diff --git a/amqp1-requirements.txt b/amqp1-requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf8a37ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amqp1-requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TODO(kgiusti) AMQP 1.0 support depends on the Qpid Proton AMQP 1.0
+# development libraries.  As these are not yet available from the
+# Ubuntu repositories, do not require these packages by default.  If
+# you have installed the Proton development libraries, you can run the
+# amqp1 driver tox tests this way:
+#    tox -e amqp1
+pyngus>=1.0.0,<2.0.0  # Apache-2.0
+python-qpid-proton>=0.7,<0.8  # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/__init__.py b/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
diff --git a/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/__init__.py b/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bdd170f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#    Copyright 2014, Red Hat, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+from .driver import ProtonDriver
diff --git a/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/controller.py b/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/controller.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3d14213b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+#    Copyright 2014, Red Hat, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+Controller that manages the interface between the driver and the messaging
+This module defines a Controller class that is responsible for performing
+messaging-related operations (Tasks) requested by the driver, and for managing
+the connection to the messaging service.  The Controller creates a background
+thread which performs all messaging operations and socket I/O.  The
+Controller's messaging logic is executed in the background thread via lambda
+functions scheduled by the Controller.
+import abc
+import collections
+import logging
+import threading
+import uuid
+import pyngus
+from six import moves
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from oslo.messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import eventloop
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_amqp1_opts = [
+    cfg.StrOpt('server_request_prefix',
+               default='exclusive',
+               help="address prefix used when sending to a specific server"),
+    cfg.StrOpt('broadcast_prefix',
+               default='broadcast',
+               help="address prefix used when broadcasting to all servers"),
+    cfg.StrOpt('group_request_prefix',
+               default='unicast',
+               help="address prefix when sending to any server in group"),
+    cfg.StrOpt('container_name',
+               default=None,
+               help='Name for the AMQP container'),
+    cfg.IntOpt('idle_timeout',
+               default=0,  # disabled
+               help='Timeout for inactive connections (in seconds)'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('trace',
+                default=False,
+                help='Debug: dump AMQP frames to stdout'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('ssl_ca_file',
+               default='',
+               help="CA certificate PEM file for verifing server certificate"),
+    cfg.StrOpt('ssl_cert_file',
+               default='',
+               help='Identifying certificate PEM file to present to clients'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('ssl_key_file',
+               default='',
+               help='Private key PEM file used to sign cert_file certificate'),
+    cfg.StrOpt('ssl_key_password',
+               default=None,
+               help='Password for decrypting ssl_key_file (if encrypted)'),
+    cfg.BoolOpt('allow_insecure_clients',
+                default=False,
+                help='Accept clients using either SSL or plain TCP')
+class Task(object):
+    """Perform a messaging operation via the Controller."""
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def execute(self, controller):
+        """This method will be run on the eventloop thread."""
+class Replies(pyngus.ReceiverEventHandler):
+    """This is the receiving link for all reply messages.  Messages are routed
+    to the proper Listener's incoming queue using the correlation-id header in
+    the message.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, connection, on_ready):
+        self._correlation = {}  # map of correlation-id to response queue
+        self._ready = False
+        self._on_ready = on_ready
+        self._receiver = connection.create_receiver("replies",
+                                                    event_handler=self)
+        # capacity determines the maximum number of reply messages this link
+        # can receive. As messages are received and credit is consumed, this
+        # driver will 'top up' the credit back to max capacity.  This number
+        # should be large enough to avoid needlessly flow-controlling the
+        # replies.
+        self.capacity = 100  # TODO(kgiusti) guesstimate - make configurable
+        self._credit = 0
+        self._receiver.open()
+    def ready(self):
+        return self._ready
+    def prepare_for_response(self, request, reply_queue):
+        """Apply a unique message identifier to this request message. This will
+        be used to identify messages sent in reply.  The identifier is placed
+        in the 'id' field of the request message.  It is expected that the
+        identifier will appear in the 'correlation-id' field of the
+        corresponding response message.
