target})
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_req_publisher.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_req_publisher.py
index d4dbaa9ab..78330f3a3 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_req_publisher.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/publishers/zmq_req_publisher.py
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
 import contextlib
 import logging
+import uuid
+import six
 import oslo_messaging
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
@@ -40,24 +43,35 @@ class ReqPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherBase):
         if request.msg_type != zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
             raise zmq_publisher_base.UnsupportedSendPattern(request.msg_type)
-        socket = self._connect_to_host(request.target, request.timeout)
+        socket, connect_address = self._connect_to_host(request.target,
+                                                        request.timeout)
+        request.host = connect_address
         self._send_request(socket, request)
         return self._receive_reply(socket, request)
+    def _resolve_host_address(self, target, timeout=0):
+        host = self.matchmaker.get_single_host(
+            target, zmq_names.socket_type_str(zmq.ROUTER), timeout)
+        return zmq_address.get_tcp_direct_address(host)
     def _connect_to_host(self, target, timeout=0):
             self.zmq_context = zmq.Context()
             socket = self.zmq_context.socket(zmq.REQ)
-            host = self.matchmaker.get_single_host(target, timeout)
-            connect_address = zmq_address.get_tcp_direct_address(host)
+            if six.PY3:
+                socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.IDENTITY, str(uuid.uuid1()))
+            else:
+                socket.identity = str(uuid.uuid1())
+            connect_address = self._resolve_host_address(target, timeout)
             LOG.info(_LI("Connecting REQ to %s") % connect_address)
             self.outbound_sockets[str(target)] = socket
-            return socket
+            return socket, connect_address
         except zmq.ZMQError as e:
             errmsg = _LE("Error connecting to socket: %s") % str(e)
@@ -68,8 +82,11 @@ class ReqPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherBase):
     def _receive_reply(socket, request):
         def _receive_method(socket):
-            return socket.recv_pyobj()
+            reply = socket.recv_pyobj()
+            LOG.debug("Received reply %s" % reply)
+            return reply
+        LOG.debug("Start waiting reply")
         # NOTE(ozamiatin): Check for retry here (no retries now)
         with contextlib.closing(zmq_async.get_reply_poller()) as poller:
             poller.register(socket, recv_method=_receive_method)
@@ -77,6 +94,7 @@ class ReqPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherBase):
             if reply is None:
                 raise oslo_messaging.MessagingTimeout(
                     "Timeout %s seconds was reached" % request.timeout)
+            LOG.debug("Received reply %s" % reply)
             if reply[zmq_names.FIELD_FAILURE]:
                 raise rpc_common.deserialize_remote_exception(
@@ -87,3 +105,26 @@ class ReqPublisher(zmq_publisher_base.PublisherBase):
     def close(self):
         # For contextlib compatibility
+class ReqPublisherLight(ReqPublisher):
+    def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker):
+        super(ReqPublisherLight, self).__init__(conf, matchmaker)
+    def _resolve_host_address(self, target, timeout=0):
+        return zmq_address.get_broker_address(self.conf)
+    def _send_request(self, socket, request):
+        LOG.debug("Sending %(type)s message_id %(message)s"
+                  " to a target %(target)s, host:%(host)s"
+                  % {"type": request.msg_type,
+                     "message": request.message_id,
+                     "target": request.target,
+                     "host": request.host})
+        envelope = request.create_envelope()
+        socket.send_pyobj(envelope, zmq.SNDMORE)
+        socket.send_pyobj(request)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client.py
index 3e7888d5f..c6e895863 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client.py
@@ -12,68 +12,33 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
-import contextlib
-from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers\
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers.dealer \
+    import zmq_dealer_call_publisher
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers.dealer \
     import zmq_dealer_publisher
-from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers\
-    import zmq_req_publisher
-from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_request
-from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_client_base
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
 zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
-class ZmqClient(object):
+class ZmqClient(zmq_client_base.ZmqClientBase):
     def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None):
-        self.conf = conf
-        self.context = zmq.Context()
-        self.matchmaker = matchmaker
-        self.allowed_remote_exmods = allowed_remote_exmods or []
+        if conf.zmq_use_broker:
+            raise rpc_common.RPCException("This client doesn't need proxy!")
-        self.dealer_publisher = None
-        if self.conf.zmq_use_broker:
-            self.dealer_publisher = zmq_dealer_publisher.DealerPublisherLight(
-                conf, zmq_address.get_broker_address(self.conf))
-        else:
-            self.dealer_publisher = zmq_dealer_publisher.DealerPublisher(
-                conf, matchmaker)
+        super(ZmqClient, self).__init__(
+            conf, matchmaker, allowed_remote_exmods,
+            publishers={
+                zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
+                    zmq_dealer_call_publisher.DealerCallPublisher(
+                        conf, matchmaker),
-    def send_call(self, target, context, message, timeout=None, retry=None):
-        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.CallRequest(
-                target, context=context, message=message,
-                timeout=timeout, retry=retry,
-                allowed_remote_exmods=self.allowed_remote_exmods)) as request:
-            with contextlib.closing(zmq_req_publisher.ReqPublisher(
-                    self.conf, self.matchmaker)) as req_publisher:
-                return req_publisher.send_request(request)
-    def send_cast(self, target, context, message, timeout=None, retry=None):
-        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.CastRequest(
-                target, context=context, message=message,
-                timeout=timeout, retry=retry)) as request:
-            self.dealer_publisher.send_request(request)
-    def send_fanout(self, target, context, message, timeout=None, retry=None):
-        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.FanoutRequest(
-                target, context=context, message=message,
-                timeout=timeout, retry=retry)) as request:
-            self.dealer_publisher.send_request(request)
-    def send_notify(self, target, context, message, version, retry=None):
-        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.NotificationRequest(
-                target, context, message, version=version,
-                retry=retry)) as request:
-            self.dealer_publisher.send_request(request)
-    def send_notify_fanout(self, target, context, message, version,
-                           retry=None):
-        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.NotificationFanoutRequest(
-                target, context, message, version=version,
-                retry=retry)) as request:
-            self.dealer_publisher.send_request(request)
-    def cleanup(self):
-        self.dealer_publisher.cleanup()
+                "default": zmq_dealer_publisher.DealerPublisher(
+                    conf, matchmaker)
+            }
+        )
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client_base.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client_base.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa7cd12d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client_base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#    Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import contextlib
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_request
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
+zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
+class ZmqClientBase(object):
+    def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None,
+                 publishers=None):
+        self.conf = conf
+        self.context = zmq.Context()
+        self.matchmaker = matchmaker
+        self.allowed_remote_exmods = allowed_remote_exmods or []
+        self.publishers = publishers
+        self.call_publisher = publishers.get(zmq_names.CALL_TYPE) \
+            or publishers["default"]
+        self.cast_publisher = publishers.get(zmq_names.CAST_TYPE) \
+            or publishers["default"]
+        self.fanout_publisher = publishers.get(zmq_names.CAST_FANOUT_TYPE) \
+            or publishers["default"]
+        self.notify_publisher = publishers.get(zmq_names.NOTIFY_TYPE) \
+            or publishers["default"]
+    def send_call(self, target, context, message, timeout=None, retry=None):
+        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.CallRequest(
+                target, context=context, message=message,
+                timeout=timeout, retry=retry,
+                allowed_remote_exmods=self.allowed_remote_exmods)) as request:
+            return self.call_publisher.send_request(request)
+    def send_cast(self, target, context, message, timeout=None, retry=None):
+        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.CastRequest(
+                target, context=context, message=message,
+                timeout=timeout, retry=retry)) as request:
+            self.cast_publisher.send_request(request)
+    def send_fanout(self, target, context, message, timeout=None, retry=None):
+        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.FanoutRequest(
+                target, context=context, message=message,
+                timeout=timeout, retry=retry)) as request:
+            self.fanout_publisher.send_request(request)
+    def send_notify(self, target, context, message, version, retry=None):
+        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.NotificationRequest(
+                target, context, message, version=version,
+                retry=retry)) as request:
+            self.notify_publisher.send_request(request)
+    def send_notify_fanout(self, target, context, message, version,
+                           retry=None):
+        with contextlib.closing(zmq_request.NotificationFanoutRequest(
+                target, context, message, version=version,
+                retry=retry)) as request:
+            self.notify_publisher.send_request(request)
+    def cleanup(self):
+        for publisher in self.publishers.values():
+            publisher.cleanup()
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client_light.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client_light.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..873911f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_client_light.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#    Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers.dealer \
+    import zmq_dealer_call_publisher
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client.publishers.dealer \
+    import zmq_dealer_publisher
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.client import zmq_client_base
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
+zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
+class ZmqClientLight(zmq_client_base.ZmqClientBase):
+    def __init__(self, conf, matchmaker=None, allowed_remote_exmods=None):
+        if not conf.zmq_use_broker:
+            raise rpc_common.RPCException(
+                "This client needs proxy to be configured!")
+        super(ZmqClientLight, self).__init__(
+            conf, matchmaker, allowed_remote_exmods,
+            publishers={
+                zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
+                    zmq_dealer_call_publisher.DealerCallPublisher(
+                        conf, matchmaker),
+                "default": zmq_dealer_publisher.DealerPublisherLight(
+                        conf, zmq_address.get_broker_address(self.conf))
+            }
+        )
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_request.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_request.py
index 92d444a33..455b7ba5a 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_request.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/client/zmq_request.py
@@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ class Request(object):
         self.message = message
         self.retry = retry
         self.message_id = str(uuid.uuid1())
+        self.proxy_reply_id = None
+    def create_envelope(self):
+        return {'msg_type': self.msg_type,
+                'message_id': self.message_id,
+                'target': self.target}
     def msg_type(self):
@@ -86,6 +92,11 @@ class RpcRequest(Request):
         super(RpcRequest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def create_envelope(self):
+        envelope = super(RpcRequest, self).create_envelope()
+        envelope['timeout'] = self.timeout
+        return envelope
 class CallRequest(RpcRequest):
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/matchmaker/base.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/matchmaker/base.py
index 8b2365b41..7b9b69d79 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/matchmaker/base.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/matchmaker/base.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import retrying
 import six
 import oslo_messaging
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
 from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LI, _LW
@@ -35,27 +36,31 @@ class MatchMakerBase(object):
         self.conf = conf
-    def register(self, target, hostname):
+    def register(self, target, hostname, listener_type):
         """Register target on nameserver.
        :param target: the target for host
        :type target: Target
        :param hostname: host for the topic in "host:port" format
        :type hostname: String
+       :param listener_type: Listener socket type ROUTER, SUB etc.
+       :type listener_type: String
-    def unregister(self, target, hostname):
+    def unregister(self, target, hostname, listener_type):
         """Unregister target from nameserver.
        :param target: the target for host
        :type target: Target
        :param hostname: host for the topic in "host:port" format
        :type hostname: String
+       :param listener_type: Listener socket type ROUTER, SUB etc.
+       :type listener_type: String
-    def get_hosts(self, target):
+    def get_hosts(self, target, listener_type):
         """Get all hosts from nameserver by target.
        :param target: the default target for invocations
@@ -63,7 +68,7 @@ class MatchMakerBase(object):
        :returns: a list of "hostname:port" hosts
-    def get_single_host(self, target, timeout=None, retry=0):
+    def get_single_host(self, target, listener_type, timeout=None, retry=0):
         """Get a single host by target.
        :param target: the target for messages
@@ -101,7 +106,7 @@ class MatchMakerBase(object):
         def _get_single_host():
-            hosts = self.get_hosts(target)
+            hosts = self.get_hosts(target, listener_type)
                 if not hosts:
                     err_msg = "No hosts were found for target %s." % target
@@ -136,16 +141,16 @@ class DummyMatchMaker(MatchMakerBase):
         self._cache = collections.defaultdict(list)
-    def register(self, target, hostname):
-        key = str(target)
+    def register(self, target, hostname, listener_type):
+        key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
         if hostname not in self._cache[key]:
-    def unregister(self, target, hostname):
-        key = str(target)
+    def unregister(self, target, hostname, listener_type):
+        key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
         if hostname in self._cache[key]:
-    def get_hosts(self, target):
-        key = str(target)
+    def get_hosts(self, target, listener_type):
+        key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
         return self._cache[key]
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/matchmaker/matchmaker_redis.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/matchmaker/matchmaker_redis.py
index c8402c6c8..3bbcf321a 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/matchmaker/matchmaker_redis.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/matchmaker/matchmaker_redis.py
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from oslo_config import cfg
 from oslo_utils import importutils
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.matchmaker import base
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
 redis = importutils.try_import('redis')
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -26,9 +27,9 @@ matchmaker_redis_opts = [
                help='Host to locate redis.'),
-    cfg.IntOpt('port',
-               default=6379,
-               help='Use this port to connect to redis host.'),
+    cfg.PortOpt('port',
+                default=6379,
+                help='Use this port to connect to redis host.'),
@@ -48,34 +49,32 @@ class RedisMatchMaker(base.MatchMakerBase):
-    def _target_to_key(self, target):
-        attributes = ['topic', 'exchange', 'server']
-        prefix = "ZMQ-target"
-        key = ":".join((getattr(target, attr) or "*") for attr in attributes)
-        return "%s-%s" % (prefix, key)
-    def _get_keys_by_pattern(self, pattern):
-        return self._redis.keys(pattern)
     def _get_hosts_by_key(self, key):
         return self._redis.lrange(key, 0, -1)
-    def register(self, target, hostname):
-        key = self._target_to_key(target)
-        if hostname not in self._get_hosts_by_key(key):
-            self._redis.lpush(key, hostname)
+    def register(self, target, hostname, listener_type):
-    def unregister(self, target, hostname):
-        key = self._target_to_key(target)
+        if target.topic and target.server:
+            key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
+            if hostname not in self._get_hosts_by_key(key):
+                self._redis.lpush(key, hostname)
+        if target.topic:
+            key = zmq_address.prefix_str(target.topic, listener_type)
+            if hostname not in self._get_hosts_by_key(key):
+                self._redis.lpush(key, hostname)
+        if target.server:
+            key = zmq_address.prefix_str(target.server, listener_type)
+            if hostname not in self._get_hosts_by_key(key):
+                self._redis.lpush(key, hostname)
+    def unregister(self, target, hostname, listener_type):
+        key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
         self._redis.lrem(key, 0, hostname)
-    def get_hosts(self, target):
-        pattern = self._target_to_key(target)
-        if "*" not in pattern:
-            # pattern have no placeholders, so this is valid key
-            return self._get_hosts_by_key(pattern)
+    def get_hosts(self, target, listener_type):
         hosts = []
-        for key in self._get_keys_by_pattern(pattern):
-            hosts.extend(self._get_hosts_by_key(key))
+        key = zmq_address.target_to_key(target, listener_type)
+        hosts.extend(self._get_hosts_by_key(key))
         return hosts
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/poller/threading_poller.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/poller/threading_poller.py
index c0a46d981..8167715f1 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/poller/threading_poller.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/poller/threading_poller.py
@@ -38,12 +38,20 @@ class ThreadingPoller(zmq_poller.ZmqPoller):
         self.recv_methods = {}
     def register(self, socket, recv_method=None):
+        LOG.debug("Registering socket")
+        if socket in self.recv_methods:
+            return
         if recv_method is not None:
             self.recv_methods[socket] = recv_method
         self.poller.register(socket, zmq.POLLIN)
     def poll(self, timeout=None):
-        timeout *= 1000  # zmq poller waits milliseconds
+        LOG.debug("Entering poll method")
+        if timeout:
+            timeout *= 1000  # zmq poller waits milliseconds
         sockets = None
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_consumer_base.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_consumer_base.py
index 8bb2461e7..b7532a74a 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_consumer_base.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_consumer_base.py
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ import six
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as rpc_common
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_socket
-from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE, _LI
+from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -43,10 +44,10 @@ class ConsumerBase(object):
                 self.conf, self.context, socket_type)
             self.poller.register(socket, self.receive_message)
-            LOG.info(_LI("Run %(stype)s consumer on %(addr)s:%(port)d"),
-                     {"stype": socket_type,
-                      "addr": socket.bind_address,
-                      "port": socket.port})
+            LOG.debug("Run %(stype)s consumer on %(addr)s:%(port)d",
+                      {"stype": zmq_names.socket_type_str(socket_type),
+                       "addr": socket.bind_address,
+                       "port": socket.port})
             return socket
         except zmq.ZMQError as e:
             errmsg = _LE("Failed binding to port %(port)d: %(e)s")\
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_pull_consumer.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_pull_consumer.py
index 98ef3a73c..81cf7fde0 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_pull_consumer.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_pull_consumer.py
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ class PullConsumer(zmq_consumer_base.SingleSocketConsumer):
             assert msg_type is not None, 'Bad format: msg type expected'
             context = socket.recv_pyobj()
             message = socket.recv_pyobj()
-            LOG.info(_LI("Received %(msg_type)s message %(msg)s")
-                     % {"msg_type": msg_type,
-                        "msg": str(message)})
+            LOG.debug("Received %(msg_type)s message %(msg)s"
+                      % {"msg_type": msg_type,
+                         "msg": str(message)})
             if msg_type in (zmq_names.CAST_TYPES + zmq_names.NOTIFY_TYPES):
                 return PullIncomingMessage(self.server, context, message)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_router_consumer.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_router_consumer.py
index f6016607e..f5885c55a 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_router_consumer.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/consumers/zmq_router_consumer.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.server import zmq_incoming_message
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
-from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE, _LI
+from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -43,11 +43,7 @@ class RouterIncomingMessage(base.IncomingMessage):
         """Reply is not needed for non-call messages"""
     def acknowledge(self):
-        LOG.info("Sending acknowledge for %s", self.msg_id)
-        ack_message = {zmq_names.FIELD_ID: self.msg_id}
-        self.socket.send(self.reply_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
-        self.socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
-        self.socket.send_pyobj(ack_message)
+        LOG.debug("Not sending acknowledge for %s", self.msg_id)
     def requeue(self):
         """Requeue is not supported"""
@@ -61,36 +57,41 @@ class RouterConsumer(zmq_consumer_base.SingleSocketConsumer):
         self.targets = []
         self.host = zmq_address.combine_address(self.conf.rpc_zmq_host,
+        LOG.info("[%s] Run ROUTER consumer" % self.host)
     def listen(self, target):
-        LOG.info("Listen to target %s on %s:%d" %
-                 (target, self.address, self.port))
+        LOG.info("[%s] Listen to target %s" % (self.host, target))
-        self.matchmaker.register(target=target,
-                                 hostname=self.host)
+        self.matchmaker.register(target, self.host,
+                                 zmq_names.socket_type_str(zmq.ROUTER))
     def cleanup(self):
         super(RouterConsumer, self).cleanup()
         for target in self.targets:
-            self.matchmaker.unregister(target, self.host)
+            self.matchmaker.unregister(target, self.host,
+                                       zmq_names.socket_type_str(zmq.ROUTER))
+    def _receive_request(self, socket):
+        reply_id = socket.recv()
+        empty = socket.recv()
+        assert empty == b'', 'Bad format: empty delimiter expected'
+        request = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        return request, reply_id
     def receive_message(self, socket):
-            reply_id = socket.recv()
-            empty = socket.recv()
-            assert empty == b'', 'Bad format: empty delimiter expected'
-            request = socket.recv_pyobj()
-            LOG.info(_LI("Received %(msg_type)s message %(msg)s")
-                     % {"msg_type": request.msg_type,
-                        "msg": str(request.message)})
+            request, reply_id = self._receive_request(socket)
+            LOG.debug("[%(host)s] Received %(type)s, %(id)s, %(target)s"
+                      % {"host": self.host,
+                         "type": request.msg_type,
+                         "id": request.message_id,
+                         "target": request.target})
             if request.msg_type == zmq_names.CALL_TYPE:
                 return zmq_incoming_message.ZmqIncomingRequest(
-                    self.server, request.context, request.message, socket,
-                    reply_id, self.poller)
+                    self.server, socket, reply_id, request, self.poller)
             elif request.msg_type in zmq_names.NON_BLOCKING_TYPES:
                 return RouterIncomingMessage(
                     self.server, request.context, request.message, socket,
@@ -100,3 +101,20 @@ class RouterConsumer(zmq_consumer_base.SingleSocketConsumer):
         except zmq.ZMQError as e:
             LOG.error(_LE("Receiving message failed: %s") % str(e))
+class RouterConsumerBroker(RouterConsumer):
+    def __init__(self, conf, poller, server):
+        super(RouterConsumerBroker, self).__init__(conf, poller, server)
+    def _receive_request(self, socket):
+        reply_id = socket.recv()
+        empty = socket.recv()
+        assert empty == b'', 'Bad format: empty delimiter expected'
+        envelope = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        request = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        if zmq_names.FIELD_REPLY_ID in envelope:
+            request.proxy_reply_id = envelope[zmq_names.FIELD_REPLY_ID]
+        return request, reply_id
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/zmq_incoming_message.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/zmq_incoming_message.py
index f43ec2325..e009d55c9 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/zmq_incoming_message.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/zmq_incoming_message.py
@@ -28,10 +28,12 @@ zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
 class ZmqIncomingRequest(base.IncomingMessage):
-    def __init__(self, listener, context, message, socket, rep_id, poller):
-        super(ZmqIncomingRequest, self).__init__(listener, context, message)
+    def __init__(self, listener, socket, rep_id, request, poller):
+        super(ZmqIncomingRequest, self).__init__(listener, request.context,
+                                                 request.message)
         self.reply_socket = socket
         self.reply_id = rep_id
+        self.request = request
         self.received = None
         self.poller = poller
@@ -39,15 +41,22 @@ class ZmqIncomingRequest(base.IncomingMessage):
         if failure is not None:
             failure = rpc_common.serialize_remote_exception(failure,
-        message_reply = {zmq_names.FIELD_REPLY: reply,
+        message_reply = {zmq_names.FIELD_TYPE: zmq_names.REPLY_TYPE,
+                         zmq_names.FIELD_REPLY: reply,
                          zmq_names.FIELD_FAILURE: failure,
-                         zmq_names.FIELD_LOG_FAILURE: log_failure}
+                         zmq_names.FIELD_LOG_FAILURE: log_failure,
+                         zmq_names.FIELD_ID: self.request.proxy_reply_id,
+                         zmq_names.FIELD_MSG_ID: self.request.message_id}
-        LOG.info("Replying %s REP", (str(message_reply)))
+        LOG.debug("Replying %s", (str(self.request.message_id)))
         self.received = True
         self.reply_socket.send(self.reply_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
         self.reply_socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
+        if self.request.proxy_reply_id:
+            self.reply_socket.send_string(zmq_names.REPLY_TYPE, zmq.SNDMORE)
+            self.reply_socket.send(self.request.proxy_reply_id, zmq.SNDMORE)
+            self.reply_socket.send(b'', zmq.SNDMORE)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/zmq_server.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/zmq_server.py
index afe03b81b..c37aef047 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/zmq_server.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/server/zmq_server.py
@@ -31,11 +31,16 @@ class ZmqServer(base.Listener):
         super(ZmqServer, self).__init__(driver)
         self.matchmaker = matchmaker
         self.poller = zmq_async.get_poller()
-        self.rpc_consumer = zmq_router_consumer.RouterConsumer(
-            conf, self.poller, self)
+        if conf.zmq_use_broker:
+            self.rpc_consumer = zmq_router_consumer.RouterConsumerBroker(
+                conf, self.poller, self)
+        else:
+            self.rpc_consumer = zmq_router_consumer.RouterConsumer(
+                conf, self.poller, self)
         self.notify_consumer = self.rpc_consumer
         self.consumers = [self.rpc_consumer]
+    @base.batch_poll_helper
     def poll(self, timeout=None):
         message, socket = self.poller.poll(
             timeout or self.conf.rpc_poll_timeout)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_address.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_address.py
index e8c48291b..397bd1074 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_address.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_address.py
@@ -22,8 +22,27 @@ def get_tcp_direct_address(host):
 def get_tcp_random_address(conf):
-    return "tcp://*"
+    return "tcp://%s" % conf.rpc_zmq_bind_address
 def get_broker_address(conf):
     return "ipc://%s/zmq-broker" % conf.rpc_zmq_ipc_dir
+def prefix_str(key, listener_type):
+    return listener_type + "_" + key
+def target_to_key(target, listener_type):
+    def prefix(key):
+        return prefix_str(key, listener_type)
+    if target.topic and target.server:
+        attributes = ['topic', 'server']
+        key = ".".join(getattr(target, attr) for attr in attributes)
+        return prefix(key)
+    if target.topic:
+        return prefix(target.topic)
+    if target.server:
+        return prefix(target.server)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_async.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_async.py
index 7a993a285..093544118 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_async.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_async.py
@@ -30,12 +30,10 @@ def import_zmq(zmq_concurrency='eventlet'):
     imported_zmq = importutils.try_import(ZMQ_MODULES[zmq_concurrency],
-                                          default='zmq')
+                                          default=None)
     if imported_zmq is None:
-        errmsg = _LE("ZeroMQ not found!")
         LOG.error(_LE("ZeroMQ not found!"))