+        """
+        request.id = uuid.uuid4().hex
+        # reply is placed on reply_queue
+        self._correlation[request.id] = reply_queue
+        request.reply_to = self._receiver.source_address
+        LOG.debug("Reply for msg id=%s expected on link %s",
+                  request.id, request.reply_to)
+    # Pyngus ReceiverLink event callbacks:
+    def receiver_active(self, receiver_link):
+        """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the receiver_link
+        has transitioned to the open state and is able to receive incoming
+        messages.
+        """
+        self._ready = True
+        self._update_credit()
+        self._on_ready()
+        LOG.debug("Replies expected on link %s",
+                  self._receiver.source_address)
+    def receiver_remote_closed(self, receiver, pn_condition):
+        """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the peer of this
+        receiver link has initiated closing the connection.
+        """
+        # TODO(kgiusti) Unclear if this error will ever occur (as opposed to
+        # the Connection failing instead).  Log for now, possibly implement a
+        # recovery strategy if necessary.
+        LOG.error("Reply subscription closed by peer: %s",
+                  (pn_condition or "no error given"))
+    def message_received(self, receiver, message, handle):
+        """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when a new message
+        arrives on this receiver link from the peer.
+        """
+        self._credit = self._credit - 1
+        self._update_credit()
+        key = message.correlation_id
+        if key in self._correlation:
+            LOG.debug("Received response for msg id=%s", key)
+            self._correlation[key].put(message)
+            # cleanup (only need one response per request)
+            del self._correlation[key]
+        else:
+            LOG.warn("Can't find receiver for response msg id=%s, dropping!",
+                     key)
+        receiver.message_accepted(handle)
+    def _update_credit(self):
+        if self.capacity > self._credit:
+            self._receiver.add_capacity(self.capacity - self._credit)
+            self._credit = self.capacity
+class Server(pyngus.ReceiverEventHandler):
+    """A group of links that receive messages from a set of addresses derived
+    from a given target.  Messages arriving on the links are placed on the
+    'incoming' queue.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, addresses, incoming):
+        self._incoming = incoming
+        self._addresses = addresses
+    def attach(self, connection):
+        """Create receiver links over the given connection for all the
+        configured addresses.
+        """
+        self._receivers = []
+        for a in self._addresses:
+            props = {"snd-settle-mode": "settled"}
+            rname = "Consumer-%s:src=%s:tgt=%s" % (uuid.uuid4().hex, a, a)
+            r = connection.create_receiver(source_address=a,
+                                           target_address=a,
+                                           event_handler=self,
+                                           name=rname,
+                                           properties=props)
+            # TODO(kgiusti) Hardcoding credit here is sub-optimal.  A better
+            # approach would monitor for a back-up of inbound messages to be
+            # processed by the consuming application and backpressure the
+            # sender based on configured thresholds.
+            r.add_capacity(500)
+            r.open()
+            self._receivers.append(r)
+    # Pyngus ReceiverLink event callbacks:
+    def receiver_remote_closed(self, receiver, pn_condition):
+        """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the peer of this
+        receiver link has initiated closing the connection.
+        """
+        text = "Server subscription %(addr)s closed by peer: %(err_msg)s"
+        vals = {
+            "addr": receiver.source_address or receiver.target_address,
+            "err_msg": pn_condition or "no error given"
+        }
+        LOG.error(text % vals)
+    def message_received(self, receiver, message, handle):
+        """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when a new message
+        arrives on this receiver link from the peer.
+        """
+        # TODO(kgiusti) Sub-optimal to grant one credit each time a message
+        # arrives.  A better approach would grant batches of credit on demand.
+        receiver.add_capacity(1)
+        self._incoming.put(message)
+        LOG.debug("message received: %s", message)
+        receiver.message_accepted(handle)
+class Hosts(object):
+    """An order list of peer addresses.  Connection failover progresses from
+    one host to the next.
+    """
+    HostnamePort = collections.namedtuple('HostnamePort',
+                                          ['hostname', 'port'])
+    def __init__(self, entries=None):
+        self._entries = [self.HostnamePort(h, p) for h, p in entries or []]
+        self._current = 0
+    def add(self, hostname, port=5672):
+        self._entries.append(self.HostnamePort(hostname, port))
+    @property
+    def current(self):
+        if len(self._entries):
+            return self._entries[self._current]
+        else:
+            return self.HostnamePort("localhost", 5672)
+    def next(self):
+        if len(self._entries) > 1:
+            self._current = (self._current + 1) % len(self._entries)
+        return self.current
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<Hosts ' + str(self) + '>'
+    def __str__(self):
+        return ", ".join(["%s:%i" % e for e in self._entries])
+class Controller(pyngus.ConnectionEventHandler):
+    """Controls the connection to the AMQP messaging service.  This object is
+    the 'brains' of the driver.  It maintains the logic for addressing, sending
+    and receiving messages, and managing the connection.  All messaging and I/O
+    work is done on the Eventloop thread, allowing the driver to run
+    asynchronously from the messaging clients.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, hosts, default_exchange, config):
+        self.processor = None
+        # queue of Task() objects to execute on the eventloop once the
+        # connection is ready:
+        self._tasks = moves.queue.Queue(maxsize=500)
+        # limit the number of Task()'s to execute per call to _process_tasks().
+        # This allows the eventloop main thread to return to servicing socket
+        # I/O in a timely manner
+        self._max_task_batch = 50
+        # cache of sending links indexed by address:
+        self._senders = {}
+        # Servers (set of receiving links), indexed by target:
+        self._servers = {}
+        self.hosts = Hosts(hosts)
+        opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(name='amqp1',
+                                 title='AMQP 1.0 options')
+        config.register_group(opt_group)
+        config.register_opts(_amqp1_opts, group=opt_group)
+        self.server_request_prefix = config.amqp1.server_request_prefix
+        self.broadcast_prefix = config.amqp1.broadcast_prefix
+        self.group_request_prefix = config.amqp1.group_request_prefix
+        self._container_name = config.amqp1.container_name
+        if not self._container_name:
+            self._container_name = "container-%s" % uuid.uuid4().hex
+        self.idle_timeout = config.amqp1.idle_timeout
+        self.trace_protocol = config.amqp1.trace
+        self.ssl_ca_file = config.amqp1.ssl_ca_file
+        self.ssl_cert_file = config.amqp1.ssl_cert_file
+        self.ssl_key_file = config.amqp1.ssl_key_file
+        self.ssl_key_password = config.amqp1.ssl_key_password
+        self.ssl_allow_insecure = config.amqp1.allow_insecure_clients
+        self.separator = "."
+        self.fanout_qualifier = "all"
+        self.default_exchange = default_exchange
+        # can't handle a request until the replies link is active, as
+        # we need the peer assigned address, so need to delay any
+        # processing of task queue until this is done
+        self._replies = None
+        # Set True when the driver is shutting down
+        self._closing = False
+        # only schedule one outstanding reconnect attempt at a time
+        self._reconnecting = False
+        self._delay = 0  # seconds between retries
+        # prevent queuing up multiple requests to run _process_tasks()
+        self._process_tasks_scheduled = False
+        self._process_tasks_lock = threading.Lock()
+    def connect(self):
+        """Connect to the messaging service."""
+        self.processor = eventloop.Thread(self._container_name)
+        self.processor.wakeup(lambda: self._do_connect())
+    def add_task(self, task):
+        """Add a Task for execution on processor thread."""
+        self._tasks.put(task)
+        self._schedule_task_processing()
+    def destroy(self):
+        """Shutdown the messaging service."""
+        if self.processor:
+            self.processor.wakeup(lambda: self._start_shutdown())
+            LOG.info("Waiting for eventloop to exit")
+            self.processor.join()
+            self.processor = None
+        LOG.info("Eventloop exited, driver shut down")
+    # The remaining methods are reserved to run from the eventloop thread only!
+    # They must not be invoked directly!
+    # methods executed by Tasks created by the driver:
+    def request(self, target, request, reply_queue=None):
+        """Send a request message to the given target, and arrange for a
+        response to be put on the optional reply_queue if specified
+        """
+        address = self._resolve(target)
+        LOG.debug("Sending request for %s to %s", target, address)
+        if reply_queue is not None:
+            self._replies.prepare_for_response(request, reply_queue)
+        self._send(address, request)
+    def response(self, address, response):
+        LOG.debug("Sending response to %s", address)
+        self._send(address, response)
+    def subscribe(self, target, in_queue):
+        """Subscribe to messages sent to 'target', place received messages on
+        'in_queue'.