-        raise ImportError(errmsg)
     return imported_zmq
@@ -80,3 +78,13 @@ def _raise_error_if_invalid_config_value(zmq_concurrency):
     if zmq_concurrency not in ZMQ_MODULES:
         errmsg = _('Invalid zmq_concurrency value: %s')
         raise ValueError(errmsg % zmq_concurrency)
+def get_queue(zmq_concurrency='eventlet'):
+    _raise_error_if_invalid_config_value(zmq_concurrency)
+    if zmq_concurrency == 'eventlet' and _is_eventlet_zmq_available():
+        import eventlet
+        return eventlet.queue.Queue(), eventlet.queue.Empty
+    else:
+        import six
+        return six.moves.queue.Queue(), six.moves.queue.Empty
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_names.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_names.py
index a317456e7..f7401ab21 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_names.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_names.py
@@ -17,10 +17,23 @@ from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
 zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
+FIELD_TYPE = 'type'
 FIELD_FAILURE = 'failure'
 FIELD_REPLY = 'reply'
 FIELD_LOG_FAILURE = 'log_failure'
 FIELD_ID = 'id'
+FIELD_MSG_ID = 'message_id'
+FIELD_MSG_TYPE = 'msg_type'
+FIELD_REPLY_ID = 'reply_id'
+FIELD_TARGET = 'target'
 CALL_TYPE = 'call'
 CAST_TYPE = 'cast'
@@ -28,6 +41,9 @@ CAST_FANOUT_TYPE = 'cast-f'
 NOTIFY_TYPE = 'notify'
 NOTIFY_FANOUT_TYPE = 'notify-f'
+REPLY_TYPE = 'reply'
+ACK_TYPE = 'ack'
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_socket.py b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_socket.py
index 2a4144c5a..4119e5735 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_socket.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_drivers/zmq_driver/zmq_socket.py
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import logging
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_address
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_names
+from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
+from oslo_messaging import exceptions
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -45,6 +47,9 @@ class ZmqSocket(object):
     def setsockopt(self, *args, **kwargs):
         self.handle.setsockopt(*args, **kwargs)
+    def setsockopt_string(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.handle.setsockopt_string(*args, **kwargs)
     def send(self, *args, **kwargs):
         self.handle.send(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -57,6 +62,9 @@ class ZmqSocket(object):
     def send_pyobj(self, *args, **kwargs):
         self.handle.send_pyobj(*args, **kwargs)
+    def send_multipart(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.handle.send_multipart(*args, **kwargs)
     def recv(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return self.handle.recv(*args, **kwargs)
@@ -69,14 +77,30 @@ class ZmqSocket(object):
     def recv_pyobj(self, *args, **kwargs):
         return self.handle.recv_pyobj(*args, **kwargs)
+    def recv_multipart(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return self.handle.recv_multipart(*args, **kwargs)
     def close(self, *args, **kwargs):
         self.handle.close(*args, **kwargs)
+class ZmqPortRangeExceededException(exceptions.MessagingException):
+    """Raised by ZmqRandomPortSocket - wrapping zmq.ZMQBindError"""
 class ZmqRandomPortSocket(ZmqSocket):
     def __init__(self, conf, context, socket_type):
         super(ZmqRandomPortSocket, self).__init__(context, socket_type)
         self.conf = conf
         self.bind_address = zmq_address.get_tcp_random_address(self.conf)
-        self.port = self.handle.bind_to_random_port(self.bind_address)
+        try:
+            self.port = self.handle.bind_to_random_port(
+                self.bind_address,
+                min_port=conf.rpc_zmq_min_port,
+                max_port=conf.rpc_zmq_max_port,
+                max_tries=conf.rpc_zmq_bind_port_retries)
+        except zmq.ZMQBindError:
+            LOG.error(_LE("Random ports range exceeded!"))
+            raise ZmqPortRangeExceededException()
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_executors/impl_blocking.py b/oslo_messaging/_executors/impl_blocking.py
index b59818f5c..b788c47f4 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_executors/impl_blocking.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_executors/impl_blocking.py
@@ -14,28 +14,57 @@
 #    under the License.
 import futurist
+import threading
 from oslo_messaging._executors import impl_pooledexecutor
+from oslo_utils import timeutils
 class FakeBlockingThread(object):
+    '''A minimal implementation of threading.Thread which does not create a
+    thread or start executing the target when start() is called. Instead, the
+    caller must explicitly execute the non-blocking thread.execute() method
+    after start() has been called.
+    '''
     def __init__(self, target):
         self._target = target
+        self._running = False
+        self._running_cond = threading.Condition()
     def start(self):
-        self._target()
+        if self._running:
+            # Not a user error. No need to translate.
+            raise RuntimeError('FakeBlockingThread already started')
-    @staticmethod
-    def join(timeout=None):
-        pass
+        with self._running_cond:
+            self._running = True
+            self._running_cond.notify_all()
-    @staticmethod
-    def stop():
-        pass
+    def join(self, timeout=None):
+        with timeutils.StopWatch(duration=timeout) as w, self._running_cond:
+            while self._running:
+                self._running_cond.wait(w.leftover(return_none=True))
-    @staticmethod
-    def is_alive():
-        return False
+                # Thread.join() does not raise an exception on timeout. It is
+                # the caller's responsibility to check is_alive().
+                if w.expired():
+                    return
+    def is_alive(self):
+        return self._running
+    def execute(self):
+        if not self._running:
+            # Not a user error. No need to translate.
+            raise RuntimeError('FakeBlockingThread not started')
+        try:
+            self._target()
+        finally:
+            with self._running_cond:
+                self._running = False
+                self._running_cond.notify_all()
 class BlockingExecutor(impl_pooledexecutor.PooledExecutor):
@@ -52,3 +81,22 @@ class BlockingExecutor(impl_pooledexecutor.PooledExecutor):
     _executor_cls = lambda __, ___: futurist.SynchronousExecutor()
     _thread_cls = FakeBlockingThread
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(BlockingExecutor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def execute(self):
+        '''Explicitly run the executor in the current context.'''
+        # NOTE(mdbooth): Splitting start into start and execute for the
+        # blocking executor closes a potential race. On a non-blocking
+        # executor, calling start performs some initialisation synchronously
+        # before starting the executor and returning control to the caller. In
+        # the non-blocking caller there was no externally visible boundary
+        # between the completion of initialisation and the start of execution,
+        # meaning the caller cannot indicate to another thread that
+        # initialisation is complete. With the split, the start call for the
+        # blocking executor becomes analogous to the non-blocking case,
+        # indicating that initialisation is complete. The caller can then
+        # synchronously call execute.
+        if self._poller is not None:
+            self._poller.execute()
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_executors/impl_pooledexecutor.py b/oslo_messaging/_executors/impl_pooledexecutor.py
index c0837701c..f442c3ae9 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_executors/impl_pooledexecutor.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_executors/impl_pooledexecutor.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ _pool_opts = [
 class PooledExecutor(base.ExecutorBase):
-    """A message executor which integrates with some async executor.
+    """A message executor which integrates with some executor.
     This will create a message thread that polls for messages from a
     dispatching thread and on reception of an incoming message places the
@@ -93,8 +93,11 @@ class PooledExecutor(base.ExecutorBase):
     def _runner(self):
         while not self._tombstone.is_set():
-            incoming = self.listener.poll()
-            if incoming is None:
+            incoming = self.listener.poll(
+                timeout=self.dispatcher.batch_timeout,
+                prefetch_size=self.dispatcher.batch_size)
+            if not incoming:
             callback = self.dispatcher(incoming, self._executor_callback)
             was_submitted = self._do_submit(callback)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/_utils.py b/oslo_messaging/_utils.py
index 1bb20b089..021fea26c 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/_utils.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/_utils.py
@@ -46,57 +46,6 @@ def version_is_compatible(imp_version, version):
     return True
-class DispatcherExecutorContext(object):
-    """Dispatcher executor context helper
-    A dispatcher can have work to do before and after the dispatch of the
-    request in the main server thread while the dispatcher itself can be
-    done in its own thread.
-    The executor can use the helper like this:
-        callback = dispatcher(incoming)
-        callback.prepare()
-        thread = MyWhateverThread()
-        thread.on_done(callback.done)
-        thread.run(callback.run)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, incoming, dispatch, executor_callback=None,
-                 post=None):
-        self._result = None
-        self._incoming = incoming
-        self._dispatch = dispatch
-        self._post = post
-        self._executor_callback = executor_callback
-    def run(self):
-        """The incoming message dispath itself
-        Can be run in an other thread/greenlet/corotine if the executor is
-        able to do it.
-        """
-        try:
-            self._result = self._dispatch(self._incoming,
-                                          self._executor_callback)
-        except Exception:
-            msg = 'The dispatcher method must catches all exceptions'
-            LOG.exception(msg)
-            raise RuntimeError(msg)
-    def done(self):
-        """Callback after the incoming message have been dispathed
-        Should be ran in the main executor thread/greenlet/corotine
-        """
-        # FIXME(sileht): this is not currently true, this works only because
-        # the driver connection used for polling write on the wire only to
-        # ack/requeue message, but what if one day, the driver do something
-        # else
-        if self._post is not None:
-            self._post(self._incoming, self._result)
 def fetch_current_thread_functor():
     # Until https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/issues/172 is resolved
     # or addressed we have to use complicated workaround to get a object
@@ -116,29 +65,6 @@ def fetch_current_thread_functor():
         return lambda: threading.current_thread()
-class DummyCondition(object):
-    def acquire(self):
-        pass
-    def notify(self):
-        pass
-    def notify_all(self):
-        pass
-    def wait(self, timeout=None):
-        pass
-    def release(self):
-        pass
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self.acquire()
-    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-        self.release()
 class DummyLock(object):
     def acquire(self):
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/conffixture.py b/oslo_messaging/conffixture.py
index 1312d66cf..0d05a5881 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/conffixture.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/conffixture.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ __all__ = ['ConfFixture']
 import sys
 import fixtures
+from functools import wraps
 def _import_opts(conf, module, opts, group=None):
@@ -50,9 +51,6 @@ class ConfFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
                      'oslo_messaging._drivers.amqp', 'amqp_opts',
-        _import_opts(self.conf,
-                     'oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_qpid', 'qpid_opts',
-                     'oslo_messaging_qpid')
                      'oslo_messaging._drivers.amqp', 'amqp_opts',
@@ -69,15 +67,63 @@ class ConfFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
         _import_opts(self.conf, 'oslo_messaging.rpc.client', '_client_opts')
         _import_opts(self.conf, 'oslo_messaging.transport', '_transport_opts')
-                     'oslo_messaging.notify.notifier', '_notifier_opts')
+                     'oslo_messaging.notify.notifier',
+                     '_notifier_opts',
+                     'oslo_messaging_notifications')
+    def _setup_decorator(self):
+        # Support older test cases that still use the set_override
+        # with the old config key names
+        def decorator_for_set_override(wrapped_function):
+            @wraps(wrapped_function)
+            def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+                group = 'oslo_messaging_notifications'
+                if args[0] == 'notification_driver':
+                    args = ('driver', args[1], group)
+                elif args[0] == 'notification_transport_url':
+                    args = ('transport_url', args[1], group)
+                elif args[0] == 'notification_topics':
+                    args = ('topics', args[1], group)
+                return wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs)
+            _wrapper.wrapped = wrapped_function
+            return _wrapper
+        def decorator_for_clear_override(wrapped_function):
+            @wraps(wrapped_function)
+            def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+                group = 'oslo_messaging_notifications'
+                if args[0] == 'notification_driver':
+                    args = ('driver', group)
+                elif args[0] == 'notification_transport_url':
+                    args = ('transport_url', group)
+                elif args[0] == 'notification_topics':
+                    args = ('topics', group)
+                return wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs)
+            _wrapper.wrapped = wrapped_function
+            return _wrapper
+        if not hasattr(self.conf.set_override, 'wrapped'):
+            self.conf.set_override = decorator_for_set_override(
+                self.conf.set_override)
+        if not hasattr(self.conf.clear_override, 'wrapped'):
+            self.conf.clear_override = decorator_for_clear_override(
+                self.conf.clear_override)
+    def _teardown_decorator(self):
+        if hasattr(self.conf.set_override, 'wrapped'):
+            self.conf.set_override = self.conf.set_override.wrapped
+        if hasattr(self.conf.clear_override, 'wrapped'):
+            self.conf.clear_override = self.conf.clear_override.wrapped
     def setUp(self):
         super(ConfFixture, self).setUp()
+        self._setup_decorator()
+        self.addCleanup(self._teardown_decorator)
     def transport_driver(self):
-        """The transport driver - for example 'rabbit', 'qpid' or 'fake'."""
+        """The transport driver - for example 'rabbit', 'amqp' or 'fake'."""
         return self.conf.rpc_backend
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/dispatcher.py b/oslo_messaging/dispatcher.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..780724416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/dispatcher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import abc
+import logging
+import six
+__all__ = [
+    "DispatcherBase",
+    "DispatcherExecutorContext"
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class DispatcherExecutorContext(object):
+    """Dispatcher executor context helper
+    A dispatcher can have work to do before and after the dispatch of the
+    request in the main server thread while the dispatcher itself can be
+    done in its own thread.
+    The executor can use the helper like this:
+        callback = dispatcher(incoming)
+        callback.prepare()
+        thread = MyWhateverThread()
+        thread.on_done(callback.done)
+        thread.run(callback.run)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, incoming, dispatch, executor_callback=None,
+                 post=None):
+        self._result = None
+        self._incoming = incoming
+        self._dispatch = dispatch
+        self._post = post
+        self._executor_callback = executor_callback
+    def run(self):
+        """The incoming message dispath itself
+        Can be run in an other thread/greenlet/corotine if the executor is
+        able to do it.
+        """
+        try:
+            self._result = self._dispatch(self._incoming,
+                                          self._executor_callback)
+        except Exception:
+            msg = 'The dispatcher method must catches all exceptions'
+            LOG.exception(msg)
+            raise RuntimeError(msg)
+    def done(self):
+        """Callback after the incoming message have been dispathed
+        Should be ran in the main executor thread/greenlet/corotine
+        """
+        # FIXME(sileht): this is not currently true, this works only because
+        # the driver connection used for polling write on the wire only to
+        # ack/requeue message, but what if one day, the driver do something
+        # else
+        if self._post is not None:
+            self._post(self._incoming, self._result)
+class DispatcherBase(object):
+    "Base class for dispatcher"
+    batch_size = 1
+    "Number of messages to wait before calling endpoints callacks"
+    batch_timeout = None
+    "Number of seconds to wait before calling endpoints callacks"
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def _listen(self, transport):
+        """Initiate the driver Listener
+        Usualy the driver Listener is start with the transport helper methods:
+        * transport._listen()
+        * transport._listen_for_notifications()
+        :param transport: the transport object
+        :type transport: oslo_messaging.transport.Transport
+        :returns: a driver Listener object
+        :rtype: oslo_messaging._drivers.base.Listener
+        """
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def __call__(self, incoming, executor_callback=None):
+        """Called by the executor to get the DispatcherExecutorContext
+        :param incoming: list of messages
+        :type incoming: oslo_messging._drivers.base.IncomingMessage
+        :returns: DispatcherExecutorContext
+        :rtype: DispatcherExecutorContext
+        """
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/__init__.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/__init__.py
index dd5304d46..912e63398 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/notify/__init__.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/__init__.py
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
 __all__ = ['Notifier',
+           'get_notification_transport',
+           'get_batch_notification_listener',
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_log.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_log.py
index 40833e96b..fa6e1f3cf 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_log.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_log.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #    under the License.
 import logging
+import warnings
 from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
 from oslo_utils import strutils
@@ -40,3 +41,7 @@ class LogDriver(notifier.Driver):
         method = getattr(logger, priority.lower(), None)
         if method:
+        else:
+            warnings.warn('Unable to log message as notify cannot find a '
+                          'logger with the priority specified '
+                          '%s' % priority.lower())
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_messaging.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_messaging.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f7c57113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_messaging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from debtcollector import removals
+from oslo_messaging.notify.messaging import *   # noqa
+# NOTE(mriedem): removal depends on how we can cap requirements in
+# stable/liberty such that neutron does not try to load this
+                        oslo_messaging.notify.messaging.__name__,
+                        removal_version='?')
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_routing.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_routing.py
index bf07e673e..3e89f8770 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_routing.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/_impl_routing.py
@@ -27,11 +27,13 @@ from oslo_messaging.notify import notifier
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-router_config = cfg.StrOpt('routing_notifier_config', default='',
+router_config = cfg.StrOpt('routing_config', default='',
+                           deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
+                           deprecated_name='routing_notifier_config',
                            help='RoutingNotifier configuration file location.')
 CONF = cfg.CONF
+CONF.register_opt(router_config, group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
 class RoutingDriver(notifier.Driver):
@@ -56,12 +58,12 @@ class RoutingDriver(notifier.Driver):
         """One-time load of notifier config file."""
         self.routing_groups = {}
         self.used_drivers = set()
-        filename = CONF.routing_notifier_config
+        filename = CONF.oslo_messaging_notifications.routing_config
         if not filename:
         # Infer which drivers are used from the config file.
-        self.routing_groups = yaml.load(
+        self.routing_groups = yaml.safe_load(
         if not self.routing_groups:
             self.routing_groups = {}  # In case we got None from load()
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/dispatcher.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/dispatcher.py
index 46d53035e..72287678d 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/notify/dispatcher.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/dispatcher.py
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
 import itertools
 import logging
-import sys
-from oslo_messaging import _utils as utils
+import six
+from oslo_messaging import dispatcher
 from oslo_messaging import localcontext
 from oslo_messaging import serializer as msg_serializer
@@ -33,17 +34,7 @@ class NotificationResult(object):
     REQUEUE = 'requeue'
-class NotificationDispatcher(object):
-    """A message dispatcher which understands Notification messages.
-    A MessageHandlingServer is constructed by passing a callable dispatcher
-    which is invoked with context and message dictionaries each time a message
-    is received.
-    NotifcationDispatcher is one such dispatcher which pass a raw notification
-    message to the endpoints
-    """
+class _NotificationDispatcherBase(dispatcher.DispatcherBase):
     def __init__(self, targets, endpoints, serializer, allow_requeue,
         self.targets = targets
@@ -65,21 +56,25 @@ class NotificationDispatcher(object):
     def _listen(self, transport):
+        transport._require_driver_features(requeue=self.allow_requeue)
         return transport._listen_for_notifications(self._targets_priorities,
     def __call__(self, incoming, executor_callback=None):
-        return utils.DispatcherExecutorContext(
+        return dispatcher.DispatcherExecutorContext(
             incoming, self._dispatch_and_handle_error,
-    @staticmethod
-    def _post_dispatch(incoming, result):
-        if result == NotificationResult.HANDLED:
-            incoming.acknowledge()
-        else:
-            incoming.requeue()
+    def _post_dispatch(self, incoming, requeues):
+        for m in incoming:
+            try:
+                if requeues and m in requeues:
+                    m.requeue()
+                else:
+                    m.acknowledge()
+            except Exception:
+                LOG.error("Fail to ack/requeue message", exc_info=True)
     def _dispatch_and_handle_error(self, incoming, executor_callback):
         """Dispatch a notification message to the appropriate endpoint method.
@@ -88,24 +83,59 @@ class NotificationDispatcher(object):
         :type ctxt: IncomingMessage
-            return self._dispatch(incoming.ctxt, incoming.message,
-                                  executor_callback)
+            return self._dispatch(incoming, executor_callback)
         except Exception:
-            # sys.exc_info() is deleted by LOG.exception().
-            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
-            LOG.error('Exception during message handling',
-                      exc_info=exc_info)
-            return NotificationResult.HANDLED
+            LOG.error('Exception during message handling', exc_info=True)
-    def _dispatch(self, ctxt, message, executor_callback=None):
-        """Dispatch an RPC message to the appropriate endpoint method.
-        :param ctxt: the request context
-        :type ctxt: dict
-        :param message: the message payload
-        :type message: dict
+    def _dispatch(self, incoming, executor_callback=None):
+        """Dispatch notification messages to the appropriate endpoint method.
-        ctxt = self.serializer.deserialize_context(ctxt)
+        messages_grouped = itertools.groupby((
+            self._extract_user_message(m)
+            for m in incoming), lambda x: x[0])
+        requeues = set()
+        for priority, messages in messages_grouped:
+            __, raw_messages, messages = six.moves.zip(*messages)
+            raw_messages = list(raw_messages)
+            messages = list(messages)
+            if priority not in PRIORITIES:
+                LOG.warning('Unknown priority "%s"', priority)
+                continue
+            for screen, callback in self._callbacks_by_priority.get(priority,
+                                                                    []):
+                if screen:
+                    filtered_messages = [message for message in messages
+                                         if screen.match(
+                                             message["ctxt"],
+                                             message["publisher_id"],
+                                             message["event_type"],
+                                             message["metadata"],
+                                             message["payload"])]
+                else:
+                    filtered_messages = messages
+                if not filtered_messages:
+                    continue
+                ret = self._exec_callback(executor_callback, callback,
+                                          filtered_messages)
+                if self.allow_requeue and ret == NotificationResult.REQUEUE:
+                    requeues.update(raw_messages)
+                    break
+        return requeues
+    def _exec_callback(self, executor_callback, callback, *args):
+        if executor_callback:
+            ret = executor_callback(callback, *args)
+        else:
+            ret = callback(*args)
+        return NotificationResult.HANDLED if ret is None else ret
+    def _extract_user_message(self, incoming):
+        ctxt = self.serializer.deserialize_context(incoming.ctxt)
+        message = incoming.message
         publisher_id = message.get('publisher_id')
         event_type = message.get('event_type')
@@ -114,28 +144,50 @@ class NotificationDispatcher(object):
             'timestamp': message.get('timestamp')
         priority = message.get('priority', '').lower()
-        if priority not in PRIORITIES:
-            LOG.warning('Unknown priority "%s"', priority)
-            return
         payload = self.serializer.deserialize_entity(ctxt,
+        return priority, incoming, dict(ctxt=ctxt,
+                                        publisher_id=publisher_id,
+                                        event_type=event_type,
+                                        payload=payload,
+                                        metadata=metadata)
-        for screen, callback in self._callbacks_by_priority.get(priority, []):
-            if screen and not screen.match(ctxt, publisher_id, event_type,
-                                           metadata, payload):
-                continue
-            localcontext._set_local_context(ctxt)
-            try:
-                if executor_callback:
-                    ret = executor_callback(callback, ctxt, publisher_id,
-                                            event_type, payload, metadata)
-                else:
-                    ret = callback(ctxt, publisher_id, event_type, payload,
-                                   metadata)
-                ret = NotificationResult.HANDLED if ret is None else ret
-                if self.allow_requeue and ret == NotificationResult.REQUEUE:
-                    return ret
-            finally:
-                localcontext._clear_local_context()
-        return NotificationResult.HANDLED
+class NotificationDispatcher(_NotificationDispatcherBase):
+    """A message dispatcher which understands Notification messages.
+    A MessageHandlingServer is constructed by passing a callable dispatcher
+    which is invoked with context and message dictionaries each time a message
+    is received.
+    """
+    def _exec_callback(self, executor_callback, callback, messages):
+        localcontext._set_local_context(
+            messages[0]["ctxt"])
+        try:
+            return super(NotificationDispatcher, self)._exec_callback(
+                executor_callback, callback,
+                messages[0]["ctxt"],
+                messages[0]["publisher_id"],
+                messages[0]["event_type"],
+                messages[0]["payload"],
+                messages[0]["metadata"])
+        finally:
+            localcontext._clear_local_context()
+class BatchNotificationDispatcher(_NotificationDispatcherBase):
+    """A message dispatcher which understands Notification messages.
+    A MessageHandlingServer is constructed by passing a callable dispatcher
+    which is invoked with a list of message dictionaries each time 'batch_size'
+    messages are received or 'batch_timeout' seconds is reached.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, targets, endpoints, serializer, allow_requeue,
+                 pool=None, batch_size=None, batch_timeout=None):
+        super(BatchNotificationDispatcher, self).__init__(targets, endpoints,
+                                                          serializer,
+                                                          allow_requeue,
+                                                          pool)
+        self.batch_size = batch_size
+        self.batch_timeout = batch_timeout
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/listener.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/listener.py
index 3460ef962..8855d5875 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/notify/listener.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/listener.py
@@ -19,12 +19,13 @@ contain a set of methods. Each method corresponds to a notification priority.
 To create a notification listener, you supply a transport, list of targets and
 a list of endpoints.
-A transport can be obtained simply by calling the get_transport() method::
+A transport can be obtained simply by calling the get_notification_transport()
-    transport = messaging.get_transport(conf)
+    transport = messaging.get_notification_transport(conf)
 which will load the appropriate transport driver according to the user's
-messaging configuration. See get_transport() for more details.
+messaging configuration. See get_notification_transport() for more details.
 The target supplied when creating a notification listener expresses the topic
 and - optionally - the exchange to listen on. See Target for more details
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ A simple example of a notification listener with multiple endpoints might be::
         def error(self, ctxt, publisher_id, event_type, payload, metadata):
-    transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF)
+    transport = oslo_messaging.get_notification_transport(cfg.CONF)
     targets = [
@@ -136,8 +137,49 @@ def get_notification_listener(transport, targets, endpoints,
     :type pool: str
     :raises: NotImplementedError
-    transport._require_driver_features(requeue=allow_requeue)
     dispatcher = notify_dispatcher.NotificationDispatcher(targets, endpoints,
                                                           allow_requeue, pool)
     return msg_server.MessageHandlingServer(transport, dispatcher, executor)
+def get_batch_notification_listener(transport, targets, endpoints,
+                                    executor='blocking', serializer=None,
+                                    allow_requeue=False, pool=None,
+                                    batch_size=None, batch_timeout=None):
+    """Construct a batch notification listener
+    The executor parameter controls how incoming messages will be received and
+    dispatched. By default, the most simple executor is used - the blocking
+    executor.
+    If the eventlet executor is used, the threading and time library need to be
+    monkeypatched.
+    :param transport: the messaging transport
+    :type transport: Transport
+    :param targets: the exchanges and topics to listen on
+    :type targets: list of Target
+    :param endpoints: a list of endpoint objects
+    :type endpoints: list
+    :param executor: name of a message executor - for example
+                     'eventlet', 'blocking'
+    :type executor: str
+    :param serializer: an optional entity serializer
+    :type serializer: Serializer
+    :param allow_requeue: whether NotificationResult.REQUEUE support is needed
+    :type allow_requeue: bool
+    :param pool: the pool name
+    :type pool: str
+    :param batch_size: number of messages to wait before calling
+                       endpoints callacks
+    :type batch_size: int
+    :param batch_timeout: number of seconds to wait before calling
+                       endpoints callacks
+    :type batch_timeout: int
+    :raises: NotImplementedError
+    """
+    dispatcher = notify_dispatcher.BatchNotificationDispatcher(
+        targets, endpoints, serializer, allow_requeue, pool,
+        batch_size, batch_timeout)
+    return msg_server.MessageHandlingServer(transport, dispatcher, executor)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/log_handler.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/log_handler.py
index 2137a8c17..8dc8454b5 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/notify/log_handler.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/log_handler.py
@@ -21,14 +21,15 @@ class LoggingErrorNotificationHandler(logging.Handler):
         # at runtime.
         import oslo_messaging
         logging.Handler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-        self._transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF)
+        self._transport = oslo_messaging.get_notification_transport(cfg.CONF)
         self._notifier = oslo_messaging.Notifier(
     def emit(self, record):
+        conf = self._transport.conf
         # NOTE(bnemec): Notifier registers this opt with the transport.
-        if ('log' in self._transport.conf.notification_driver):
+        if ('log' in conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.driver):
             # NOTE(lbragstad): If we detect that log is one of the
             # notification drivers, then return. This protects from infinite
             # recursion where something bad happens, it gets logged, the log
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/logger.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/logger.py
index 3748533b8..b4e48df0f 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/notify/logger.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/logger.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import logging
 from oslo_config import cfg
 from oslo_messaging.notify import notifier
-from oslo_messaging import transport
 class LoggingNotificationHandler(logging.Handler):
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ class LoggingNotificationHandler(logging.Handler):
-      args=('qpid:///')
+      args=('rabbit:///')
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ class LoggingNotificationHandler(logging.Handler):
     def __init__(self, url, publisher_id=None, driver=None,
                  topic=None, serializer=None):
         self.notifier = notifier.Notifier(
-            transport.get_transport(self.CONF, url),
+            notifier.get_notification_transport(self.CONF, url),
             publisher_id, driver,
             serializer() if serializer else None)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/middleware.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/middleware.py
index 9c6c34294..60aab278b 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/notify/middleware.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/middleware.py
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import sys
 import traceback as tb
 from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_context import context
 from oslo_middleware import base
 import six
 import webob.dec
@@ -59,7 +58,8 @@ class RequestNotifier(base.Middleware):
     def __init__(self, app, **conf):
         self.notifier = notify.Notifier(
-            oslo_messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF, conf.get('url')),
+            oslo_messaging.get_notification_transport(cfg.CONF,
+                                                      conf.get('url')),
         self.service_name = conf.get('service_name')
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class RequestNotifier(base.Middleware):
             'request': self.environ_to_dict(request.environ),
-        self.notifier.info(context.get_admin_context(),
+        self.notifier.info({},
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class RequestNotifier(base.Middleware):
                 'traceback': tb.format_tb(traceback)
-        self.notifier.info(context.get_admin_context(),
+        self.notifier.info({},
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/notify/notifier.py b/oslo_messaging/notify/notifier.py
index cc8a33868..cc4f2eb8f 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/notify/notifier.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/notify/notifier.py
@@ -25,17 +25,30 @@ import six
 from stevedore import named
 from oslo_messaging import serializer as msg_serializer
+from oslo_messaging import transport as msg_transport
 _notifier_opts = [
-    cfg.MultiStrOpt('notification_driver',
+    cfg.MultiStrOpt('driver',
+                    deprecated_name='notification_driver',
+                    deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
                     help='The Drivers(s) to handle sending notifications. '
                          'Possible values are messaging, messagingv2, '
                          'routing, log, test, noop'),
-    cfg.ListOpt('notification_topics',
+    cfg.StrOpt('transport_url',
+               deprecated_name='notification_transport_url',
+               deprecated_group='DEFAULT',
+               help='A URL representing the messaging driver to use for '
+                    'notifications. If not set, we fall back to the same '
+                    'configuration used for RPC.'),
+    cfg.ListOpt('topics',
                 default=['notifications', ],
-                deprecated_name='topics',
-                deprecated_group='rpc_notifier2',
+                deprecated_opts=[
+                    cfg.DeprecatedOpt('topics',
+                                      group='rpc_notifier2'),
+                    cfg.DeprecatedOpt('notification_topics',
+                                      group='DEFAULT')
+                ],
                 help='AMQP topic used for OpenStack notifications.'),
@@ -75,6 +88,16 @@ class Driver(object):
+def get_notification_transport(conf, url=None,
+                               allowed_remote_exmods=None, aliases=None):
+    conf.register_opts(_notifier_opts,
+                       group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
+    if url is None:
+        url = conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.transport_url
+    return msg_transport.get_transport(conf, url,
+                                       allowed_remote_exmods, aliases)
 class Notifier(object):
     """Send notification messages.
@@ -94,16 +117,18 @@ class Notifier(object):
     A Notifier object can be instantiated with a transport object and a
     publisher ID:
-        notifier = messaging.Notifier(get_transport(CONF), 'compute')
+        notifier = messaging.Notifier(get_notification_transport(CONF),
+                                      'compute')
-    and notifications are sent via drivers chosen with the notification_driver
-    config option and on the topics chosen with the notification_topics config
-    option.
+    and notifications are sent via drivers chosen with the driver
+    config option and on the topics chosen with the topics config
+    option in [oslo_messaging_notifications] section.
     Alternatively, a Notifier object can be instantiated with a specific
     driver or topic::
-        notifier = notifier.Notifier(RPC_TRANSPORT,
+        transport = notifier.get_notification_transport(CONF)
+        notifier = notifier.Notifier(transport,
@@ -138,24 +163,26 @@ class Notifier(object):
                       N means N retries
         :type retry: int
-        transport.conf.register_opts(_notifier_opts)
+        conf = transport.conf
+        conf.register_opts(_notifier_opts,
+                           group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         self.transport = transport
         self.publisher_id = publisher_id
         self.retry = retry
-        self._driver_names = ([driver] if driver is not None
-                              else transport.conf.notification_driver)
+        self._driver_names = ([driver] if driver is not None else
+                              conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.driver)
-        self._topics = ([topic] if topic is not None
-                        else transport.conf.notification_topics)
+        self._topics = ([topic] if topic is not None else
+                        conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.topics)
         self._serializer = serializer or msg_serializer.NoOpSerializer()
         self._driver_mgr = named.NamedExtensionManager(
-            invoke_args=[transport.conf],
+            invoke_args=[conf],
                 'topics': self._topics,
                 'transport': self.transport,
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/opts.py b/oslo_messaging/opts.py
index c5856595d..263c59f68 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/opts.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/opts.py
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ import itertools
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqp
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import base as drivers_base
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_qpid
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_rabbit
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_zmq
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import opts as amqp_opts
@@ -48,8 +47,6 @@ _opts = [
     ('oslo_messaging_amqp', amqp_opts.amqp1_opts),
     ('oslo_messaging_rabbit', list(itertools.chain(amqp.amqp_opts,
-    ('oslo_messaging_qpid', list(itertools.chain(amqp.amqp_opts,
-                                                 impl_qpid.qpid_opts)))
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/rpc/client.py b/oslo_messaging/rpc/client.py
index 04992288f..7beea841e 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/rpc/client.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/rpc/client.py
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class RPCClient(object):
         class TestClient(object):
             def __init__(self, transport):
-                target = messaging.Target(topic='testtopic', version='2.0')
+                target = messaging.Target(topic='test', version='2.0')
                 self._client = messaging.RPCClient(transport, target)
             def test(self, ctxt, arg):
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class RPCClient(object):
     For example::
         transport = messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF)
-        target = messaging.Target(topic='testtopic', version='2.0')
+        target = messaging.Target(topic='test', version='2.0')
         client = messaging.RPCClient(transport, target)
         client.call(ctxt, 'test', arg=arg)
@@ -356,6 +356,10 @@ class RPCClient(object):
         Similarly, the request context must be a dict unless the client's
         serializer supports serializing another type.
+        Note: cast doesn't ensure the remote method to be been executed
+        on each destination. But ensures that it will be not executed twice
+        on a destination.
         :param ctxt: a request context dict
         :type ctxt: dict
         :param method: the method name
@@ -392,6 +396,12 @@ class RPCClient(object):
         allowed_remote_exmods list, then a messaging.RemoteError exception is
         raised with all details of the remote exception.
+        Note: call is done 'at-most-once'. In case of we can't known
+        if the call have been done correctly, because we didn't get the
+        response on time, MessagingTimeout exception is raised.
+        The real reason can vary, transport failure, worker
+        doesn't answer in time or crash, ...
         :param ctxt: a request context dict
         :type ctxt: dict
         :param method: the method name
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py b/oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py
index 6913e7afe..5ff0610ad 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/rpc/dispatcher.py
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import six
 from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LE
 from oslo_messaging import _utils as utils
+from oslo_messaging import dispatcher
 from oslo_messaging import localcontext
 from oslo_messaging import serializer as msg_serializer
 from oslo_messaging import server as msg_server
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ class UnsupportedVersion(RPCDispatcherError):
         self.method = method
-class RPCDispatcher(object):
+class RPCDispatcher(dispatcher.DispatcherBase):
     """A message dispatcher which understands RPC messages.
     A MessageHandlingServer is constructed by passing a callable dispatcher
@@ -130,9 +131,9 @@ class RPCDispatcher(object):
         return self.serializer.serialize_entity(ctxt, result)
     def __call__(self, incoming, executor_callback=None):
-        incoming.acknowledge()
-        return utils.DispatcherExecutorContext(
-            incoming, self._dispatch_and_reply,
+        incoming[0].acknowledge()
+        return dispatcher.DispatcherExecutorContext(
+            incoming[0], self._dispatch_and_reply,
     def _dispatch_and_reply(self, incoming, executor_callback):
@@ -145,7 +146,9 @@ class RPCDispatcher(object):
             incoming.reply(failure=e.exc_info, log_failure=False)
         except Exception as e:
-            # sys.exc_info() is deleted by LOG.exception().
+            # current sys.exc_info() content can be overriden
+            # by another exception raise by a log handler during
+            # LOG.exception(). So keep a copy and delete it later.
             exc_info = sys.exc_info()
             LOG.error(_LE('Exception during message handling: %s'), e,
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/rpc/server.py b/oslo_messaging/rpc/server.py
index 855e3d9a6..74dbede44 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/rpc/server.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/rpc/server.py
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ A simple example of an RPC server with multiple endpoints might be::
     from oslo_config import cfg
     import oslo_messaging
+    import time
     class ServerControlEndpoint(object):
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ A simple example of an RPC server with multiple endpoints might be::
             self.server = server
         def stop(self, ctx):
-            if server:
+            if self.server:
     class TestEndpoint(object):
@@ -70,7 +71,14 @@ A simple example of an RPC server with multiple endpoints might be::
     server = oslo_messaging.get_rpc_server(transport, target, endpoints,
-    server.start()
+    try:
+        server.start()
+        while True:
+            time.sleep(1)
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        print("Stopping server")
+    server.stop()
 Clients can invoke methods on the server by sending the request to a topic and
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/serializer.py b/oslo_messaging/serializer.py
index b1761fd83..8b7c0a7a3 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/serializer.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/serializer.py
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ __all__ = ['Serializer', 'NoOpSerializer', 'JsonPayloadSerializer',
 import abc
+from debtcollector import removals
 from oslo_context import context as common_context
 from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
 import six
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ class Serializer(object):
+@removals.remove(version="2.9", removal_version="3.0")
 class RequestContextSerializer(Serializer):
     def __init__(self, base):
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/server.py b/oslo_messaging/server.py
index 476e899cd..6b4e50a0c 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/server.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/server.py
@@ -23,20 +23,25 @@ __all__ = [
+import functools
+import inspect
 import logging
 import threading
+import traceback
 from oslo_service import service
 from oslo_utils import timeutils
 from stevedore import driver
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import base as driver_base
-from oslo_messaging._i18n import _LW
-from oslo_messaging import _utils
 from oslo_messaging import exceptions
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# The default number of seconds of waiting after which we will emit a log
+# message
 class MessagingServerError(exceptions.MessagingException):
     """Base class for all MessageHandlingServer exceptions."""
@@ -62,7 +67,223 @@ class ServerListenError(MessagingServerError):
         self.ex = ex
-class MessageHandlingServer(service.ServiceBase):
+class TaskTimeout(MessagingServerError):
+    """Raised if we timed out waiting for a task to complete."""
+class _OrderedTask(object):
+    """A task which must be executed in a particular order.
+    A caller may wait for this task to complete by calling
+    `wait_for_completion`.
+    A caller may run this task with `run_once`, which will ensure that however
+    many times the task is called it only runs once. Simultaneous callers will
+    block until the running task completes, which means that any caller can be
+    sure that the task has completed after run_once returns.
+    """
+    INIT = 0      # The task has not yet started
+    RUNNING = 1   # The task is running somewhere
+    COMPLETE = 2  # The task has run somewhere
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        """Create a new _OrderedTask.
+        :param name: The name of this task. Used in log messages.
+        """
+        super(_OrderedTask, self).__init__()
+        self._name = name
+        self._cond = threading.Condition()
+        self._state = self.INIT
+    def _wait(self, condition, msg, log_after, timeout_timer):
+        """Wait while condition() is true. Write a log message if condition()
+        has not become false within `log_after` seconds. Raise TaskTimeout if
+        timeout_timer expires while waiting.
+        """
+        log_timer = None
+        if log_after != 0:
+            log_timer = timeutils.StopWatch(duration=log_after)
+            log_timer.start()
+        while condition():
+            if log_timer is not None and log_timer.expired():
+                LOG.warn('Possible hang: %s' % msg)
+                LOG.debug(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))
+                # Only log once. After than we wait indefinitely without
+                # logging.
+                log_timer = None
+            if timeout_timer is not None and timeout_timer.expired():
+                raise TaskTimeout(msg)
+            timeouts = []
+            if log_timer is not None:
+                timeouts.append(log_timer.leftover())
+            if timeout_timer is not None:
+                timeouts.append(timeout_timer.leftover())
+            wait = None
+            if timeouts:
+                wait = min(timeouts)
+            self._cond.wait(wait)
+    @property
+    def complete(self):
+        return self._state == self.COMPLETE
+    def wait_for_completion(self, caller, log_after, timeout_timer):
+        """Wait until this task has completed.
+        :param caller: The name of the task which is waiting.
+        :param log_after: Emit a log message if waiting longer than `log_after`
+                          seconds.
+        :param timeout_timer: Raise TaskTimeout if StopWatch object
+                              `timeout_timer` expires while waiting.
+        """
+        with self._cond:
+            msg = '%s is waiting for %s to complete' % (caller, self._name)
+            self._wait(lambda: not self.complete,
+                       msg, log_after, timeout_timer)
+    def run_once(self, fn, log_after, timeout_timer):
+        """Run a task exactly once. If it is currently running in another
+        thread, wait for it to complete. If it has already run, return
+        immediately without running it again.
+        :param fn: The task to run. It must be a callable taking no arguments.
+                   It may optionally return another callable, which also takes
+                   no arguments, which will be executed after completion has
+                   been signaled to other threads.
+        :param log_after: Emit a log message if waiting longer than `log_after`
+                          seconds.
+        :param timeout_timer: Raise TaskTimeout if StopWatch object
+                              `timeout_timer` expires while waiting.
+        """
+        with self._cond:
+            if self._state == self.INIT:
+                self._state = self.RUNNING
+                # Note that nothing waits on RUNNING, so no need to notify
+                # We need to release the condition lock before calling out to
+                # prevent deadlocks. Reacquire it immediately afterwards.
+                self._cond.release()
+                try:
+                    post_fn = fn()
+                finally:
+                    self._cond.acquire()
+                    self._state = self.COMPLETE
+                    self._cond.notify_all()
+                if post_fn is not None:
+                    # Release the condition lock before calling out to prevent
+                    # deadlocks. Reacquire it immediately afterwards.
+                    self._cond.release()
+                    try:
+                        post_fn()
+                    finally:
+                        self._cond.acquire()
+            elif self._state == self.RUNNING:
+                msg = ('%s is waiting for another thread to complete'
+                       % self._name)
+                self._wait(lambda: self._state == self.RUNNING,
+                           msg, log_after, timeout_timer)
+class _OrderedTaskRunner(object):
+    """Mixin for a class which executes ordered tasks."""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(_OrderedTaskRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        # Get a list of methods on this object which have the _ordered
+        # attribute
+        self._tasks = [name
+                       for (name, member) in inspect.getmembers(self)
+                       if inspect.ismethod(member) and
+                       getattr(member, '_ordered', False)]
+        self.reset_states()
+        self._reset_lock = threading.Lock()
+    def reset_states(self):
+        # Create new task states for tasks in reset
+        self._states = {task: _OrderedTask(task) for task in self._tasks}
+    @staticmethod
+    def decorate_ordered(fn, state, after, reset_after):
+        @functools.wraps(fn)
+        def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            # If the reset_after state has already completed, reset state so
+            # we can run again.
+            # NOTE(mdbooth): This is ugly and requires external locking to be
+            # deterministic when using multiple threads. Consider a thread that
+            # does: server.stop(), server.wait(). If another thread causes a
+            # reset between stop() and wait(), this will not have the intended
+            # behaviour. It is safe without external locking, if the caller
+            # instantiates a new object.
+            with self._reset_lock:
+                if (reset_after is not None and
+                        self._states[reset_after].complete):
+                    self.reset_states()
+            # Store the states we started with in case the state wraps on us
+            # while we're sleeping. We must wait and run_once in the same
+            # epoch. If the epoch ended while we were sleeping, run_once will
+            # safely do nothing.
+            states = self._states
+            log_after = kwargs.pop('log_after', DEFAULT_LOG_AFTER)
+            timeout = kwargs.pop('timeout', None)
+            timeout_timer = None
+            if timeout is not None:
+                timeout_timer = timeutils.StopWatch(duration=timeout)
+                timeout_timer.start()
+            # Wait for the given preceding state to complete
+            if after is not None:
+                states[after].wait_for_completion(state,
+                                                  log_after, timeout_timer)
+            # Run this state
+            states[state].run_once(lambda: fn(self, *args, **kwargs),
+                                   log_after, timeout_timer)
+        return wrapper
+def ordered(after=None, reset_after=None):
+    """A method which will be executed as an ordered task. The method will be
+    called exactly once, however many times it is called. If it is called
+    multiple times simultaneously it will only be called once, but all callers
+    will wait until execution is complete.
+    If `after` is given, this method will not run until `after` has completed.
+    If `reset_after` is given and the target method has completed, allow this
+    task to run again by resetting all task states.
+    :param after: Optionally, the name of another `ordered` method. Wait for
+                  the completion of `after` before executing this method.
+    :param reset_after: Optionally, the name of another `ordered` method. Reset
+                        all states when calling this method if `reset_after`
+                        has completed.
+    """
+    def _ordered(fn):
+        # Set an attribute on the method so we can find it later
+        setattr(fn, '_ordered', True)
+        state = fn.__name__
+        return _OrderedTaskRunner.decorate_ordered(fn, state, after,
+                                                   reset_after)
+    return _ordered
+class MessageHandlingServer(service.ServiceBase, _OrderedTaskRunner):
     """Server for handling messages.
     Connect a transport to a dispatcher that knows how to process the
@@ -94,29 +315,20 @@ class MessageHandlingServer(service.ServiceBase):
         self.dispatcher = dispatcher
         self.executor = executor
-        # NOTE(sileht): we use a lock to protect the state change of the
-        # server, we don't want to call stop until the transport driver
-        # is fully started. Except for the blocking executor that have
-        # start() that doesn't return
-        if self.executor != "blocking":
-            self._state_cond = threading.Condition()
-            self._dummy_cond = False
-        else:
-            self._state_cond = _utils.DummyCondition()
-            self._dummy_cond = True
             mgr = driver.DriverManager('oslo.messaging.executors',
         except RuntimeError as ex:
             raise ExecutorLoadFailure(self.executor, ex)
-        else:
-            self._executor_cls = mgr.driver
-            self._executor = None
-            self._running = False
+        self._executor_cls = mgr.driver
+        self._executor_obj = None
+        self._started = False
         super(MessageHandlingServer, self).__init__()
+    @ordered(reset_after='stop')
     def start(self):
         """Start handling incoming messages.
@@ -131,21 +343,30 @@ class MessageHandlingServer(service.ServiceBase):
         choose to dispatch messages in a new thread, coroutine or simply the
         current thread.
-        if self._executor is not None:
-            return
-        with self._state_cond:
-            if self._executor is not None:
-                return
-            try:
-                listener = self.dispatcher._listen(self.transport)
-            except driver_base.TransportDriverError as ex:
-                raise ServerListenError(self.target, ex)
-            self._running = True
-            self._executor = self._executor_cls(self.conf, listener,
-                                                self.dispatcher)
-            self._executor.start()
-            self._state_cond.notify_all()
+        # Warn that restarting will be deprecated
+        if self._started:
+            LOG.warn('Restarting a MessageHandlingServer is inherently racy. '
+                     'It is deprecated, and will become a noop in a future '
+                     'release of oslo.messaging. If you need to restart '
+                     'MessageHandlingServer you should instantiate a new '
+                     'object.')
+        self._started = True
+        try:
+            listener = self.dispatcher._listen(self.transport)
+        except driver_base.TransportDriverError as ex:
+            raise ServerListenError(self.target, ex)
+        executor = self._executor_cls(self.conf, listener, self.dispatcher)
+        executor.start()
+        self._executor_obj = executor
+        if self.executor == 'blocking':
+            # N.B. This will be executed unlocked and unordered, so
+            # we can't rely on the value of self._executor_obj when this runs.
+            # We explicitly pass the local variable.
+            return lambda: executor.execute()
+    @ordered(after='start')
     def stop(self):
         """Stop handling incoming messages.
@@ -154,12 +375,9 @@ class MessageHandlingServer(service.ServiceBase):
         some messages, and underlying driver resources associated to this
         server are still in use. See 'wait' for more details.
-        with self._state_cond:
-            if self._executor is not None:
-                self._running = False
-                self._executor.stop()
-            self._state_cond.notify_all()
+        self._executor_obj.stop()
+    @ordered(after='stop')
     def wait(self):
         """Wait for message processing to complete.
@@ -170,37 +388,12 @@ class MessageHandlingServer(service.ServiceBase):
         Once it's finished, the underlying driver resources associated to this
         server are released (like closing useless network connections).
-        with self._state_cond:
-            if self._running:
-                LOG.warn(_LW("wait() should be called after stop() as it "
-                             "waits for existing messages to finish "
-                             "processing"))
-                w = timeutils.StopWatch()
-                w.start()
-                while self._running:
-                    # NOTE(harlowja): 1.0 seconds was mostly chosen at
-                    # random, but it seems like a reasonable value to
-                    # use to avoid spamming the logs with to much
-                    # information.
-                    self._state_cond.wait(1.0)
-                    if self._running and not self._dummy_cond:
-                        LOG.warn(
-                            _LW("wait() should have been called"
-                                " after stop() as wait() waits for existing"
-                                " messages to finish processing, it has"
-                                " been %0.2f seconds and stop() still has"
-                                " not been called"), w.elapsed())
-            executor = self._executor
-            self._executor = None
-        if executor is not None:
-            # We are the lucky calling thread to wait on the executor to
-            # actually finish.
-            try:
-                executor.wait()
-            finally:
-                # Close listener connection after processing all messages
-                executor.listener.cleanup()
-                executor = None
+        try:
+            self._executor_obj.wait()
+        finally:
+            # Close listener connection after processing all messages
+            self._executor_obj.listener.cleanup()
+            self._executor_obj = None
     def reset(self):
         """Reset service.
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_kafka.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_kafka.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcbab0a88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_kafka.py
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import json
+import kafka
+from kafka.common import KafkaError
+import mock
+import testscenarios
+from testtools.testcase import unittest
+import time
+import oslo_messaging
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as driver_common
+from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_kafka as kafka_driver
+from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
+load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
+KAFKA_BROKER = 'localhost:9092'
+KAFKA_BROKER_URL = 'kafka://localhost:9092'
+def _is_kafka_service_running():
+    """Checks whether the Kafka service is running or not"""
+    kafka_running = True
+    try:
+        broker = KAFKA_BROKER
+        kafka.KafkaClient(broker)
+    except KafkaError:
+        # Kafka service is not running.
+        kafka_running = False
+    return kafka_running
+class TestKafkaDriverLoad(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestKafkaDriverLoad, self).setUp()
+        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'kafka'
+    def test_driver_load(self):
+        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf)
+        self.assertIsInstance(transport._driver, kafka_driver.KafkaDriver)
+class TestKafkaTransportURL(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    scenarios = [
+        ('none', dict(url=None,
+                      expected=[dict(host='localhost', port=9092)])),
+        ('empty', dict(url='kafka:///',
+                       expected=[dict(host='localhost', port=9092)])),
+        ('host', dict(url='kafka://',
+                      expected=[dict(host='', port=9092)])),
+        ('port', dict(url='kafka://localhost:1234',
+                      expected=[dict(host='localhost', port=1234)])),
+    ]
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestKafkaTransportURL, self).setUp()
+        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'kafka'
+    def test_transport_url(self):
+        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, self.url)
+        self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
+        driver = transport._driver
+        conn = driver._get_connection(kafka_driver.PURPOSE_SEND)
+        self.assertEqual(self.expected[0]['host'], conn.host)
+        self.assertEqual(self.expected[0]['port'], conn.port)
+class TestKafkaDriver(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    """Unit Test cases to test the kafka driver
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestKafkaDriver, self).setUp()
+        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'kafka'
+        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf)
+        self.driver = transport._driver
+    def test_send(self):
+        target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="topic_test")
+        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError,
+                          self.driver.send, target, {}, {})
+    def test_send_notification(self):
+        target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="topic_test")
+        with mock.patch.object(
+                kafka_driver.Connection, 'notify_send') as fake_send:
+            self.driver.send_notification(target, {}, {}, None)
+            self.assertEquals(1, len(fake_send.mock_calls))
+    def test_listen(self):
+        target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="topic_test")
+        self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.driver.listen, target)
+class TestKafkaConnection(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestKafkaConnection, self).setUp()
+        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'kafka'
+        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf)
+        self.driver = transport._driver
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_ensure_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_send')
+    def test_notify(self, fake_send, fake_ensure_connection):
+        conn = self.driver._get_connection(kafka_driver.PURPOSE_SEND)
+        conn.notify_send("fake_topic", {"fake_ctxt": "fake_param"},
+                         {"fake_text": "fake_message_1"}, 10)
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(fake_send.mock_calls))
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_ensure_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_send')
+    def test_notify_with_retry(self, fake_send, fake_ensure_connection):
+        conn = self.driver._get_connection(kafka_driver.PURPOSE_SEND)
+        fake_send.side_effect = KafkaError("fake_exception")
+        conn.notify_send("fake_topic", {"fake_ctxt": "fake_param"},
+                         {"fake_text": "fake_message_2"}, 10)
+        self.assertEqual(10, len(fake_send.mock_calls))
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_ensure_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_parse_url')
+    def test_consume(self, fake_parse_url, fake_ensure_connection):
+        fake_message = {
+            "context": {"fake": "fake_context_1"},
+            "message": {"fake": "fake_message_1"}}
+        conn = kafka_driver.Connection(
+            self.conf, '', kafka_driver.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
+        conn.consumer = mock.MagicMock()
+        conn.consumer.fetch_messages = mock.MagicMock(
+            return_value=iter([json.dumps(fake_message)]))
+        self.assertEqual(fake_message, json.loads(conn.consume()[0]))
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(conn.consumer.fetch_messages.mock_calls))
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_ensure_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_parse_url')
+    def test_consume_timeout(self, fake_parse_url, fake_ensure_connection):
+        deadline = time.time() + 3
+        conn = kafka_driver.Connection(
+            self.conf, '', kafka_driver.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
+        conn.consumer = mock.MagicMock()
+        conn.consumer.fetch_messages = mock.MagicMock(return_value=iter([]))
+        self.assertRaises(driver_common.Timeout, conn.consume, timeout=3)
+        self.assertEqual(0, int(deadline - time.time()))
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_ensure_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_parse_url')
+    def test_consume_with_default_timeout(
+            self, fake_parse_url, fake_ensure_connection):
+        deadline = time.time() + 1
+        conn = kafka_driver.Connection(
+            self.conf, '', kafka_driver.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
+        conn.consumer = mock.MagicMock()
+        conn.consumer.fetch_messages = mock.MagicMock(return_value=iter([]))
+        self.assertRaises(driver_common.Timeout, conn.consume)
+        self.assertEqual(0, int(deadline - time.time()))
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_ensure_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_parse_url')
+    def test_consume_timeout_without_consumers(
+            self, fake_parse_url, fake_ensure_connection):
+        deadline = time.time() + 3
+        conn = kafka_driver.Connection(
+            self.conf, '', kafka_driver.PURPOSE_LISTEN)
+        conn.consumer = mock.MagicMock(return_value=None)
+        self.assertRaises(driver_common.Timeout, conn.consume, timeout=3)
+        self.assertEqual(0, int(deadline - time.time()))
+class TestKafkaListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestKafkaListener, self).setUp()
+        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'kafka'
+        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf)
+        self.driver = transport._driver
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_ensure_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, 'declare_topic_consumer')
+    def test_create_listener(self, fake_consumer, fake_ensure_connection):
+        fake_target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic='fake_topic')
+        fake_targets_and_priorities = [(fake_target, 'info')]
+        listener = self.driver.listen_for_notifications(
+            fake_targets_and_priorities)
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(fake_consumer.mock_calls))
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, '_ensure_connection')
+    @mock.patch.object(kafka_driver.Connection, 'declare_topic_consumer')
+    def test_stop_listener(self, fake_consumer, fake_client):
+        fake_target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic='fake_topic')
+        fake_targets_and_priorities = [(fake_target, 'info')]
+        listener = self.driver.listen_for_notifications(
+            fake_targets_and_priorities)
+        listener.conn.consume = mock.MagicMock()
+        listener.conn.consume.return_value = (
+            iter([kafka.common.KafkaMessage(
+                topic='fake_topic', partition=0, offset=0,
+                key=None, value='{"message": {"fake": "fake_message_1"},'
+                                '"context": {"fake": "fake_context_1"}}')]))
+        listener.poll()
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(listener.conn.consume.mock_calls))
+        listener.conn.stop_consuming = mock.MagicMock()
+        listener.stop()
+        fake_response = listener.poll()
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(listener.conn.consume.mock_calls))
+        self.assertEqual([], fake_response)
+class TestWithRealKafkaBroker(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestWithRealKafkaBroker, self).setUp()
+        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'kafka'
+        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, KAFKA_BROKER_URL)
+        self.driver = transport._driver
+    @unittest.skipUnless(
+        _is_kafka_service_running(), "Kafka service is not available")
+    def test_send_and_recieve_message(self):
+        target = oslo_messaging.Target(
+            topic="fake_topic", exchange='fake_exchange')
+        targets_and_priorities = [(target, 'fake_info')]
+        listener = self.driver.listen_for_notifications(
+            targets_and_priorities)
+        fake_context = {"fake_context_key": "fake_context_value"}
+        fake_message = {"fake_message_key": "fake_message_value"}
+        self.driver.send_notification(
+            target, fake_context, fake_message, None)
+        received_message = listener.poll()[0]
+        self.assertEqual(fake_context, received_message.ctxt)
+        self.assertEqual(fake_message, received_message.message)
+    @unittest.skipUnless(
+        _is_kafka_service_running(), "Kafka service is not available")
+    def test_send_and_recieve_message_without_exchange(self):
+        target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="fake_no_exchange_topic")
+        targets_and_priorities = [(target, 'fake_info')]
+        listener = self.driver.listen_for_notifications(
+            targets_and_priorities)
+        fake_context = {"fake_context_key": "fake_context_value"}
+        fake_message = {"fake_message_key": "fake_message_value"}
+        self.driver.send_notification(
+            target, fake_context, fake_message, None)
+        received_message = listener.poll()[0]
+        self.assertEqual(fake_context, received_message.ctxt)
+        self.assertEqual(fake_message, received_message.message)
+    @unittest.skipUnless(
+        _is_kafka_service_running(), "Kafka service is not available")
+    def test_recieve_message_from_empty_topic_with_timeout(self):
+        target = oslo_messaging.Target(
+            topic="fake_empty_topic", exchange='fake_empty_exchange')
+        targets_and_priorities = [(target, 'fake_info')]
+        listener = self.driver.listen_for_notifications(
+            targets_and_priorities)
+        deadline = time.time() + 3
+        received_message = listener.poll(timeout=3)
+        self.assertEqual(0, int(deadline - time.time()))
+        self.assertEqual(None, received_message)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_qpid.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_qpid.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eb0bb244..000000000
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_qpid.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,850 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 eNovance SAS <licensing@enovance.com>
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import operator
-import random
-import threading
-import time
-    import qpid
-except ImportError:
-    qpid = None
-from six.moves import _thread
-import testscenarios
-import testtools
-import oslo_messaging
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqp
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_qpid as qpid_driver
-from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
-from six.moves import mock
-load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
-QPID_BROKER = 'localhost:5672'
-class TestQpidDriverLoad(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestQpidDriverLoad, self).setUp()
-        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'qpid'
-    def test_driver_load(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf)
-        self.assertIsInstance(transport._driver, qpid_driver.QpidDriver)
-def _is_qpidd_service_running():
-    """this function checks if the qpid service is running or not."""
-    qpid_running = True
-    try:
-        broker = QPID_BROKER
-        connection = qpid.messaging.Connection(broker)
-        connection.open()
-    except Exception:
-        # qpid service is not running.
-        qpid_running = False
-    else:
-        connection.close()
-    return qpid_running
-class _QpidBaseTestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-    @testtools.skipIf(qpid is None, "qpid not available")
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(_QpidBaseTestCase, self).setUp()
-        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'qpid'
-        self.fake_qpid = not _is_qpidd_service_running()
-        if self.fake_qpid:
-            self.session_receive = get_fake_qpid_session()
-            self.session_send = get_fake_qpid_session()
-        else:
-            self.broker = QPID_BROKER
-            # create connection from the qpid.messaging
-            # connection for the Consumer.
-            self.con_receive = qpid.messaging.Connection(self.broker)
-            self.con_receive.open()
-            # session to receive the messages
-            self.session_receive = self.con_receive.session()
-            # connection for sending the message
-            self.con_send = qpid.messaging.Connection(self.broker)
-            self.con_send.open()
-            # session to send the messages
-            self.session_send = self.con_send.session()
-        # list to store the expected messages and
-        # the actual received messages
-        self._expected = []
-        self._messages = []
-        self.initialized = True
-    def tearDown(self):
-        super(_QpidBaseTestCase, self).tearDown()
-        if self.initialized:
-            if self.fake_qpid:
-                _fake_session.flush_exchanges()
-            else:
-                self.con_receive.close()
-                self.con_send.close()
-class TestQpidTransportURL(_QpidBaseTestCase):
-    scenarios = [
-        ('none', dict(url=None,
-                      expected=[dict(host='localhost:5672',
-                                     username='',
-                                     password='')])),
-        ('empty',
-         dict(url='qpid:///',
-              expected=[dict(host='localhost:5672',
-                             username='',
-                             password='')])),
-        ('localhost',
-         dict(url='qpid://localhost/',
-              expected=[dict(host='localhost',
-                             username='',
-                             password='')])),
-        ('no_creds',
-         dict(url='qpid://host/',
-              expected=[dict(host='host',
-                             username='',
-                             password='')])),
-        ('no_port',
-         dict(url='qpid://user:password@host/',
-              expected=[dict(host='host',
-                             username='user',
-                             password='password')])),
-        ('full_url',
-         dict(url='qpid://user:password@host:10/',
-              expected=[dict(host='host:10',
-                             username='user',
-                             password='password')])),
-        ('full_two_url',
-         dict(url='qpid://user:password@host:10,'
-              'user2:password2@host2:12/',
-              expected=[dict(host='host:10',
-                             username='user',
-                             password='password'),
-                        dict(host='host2:12',
-                             username='user2',
-                             password='password2')
-                        ]
-              )),
-    ]
-    @mock.patch.object(qpid_driver.Connection, 'reconnect')
-    def test_transport_url(self, *args):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, self.url)
-        self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
-        driver = transport._driver
-        brokers_params = driver._get_connection().brokers_params
-        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.expected,
-                                key=operator.itemgetter('host')),
-                         sorted(brokers_params,
-                                key=operator.itemgetter('host')))
-class TestQpidInvalidTopologyVersion(_QpidBaseTestCase):
-    """Unit test cases to test invalid qpid topology version."""
-    scenarios = [
-        ('direct', dict(consumer_cls=qpid_driver.DirectConsumer,
-                        consumer_kwargs={},
-                        publisher_cls=qpid_driver.DirectPublisher,
-                        publisher_kwargs={})),
-        ('topic', dict(consumer_cls=qpid_driver.TopicConsumer,
-                       consumer_kwargs={'exchange_name': 'openstack'},
-                       publisher_cls=qpid_driver.TopicPublisher,
-                       publisher_kwargs={'exchange_name': 'openstack'})),
-        ('fanout', dict(consumer_cls=qpid_driver.FanoutConsumer,
-                        consumer_kwargs={},
-                        publisher_cls=qpid_driver.FanoutPublisher,
-                        publisher_kwargs={})),
-    ]
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestQpidInvalidTopologyVersion, self).setUp()
-        self.config(qpid_topology_version=-1,
-                    group='oslo_messaging_qpid')
-    def test_invalid_topology_version(self):
-        def consumer_callback(msg):
-            pass
-        msgid_or_topic = 'test'
-        # not using self.assertRaises because
-        # 1. qpid driver raises Exception(msg) for invalid topology version
-        # 2. flake8 - H202 assertRaises Exception too broad
-        exception_msg = ("Invalid value for qpid_topology_version: %d" %
-                         self.conf.oslo_messaging_qpid.qpid_topology_version)
-        recvd_exc_msg = ''
-        try:
-            self.consumer_cls(self.conf.oslo_messaging_qpid,
-                              self.session_receive,
-                              msgid_or_topic,
-                              consumer_callback,
-                              **self.consumer_kwargs)
-        except Exception as e:
-            recvd_exc_msg = e.message
-        self.assertEqual(exception_msg, recvd_exc_msg)
-        recvd_exc_msg = ''
-        try:
-            self.publisher_cls(self.conf.oslo_messaging_qpid,
-                               self.session_send,
-                               topic=msgid_or_topic,
-                               **self.publisher_kwargs)
-        except Exception as e:
-            recvd_exc_msg = e.message
-        self.assertEqual(exception_msg, recvd_exc_msg)
-class TestQpidDirectConsumerPublisher(_QpidBaseTestCase):
-    """Unit test cases to test DirectConsumer and Direct Publisher."""
-    _n_qpid_topology = [
-        ('v1', dict(qpid_topology=1)),
-        ('v2', dict(qpid_topology=2)),
-    ]
-    _n_msgs = [
-        ('single', dict(no_msgs=1)),
-        ('multiple', dict(no_msgs=10)),
-    ]
-    @classmethod
-    def generate_scenarios(cls):
-        cls.scenarios = testscenarios.multiply_scenarios(cls._n_qpid_topology,
-                                                         cls._n_msgs)
-    def consumer_callback(self, msg):
-        # This function will be called by the DirectConsumer
-        # when any message is received.
-        # Append the received message into the messages list
-        # so that the received messages can be validated
-        # with the expected messages
-        if isinstance(msg, dict):
-            self._messages.append(msg['content'])
-        else:
-            self._messages.append(msg)
-    def test_qpid_direct_consumer_producer(self):
-        self.msgid = str(random.randint(1, 100))
-        # create a DirectConsumer and DirectPublisher class objects
-        self.dir_cons = qpid_driver.DirectConsumer(
-            self.conf.oslo_messaging_qpid,
-            self.session_receive,
-            self.msgid,
-            self.consumer_callback)
-        self.dir_pub = qpid_driver.DirectPublisher(
-            self.conf.oslo_messaging_qpid,
-            self.session_send,
-            self.msgid)
-        def try_send_msg(no_msgs):
-            for i in range(no_msgs):
-                self._expected.append(str(i))
-                snd_msg = {'content_type': 'text/plain', 'content': str(i)}
-                self.dir_pub.send(snd_msg)
-        def try_receive_msg(no_msgs):
-            for i in range(no_msgs):
-                self.dir_cons.consume()
-        thread1 = threading.Thread(target=try_receive_msg,
-                                   args=(self.no_msgs,))
-        thread2 = threading.Thread(target=try_send_msg,
-                                   args=(self.no_msgs,))
-        thread1.start()
-        thread2.start()
-        thread1.join()
-        thread2.join()
-        self.assertEqual(self.no_msgs, len(self._messages))
-        self.assertEqual(self._expected, self._messages)
-class TestQpidTopicAndFanout(_QpidBaseTestCase):
-    """Unit Test cases to test TopicConsumer and
-    TopicPublisher classes of the qpid driver
-    and FanoutConsumer and FanoutPublisher classes
-    of the qpid driver
-    """
-    _n_qpid_topology = [
-        ('v1', dict(qpid_topology=1)),
-        ('v2', dict(qpid_topology=2)),
-    ]
-    _n_msgs = [
-        ('single', dict(no_msgs=1)),
-        ('multiple', dict(no_msgs=10)),
-    ]
-    _n_senders = [
-        ('single', dict(no_senders=1)),
-        ('multiple', dict(no_senders=10)),
-    ]
-    _n_receivers = [
-        ('single', dict(no_receivers=1)),
-    ]
-    _exchange_class = [
-        ('topic', dict(consumer_cls=qpid_driver.TopicConsumer,
-                       consumer_kwargs={'exchange_name': 'openstack'},
-                       publisher_cls=qpid_driver.TopicPublisher,
-                       publisher_kwargs={'exchange_name': 'openstack'},
-                       topic='topictest.test',
-                       receive_topic='topictest.test')),
-        ('fanout', dict(consumer_cls=qpid_driver.FanoutConsumer,
-                        consumer_kwargs={},
-                        publisher_cls=qpid_driver.FanoutPublisher,
-                        publisher_kwargs={},
-                        topic='fanouttest',
-                        receive_topic='fanouttest')),
-    ]
-    @classmethod
-    def generate_scenarios(cls):
-        cls.scenarios = testscenarios.multiply_scenarios(cls._n_qpid_topology,
-                                                         cls._n_msgs,
-                                                         cls._n_senders,
-                                                         cls._n_receivers,
-                                                         cls._exchange_class)
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestQpidTopicAndFanout, self).setUp()
-        # to store the expected messages and the
-        # actual received messages
-        #
-        # NOTE(dhellmann): These are dicts, where the base class uses
-        # lists.
-        self._expected = {}
-        self._messages = {}
-        self._senders = []
-        self._receivers = []
-        self._sender_threads = []
-        self._receiver_threads = []
-    def consumer_callback(self, msg):
-        """callback function called by the ConsumerBase class of
-        qpid driver.
-        Message will be received in the format x-y
-        where x is the sender id and y is the msg number of the sender
-        extract the sender id 'x' and store the msg 'x-y' with 'x' as
-        the key
-        """
-        if isinstance(msg, dict):
-            msgcontent = msg['content']
-        else:
-            msgcontent = msg
-        splitmsg = msgcontent.split('-')
-        key = _thread.get_ident()
-        if key not in self._messages:
-            self._messages[key] = dict()
-        tdict = self._messages[key]
-        if splitmsg[0] not in tdict:
-            tdict[splitmsg[0]] = []
-        tdict[splitmsg[0]].append(msgcontent)
-    def _try_send_msg(self, sender_id, no_msgs):
-        for i in range(no_msgs):
-            sendmsg = '%s-%s' % (str(sender_id), str(i))
-            key = str(sender_id)
-            # Store the message in the self._expected for each sender.
-            # This will be used later to
-            # validate the test by comparing it with the
-            # received messages by all the receivers
-            if key not in self._expected:
-                self._expected[key] = []
-            self._expected[key].append(sendmsg)
-            send_dict = {'content_type': 'text/plain', 'content': sendmsg}
-            self._senders[sender_id].send(send_dict)
-    def _try_receive_msg(self, receiver_id, no_msgs):
-        for i in range(self.no_senders * no_msgs):
-            no_of_attempts = 0
-            # ConsumerBase.consume blocks indefinitely until a message
-            # is received.
-            # So qpid_receiver.available() is called before calling
-            # ConsumerBase.consume() so that we are not
-            # blocked indefinitely
-            qpid_receiver = self._receivers[receiver_id].get_receiver()
-            while no_of_attempts < 50:
-                if qpid_receiver.available() > 0:
-                    self._receivers[receiver_id].consume()
-                    break
-                no_of_attempts += 1
-                time.sleep(0.05)
-    def test_qpid_topic_and_fanout(self):
-        for receiver_id in range(self.no_receivers):
-            consumer = self.consumer_cls(self.conf.oslo_messaging_qpid,
-                                         self.session_receive,
-                                         self.receive_topic,
-                                         self.consumer_callback,
-                                         **self.consumer_kwargs)
-            self._receivers.append(consumer)
-            # create receivers threads
-            thread = threading.Thread(target=self._try_receive_msg,
-                                      args=(receiver_id, self.no_msgs,))
-            self._receiver_threads.append(thread)
-        for sender_id in range(self.no_senders):
-            publisher = self.publisher_cls(self.conf.oslo_messaging_qpid,
-                                           self.session_send,
-                                           topic=self.topic,
-                                           **self.publisher_kwargs)
-            self._senders.append(publisher)
-            # create sender threads
-            thread = threading.Thread(target=self._try_send_msg,
-                                      args=(sender_id, self.no_msgs,))
-            self._sender_threads.append(thread)
-        for thread in self._receiver_threads:
-                thread.start()
-        for thread in self._sender_threads:
-                thread.start()
-        for thread in self._receiver_threads:
-                thread.join()
-        for thread in self._sender_threads:
-                thread.join()
-        # Each receiver should receive all the messages sent by
-        # the sender(s).
-        # So, Iterate through each of the receiver items in
-        # self._messages and compare with the expected messages
-        # messages.
-        self.assertEqual(self.no_senders, len(self._expected))
-        self.assertEqual(self.no_receivers, len(self._messages))
-        for key, messages in self._messages.iteritems():
-            self.assertEqual(self._expected, messages)
-class AddressNodeMatcher(object):
-    def __init__(self, node):
-        self.node = node
-    def __eq__(self, address):
-        return address.split(';')[0].strip() == self.node
-class TestDriverInterface(_QpidBaseTestCase):
-    """Unit Test cases to test the amqpdriver with qpid
-    """
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(TestDriverInterface, self).setUp()
-        self.config(qpid_topology_version=2,
-                    group='oslo_messaging_qpid')
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf)
-        self.driver = transport._driver
-        original_get_connection = self.driver._get_connection
-        p = mock.patch.object(self.driver, '_get_connection',
-                              side_effect=lambda pooled=True:
-                              original_get_connection(False))
-        p.start()
-        self.addCleanup(p.stop)
-    def test_listen_and_direct_send(self):
-        target = oslo_messaging.Target(exchange="exchange_test",
-                                       topic="topic_test",
-                                       server="server_test")
-        with mock.patch('qpid.messaging.Connection') as conn_cls:
-            conn = conn_cls.return_value
-            session = conn.session.return_value
-            session.receiver.side_effect = [mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(),
-                                            mock.Mock()]
-            listener = self.driver.listen(target)
-            listener.conn.direct_send("msg_id", {})
-        self.assertEqual(3, len(listener.conn.consumers))
-        expected_calls = [
-            mock.call(AddressNodeMatcher(
-                'amq.topic/topic/exchange_test/topic_test')),
-            mock.call(AddressNodeMatcher(
-                'amq.topic/topic/exchange_test/topic_test.server_test')),
-            mock.call(AddressNodeMatcher('amq.topic/fanout/topic_test')),
-        ]
-        session.receiver.assert_has_calls(expected_calls)
-        session.sender.assert_called_with(
-            AddressNodeMatcher("amq.direct/msg_id"))
-    def test_send(self):
-        target = oslo_messaging.Target(exchange="exchange_test",
-                                       topic="topic_test",
-                                       server="server_test")
-        with mock.patch('qpid.messaging.Connection') as conn_cls:
-            conn = conn_cls.return_value
-            session = conn.session.return_value
-            self.driver.send(target, {}, {})
-            session.sender.assert_called_with(AddressNodeMatcher(
-                "amq.topic/topic/exchange_test/topic_test.server_test"))
-    def test_send_notification(self):
-        target = oslo_messaging.Target(exchange="exchange_test",
-                                       topic="topic_test.info")
-        with mock.patch('qpid.messaging.Connection') as conn_cls:
-            conn = conn_cls.return_value
-            session = conn.session.return_value
-            self.driver.send_notification(target, {}, {}, "2.0")
-            session.sender.assert_called_with(AddressNodeMatcher(
-                "amq.topic/topic/exchange_test/topic_test.info"))
-class TestQpidReconnectOrder(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-    """Unit Test cases to test reconnection
-    """
-    @testtools.skipIf(qpid is None, "qpid not available")
-    def test_reconnect_order(self):
-        brokers = ['host1', 'host2', 'host3', 'host4', 'host5']
-        brokers_count = len(brokers)
-        self.config(qpid_hosts=brokers,
-                    group='oslo_messaging_qpid')
-        with mock.patch('qpid.messaging.Connection') as conn_mock:
-            # starting from the first broker in the list
-            url = oslo_messaging.TransportURL.parse(self.conf, None)
-            connection = qpid_driver.Connection(self.conf, url,
-                                                amqp.PURPOSE_SEND)
-            # reconnect will advance to the next broker, one broker per
-            # attempt, and then wrap to the start of the list once the end is
-            # reached
-            for _ in range(brokers_count):
-                connection.reconnect()
-        expected = []
-        for broker in brokers:
-            expected.extend([mock.call("%s:5672" % broker),
-                             mock.call().open(),
-                             mock.call().session(),
-                             mock.call().opened(),
-                             mock.call().opened().__nonzero__(),
-                             mock.call().close()])
-        conn_mock.assert_has_calls(expected, any_order=True)
-def synchronized(func):
-    func.__lock__ = threading.Lock()
-    def synced_func(*args, **kws):
-        with func.__lock__:
-            return func(*args, **kws)
-    return synced_func
-class FakeQpidMsgManager(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._exchanges = {}
-    @synchronized
-    def add_exchange(self, exchange):
-        if exchange not in self._exchanges:
-            self._exchanges[exchange] = {'msgs': [], 'consumers': {}}
-    @synchronized
-    def add_exchange_consumer(self, exchange, consumer_id):
-        exchange_info = self._exchanges[exchange]
-        cons_dict = exchange_info['consumers']
-        cons_dict[consumer_id] = 0
-    @synchronized
-    def add_exchange_msg(self, exchange, msg):
-        exchange_info = self._exchanges[exchange]
-        exchange_info['msgs'].append(msg)
-    def get_exchange_msg(self, exchange, index):
-        exchange_info = self._exchanges[exchange]
-        return exchange_info['msgs'][index]
-    def get_no_exch_msgs(self, exchange):
-        exchange_info = self._exchanges[exchange]
-        return len(exchange_info['msgs'])
-    def get_exch_cons_index(self, exchange, consumer_id):
-        exchange_info = self._exchanges[exchange]
-        cons_dict = exchange_info['consumers']
-        return cons_dict[consumer_id]
-    @synchronized
-    def inc_consumer_index(self, exchange, consumer_id):
-        exchange_info = self._exchanges[exchange]
-        cons_dict = exchange_info['consumers']
-        cons_dict[consumer_id] += 1
-_fake_qpid_msg_manager = FakeQpidMsgManager()
-class FakeQpidSessionSender(object):
-    def __init__(self, session, id, target, options):
-        self.session = session
-        self.id = id
-        self.target = target
-        self.options = options
-    @synchronized
-    def send(self, object, sync=True, timeout=None):
-        _fake_qpid_msg_manager.add_exchange_msg(self.target, object)
-    def close(self, timeout=None):
-        pass
-class FakeQpidSessionReceiver(object):
-    def __init__(self, session, id, source, options):
-        self.session = session
-        self.id = id
-        self.source = source
-        self.options = options
-    @synchronized
-    def fetch(self, timeout=None):
-        if timeout is None:
-            # if timeout is not given, take a default time out
-            # of 30 seconds to avoid indefinite loop
-            _timeout = 30
-        else:
-            _timeout = timeout
-        deadline = time.time() + _timeout
-        while time.time() <= deadline:
-            index = _fake_qpid_msg_manager.get_exch_cons_index(self.source,
-                                                               self.id)
-            try:
-                msg = _fake_qpid_msg_manager.get_exchange_msg(self.source,
-                                                              index)
-            except IndexError:
-                pass
-            else:
-                _fake_qpid_msg_manager.inc_consumer_index(self.source,
-                                                          self.id)
-                return qpid.messaging.Message(msg)
-            time.sleep(0.050)
-        if timeout is None:
-            raise Exception('timed out waiting for reply')
-    def close(self, timeout=None):
-        pass
-    @synchronized
-    def available(self):
-        no_msgs = _fake_qpid_msg_manager.get_no_exch_msgs(self.source)
-        index = _fake_qpid_msg_manager.get_exch_cons_index(self.source,
-                                                           self.id)
-        if no_msgs == 0 or index >= no_msgs:
-            return 0
-        else:
-            return no_msgs - index
-class FakeQpidSession(object):
-    def __init__(self, connection=None, name=None, transactional=None):
-        self.connection = connection
-        self.name = name
-        self.transactional = transactional
-        self._receivers = {}
-        self.conf = None
-        self.url = None
-        self._senders = {}
-        self._sender_id = 0
-        self._receiver_id = 0
-    @synchronized
-    def sender(self, target, **options):
-        exchange_key = self._extract_exchange_key(target)
-        _fake_qpid_msg_manager.add_exchange(exchange_key)
-        sendobj = FakeQpidSessionSender(self, self._sender_id,
-                                        exchange_key, options)
-        self._senders[self._sender_id] = sendobj
-        self._sender_id = self._sender_id + 1
-        return sendobj
-    @synchronized
-    def receiver(self, source, **options):
-        exchange_key = self._extract_exchange_key(source)
-        _fake_qpid_msg_manager.add_exchange(exchange_key)
-        recvobj = FakeQpidSessionReceiver(self, self._receiver_id,
-                                          exchange_key, options)
-        self._receivers[self._receiver_id] = recvobj
-        _fake_qpid_msg_manager.add_exchange_consumer(exchange_key,
-                                                     self._receiver_id)
-        self._receiver_id += 1
-        return recvobj
-    def acknowledge(self, message=None, disposition=None, sync=True):
-        pass
-    @synchronized
-    def flush_exchanges(self):
-        _fake_qpid_msg_manager._exchanges = {}
-    def _extract_exchange_key(self, exchange_msg):
-        """This function extracts a unique key for the exchange.
-        This key is used in the dictionary as a 'key' for
-        this exchange.
-        Eg. if the exchange_msg (for qpid topology version 1)
-        is 33/33 ; {"node": {"x-declare": {"auto-delete": true, ....
-        then 33 is returned as the key.
-        Eg 2. For topology v2, if the
-        exchange_msg is - amq.direct/44 ; {"link": {"x-dec.......
-        then 44 is returned
-        """
-        # first check for ';'
-        semicolon_split = exchange_msg.split(';')
-        # split the first item of semicolon_split  with '/'
-        slash_split = semicolon_split[0].split('/')
-        # return the last element of the list as the key
-        key = slash_split[-1]
-        return key.strip()
-    def close(self):
-        pass
-_fake_session = FakeQpidSession()
-def get_fake_qpid_session():
-    return _fake_session
-class QPidHATestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-    @testtools.skipIf(qpid is None, "qpid not available")
-    def setUp(self):
-        super(QPidHATestCase, self).setUp()
-        self.brokers = ['host1', 'host2', 'host3', 'host4', 'host5']
-        self.config(qpid_hosts=self.brokers,
-                    qpid_username=None,
-                    qpid_password=None,
-                    group='oslo_messaging_qpid')
-        hostname_sets = set()
-        self.info = {'attempt': 0,
-                     'fail': False}
-        def _connect(myself, broker):
-            # do as little work that is enough to pass connection attempt
-            myself.connection = mock.Mock()
-            hostname = broker['host']
-            self.assertNotIn(hostname, hostname_sets)
-            hostname_sets.add(hostname)
-            self.info['attempt'] += 1
-            if self.info['fail']:
-                raise qpid.messaging.exceptions.ConnectionError
-        # just make sure connection instantiation does not fail with an
-        # exception
-        self.stubs.Set(qpid_driver.Connection, '_connect', _connect)
-        # starting from the first broker in the list
-        url = oslo_messaging.TransportURL.parse(self.conf, None)
-        self.connection = qpid_driver.Connection(self.conf, url,
-                                                 amqp.PURPOSE_SEND)
-        self.addCleanup(self.connection.close)
-        self.info.update({'attempt': 0,
-                          'fail': True})
-        hostname_sets.clear()
-    def test_reconnect_order(self):
-        self.assertRaises(oslo_messaging.MessageDeliveryFailure,
-                          self.connection.reconnect,
-                          retry=len(self.brokers) - 1)
-        self.assertEqual(len(self.brokers), self.info['attempt'])
-    def test_ensure_four_retries(self):
-        mock_callback = mock.Mock(
-            side_effect=qpid.messaging.exceptions.ConnectionError)
-        self.assertRaises(oslo_messaging.MessageDeliveryFailure,
-                          self.connection.ensure, None, mock_callback,
-                          retry=4)
-        self.assertEqual(5, self.info['attempt'])
-        self.assertEqual(1, mock_callback.call_count)
-    def test_ensure_one_retry(self):
-        mock_callback = mock.Mock(
-            side_effect=qpid.messaging.exceptions.ConnectionError)
-        self.assertRaises(oslo_messaging.MessageDeliveryFailure,
-                          self.connection.ensure, None, mock_callback,
-                          retry=1)
-        self.assertEqual(2, self.info['attempt'])
-        self.assertEqual(1, mock_callback.call_count)
-    def test_ensure_no_retry(self):
-        mock_callback = mock.Mock(
-            side_effect=qpid.messaging.exceptions.ConnectionError)
-        self.assertRaises(oslo_messaging.MessageDeliveryFailure,
-                          self.connection.ensure, None, mock_callback,
-                          retry=0)
-        self.assertEqual(1, self.info['attempt'])
-        self.assertEqual(1, mock_callback.call_count)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_rabbit.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_rabbit.py
index 915715450..c2efb27a4 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_rabbit.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/test_impl_rabbit.py
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ from oslotest import mockpatch
 import testscenarios
 import oslo_messaging
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqp
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqpdriver
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as driver_common
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_rabbit as rabbit_driver
@@ -91,10 +90,12 @@ class TestHeartbeat(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         if not heartbeat_side_effect:
             self.assertEqual(1, fake_ensure_connection.call_count)
-            self.assertEqual(2, fake_logger.info.call_count)
+            self.assertEqual(2, fake_logger.debug.call_count)
+            self.assertEqual(0, fake_logger.info.call_count)
             self.assertEqual(2, fake_ensure_connection.call_count)
-            self.assertEqual(3, fake_logger.info.call_count)
+            self.assertEqual(2, fake_logger.debug.call_count)
+            self.assertEqual(1, fake_logger.info.call_count)
             self.assertIn(mock.call(info, mock.ANY),
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ class TestRabbitDriverLoadSSL(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
                                              'on_blocked': mock.ANY,
                                              'on_unblocked': mock.ANY},
             ssl=self.expected, login_method='AMQPLAIN',
-            heartbeat=60, failover_strategy="shuffle")
+            heartbeat=60, failover_strategy='round-robin')
 class TestRabbitPublisher(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
@@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ class TestRabbitPublisher(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
     def test_send_with_timeout(self, fake_publish):
         transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf,
-        with transport._driver._get_connection(amqp.PURPOSE_SEND) as pool_conn:
+        with transport._driver._get_connection(driver_common.PURPOSE_SEND) as pool_conn:
             conn = pool_conn.connection
             conn._publish(mock.Mock(), 'msg', routing_key='routing_key',
@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ class TestRabbitPublisher(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
     def test_send_no_timeout(self, fake_publish):
         transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf,
-        with transport._driver._get_connection(amqp.PURPOSE_SEND) as pool_conn:
+        with transport._driver._get_connection(driver_common.PURPOSE_SEND) as pool_conn:
             conn = pool_conn.connection
             conn._publish(mock.Mock(), 'msg', routing_key='routing_key')
         fake_publish.assert_called_with('msg', expiration=None)
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ class TestRabbitPublisher(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-        with transport._driver._get_connection(amqp.PURPOSE_SEND) as pool_conn:
+        with transport._driver._get_connection(driver_common.PURPOSE_SEND) as pool_conn:
             conn = pool_conn.connection
             exc = conn.connection.channel_errors[0]
@@ -238,7 +239,7 @@ class TestRabbitConsume(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         deadline = time.time() + 6
-        with transport._driver._get_connection(amqp.PURPOSE_LISTEN) as conn:
+        with transport._driver._get_connection(driver_common.PURPOSE_LISTEN) as conn:
                               conn.consume, timeout=3)
@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ class TestRabbitConsume(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf,
-        with transport._driver._get_connection(amqp.PURPOSE_LISTEN) as conn:
+        with transport._driver._get_connection(driver_common.PURPOSE_LISTEN) as conn:
             channel = conn.connection.channel
             with mock.patch('kombu.connection.Connection.connected',
@@ -361,11 +362,6 @@ class TestSendReceive(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         ('timeout', dict(timeout=0.01)),  # FIXME(markmc): timeout=0 is broken?
-    _reply_ending = [
-        ('old_behavior', dict(send_single_reply=False)),
-        ('new_behavior', dict(send_single_reply=True)),
-    ]
     def generate_scenarios(cls):
         cls.scenarios = testscenarios.multiply_scenarios(cls._n_senders,
@@ -373,16 +369,13 @@ class TestSendReceive(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-                                                         cls._timeout,
-                                                         cls._reply_ending)
+                                                         cls._timeout)
     def test_send_receive(self):
-        self.config(kombu_reconnect_timeout=0.5,
+        self.config(kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout=0.5,
-        self.config(send_single_reply=self.send_single_reply,
-                    group="oslo_messaging_rabbit")
         transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf,
@@ -430,7 +423,7 @@ class TestSendReceive(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         for i in range(len(senders)):
-            received = listener.poll()
+            received = listener.poll()[0]
             self.assertEqual(self.ctxt, received.ctxt)
             self.assertEqual({'tx_id': i}, received.message)
@@ -472,10 +465,10 @@ class TestSendReceive(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         if self.reply_failure_404:
             # NOTE(sileht) all reply fail, first take
-            # kombu_reconnect_timeout seconds to fail
+            # kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout seconds to fail
             # next immediately fail
             dt = time.time() - start
-            timeout = self.conf.oslo_messaging_rabbit.kombu_reconnect_timeout
+            timeout = self.conf.oslo_messaging_rabbit.kombu_missing_consumer_retry_timeout
             self.assertTrue(timeout <= dt < (timeout + 0.100), dt)
         self.assertEqual(len(senders), len(replies))
@@ -508,7 +501,7 @@ class TestPollAsync(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic='testtopic')
         listener = driver.listen(target)
         received = listener.poll(timeout=0.050)
-        self.assertIsNone(received)
+        self.assertEqual([], received)
 class TestRacyWaitForReply(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
@@ -568,13 +561,13 @@ class TestRacyWaitForReply(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-        msgs.append(listener.poll())
+        msgs.extend(listener.poll())
         self.assertEqual({'tx_id': 0}, msgs[-1].message)
         # Start the second guy, receive his message
-        msgs.append(listener.poll())
+        msgs.extend(listener.poll())
         self.assertEqual({'tx_id': 1}, msgs[-1].message)
         # Reply to both in order, making the second thread queue
@@ -588,7 +581,7 @@ class TestRacyWaitForReply(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         # Start the 3rd guy, receive his message
-        msgs.append(listener.poll())
+        msgs.extend(listener.poll())
         self.assertEqual({'tx_id': 2}, msgs[-1].message)
         # Verify the _send_reply was not invoked by driver:
@@ -869,7 +862,7 @@ class TestReplyWireFormat(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-        received = listener.poll()
+        received = listener.poll()[0]
         self.assertEqual(self.expected_ctxt, received.ctxt)
         self.assertEqual(self.expected, received.message)
@@ -894,13 +887,15 @@ class RpcKombuHATestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+        self.useFixture(mockpatch.Patch(
+            'kombu.connection.Connection.connection'))
         # starting from the first broker in the list
         url = oslo_messaging.TransportURL.parse(self.conf, None)
         self.connection = rabbit_driver.Connection(self.conf, url,
-                                                   amqp.PURPOSE_SEND)
+                                                   driver_common.PURPOSE_SEND)
     def test_ensure_four_retry(self):
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/matchmaker/test_impl_matchmaker.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/matchmaker/test_impl_matchmaker.py
index ba5f1f399..5751e5ba3 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/matchmaker/test_impl_matchmaker.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/matchmaker/test_impl_matchmaker.py
@@ -62,47 +62,47 @@ class TestImplMatchmaker(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         self.host2 = b"test_host2"
     def test_register(self):
-        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1)
+        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1, "test")
-        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(self.target),
+        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(self.target, "test"),
-        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_single_host(self.target),
+        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_single_host(self.target, "test"),
     def test_register_two_hosts(self):
-        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1)
-        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host2)
+        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1, "test")
+        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host2, "test")
-        self.assertItemsEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(self.target),
+        self.assertItemsEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(self.target, "test"),
                               [self.host1, self.host2])
-        self.assertIn(self.test_matcher.get_single_host(self.target),
+        self.assertIn(self.test_matcher.get_single_host(self.target, "test"),
                       [self.host1, self.host2])
     def test_register_unsibscribe(self):
-        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1)
-        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host2)
+        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1, "test")
+        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host2, "test")
-        self.test_matcher.unregister(self.target, self.host2)
+        self.test_matcher.unregister(self.target, self.host2, "test")
-        self.assertItemsEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(self.target),
+        self.assertItemsEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(self.target, "test"),
-        self.assertNotIn(self.test_matcher.get_single_host(self.target),
+        self.assertNotIn(self.test_matcher.get_single_host(self.target, "test"),
     def test_register_two_same_hosts(self):
-        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1)
-        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1)
+        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1, "test")
+        self.test_matcher.register(self.target, self.host1, "test")
-        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(self.target),
+        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(self.target, "test"),
-        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_single_host(self.target),
+        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_single_host(self.target, "test"),
     def test_get_hosts_wrong_topic(self):
         target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="no_such_topic")
-        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(target), [])
+        self.assertEqual(self.test_matcher.get_hosts(target, "test"), [])
     def test_get_single_host_wrong_topic(self):
         target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic="no_such_topic")
-                          self.test_matcher.get_single_host, target)
+                          self.test_matcher.get_single_host, target, "test")
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/test_impl_zmq.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/test_impl_zmq.py
index c40007523..1d710d3a9 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/test_impl_zmq.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/test_impl_zmq.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import testtools
 import oslo_messaging
 from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_zmq
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
+from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_socket
 from oslo_messaging._i18n import _
 from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
@@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ class TestServerListener(object):
     def _run(self):
             message = self.listener.poll()
-            if message is not None:
+            if message:
+                message = message[0]
                 self.message = message
@@ -90,6 +92,33 @@ class ZmqBaseTestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+class ZmqTestPortsRange(ZmqBaseTestCase):
+    @testtools.skipIf(zmq is None, "zmq not available")
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(ZmqTestPortsRange, self).setUp()
+        # Set config values
+        kwargs = {'rpc_zmq_min_port': 5555,
+                  'rpc_zmq_max_port': 5560}
+        self.config(**kwargs)
+    def test_ports_range(self):
+        listeners = []
+        for i in range(10):
+            try:
+                target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic='testtopic_'+str(i))
+                new_listener = self.driver.listen(target)
+                listeners.append(new_listener)
+            except zmq_socket.ZmqPortRangeExceededException:
+                pass
+        self.assertLessEqual(len(listeners), 5)
+        for l in listeners:
+            l.cleanup()
 class TestConfZmqDriverLoad(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
     @testtools.skipIf(zmq is None, "zmq not available")
@@ -196,6 +225,7 @@ class TestZmqBasics(ZmqBaseTestCase):
 class TestPoller(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    @testtools.skipIf(zmq is None, "zmq not available")
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestPoller, self).setUp()
         self.poller = zmq_async.get_poller()
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/test_zmq_async.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/test_zmq_async.py
index 28e091a0e..ccfae3348 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/test_zmq_async.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/drivers/zmq/test_zmq_async.py
@@ -11,15 +11,19 @@
 #    under the License.
 import mock
+import testtools
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.poller import green_poller
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver.poller import threading_poller
 from oslo_messaging._drivers.zmq_driver import zmq_async
 from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
+zmq = zmq_async.import_zmq()
 class TestImportZmq(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    @testtools.skipIf(zmq is None, "zmq not available")
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestImportZmq, self).setUp()
@@ -29,12 +33,12 @@ class TestImportZmq(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         zmq_async.importutils.try_import.return_value = 'mock zmq module'
         self.assertEqual('mock zmq module', zmq_async.import_zmq('native'))
-        mock_try_import.assert_called_with('zmq', default='zmq')
+        mock_try_import.assert_called_with('zmq', default=None)
         zmq_async.importutils.try_import.return_value = 'mock eventlet module'
         self.assertEqual('mock eventlet module',
-        mock_try_import.assert_called_with('eventlet.green.zmq', default='zmq')
+        mock_try_import.assert_called_with('eventlet.green.zmq', default=None)
     def test_when_no_args_then_default_zmq_module_is_loaded(self):
         mock_try_import = mock.Mock()
@@ -42,14 +46,7 @@ class TestImportZmq(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-        mock_try_import.assert_called_with('eventlet.green.zmq', default='zmq')
-    def test_when_import_fails_then_raise_ImportError(self):
-        zmq_async.importutils.try_import = mock.Mock()
-        zmq_async.importutils.try_import.return_value = None
-        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ImportError, "ZeroMQ not found!"):
-            zmq_async.import_zmq('native')
+        mock_try_import.assert_called_with('eventlet.green.zmq', default=None)
     def test_invalid_config_value_raise_ValueError(self):
         invalid_opt = 'x'
@@ -61,6 +58,7 @@ class TestImportZmq(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
 class TestGetPoller(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    @testtools.skipIf(zmq is None, "zmq not available")
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestGetPoller, self).setUp()
@@ -100,6 +98,7 @@ class TestGetPoller(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
 class TestGetReplyPoller(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    @testtools.skipIf(zmq is None, "zmq not available")
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestGetReplyPoller, self).setUp()
@@ -134,6 +133,7 @@ class TestGetReplyPoller(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
 class TestGetExecutor(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    @testtools.skipIf(zmq is None, "zmq not available")
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestGetExecutor, self).setUp()
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/executors/test_executor.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/executors/test_executor.py
index 007d3ac6a..fb91c11be 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/executors/test_executor.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/executors/test_executor.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ try:
 except ImportError:
     impl_eventlet = None
 from oslo_messaging._executors import impl_thread
-from oslo_messaging import _utils as utils
+from oslo_messaging import dispatcher as dispatcher_base
 from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
 from six.moves import mock
@@ -81,6 +81,12 @@ class TestExecutor(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
             aioeventlet_class = None
         is_aioeventlet = (self.executor == aioeventlet_class)
+        if impl_blocking is not None:
+            blocking_class = impl_blocking.BlockingExecutor
+        else:
+            blocking_class = None
+        is_blocking = (self.executor == blocking_class)
         if is_aioeventlet:
             policy = aioeventlet.EventLoopPolicy()
@@ -110,8 +116,15 @@ class TestExecutor(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
             endpoint = mock.MagicMock(return_value=simple_coroutine('result'))
             event = eventlet.event.Event()
-        else:
+        elif is_blocking:
+            def run_executor(executor):
+                executor.start()
+                executor.execute()
+                executor.wait()
+            endpoint = mock.MagicMock(return_value='result')
+            event = None
+        else:
             def run_executor(executor):
@@ -119,11 +132,14 @@ class TestExecutor(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
             endpoint = mock.MagicMock(return_value='result')
             event = None
-        class Dispatcher(object):
+        class Dispatcher(dispatcher_base.DispatcherBase):
             def __init__(self, endpoint):
                 self.endpoint = endpoint
                 self.result = "not set"
+            def _listen(self, transport):
+                pass
             def callback(self, incoming, executor_callback):
                 if executor_callback is None:
                     result = self.endpoint(incoming.ctxt,
@@ -138,9 +154,8 @@ class TestExecutor(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
                 return result
             def __call__(self, incoming, executor_callback=None):
-                return utils.DispatcherExecutorContext(incoming,
-                                                       self.callback,
-                                                       executor_callback)
+                return dispatcher_base.DispatcherExecutorContext(
+                    incoming[0], self.callback, executor_callback)
         return Dispatcher(endpoint), endpoint, event, run_executor
@@ -150,7 +165,7 @@ class TestExecutor(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         executor = self.executor(self.conf, listener, dispatcher)
         incoming_message = mock.MagicMock(ctxt={}, message={'payload': 'data'})
-        def fake_poll(timeout=None):
+        def fake_poll(timeout=None, prefetch_size=1):
             if listener.poll.call_count == 10:
                 if event is not None:
@@ -178,9 +193,9 @@ class TestExecutor(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         executor = self.executor(self.conf, listener, dispatcher)
         incoming_message = mock.MagicMock(ctxt={}, message={'payload': 'data'})
-        def fake_poll(timeout=None):
+        def fake_poll(timeout=None, prefetch_size=1):
             if listener.poll.call_count == 1:
-                return incoming_message
+                return [incoming_message]
             if event is not None:
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/gate/post_test_hook.sh b/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/gate/post_test_hook.sh
index 276129cdd..23ee6ab48 100755
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/gate/post_test_hook.sh
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/gate/post_test_hook.sh
@@ -46,10 +46,6 @@ case $RPC_BACKEND in
         sudo apt-get update -y
         sudo apt-get install -y redis-server python-redis
-    qpid)
-        sudo apt-get update -y
-        sudo apt-get install -y qpidd sasl2-bin
-        ;;
 	sudo yum install -y qpid-cpp-server qpid-proton-c-devel python-qpid-proton cyrus-sasl-lib cyrus-sasl-plain
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/notify/test_logger.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/notify/test_logger.py
index ad30e8850..a7f580bc3 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/notify/test_logger.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/notify/test_logger.py
@@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ class LoggingNotificationHandlerTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
         # NOTE(gtt): Using different topic to make tests run in parallel
         topic = 'test_logging_%s_driver_%s' % (self.priority, self.driver)
-        self.conf.notification_driver = [self.driver]
-        self.conf.notification_topics = [topic]
+        self.config(driver=[self.driver],
+                    topics=[topic],
+                    group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         listener = self.useFixture(
             utils.NotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url, [topic]))
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/test_functional.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/test_functional.py
index 5e50a399a..8ee758dfc 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/test_functional.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/test_functional.py
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import uuid
 import concurrent.futures
 from oslo_config import cfg
+import six.moves
 from testtools import matchers
 import oslo_messaging
@@ -27,8 +28,8 @@ class CallTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
     def setUp(self):
         super(CallTestCase, self).setUp(conf=cfg.ConfigOpts())
-        self.conf.prog="test_prog"
-        self.conf.project="test_project"
+        self.conf.prog = "test_prog"
+        self.conf.project = "test_project"
@@ -324,3 +325,18 @@ class NotifyTestCase(utils.SkipIfNoTransportURL):
             self.assertEqual(expected[1], actual[0])
             self.assertEqual(expected[2], actual[1])
             self.assertEqual(expected[3], actual[2])
+    def test_simple_batch(self):
+        listener = self.useFixture(
+            utils.BatchNotificationFixture(self.conf, self.url,
+                                           ['test_simple_batch'],
+                                           batch_size=100, batch_timeout=2))
+        notifier = listener.notifier('abc')
+        for i in six.moves.range(0, 205):
+            notifier.info({}, 'test%s' % i, 'Hello World!')
+        events = listener.get_events(timeout=3)
+        self.assertEqual(3, len(events), events)
+        self.assertEqual(100, len(events[0][1]))
+        self.assertEqual(100, len(events[1][1]))
+        self.assertEqual(5, len(events[2][1]))
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/utils.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/utils.py
index 99794ed37..2f9e7b9f7 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/utils.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/functional/utils.py
@@ -293,13 +293,14 @@ class SkipIfNoTransportURL(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
 class NotificationFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
-    def __init__(self, conf, url, topics):
+    def __init__(self, conf, url, topics, batch=None):
         super(NotificationFixture, self).__init__()
         self.conf = conf
         self.url = url
         self.topics = topics
         self.events = moves.queue.Queue()
         self.name = str(id(self))
+        self.batch = batch
     def setUp(self):
         super(NotificationFixture, self).setUp()
@@ -307,10 +308,7 @@ class NotificationFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
         # add a special topic for internal notifications
         transport = self.useFixture(TransportFixture(self.conf, self.url))
-        self.server = oslo_messaging.get_notification_listener(
-            transport.transport,
-            targets,
-            [self], 'eventlet')
+        self.server = self._get_server(transport, targets)
         self._ctrl = self.notifier('internal', topic=self.name)
@@ -319,6 +317,12 @@ class NotificationFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
         super(NotificationFixture, self).cleanUp()
+    def _get_server(self, transport, targets):
+        return oslo_messaging.get_notification_listener(
+            transport.transport,
+            targets,
+            [self], 'eventlet')
     def _start(self):
         self.thread = test_utils.ServerThreadHelper(self.server)
@@ -366,3 +370,39 @@ class NotificationFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
         except moves.queue.Empty:
         return results
+class BatchNotificationFixture(NotificationFixture):
+    def __init__(self, conf, url, topics, batch_size=5, batch_timeout=2):
+        super(BatchNotificationFixture, self).__init__(conf, url, topics)
+        self.batch_size = batch_size
+        self.batch_timeout = batch_timeout
+    def _get_server(self, transport, targets):
+        return oslo_messaging.get_batch_notification_listener(
+            transport.transport,
+            targets,
+            [self], 'eventlet',
+            batch_timeout=self.batch_timeout,
+            batch_size=self.batch_size)
+    def debug(self, messages):
+        self.events.put(['debug', messages])
+    def audit(self, messages):
+        self.events.put(['audit', messages])
+    def info(self, messages):
+        self.events.put(['info', messages])
+    def warn(self, messages):
+        self.events.put(['warn', messages])
+    def error(self, messages):
+        self.events.put(['error', messages])
+    def critical(self, messages):
+        self.events.put(['critical', messages])
+    def sample(self, messages):
+        pass  # Just used for internal shutdown control
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_dispatcher.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_dispatcher.py
index f0da90d89..2442d535e 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_dispatcher.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_dispatcher.py
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class TestDispatcher(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         incoming = mock.Mock(ctxt={}, message=msg)
-        callback = dispatcher(incoming)
+        callback = dispatcher([incoming])
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ class TestDispatcher(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         msg['priority'] = 'what???'
         dispatcher = notify_dispatcher.NotificationDispatcher(
             [mock.Mock()], [mock.Mock()], None, allow_requeue=True, pool=None)
-        callback = dispatcher(mock.Mock(ctxt={}, message=msg))
+        callback = dispatcher([mock.Mock(ctxt={}, message=msg)])
         mylog.warning.assert_called_once_with('Unknown priority "%s"',
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ class TestDispatcherFilter(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
                    'timestamp': '2014-03-03 18:21:04.369234',
                    'message_id': '99863dda-97f0-443a-a0c1-6ed317b7fd45'}
         incoming = mock.Mock(ctxt=self.context, message=message)
-        callback = dispatcher(incoming)
+        callback = dispatcher([incoming])
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_impl_messaging.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_impl_messaging.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2a9a2ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_impl_messaging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright 2015 IBM Corp.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+import mock
+from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
+class TestDeprecationWarning(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    @mock.patch('warnings.warn')
+    def test_impl_messaging_deprecation_warning(self, mock_warn):
+        # Tests that we get a deprecation warning when loading a messaging
+        # driver out of oslo_messaging.notify._impl_messaging.
+        from oslo_messaging.notify import _impl_messaging as messaging
+        driver = messaging.MessagingV2Driver(
+            conf={}, topics=['notifications'], transport='rpc')
+        # Make sure we got a deprecation warning by loading from the alias
+        self.assertEqual(1, mock_warn.call_count)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_listener.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_listener.py
index 1644936ad..3e534aaac 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_listener.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_listener.py
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ import testscenarios
 import oslo_messaging
 from oslo_messaging.notify import dispatcher
+from oslo_messaging.notify import notifier as msg_notifier
 from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
+import six
 from six.moves import mock
 load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
@@ -53,16 +55,18 @@ class ListenerSetupMixin(object):
         def __init__(self):
             self._received_msgs = 0
             self.threads = []
-            self.lock = threading.Lock()
+            self.lock = threading.Condition()
-        def info(self, ctxt, publisher_id, event_type, payload, metadata):
+        def info(self, *args, **kwargs):
             # NOTE(sileht): this run into an other thread
             with self.lock:
                 self._received_msgs += 1
+                self.lock.notify_all()
         def wait_for_messages(self, expect_messages):
-            while self._received_msgs < expect_messages:
-                time.sleep(0.01)
+            with self.lock:
+                while self._received_msgs < expect_messages:
+                    self.lock.wait()
         def stop(self):
             for thread in self.threads:
@@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ class ListenerSetupMixin(object):
         self.trackers = {}
     def _setup_listener(self, transport, endpoints,
-                        targets=None, pool=None):
+                        targets=None, pool=None, batch=False):
         if pool is None:
             tracker_name = '__default__'
@@ -95,9 +99,15 @@ class ListenerSetupMixin(object):
         tracker = self.trackers.setdefault(
             tracker_name, self.ThreadTracker())
-        listener = oslo_messaging.get_notification_listener(
-            transport, targets=targets, endpoints=[tracker] + endpoints,
-            allow_requeue=True, pool=pool, executor='eventlet')
+        if batch:
+            listener = oslo_messaging.get_batch_notification_listener(
+                transport, targets=targets, endpoints=[tracker] + endpoints,
+                allow_requeue=True, pool=pool, executor='eventlet',
+                batch_size=batch[0], batch_timeout=batch[1])
+        else:
+            listener = oslo_messaging.get_notification_listener(
+                transport, targets=targets, endpoints=[tracker] + endpoints,
+                allow_requeue=True, pool=pool, executor='eventlet')
         thread = RestartableServerThread(listener)
@@ -124,7 +134,8 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
     def test_constructor(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
         target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic='foo')
         endpoints = [object()]
@@ -139,7 +150,8 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
         self.assertEqual('blocking', listener.executor)
     def test_no_target_topic(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
         listener = oslo_messaging.get_notification_listener(
@@ -153,7 +165,8 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
     def test_unknown_executor(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
             oslo_messaging.get_notification_listener(transport, [], [],
@@ -164,9 +177,86 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
-    def test_one_topic(self):
+    def test_batch_timeout(self):
         transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        endpoint = mock.Mock()
+        endpoint.info.return_value = None
+        listener_thread = self._setup_listener(transport, [endpoint],
+                                               batch=(5, 1))
+        notifier = self._setup_notifier(transport)
+        for i in six.moves.range(12):
+            notifier.info({}, 'an_event.start', 'test message')
+        self.wait_for_messages(3)
+        self.assertFalse(listener_thread.stop())
+        messages = [dict(ctxt={},
+                         publisher_id='testpublisher',
+                         event_type='an_event.start',
+                         payload='test message',
+                         metadata={'message_id': mock.ANY,
+                                   'timestamp': mock.ANY})]
+        endpoint.info.assert_has_calls([mock.call(messages * 5),
+                                        mock.call(messages * 5),
+                                        mock.call(messages * 2)])
+    def test_batch_size(self):
+        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        endpoint = mock.Mock()
+        endpoint.info.return_value = None
+        listener_thread = self._setup_listener(transport, [endpoint],
+                                               batch=(5, None))
+        notifier = self._setup_notifier(transport)
+        for i in six.moves.range(10):
+            notifier.info({}, 'an_event.start', 'test message')
+        self.wait_for_messages(2)
+        self.assertFalse(listener_thread.stop())
+        messages = [dict(ctxt={},
+                         publisher_id='testpublisher',
+                         event_type='an_event.start',
+                         payload='test message',
+                         metadata={'message_id': mock.ANY,
+                                   'timestamp': mock.ANY})]
+        endpoint.info.assert_has_calls([mock.call(messages * 5),
+                                        mock.call(messages * 5)])
+    def test_batch_size_exception_path(self):
+        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        endpoint = mock.Mock()
+        endpoint.info.side_effect = [None, Exception('boom!')]
+        listener_thread = self._setup_listener(transport, [endpoint],
+                                               batch=(5, None))
+        notifier = self._setup_notifier(transport)
+        for i in six.moves.range(10):
+            notifier.info({}, 'an_event.start', 'test message')
+        self.wait_for_messages(2)
+        self.assertFalse(listener_thread.stop())
+        messages = [dict(ctxt={},
+                         publisher_id='testpublisher',
+                         event_type='an_event.start',
+                         payload='test message',
+                         metadata={'message_id': mock.ANY,
+                                   'timestamp': mock.ANY})]
+        endpoint.info.assert_has_calls([mock.call(messages * 5)])
+    def test_one_topic(self):
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
         endpoint = mock.Mock()
         endpoint.info.return_value = None
         listener_thread = self._setup_listener(transport, [endpoint])
@@ -182,7 +272,8 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
             {'message_id': mock.ANY, 'timestamp': mock.ANY})
     def test_two_topics(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
         endpoint = mock.Mock()
         endpoint.info.return_value = None
@@ -208,7 +299,8 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
     def test_two_exchanges(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
         endpoint = mock.Mock()
         endpoint.info.return_value = None
@@ -252,7 +344,8 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
     def test_two_endpoints(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
         endpoint1 = mock.Mock()
         endpoint1.info.return_value = None
@@ -277,7 +370,8 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
                 'message_id': mock.ANY})
     def test_requeue(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
         endpoint = mock.Mock()
         endpoint.info = mock.Mock()
@@ -301,7 +395,8 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
                       {'timestamp': mock.ANY, 'message_id': mock.ANY})])
     def test_two_pools(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
         endpoint1 = mock.Mock()
         endpoint1.info.return_value = None
@@ -334,7 +429,8 @@ class TestNotifyListener(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ListenerSetupMixin):
     def test_two_pools_three_listener(self):
-        transport = oslo_messaging.get_transport(self.conf, url='fake:')
+        transport = msg_notifier.get_notification_transport(
+            self.conf, url='fake:')
         endpoint1 = mock.Mock()
         endpoint1.info.return_value = None
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_log_handler.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_log_handler.py
index dfc214aed..1851321dd 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_log_handler.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_log_handler.py
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ class PublishErrorsHandlerTestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
     def test_emit_cfg_log_notifier_in_notifier_drivers(self):
         drivers = ['messaging', 'log']
-        self.config(notification_driver=drivers)
+        self.config(driver=drivers,
+                    group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         self.stub_flg = True
         transport = test_notifier._FakeTransport(self.conf)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_logger.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_logger.py
index f0ea8e8b8..12d1cd100 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_logger.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_logger.py
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ class TestLogNotifier(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestLogNotifier, self).setUp()
-        self.config(notification_driver=['test'])
+        self.config(driver=['test'],
+                    group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         # NOTE(jamespage) disable thread information logging for testing
         # as this causes test failures when zmq tests monkey_patch via
         # eventlet
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_notifier.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_notifier.py
index 557b9bb25..0b2da7fbb 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_notifier.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/notify/test_notifier.py
@@ -156,8 +156,9 @@ class TestMessagingNotifier(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         if self.v2:
-        self.config(notification_driver=drivers,
-                    notification_topics=self.topics)
+        self.config(driver=drivers,
+                    topics=self.topics,
+                    group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         transport = _FakeTransport(self.conf)
@@ -269,7 +270,8 @@ class TestLogNotifier(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
     def test_notifier(self, mock_utcnow):
-        self.config(notification_driver=['log'])
+        self.config(driver=['log'],
+                    group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         transport = _FakeTransport(self.conf)
@@ -338,7 +340,8 @@ class TestLogNotifier(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
 class TestRoutingNotifier(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestRoutingNotifier, self).setUp()
-        self.config(notification_driver=['routing'])
+        self.config(driver=['routing'],
+                    group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         transport = _FakeTransport(self.conf)
         self.notifier = oslo_messaging.Notifier(transport)
@@ -360,13 +363,14 @@ class TestRoutingNotifier(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
     def test_load_notifiers_no_config(self):
-        # default routing_notifier_config=""
+        # default routing_config=""
         self.assertEqual({}, self.router.routing_groups)
         self.assertEqual(0, len(self.router.used_drivers))
     def test_load_notifiers_no_extensions(self):
-        self.config(routing_notifier_config="routing_notifier.yaml")
+        self.config(routing_config="routing_notifier.yaml",
+                    group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         routing_config = r""
         config_file = mock.MagicMock()
         config_file.return_value = routing_config
@@ -382,7 +386,8 @@ class TestRoutingNotifier(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         self.assertEqual({}, self.router.routing_groups)
     def test_load_notifiers_config(self):
-        self.config(routing_notifier_config="routing_notifier.yaml")
+        self.config(routing_config="routing_notifier.yaml",
+                    group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         routing_config = r"""
    rpc : foo
@@ -412,7 +417,7 @@ group_1:
           - blah.zoo.*
           - zip
-        groups = yaml.load(config)
+        groups = yaml.safe_load(config)
         group = groups['group_1']
         # No matching event ...
@@ -443,7 +448,7 @@ group_1:
           - info
           - error
-        groups = yaml.load(config)
+        groups = yaml.safe_load(config)
         group = groups['group_1']
         # No matching priority
@@ -476,7 +481,7 @@ group_1:
           - foo.*
-        groups = yaml.load(config)
+        groups = yaml.safe_load(config)
         group = groups['group_1']
         # Valid event, but no matching priority
@@ -519,7 +524,8 @@ group_1:
     def test_notify_filtered(self):
-        self.config(routing_notifier_config="routing_notifier.yaml")
+        self.config(routing_config="routing_notifier.yaml",
+                    group='oslo_messaging_notifications')
         routing_config = r"""
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/rpc/test_dispatcher.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/rpc/test_dispatcher.py
index f81be0b9c..672733a05 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/rpc/test_dispatcher.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/rpc/test_dispatcher.py
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class TestDispatcher(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         incoming = mock.Mock(ctxt=self.ctxt, message=self.msg)
         incoming.reply.side_effect = check_reply
-        callback = dispatcher(incoming)
+        callback = dispatcher([incoming])
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/rpc/test_server.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/rpc/test_server.py
index b1f8961c5..846ea86e2 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/rpc/test_server.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/rpc/test_server.py
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 #    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 #    under the License.
+import eventlet
+import time
 import threading
 from oslo_config import cfg
@@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ import testscenarios
 import mock
 import oslo_messaging
+from oslo_messaging import server as server_module
 from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
 load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
@@ -27,22 +30,38 @@ load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
 class ServerSetupMixin(object):
-    class Server(object):
+    class Server(threading.Thread):
         def __init__(self, transport, topic, server, endpoint, serializer):
+            self.controller = ServerSetupMixin.ServerController()
             target = oslo_messaging.Target(topic=topic, server=server)
-            self._server = oslo_messaging.get_rpc_server(transport,
-                                                         target,
-                                                         [endpoint, self],
-                                                         serializer=serializer)
+            self.server = oslo_messaging.get_rpc_server(transport,
+                                                        target,
+                                                        [endpoint,
+                                                         self.controller],
+                                                        serializer=serializer)
+            super(ServerSetupMixin.Server, self).__init__()
+            self.daemon = True
+        def wait(self):
+            # Wait for the executor to process the stop message, indicating all
+            # test messages have been processed
+            self.controller.stopped.wait()
+            # Check start() does nothing with a running server
+            self.server.start()
+            self.server.stop()
+            self.server.wait()
+        def run(self):
+            self.server.start()
+    class ServerController(object):
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.stopped = threading.Event()
         def stop(self, ctxt):
-            # Check start() does nothing with a running server
-            self._server.start()
-            self._server.stop()
-            self._server.wait()
-        def start(self):
-            self._server.start()
+            self.stopped.set()
     class TestSerializer(object):
@@ -72,13 +91,14 @@ class ServerSetupMixin(object):
         thread.daemon = True
-        return thread
+        return server
-    def _stop_server(self, client, server_thread, topic=None):
+    def _stop_server(self, client, server, topic=None):
         if topic is not None:
             client = client.prepare(topic=topic)
         client.cast({}, 'stop')
-        server_thread.join(timeout=30)
+        server.wait()
     def _setup_client(self, transport, topic='testtopic'):
         return oslo_messaging.RPCClient(transport,
@@ -117,17 +137,26 @@ class TestRPCServer(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ServerSetupMixin):
         endpoints = [object()]
         serializer = object()
+        class MagicMockIgnoreArgs(mock.MagicMock):
+            '''A MagicMock which can never misinterpret the arguments passed to
+            it during construction.'''
+            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+                super(MagicMockIgnoreArgs, self).__init__()
         server = oslo_messaging.get_rpc_server(transport, target, endpoints,
         # Mocking executor
-        server._executor = mock.Mock()
+        server._executor_cls = MagicMockIgnoreArgs
         # Here assigning executor's listener object to listener variable
         # before calling wait method, because in wait method we are
         # setting executor to None.
-        listener = server._executor.listener
+        server.start()
+        listener = server._executor_obj.listener
+        server.stop()
         # call server wait method
-        self.assertIsNone(server._executor)
+        self.assertIsNone(server._executor_obj)
         self.assertEqual(1, listener.cleanup.call_count)
     def test_no_target_server(self):
@@ -502,3 +531,302 @@ class TestMultipleServers(test_utils.BaseTestCase, ServerSetupMixin):
+class TestServerLocking(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestServerLocking, self).setUp(conf=cfg.ConfigOpts())
+        def _logmethod(name):
+            def method(self):
+                with self._lock:
+                    self._calls.append(name)
+            return method
+        executors = []
+        class FakeExecutor(object):
+            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+                self._lock = threading.Lock()
+                self._calls = []
+                self.listener = mock.MagicMock()
+                executors.append(self)
+            start = _logmethod('start')
+            stop = _logmethod('stop')
+            wait = _logmethod('wait')
+            execute = _logmethod('execute')
+        self.executors = executors
+        self.server = oslo_messaging.MessageHandlingServer(mock.Mock(),
+                                                           mock.Mock())
+        self.server._executor_cls = FakeExecutor
+    def test_start_stop_wait(self):
+        # Test a simple execution of start, stop, wait in order
+        thread = eventlet.spawn(self.server.start)
+        self.server.stop()
+        self.server.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.executors), 1)
+        executor = self.executors[0]
+        self.assertEqual(executor._calls,
+                         ['start', 'execute', 'stop', 'wait'])
+        self.assertTrue(executor.listener.cleanup.called)
+    def test_reversed_order(self):
+        # Test that if we call wait, stop, start, these will be correctly
+        # reordered
+        wait = eventlet.spawn(self.server.wait)
+        # This is non-deterministic, but there's not a great deal we can do
+        # about that
+        eventlet.sleep(0)
+        stop = eventlet.spawn(self.server.stop)
+        eventlet.sleep(0)
+        start = eventlet.spawn(self.server.start)
+        self.server.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.executors), 1)
+        executor = self.executors[0]
+        self.assertEqual(executor._calls,
+                         ['start', 'execute', 'stop', 'wait'])
+    def test_wait_for_running_task(self):
+        # Test that if 2 threads call a method simultaneously, both will wait,
+        # but only 1 will call the underlying executor method.
+        start_event = threading.Event()
+        finish_event = threading.Event()
+        running_event = threading.Event()
+        done_event = threading.Event()
+        runner = [None]
+        class SteppingFakeExecutor(self.server._executor_cls):
+            def start(self):
+                # Tell the test which thread won the race
+                runner[0] = eventlet.getcurrent()
+                running_event.set()
+                start_event.wait()
+                super(SteppingFakeExecutor, self).start()
+                done_event.set()
+                finish_event.wait()
+        self.server._executor_cls = SteppingFakeExecutor
+        start1 = eventlet.spawn(self.server.start)
+        start2 = eventlet.spawn(self.server.start)
+        # Wait until one of the threads starts running
+        running_event.wait()
+        runner = runner[0]
+        waiter = start2 if runner == start1 else start2
+        waiter_finished = threading.Event()
+        waiter.link(lambda _: waiter_finished.set())
+        # At this point, runner is running start(), and waiter() is waiting for
+        # it to complete. runner has not yet logged anything.
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.executors))
+        executor = self.executors[0]
+        self.assertEqual(executor._calls, [])
+        self.assertFalse(waiter_finished.is_set())
+        # Let the runner log the call
+        start_event.set()
+        done_event.wait()
+        # We haven't signalled completion yet, so execute shouldn't have run
+        self.assertEqual(executor._calls, ['start'])
+        self.assertFalse(waiter_finished.is_set())
+        # Let the runner complete
+        finish_event.set()
+        waiter.wait()
+        runner.wait()
+        # Check that both threads have finished, start was only called once,
+        # and execute ran
+        self.assertTrue(waiter_finished.is_set())
+        self.assertEqual(executor._calls, ['start', 'execute'])
+    def test_start_stop_wait_stop_wait(self):
+        # Test that we behave correctly when calling stop/wait more than once.
+        # Subsequent calls should be noops.
+        self.server.start()
+        self.server.stop()
+        self.server.wait()
+        self.server.stop()
+        self.server.wait()
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.executors), 1)
+        executor = self.executors[0]
+        self.assertEqual(executor._calls,
+                         ['start', 'execute', 'stop', 'wait'])
+        self.assertTrue(executor.listener.cleanup.called)
+    def test_state_wrapping(self):
+        # Test that we behave correctly if a thread waits, and the server state
+        # has wrapped when it it next scheduled
+        # Ensure that if 2 threads wait for the completion of 'start', the
+        # first will wait until complete_event is signalled, but the second
+        # will continue
+        complete_event = threading.Event()
+        complete_waiting_callback = threading.Event()
+        start_state = self.server._states['start']
+        old_wait_for_completion = start_state.wait_for_completion
+        waited = [False]
+        def new_wait_for_completion(*args, **kwargs):
+            if not waited[0]:
+                waited[0] = True
+                complete_waiting_callback.set()
+                complete_event.wait()
+            old_wait_for_completion(*args, **kwargs)
+        start_state.wait_for_completion = new_wait_for_completion
+        # thread1 will wait for start to complete until we signal it
+        thread1 = eventlet.spawn(self.server.stop)
+        thread1_finished = threading.Event()
+        thread1.link(lambda _: thread1_finished.set())
+        self.server.start()
+        complete_waiting_callback.wait()
+        # The server should have started, but stop should not have been called
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.executors))
+        self.assertEqual(self.executors[0]._calls, ['start', 'execute'])
+        self.assertFalse(thread1_finished.is_set())
+        self.server.stop()
+        self.server.wait()
+        # We should have gone through all the states, and thread1 should still
+        # be waiting
+        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.executors))
+        self.assertEqual(self.executors[0]._calls, ['start', 'execute',
+                                                    'stop', 'wait'])
+        self.assertFalse(thread1_finished.is_set())
+        # Start again
+        self.server.start()
+        # We should now record 2 executors
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.executors))
+        self.assertEqual(self.executors[0]._calls, ['start', 'execute',
+                                                    'stop', 'wait'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.executors[1]._calls, ['start', 'execute'])
+        self.assertFalse(thread1_finished.is_set())
+        # Allow thread1 to complete
+        complete_event.set()
+        thread1_finished.wait()
+        # thread1 should now have finished, and stop should not have been
+        # called again on either the first or second executor
+        self.assertEqual(2, len(self.executors))
+        self.assertEqual(self.executors[0]._calls, ['start', 'execute',
+                                                    'stop', 'wait'])
+        self.assertEqual(self.executors[1]._calls, ['start', 'execute'])
+        self.assertTrue(thread1_finished.is_set())
+    @mock.patch.object(server_module, 'DEFAULT_LOG_AFTER', 1)
+    @mock.patch.object(server_module, 'LOG')
+    def test_logging(self, mock_log):
+        # Test that we generate a log message if we wait longer than
+        log_event = threading.Event()
+        mock_log.warn.side_effect = lambda _: log_event.set()
+        # Call stop without calling start. We should log a wait after 1 second
+        thread = eventlet.spawn(self.server.stop)
+        log_event.wait()
+        # Redundant given that we already waited, but it's nice to assert
+        self.assertTrue(mock_log.warn.called)
+        thread.kill()
+    @mock.patch.object(server_module, 'LOG')
+    def test_logging_explicit_wait(self, mock_log):
+        # Test that we generate a log message if we wait longer than
+        # the number of seconds passed to log_after
+        log_event = threading.Event()
+        mock_log.warn.side_effect = lambda _: log_event.set()
+        # Call stop without calling start. We should log a wait after 1 second
+        thread = eventlet.spawn(self.server.stop, log_after=1)
+        log_event.wait()
+        # Redundant given that we already waited, but it's nice to assert
+        self.assertTrue(mock_log.warn.called)
+        thread.kill()
+    @mock.patch.object(server_module, 'LOG')
+    def test_logging_with_timeout(self, mock_log):
+        # Test that we log a message after log_after seconds if we've also
+        # specified an absolute timeout
+        log_event = threading.Event()
+        mock_log.warn.side_effect = lambda _: log_event.set()
+        # Call stop without calling start. We should log a wait after 1 second
+        thread = eventlet.spawn(self.server.stop, log_after=1, timeout=2)
+        log_event.wait()
+        # Redundant given that we already waited, but it's nice to assert
+        self.assertTrue(mock_log.warn.called)
+        thread.kill()
+    def test_timeout_wait(self):
+        # Test that we will eventually timeout when passing the timeout option
+        # if a preceding condition is not satisfied.
+        self.assertRaises(server_module.TaskTimeout,
+                          self.server.stop, timeout=1)
+    def test_timeout_running(self):
+        # Test that we will eventually timeout if we're waiting for another
+        # thread to complete this task
+        # Start the server, which will also instantiate an executor
+        self.server.start()
+        stop_called = threading.Event()
+        # Patch the executor's stop method to be very slow
+        def slow_stop():
+            stop_called.set()
+            eventlet.sleep(10)
+        self.executors[0].stop = slow_stop
+        # Call stop in a new thread
+        thread = eventlet.spawn(self.server.stop)
+        # Wait until the thread is in the slow stop method
+        stop_called.wait()
+        # Call stop again in the main thread with a timeout
+        self.assertRaises(server_module.TaskTimeout,
+                          self.server.stop, timeout=1)
+        thread.kill()
+    @mock.patch.object(server_module, 'LOG')
+    def test_log_after_zero(self, mock_log):
+        # Test that we do not log a message after DEFAULT_LOG_AFTER if the
+        # caller gave log_after=1
+        # Call stop without calling start.
+        self.assertRaises(server_module.TaskTimeout,
+                          self.server.stop, log_after=0, timeout=2)
+        # We timed out. Ensure we didn't log anything.
+        self.assertFalse(mock_log.warn.called)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/test_amqp_driver.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/test_amqp_driver.py
index 4e3b750fe..909bc599d 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/test_amqp_driver.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/test_amqp_driver.py
@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ pyngus = importutils.try_import("pyngus")
 if pyngus:
     from oslo_messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import driver as amqp_driver
+# The Cyrus-based SASL tests can only be run if the installed version of proton
+# has been built with Cyrus SASL support.
+_proton = importutils.try_import("proton")
+CYRUS_ENABLED = (pyngus and pyngus.VERSION >= (2, 0, 0) and _proton
+                 and getattr(_proton.SASL, "extended", lambda: False)())
 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ class _ListenerThread(threading.Thread):
     def run(self):
         LOG.debug("Listener started")
         while self.msg_count > 0:
-            in_msg = self.listener.poll()
+            in_msg = self.listener.poll()[0]
             self.msg_count -= 1
             if in_msg.message.get('method') == 'echo':
@@ -354,8 +359,7 @@ class TestAuthentication(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
-@testtools.skipUnless(pyngus and pyngus.VERSION >= (2, 0, 0),
-                      "pyngus module not present")
+@testtools.skipUnless(CYRUS_ENABLED, "Cyrus SASL not supported")
 class TestCyrusAuthentication(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
     """Test the driver's Cyrus SASL integration"""
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/test_fixture.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/test_fixture.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ad1117d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/test_fixture.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Mirantis Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_messaging import conffixture
+from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
+class TestConfFixture(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    def test_fixture_wraps_set_override(self):
+        conf = self.messaging_conf.conf
+        self.assertIsNotNone(conf.set_override.wrapped)
+        self.messaging_conf._teardown_decorator()
+        self.assertFalse(hasattr(conf.set_override, 'wrapped'))
+    def test_fixture_wraps_clear_override(self):
+        conf = self.messaging_conf.conf
+        self.assertIsNotNone(conf.clear_override.wrapped)
+        self.messaging_conf._teardown_decorator()
+        self.assertFalse(hasattr(conf.clear_override, 'wrapped'))
+    def test_fixture_setup_teardown_decorator(self):
+        conf = cfg.ConfigOpts()
+        self.assertFalse(hasattr(conf.set_override, 'wrapped'))
+        self.assertFalse(hasattr(conf.clear_override, 'wrapped'))
+        fixture = conffixture.ConfFixture(conf)
+        self.assertFalse(hasattr(conf.set_override, 'wrapped'))
+        self.assertFalse(hasattr(conf.clear_override, 'wrapped'))
+        self.useFixture(fixture)
+        self.assertTrue(hasattr(conf.set_override, 'wrapped'))
+        self.assertTrue(hasattr(conf.clear_override, 'wrapped'))
+        fixture._teardown_decorator()
+        self.assertFalse(hasattr(conf.set_override, 'wrapped'))
+        self.assertFalse(hasattr(conf.clear_override, 'wrapped'))
+    def test_fixture_properties(self):
+        conf = self.messaging_conf.conf
+        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'fake'
+        self.assertEqual('fake',
+                         self.messaging_conf.transport_driver)
+        self.assertEqual('fake',
+                         conf.rpc_backend)
+    def test_old_notifications_config_override(self):
+        conf = self.messaging_conf.conf
+        conf.set_override(
+            "notification_driver", "messaging")
+        conf.set_override(
+            "notification_transport_url", "http://xyz")
+        conf.set_override(
+            "notification_topics", ['topic1'])
+        self.assertEqual("messaging",
+                         conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.driver)
+        self.assertEqual("http://xyz",
+                         conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.transport_url)
+        self.assertEqual(['topic1'],
+                         conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.topics)
+        conf.clear_override("notification_driver")
+        conf.clear_override("notification_transport_url")
+        conf.clear_override("notification_topics")
+        self.assertEqual([],
+                         conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.driver)
+        self.assertEqual(None,
+                         conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.transport_url)
+        self.assertEqual(['notifications'],
+                         conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.topics)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/test_opts.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/test_opts.py
index e16145b94..931ded80f 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/test_opts.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/test_opts.py
@@ -32,14 +32,13 @@ class OptsTestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
         super(OptsTestCase, self).setUp()
     def _test_list_opts(self, result):
-        self.assertEqual(5, len(result))
+        self.assertEqual(4, len(result))
         groups = [g for (g, l) in result]
         self.assertIn(None, groups)
         self.assertIn('matchmaker_redis', groups)
         self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_amqp', groups)
         self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_rabbit', groups)
-        self.assertIn('oslo_messaging_qpid', groups)
         opt_names = [o.name for (g, l) in result for o in l]
         self.assertIn('rpc_backend', opt_names)
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/tests/utils.py b/oslo_messaging/tests/utils.py
index 8ea89c5ed..eacfaedc8 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/tests/utils.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/tests/utils.py
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ class ServerThreadHelper(threading.Thread):
         self.daemon = True
         self._server = server
         self._stop_event = threading.Event()
-        self._wait_event = threading.Event()
     def run(self):
@@ -75,7 +74,6 @@ class ServerThreadHelper(threading.Thread):
-        self._wait_event.set()
     def stop(self):
diff --git a/oslo_messaging/transport.py b/oslo_messaging/transport.py
index 5a8c3891a..144d1a7f3 100644
--- a/oslo_messaging/transport.py
+++ b/oslo_messaging/transport.py
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ _transport_opts = [
                help='The messaging driver to use, defaults to rabbit. Other '
-                    'drivers include qpid and zmq.'),
+                    'drivers include amqp and zmq.'),
                help='The default exchange under which topics are scoped. May '
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class TransportURL(object):
     :param conf: a ConfigOpts instance
     :type conf: oslo.config.cfg.ConfigOpts
-    :param transport: a transport name for example 'rabbit' or 'qpid'
+    :param transport: a transport name for example 'rabbit'
     :type transport: str
     :param virtual_host: a virtual host path for example '/'
     :type virtual_host: str
@@ -381,7 +381,6 @@ class TransportURL(object):
         hosts = []
-        username = password = ''
         for host in url.netloc.split(','):
             if not host:
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index fa33c2437..4799d76d1 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5,19 +5,21 @@
 futurist>=0.1.2 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.config>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.config>=2.7.0 # Apache-2.0
 oslo.context>=0.2.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.log>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.serialization>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.service>=0.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.log>=1.12.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils!=3.1.0,>=2.8.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.service>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0
 oslo.i18n>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
 stevedore>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+debtcollector>=0.3.0 # Apache-2.0
 # for jsonutils
 cachetools>=1.0.0 # MIT License
 # FIXME(markmc): remove this when the drivers no longer
 # import eventlet
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ pika>=0.10.0
 # middleware
-oslo.middleware>=2.8.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0
 # needed by the aioeventlet executor
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index d5b4b08bc..d09e6e685 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ console_scripts =
 oslo.messaging.drivers =
     rabbit = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit:RabbitDriver
-    qpid = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_qpid:QpidDriver
     zmq = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_zmq:ZmqDriver
     amqp = oslo_messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp.driver:ProtonDriver
+    # This driver is supporting for only notification usage
+    kafka = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_kafka:KafkaDriver
     # To avoid confusion
     kombu = oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit:RabbitDriver
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 693f069b1..1387e1a6b 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ testscenarios>=0.4
 oslotest>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-# for test_qpid
 # for test_matchmaker_redis
 # for test_impl_zmq
 pyzmq>=14.3.1 # LGPL+BSD
+# for test_impl_kafka
+kafka-python>=0.9.2 # Apache-2.0
 # when we can require tox>= 1.4, this can go into tox.ini:
 #  [testenv:cover]
 #  deps = {[testenv]deps} coverage
@@ -31,8 +31,11 @@ coverage>=3.6
 # this is required for the docs build jobs
-oslosphinx>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslosphinx!=3.4.0,>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
 # AMQP 1.0 support depends on the Qpid Proton AMQP 1.0
 # development libraries.
 pyngus>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+# Bandit security code scanner
diff --git a/tools/messages_length.yaml b/tools/messages_length.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..092ed513c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/messages_length.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# The numbers below present the length of the messages (in string equivalent)
+# that were sent through the MQ backend (RabbitMQ) during the
+# boot_and_delete_server Rally scenario run (50 times, concurrency equal to 3).
+# The information was gathered via adding log to the _send method of
+# AMQPDriverBase class after all lines related to the msg object modifications.
+# Message length was gathered to introduce real-like message generator for
+# simulator.py oslo.messaging tool, that could introduce traffic closer to the
+# real control plane load and estimate both message length and size (in bytes)
+# going through the MQ layer.
+    string_lengths: 806, 992, 992, 1116, 1116, 1191, 1595, 1199, 1043, 1210, 1220, 1191, 1123, 1624, 2583, 1153, 4412, 1642, 1210, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 6386, 6368, 6386, 6368, 6386, 11292, 2136, 5407, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 11292, 2136, 5398, 5407, 4357, 5431, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4407, 5431, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4457, 5431, 4387, 2627, 4387, 2094, 2038, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 4387, 5438, 2310, 2310, 2627, 2094, 2496, 2038, 5451, 2310, 5438, 2496, 2496, 2240, 2099, 2240, 1500, 2099, 2626, 5451, 2240, 2626, 1555, 1555, 1702, 1500, 5451, 1702, 2450, 2450, 1570, 1155, 4539, 1570, 4539, 1641, 2099, 1641, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3518, 5710, 1641, 2226, 2643, 3382, 6671, 3518, 2531, 2226, 2643, 2124, 3382, 5500, 3518, 2531, 2226, 2643, 965, 2124, 3382, 5500, 6858, 2531, 1177, 965, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1500, 1500, 2549, 7745, 1575, 5687, 7688, 2183, 1177, 2549, 965, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 7270, 2128, 1575, 6535, 2549, 6574, 6480, 2643, 2584, 6535, 1220, 2644, 7688, 2183, 1500, 1676, 2611, 1500, 6480, 2611, 2643, 1624, 2241, 1153, 4696, 7270, 2128, 2584, 2644, 1590, 2611, 2611, 1555, 2241, 1555, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4480, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4504, 5431, 4434, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 1500, 7270, 2128, 1500, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4532, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4532, 5431, 4434, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 1500, 7270, 2128, 1500, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4532, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4582, 5431, 4484, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 2099, 2626, 5451, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 1575, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 1500, 2128, 1500, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4582, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4582, 5431, 4484, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 1500, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1500, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4582, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4582, 5431, 4484, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1500, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4582, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 1500, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4582, 5431, 4484, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 6516, 2300, 6516, 5839, 6156, 6512, 1597, 1500, 1026, 1676, 1500, 6516, 4505, 1220, 2300, 6516, 1624, 6535, 1153, 4668, 5839, 2228, 6156, 1590, 6480, 2643, 6512, 2228, 2584, 1611, 2644, 1102, 1701, 2611, 4354, 2449, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 2582, 2398, 6386, 2226, 6368, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4452, 11292, 2136, 6536, 5407, 6386, 6368, 2298, 2116, 2116, 2608, 5398, 1855, 1880, 2175, 4526, 5431, 11292, 2136, 5407, 4456, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2116, 2310, 2496, 5438, 2116, 2240, 5398, 5451, 4604, 5431, 2099, 2626, 1555, 4506, 2627, 1702, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2450, 2496, 4539, 2240, 1641, 2099, 1500, 1570, 6386, 2626, 5451, 1555, 6368, 1500, 1702, 2450, 11292, 2136, 1570, 5407, 3518, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4539, 2226, 1641, 4604, 2643, 5431, 3382, 3518, 5500, 4506, 2531, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2226, 2310, 2124, 2643, 3382, 5451, 2496, 5500, 2240, 2531, 2099, 2626, 1555, 5687, 2124, 1177, 1702, 965, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 1575, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 1575, 5687, 2531, 1177, 965, 6574, 2549, 2124, 1500, 1500, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 1575, 5687, 1177, 2549, 6574, 965, 6535, 7688, 2183, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1500, 1702, 1500, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 7270, 2128, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 1575, 2549, 6574, 4604, 6535, 6536, 7688, 2183, 2298, 6480, 2643, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1500, 1500, 7270, 2128, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4604, 5431, 2142, 4604, 6535, 6536, 4506, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2298, 6480, 2643, 2310, 5438, 2608, 2496, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2584, 2240, 2644, 2099, 2626, 5451, 2611, 1555, 2611, 2241, 1702, 2450, 1555, 1570, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2582, 2398, 6386, 2226, 6368, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2142, 4604, 11292, 2136, 6536, 5407, 2531, 2116, 2116, 2124, 5398, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 4604, 5431, 5687, 1177, 4506, 965, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 1500, 4539, 1641, 1500, 1575, 2549, 6574, 3518, 7688, 2183, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 7270, 2128, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 5687, 1177, 2116, 2116, 5398, 965, 4604, 6535, 5431, 6480, 2643, 4506, 2584, 2627, 2094, 2644, 2038, 5438, 2611, 2310, 2611, 5451, 2496, 2241, 2240, 1575, 1555, 1702, 2450, 2099, 1570, 2626, 3308, 1555, 2043, 3518, 1702, 4539, 1575, 2450, 1641, 1570, 2549, 1500, 6574, 1500, 1220, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 7688, 2183, 3420, 1624, 6576, 1676, 3518, 1153, 4717, 2142, 1590, 4501, 2226, 6536, 1611, 2643, 7270, 2128, 1102, 1701, 3382, 5500, 2449, 2298, 2608, 1855, 2531, 1880, 2175, 2124, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 5687, 2644, 1177, 2611, 965, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 6386, 6368, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2582, 2116, 2398, 5398, 2226, 2093, 4551, 3420, 6576, 5431, 1575, 1500, 6574, 1500, 4481, 2549, 1575, 2627, 2142, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 4579, 6536, 2240, 2099, 7688, 2183, 2626, 5451, 1555, 2298, 1702, 2450, 1570, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 5687, 2241, 1177, 965, 1555, 6386, 6368, 1702, 2450, 1570, 11292, 2136, 3308, 5407, 2043, 3518, 2116, 2116, 5398, 2582, 4579, 2398, 5431, 2226, 2093, 3420, 4481, 1500, 6576, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 1500, 2142, 2310, 1575, 1575, 2496, 2240, 6574, 2099, 4579, 2626, 1555, 2549, 5451, 1702, 6536, 2450, 1570, 7688, 2183, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 3518, 5710, 2226, 1641, 2643, 3382, 6671, 7270, 2128, 2531, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 2124, 4629, 5431, 6535, 4531, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 6480, 2643, 2496, 5438, 6858, 2584, 1177, 2240, 965, 2644, 1500, 2611, 5451, 2611, 2241, 2099, 1500, 2626, 1555, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1702, 1575, 1570, 2450, 4539, 1570, 1641, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 3518, 2549, 7745, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2643, 2226, 7688, 2093, 2183, 3382, 3420, 5500, 6576, 2531, 2124, 2142, 4629, 6536, 2298, 2608, 7270, 2128, 1855, 1880, 2175, 5687, 1177, 965, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 6386, 6368, 2611, 2611, 2241, 11292, 2136, 5407, 1555, 1500, 1702, 2116, 2116, 1500, 5398, 2450, 1570, 3308, 4629, 2043, 5431, 3518, 1575, 4531, 2549, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 6574, 2582, 2310, 2496, 2398, 5451, 2240, 7688, 2183, 2226, 1575, 2093, 3420, 2099, 2626, 1555, 6576, 1702, 2450, 2142, 1570, 4629, 6536, 4539, 1641, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 1500, 2531, 1500, 2124, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 5687, 6386, 1177, 1555, 6368, 965, 1702, 2450, 11292, 1570, 2136, 3308, 5407, 2043, 3518, 2116, 2116, 5398, 1575, 2582, 4679, 2398, 2226, 5431, 2093, 3420, 6576, 4581, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 1575, 2496, 2549, 2142, 5438, 6574, 2240, 4679, 6536, 7688, 2183, 5451, 2099, 2626, 2298, 1555, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1702, 2450, 1570, 7270, 4539, 1500, 2128, 1641, 1500, 1597, 1066, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 1220, 2531, 1624, 2124, 1153, 1676, 4818, 6386, 6535, 6368, 1624, 6480, 2643, 2584, 1611, 2644, 5687, 2611, 11292, 2136, 2611, 2241, 1177, 965, 1102, 1701, 5407, 2449, 1555, 1575, 1702, 2116, 2450, 2116, 1570, 5398, 3308, 2043, 3518, 4602, 5431, 2582, 2398, 4532, 2226, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2093, 5438, 2310, 3420, 2496, 6576, 1575, 2240, 5451, 2549, 2142, 6574, 4630, 6536, 2099, 2626, 1500, 7688, 2183, 1500, 4539, 1555, 2298, 1641, 2608, 1702, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2450, 1570, 7270, 2128, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 6386, 6368, 6535, 2124, 6480, 2643, 11292, 2136, 2584, 5407, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 2116, 2116, 5687, 5398, 1177, 1555, 965, 1575, 1702, 2450, 4630, 1570, 3308, 5431, 2043, 3518, 4532, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2582, 2398, 2240, 5451, 2226, 2093, 1500, 2099, 3420, 6576, 2626, 1500, 1555, 1575, 6574, 2549, 2142, 1702, 4630, 4539, 2450, 1641, 6536, 1570, 7688, 2183, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 5687, 2241, 1177, 965, 1555, 1702, 6386, 2450, 6368, 1570, 3308, 2043, 1575, 1500, 3518, 11292, 2136, 5407, 1500, 2582, 2116, 2398, 2116, 2226, 5398, 2093, 3420, 6576, 4680, 5431, 2142, 4680, 6536, 4582, 1575, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 6574, 2549, 2310, 5451, 2496, 2298, 2240, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7688, 2183, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 7270, 2128, 2531, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4680, 5431, 4582, 1500, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 2124, 2496, 5438, 1500, 2240, 5451, 6535, 2099, 2626, 1555, 5687, 1177, 1702, 965, 6480, 2643, 2450, 2584, 1570, 2644, 2611, 1575, 4539, 2611, 1641, 2241, 1555, 1702, 3518, 2450, 1570, 3308, 1575, 2043, 3518, 2226, 2549, 2643, 6574, 3382, 5500, 2531, 7688, 2183, 2582, 2398, 2124, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4680, 6536, 5687, 1177, 2298, 965, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 1500, 1500, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4680, 5431, 4582, 1575, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2549, 6574, 2310, 2496, 5451, 6535, 1575, 2240, 6480, 2643, 2099, 2626, 7688, 2183, 2584, 1555, 2644, 1702, 2611, 2611, 2450, 1570, 2241, 4539, 1641, 1555, 7270, 2128, 1712, 1702, 1154, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 1500, 3518, 3518, 1500, 2582, 2398, 1220, 2226, 2226, 2643, 2093, 1624, 3420, 6576, 3382, 1153, 5500, 6535, 2531, 2124, 4768, 1624, 2142, 1676, 4552, 6480, 6536, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2298, 2611, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2241, 2175, 5687, 1177, 965, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4552, 1575, 1575, 6536, 6386, 2549, 6368, 6574, 1500, 2298, 1500, 7688, 2183, 2608, 11292, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4552, 5431, 7270, 4482, 2128, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 5438, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 6386, 6368, 6535, 4539, 1641, 11292, 2136, 5407, 6480, 2643, 1575, 2584, 3518, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2116, 2116, 2241, 5398, 2226, 2643, 1555, 1702, 3382, 5500, 4580, 2450, 1570, 5431, 3308, 2043, 2531, 3518, 4482, 2124, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 2496, 5438, 2582, 5451, 2240, 2398, 2226, 5687, 2093, 2099, 3420, 2626, 1177, 1555, 6576, 965, 1702, 2450, 1570, 2142, 4580, 4539, 6536, 1641, 1500, 2298, 1500, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 1575, 2549, 6574, 5687, 7688, 2183, 1177, 965, 7270, 2128, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4630, 1575, 5431, 1500, 1575, 4532, 1500, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2549, 6574, 6535, 2240, 7688, 2183, 2099, 2626, 5451, 6480, 2643, 1555, 2584, 2644, 1702, 2611, 2450, 1570, 2611, 7270, 2241, 2128, 1555, 1702, 4539, 1641, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 3518, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2582, 2226, 2398, 2226, 2584, 2644, 2643, 2611, 2093, 2611, 3382, 3420, 2241, 5500, 6576, 1500, 1500, 2531, 1555, 2142, 4630, 6536, 2124, 1702, 2450, 1570, 2298, 5687, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 3308, 2043, 1177, 965, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4630, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 1575, 6386, 6368, 2549, 6574, 11292, 2136, 7688, 2183, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4630, 5431, 4532, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 5438, 7270, 2496, 2128, 1500, 1500, 2240, 2099, 5451, 2626, 1555, 6386, 6368, 1702, 2450, 1570, 11292, 1575, 2136, 5407, 4539, 2116, 1641, 2116, 5398, 6535, 3518, 6480, 2643, 4630, 5431, 2226, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 3382, 2611, 2241, 5500, 1555, 4532, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2531, 1702, 2310, 2450, 1570, 2496, 2124, 3308, 5438, 2240, 2043, 3518, 2099, 5451, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2582, 2398, 5687, 2450, 2226, 1570, 1177, 965, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4630, 4539, 6536, 1641, 1500, 3518, 1500, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2226, 2643, 1220, 3382, 5500, 1575, 1676, 2531, 2549, 6574, 1624, 2124, 7688, 2183, 1153, 4741, 1590, 1611, 5687, 1102, 1701, 1177, 965, 2449, 1597, 1066, 7270, 2128, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4525, 5431, 4455, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 1500, 2240, 5451, 1500, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 4539, 1641, 2549, 6574, 6535, 3518, 7688, 2183, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2226, 2611, 2643, 2611, 3382, 2241, 5500, 1555, 2531, 7270, 2124, 2128, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4553, 6536, 1500, 1500, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6535, 5687, 1177, 965, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 1575, 1575, 6574, 6386, 2549, 2142, 6368, 4553, 11292, 2136, 6536, 5407, 7688, 2183, 2116, 2298, 2116, 5398, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1500, 1500, 7270, 2128, 4553, 5431, 4455, 6386, 6368, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 6535, 5451, 11292, 2136, 6480, 2643, 5407, 2584, 2099, 2116, 2626, 2644, 1555, 2116, 2611, 5398, 1702, 2611, 1575, 2450, 2241, 4539, 4553, 1570, 1555, 1641, 5431, 1702, 2450, 4455, 1570, 2627, 2094, 2038, 3308, 5438, 2310, 2043, 2496, 3518, 2240, 3518, 5451, 2099, 2626, 2226, 2643, 2582, 2398, 3382, 1555, 5500, 2226, 1702, 2093, 2531, 2450, 3420, 1570, 6576, 2124, 4539, 1641, 2142, 4553, 6536, 2298, 3518, 1500, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1500, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 5687, 2531, 1177, 965, 2124, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 1575, 5687, 2549, 6574, 1177, 2116, 965, 2116, 7688, 2183, 5398, 4553, 5431, 1575, 4455, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 1500, 7270, 1500, 2128, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 2549, 4539, 6574, 1641, 6535, 3518, 7688, 2183, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2226, 2644, 2643, 2611, 3382, 2611, 5500, 2241, 1555, 2531, 1702, 2450, 2124, 1570, 7270, 2128, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 1500, 2398, 2226, 1500, 2093, 5687, 3420, 1177, 6576, 2142, 4553, 965, 6536, 6535, 2298, 2608, 6480, 1855, 2643, 1880, 2175, 2584, 2644, 2611, 1220, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1676, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 2582, 2398, 1624, 2226, 2549, 6574, 2093, 3420, 1153, 6386, 6576, 7688, 6368, 2183, 1575, 4767, 1624, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2142, 4551, 1611, 7270, 2128, 1102, 1701, 1500, 2449, 1500, 6536, 2116, 2116, 5398, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 4551, 5431, 4481, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 5451, 6535, 2240, 2099, 6480, 2643, 2626, 1555, 2584, 2644, 1702, 4539, 2611, 6386, 1641, 2450, 2611, 6368, 1570, 2241, 1555, 1575, 1702, 11292, 2450, 1570, 2136, 5407, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2116, 3518, 2116, 5398, 4579, 2582, 2226, 5431, 2398, 2643, 2226, 2093, 3382, 3420, 5500, 4481, 6576, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2531, 2310, 2496, 5451, 2142, 2124, 4579, 2240, 6536, 2099, 2626, 1555, 2298, 2608, 1702, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 5687, 1500, 1177, 965, 1500, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 5687, 1177, 965, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 1575, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 1500, 1500, 4579, 7270, 2128, 5431, 4481, 1575, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2549, 2310, 6574, 2496, 6535, 5451, 2240, 7688, 2183, 2099, 6457, 2643, 2626, 1555, 2584, 4539, 2644, 2611, 1641, 1702, 7270, 2128, 2611, 2450, 2241, 1570, 1555, 1500, 1500, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 3518, 6535, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2643, 6480, 2643, 3382, 2226, 5500, 2584, 2644, 2093, 3420, 2611, 6553, 2531, 2611, 2124, 2241, 2142, 4579, 1555, 6513, 1702, 2298, 2450, 1570, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 3308, 2043, 3518, 5687, 1177, 965, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4579, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 6386, 6368, 7688, 2183, 11292, 2136, 5407, 1500, 2116, 1500, 2116, 5398, 4579, 5431, 4481, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 7270, 2128, 1555, 1575, 1702, 2450, 4539, 1570, 6386, 1641, 6368, 11292, 2136, 6535, 5407, 6480, 2643, 2116, 2116, 3518, 2584, 5398, 2644, 2611, 2226, 2643, 4629, 2611, 5431, 3382, 2241, 5500, 4531, 1555, 2531, 2627, 2094, 2038, 1702, 2310, 5438, 2450, 2496, 2124, 1570, 3308, 2240, 2043, 3518, 5451, 2099, 1500, 2626, 1500, 1555, 5687, 1702, 1177, 2450, 2582, 965, 1570, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 4539, 1641, 2142, 4629, 6536, 3518, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 1575, 1220, 2531, 1676, 2549, 6574, 2124, 1624, 7688, 2183, 1153, 4769, 1624, 1611, 1102, 1701, 5687, 2449, 1177, 1597, 965, 1066, 7270, 2128, 1500, 6386, 1500, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 1575, 4553, 5431, 4483, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 5451, 6535, 6574, 2549, 6480, 2643, 3518, 2584, 2644, 7688, 2183, 2226, 2611, 2643, 2611, 5710, 2241, 3382, 1641, 1555, 6671, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2531, 2043, 3518, 2124, 1500, 2582, 1500, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 7270, 2128, 6576, 2142, 6858, 4581, 1177, 6536, 2298, 965, 2608, 6535, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 1575, 2142, 4581, 2549, 7745, 6536, 1575, 2298, 2608, 7688, 2183, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 1500, 1500, 11292, 2136, 5407, 7270, 2128, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4631, 6386, 6368, 5431, 11292, 2136, 5407, 4533, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 2496, 2116, 5438, 2116, 5398, 2240, 2099, 6535, 2626, 6480, 2643, 5451, 2584, 2644, 4631, 1555, 5431, 2611, 4533, 2627, 2094, 2038, 1702, 2310, 2496, 2611, 2241, 2450, 1570, 2240, 5438, 2099, 2626, 1555, 5451, 1555, 1702, 4539, 1641, 1702, 2450, 2450, 1570, 1570, 3518, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2226, 1575, 2643, 4539, 3382, 5500, 2582, 2398, 3518, 2226, 1641, 2226, 2093, 3420, 2643, 6576, 2531, 3382, 2124, 5500, 2142, 4631, 6536, 2531, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1500, 1500, 1575, 5687, 1177, 2549, 965, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 1575, 4631, 1500, 2549, 1500, 5431, 6574, 6535, 4533, 2627, 2094, 2038, 7688, 2183, 2310, 6480, 2643, 2496, 5438, 2240, 2584, 2099, 2626, 2644, 2611, 5451, 1555, 2611, 1702, 2241, 2450, 1570, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 7270, 3308, 2128, 4539, 2043, 3518, 1641, 3518, 2582, 2226, 2398, 2643, 2226, 2093, 3382, 3420, 5500, 6576, 2531, 2142, 4631, 2124, 6536, 6535, 2298, 2608, 6480, 1855, 2643, 1880, 2175, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 5687, 1177, 1555, 965, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1500, 1500, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4631, 6536, 2298, 1575, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6574, 1575, 1676, 7688, 2183, 1220, 2549, 1624, 1153, 4691, 6386, 6368, 1590, 1611, 7270, 2128, 1102, 1701, 11292, 2136, 2449, 5407, 1500, 1500, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4549, 5431, 6535, 6386, 6480, 6368, 2643, 4479, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2584, 2644, 5438, 1575, 2310, 5451, 2496, 2611, 2240, 2099, 2611, 2241, 2626, 11292, 2136, 1555, 5407, 1702, 2450, 1555, 1702, 2116, 1570, 2116, 2450, 5398, 4539, 1570, 1641, 4577, 3308, 5431, 2043, 3518, 3518, 4479, 2226, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2643, 2310, 3382, 5500, 2496, 2582, 5451, 2240, 2398, 2099, 2531, 2626, 1555, 2226, 2093, 1702, 2124, 3420, 2450, 1570, 6576, 2142, 4577, 6536, 4539, 1641, 2298, 5687, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1177, 965, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 1500, 1500, 1575, 5687, 2549, 1177, 6574, 965, 7688, 2183, 6386, 6368, 1575, 7270, 2128, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4577, 5431, 4479, 1575, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2549, 2310, 6574, 2496, 6535, 1500, 5451, 1500, 2240, 6480, 2643, 7688, 2183, 2584, 2099, 2644, 2626, 1555, 2611, 2611, 1702, 4539, 2450, 2241, 1570, 1641, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 7270, 2043, 2128, 3518, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2226, 2643, 2093, 3382, 3420, 5500, 6576, 2142, 2531, 4577, 6536, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2124, 2584, 2644, 2298, 2608, 2611, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 5687, 3308, 1177, 2043, 965, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 1500, 2142, 1500, 4577, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 7270, 2128, 4627, 5431, 4529, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 6386, 6368, 6535, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2240, 2099, 5451, 2626, 6480, 2643, 1555, 2584, 2116, 2644, 1702, 2611, 2116, 2450, 5398, 2611, 1570, 2241, 4539, 4627, 1641, 1555, 1500, 5431, 1500, 1702, 2450, 4529, 1570, 2627, 2094, 3518, 2038, 5438, 3308, 2310, 2043, 3518, 2226, 2496, 2643, 3382, 5451, 1575, 2240, 5500, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2099, 2626, 2093, 3420, 1555, 2531, 6576, 2124, 1702, 4539, 2450, 2142, 1570, 1641, 4627, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 5687, 1177, 965, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 1575, 2124, 2549, 6574, 6386, 7688, 2183, 6368, 1568, 5687, 1177, 11292, 965, 2136, 5407, 1500, 1500, 2116, 2116, 5398, 7270, 2128, 1712, 1575, 4627, 1154, 5431, 4529, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 5438, 2496, 2240, 5451, 1676, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1220, 1702, 2450, 1575, 1570, 2549, 6574, 6535, 1624, 4539, 7688, 2183, 1641, 1500, 1500, 6480, 2643, 3518, 1153, 2584, 2644, 2226, 4817, 2611, 2643, 2611, 1590, 3382, 2241, 5500, 1624, 1555, 2559, 2561, 2559, 2531, 1702, 2124, 7270, 2579, 2579, 2450, 1611, 1570, 2128, 3308, 1102, 1701, 2449, 2043, 3518, 1597, 1106, 2582, 5687, 2398, 2226, 1177, 2093, 3420, 6576, 965, 6535, 2142, 4601, 6536, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2298, 1500, 2608, 1500, 2611, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 2549, 6574, 2582, 2398, 2226, 7688, 2093, 2183, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4601, 6536, 2298, 6386, 2608, 6368, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4601, 5431, 4531, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 5438, 2496, 2240, 1500, 5451, 1500, 6535, 2099, 2626, 1555, 6480, 2643, 2584, 1702, 2644, 2450, 2611, 1570, 2611, 2241, 1555, 4539, 1641, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 3518, 2582, 2226, 2398, 2643, 2226, 2093, 3382, 3420, 5500, 6576, 2531, 2142, 4629, 2124, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1500, 1500, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4629, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 7291, 2128, 6534, 6479, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4629, 7291, 2128, 6536, 2298, 6534, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6479, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 1500, 2093, 3420, 1500, 6576, 2142, 4629, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 1500, 1500, 1220, 1624, 1153, 4412, 1676, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1676, 1220, 1624, 1153, 4412, 1597, 908, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1676, 1220, 1624, 1153, 1500, 4412, 1500, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1597, 908, 1500, 1500, 1676, 1220, 1624, 1153, 4412, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/simulator.py b/tools/simulator.py
index 8b8fc0bbc..c3f94158f 100755
--- a/tools/simulator.py
+++ b/tools/simulator.py
@@ -13,14 +13,19 @@
 import eventlet
-import os
 import argparse
+import collections
 import datetime
 import logging
+import os
+import random
+import string
 import sys
 import threading
 import time
+import yaml
+from scipy.stats import rv_discrete
 from oslo_config import cfg
 import oslo_messaging as messaging
@@ -28,6 +33,8 @@ from oslo_messaging import notify  # noqa
 from oslo_messaging import rpc  # noqa
 LOG = logging.getLogger()
 USAGE = """ Usage: ./simulator.py [-h] [--url URL] [-d DEBUG]\
  {notify-server,notify-client,rpc-server,rpc-client} ...
@@ -40,6 +47,29 @@ Usage example:
  --exit-wait 15000 -p 64 -m 64"""
+def init_random_generator():
+    data = []
+    with open('./messages_length.yaml') as m_file:
+        content = yaml.load(m_file)
+        data += [int(n) for n in content[
+            'test_data']['string_lengths'].split(', ')]
+    ranges = collections.defaultdict(int)
+    for msg_length in data:
+        range_start = (msg_length / 500) * 500 + 1
+        ranges[range_start] += 1
+    ranges_start = sorted(ranges.keys())
+    total_count = len(data)
+    ranges_dist = []
+    for r in ranges_start:
+        r_dist = float(ranges[r]) / total_count
+        ranges_dist.append(r_dist)
+    random_var = rv_discrete(values=(ranges_start, ranges_dist))
+    return random_var
 class LoggingNoParsingFilter(logging.Filter):
     def filter(self, record):
         msg = record.getMessage()
@@ -49,14 +79,34 @@ class LoggingNoParsingFilter(logging.Filter):
         return True
-class NotifyEndpoint(object):
-    def __init__(self):
+class Monitor(object):
+    def __init__(self, show_stats=False, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._count = self._prev_count = 0
+        self.show_stats = show_stats
+        if self.show_stats:
+            self._monitor()
+    def _monitor(self):
+        threading.Timer(1.0, self._monitor).start()
+        print ("%d msg was received per second"
+               % (self._count - self._prev_count))
+        self._prev_count = self._count
+    def info(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._count += 1
+class NotifyEndpoint(Monitor):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(NotifyEndpoint, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self.cache = []
     def info(self, ctxt, publisher_id, event_type, payload, metadata):
+        super(NotifyEndpoint, self).info(ctxt, publisher_id, event_type,
+                                         payload, metadata)
         LOG.info('msg rcv')
         LOG.info("%s %s %s %s" % (ctxt, publisher_id, event_type, payload))
-        if payload not in self.cache:
+        if not self.show_stats and payload not in self.cache:
             LOG.info('requeue msg')
             for i in range(15):
@@ -67,8 +117,8 @@ class NotifyEndpoint(object):
         return messaging.NotificationResult.HANDLED
-def notify_server(transport):
-    endpoints = [NotifyEndpoint()]
+def notify_server(transport, show_stats):
+    endpoints = [NotifyEndpoint(show_stats)]
     target = messaging.Target(topic='n-t1')
     server = notify.get_notification_listener(transport, [target],
                                               endpoints, executor='eventlet')
@@ -76,8 +126,41 @@ def notify_server(transport):
-class RpcEndpoint(object):
-    def __init__(self, wait_before_answer):
+class BatchNotifyEndpoint(Monitor):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        super(BatchNotifyEndpoint, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.cache = []
+    def info(self, messages):
+        super(BatchNotifyEndpoint, self).info(messages)
+        self._count += len(messages) - 1
+        LOG.info('msg rcv')
+        LOG.info("%s" % messages)
+        if not self.show_stats and messages not in self.cache:
+            LOG.info('requeue msg')
+            self.cache.append(messages)
+            for i in range(15):
+                eventlet.sleep(1)
+            return messaging.NotificationResult.REQUEUE
+        else:
+            LOG.info('ack msg')
+        return messaging.NotificationResult.HANDLED
+def batch_notify_server(transport, show_stats):
+    endpoints = [BatchNotifyEndpoint(show_stats)]
+    target = messaging.Target(topic='n-t1')
+    server = notify.get_batch_notification_listener(
+        transport, [target],
+        endpoints, executor='eventlet',
+        batch_size=1000, batch_time=5)
+    server.start()
+    server.wait()
+class RpcEndpoint(Monitor):
+    def __init__(self, wait_before_answer, show_stats):
         self.count = None
         self.wait_before_answer = wait_before_answer
@@ -96,27 +179,8 @@ class RpcEndpoint(object):
         return "OK: %s" % message
-class RpcEndpointMonitor(RpcEndpoint):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(RpcEndpointMonitor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._count = self._prev_count = 0
-        self._monitor()
-    def _monitor(self):
-        threading.Timer(1.0, self._monitor).start()
-        print ("%d msg was received per second"
-               % (self._count - self._prev_count))
-        self._prev_count = self._count
-    def info(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        self._count += 1
-        super(RpcEndpointMonitor, self).info(*args, **kwargs)
 def rpc_server(transport, target, wait_before_answer, executor, show_stats):
-    endpoint_cls = RpcEndpointMonitor if show_stats else RpcEndpoint
-    endpoints = [endpoint_cls(wait_before_answer)]
+    endpoints = [RpcEndpoint(wait_before_answer, show_stats)]
     server = rpc.get_rpc_server(transport, target, endpoints,
@@ -136,9 +200,19 @@ def send_msg(_id, transport, target, messages, wait_after_msg, timeout,
     client = client.prepare(timeout=timeout)
     rpc_method = _rpc_cast if is_cast else _rpc_call
-    for i in range(0, messages):
-        msg = "test message %d" % i
-        LOG.info("SEND: %s" % msg)
+    ranges = RANDOM_VARIABLE.rvs(size=messages)
+    i = 0
+    for range_start in ranges:
+        length = random.randint(range_start, range_start + 497)
+        msg = ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for x in range(length)) \
+              + ' ' + str(i)
+        i += 1
+        # temporary file to log approximate bytes size of messages
+        with open('./oslo_%s_%s.log' % (target.topic, CURRENT_PID), 'a+') as f:
+            # 37 additional bytes for Python String object size canculation.
+            # In fact we may ignore these bytes, and estimate the data flow
+            # via number of symbols
+            f.write(str(length + 37) + '\n')
         rpc_method(client, msg)
         if wait_after_msg > 0:
@@ -197,10 +271,18 @@ def main():
     parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', type=bool,
                         help="Turn on DEBUG logging level instead of WARN")
+    parser.add_argument('-tp', '--topic', dest='topic',
+                        default="profiler_topic",
+                        help="Topic to publish/receive messages to/from.")
     subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='mode',
                                        help='notify/rpc server/client mode')
     server = subparsers.add_parser('notify-server')
+    server.add_argument('--show-stats', dest='show_stats',
+                        type=bool, default=True)
+    server = subparsers.add_parser('batch-notify-server')
+    server.add_argument('--show-stats', dest='show_stats',
+                        type=bool, default=True)
     client = subparsers.add_parser('notify-client')
     client.add_argument('-p', dest='threads', type=int, default=1,
                         help='number of client threads')
@@ -238,16 +320,20 @@ def main():
+    if args.mode in ['rpc-server', 'rpc-client']:
+        transport = messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF, url=args.url)
+    else:
+        transport = messaging.get_notification_transport(cfg.CONF,
+                                                         url=args.url)
+        cfg.CONF.oslo_messaging_notifications.topics = "notif"
+        cfg.CONF.oslo_messaging_notifications.driver = "messaging"
+    target = messaging.Target(topic=args.topic, server='profiler_server')
     # oslo.config defaults
     cfg.CONF.heartbeat_interval = 5
-    cfg.CONF.notification_topics = "notif"
-    cfg.CONF.notification_driver = "messaging"
     cfg.CONF.prog = os.path.basename(__file__)
     cfg.CONF.project = 'oslo.messaging'
-    transport = messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF, url=args.url)
-    target = messaging.Target(topic='profiler_topic', server='profiler_server')
     if args.mode == 'rpc-server':
         if args.url.startswith('zmq'):
             cfg.CONF.rpc_zmq_matchmaker = "redis"
@@ -255,7 +341,9 @@ def main():
         rpc_server(transport, target, args.wait_before_answer, args.executor,
     elif args.mode == 'notify-server':
-        notify_server(transport)
+        notify_server(transport, args.show_stats)
+    elif args.mode == 'batch-notify-server':
+        batch_notify_server(transport, args.show_stats)
     elif args.mode == 'notify-client':
         threads_spawner(args.threads, notifier, transport, args.messages,
                         args.wait_after_msg, args.timeout)
@@ -266,11 +354,29 @@ def main():
         time_ellapsed = (datetime.datetime.now() - start).total_seconds()
         msg_count = args.messages * args.threads
-        print ('%d messages was sent for %s seconds. Bandwight is %s msg/sec'
-               % (msg_count, time_ellapsed, (msg_count / time_ellapsed)))
+        log_msg = '%d messages was sent for %s seconds. ' \
+                  'Bandwidth is %s msg/sec' % (msg_count, time_ellapsed,
+                                               (msg_count / time_ellapsed))
+        print (log_msg)
+        with open('./oslo_res_%s.txt' % args.topic, 'a+') as f:
+            f.write(log_msg + '\n')
+        with open('./oslo_%s_%s.log' % (args.topic, CURRENT_PID), 'a+') as f:
+            data = f.read()
+        data = [int(i) for i in data.split()]
+        data_sum = sum(data)
+        log_msg = '%s bytes were sent for %s seconds. Bandwidth is %s b/s' % (
+            data_sum, time_ellapsed, (data_sum / time_ellapsed))
+        print(log_msg)
+        with open('./oslo_res_%s.txt' % args.topic, 'a+') as f:
+            f.write(log_msg + '\n')
+        os.remove('./oslo_%s_%s.log' % (args.topic, CURRENT_PID))
         LOG.info("calls finished, wait %d seconds" % args.exit_wait)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
+    RANDOM_VARIABLE = init_random_generator()
+    CURRENT_PID = os.getpid()
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index bb4a69a6a..f38dc7e40 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
-envlist = py34,py27,pep8
+envlist = py34,py27,pep8,bandit
 setenv =
-deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
-       -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
+passend = OS_*
+deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
 commands = python setup.py testr --slowest --testr-args='{posargs}'
 commands = flake8
+deps = hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0
 setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
@@ -23,10 +24,6 @@ commands = {posargs}
 commands = python setup.py build_sphinx
-setenv = TRANSPORT_URL=qpid://stackqpid:secretqpid@
-commands = {toxinidir}/setup-test-env-qpid.sh 0-10 python setup.py testr --slowest --testr-args='oslo_messaging.tests.functional'
 commands = {toxinidir}/setup-test-env-rabbit.sh python setup.py testr --slowest --testr-args='oslo_messaging.tests.functional'
@@ -41,6 +38,10 @@ commands = {toxinidir}/setup-test-env-qpid.sh 1.0 python setup.py testr --slowes
 commands = {toxinidir}/setup-test-env-zmq.sh python setup.py testr --slowest --testr-args='oslo_messaging.tests.functional'
+deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
+commands = bandit -c bandit.yaml -r oslo_messaging -n5 -p oslo.messaging
 show-source = True
 ignore = H237,H402,H405,H904