+        """
+        addresses = [
+            self._server_address(target),
+            self._broadcast_address(target),
+            self._group_request_address(target)
+        ]
+        self._subscribe(target, addresses, in_queue)
+    def subscribe_notifications(self, target, in_queue):
+        """Subscribe for notifications on 'target', place received messages on
+        'in_queue'.
+        """
+        addresses = [self._group_request_address(target)]
+        self._subscribe(target, addresses, in_queue)
+    def _subscribe(self, target, addresses, in_queue):
+        LOG.debug("Subscribing to %s (%s)", target, addresses)
+        self._servers[target] = Server(addresses, in_queue)
+        self._servers[target].attach(self._socket_connection.connection)
+    def _resolve(self, target):
+        """Return a link address for a given target."""
+        if target.server:
+            return self._server_address(target)
+        elif target.fanout:
+            return self._broadcast_address(target)
+        else:
+            return self._group_request_address(target)
+    def _sender(self, address):
+        # if we already have a sender for that address, use it
+        # else establish the sender and cache it
+        if address in self._senders:
+            sender = self._senders[address]
+        else:
+            sname = "Producer-%s:src=%s:tgt=%s" % (uuid.uuid4().hex,
+                                                   address, address)
+            conn = self._socket_connection.connection
+            sender = conn.create_sender(source_address=address,
+                                        target_address=address,
+                                        name=sname)
+            sender.open()
+            self._senders[address] = sender
+        return sender
+    def _send(self, addr, message):
+        """Send the message out the link addressed by 'addr'."""
+        address = str(addr)
+        message.address = address
+        self._sender(address).send(message)
+    def _server_address(self, target):
+        return self._concatenate([self.server_request_prefix,
+                                  target.exchange or self.default_exchange,
+                                  target.topic, target.server])
+    def _broadcast_address(self, target):
+        return self._concatenate([self.broadcast_prefix,
+                                  target.exchange or self.default_exchange,
+                                  target.topic, self.fanout_qualifier])
+    def _group_request_address(self, target):
+        return self._concatenate([self.group_request_prefix,
+                                  target.exchange or self.default_exchange,
+                                  target.topic])
+    def _concatenate(self, items):
+        return self.separator.join(filter(bool, items))
+    # commands executed on the processor (eventloop) via 'wakeup()':
+    def _do_connect(self):
+        """Establish connection and reply subscription on processor thread."""
+        hostname = self.hosts.current.hostname
+        port = self.hosts.current.port
+        conn_props = {}
+        if self.idle_timeout:
+            conn_props["idle-time-out"] = float(self.idle_timeout)
+        if self.trace_protocol:
+            conn_props["x-trace-protocol"] = self.trace_protocol
+        if self.ssl_ca_file:
+            conn_props["x-ssl-ca-file"] = self.ssl_ca_file
+        if self.ssl_cert_file:
+            # assume this connection is for a server.  If client authentication
+            # support is developed, we'll need an explict flag (server or
+            # client)
+            conn_props["x-ssl-server"] = True
+            conn_props["x-ssl-identity"] = (self.ssl_cert_file,
+                                            self.ssl_key_file,
+                                            self.ssl_key_password)
+            conn_props["x-ssl-allow-cleartext"] = self.ssl_allow_insecure
+        self._socket_connection = self.processor.connect(hostname, port,
+                                                         handler=self,
+                                                         properties=conn_props)
+        LOG.debug("Connection initiated")
+    def _process_tasks(self):
+        """Execute Task objects in the context of the processor thread."""
+        with self._process_tasks_lock:
+            self._process_tasks_scheduled = False
+        count = 0
+        while (not self._tasks.empty() and
+               count < self._max_task_batch and
+               self._can_process_tasks):
+            try:
+                self._tasks.get(False).execute(self)
+            except Exception as e:
+                LOG.exception("Error processing task: %s", e)
+            count += 1
+        # if we hit _max_task_batch, resume task processing later:
+        if not self._tasks.empty() and self._can_process_tasks:
+            self._schedule_task_processing()
+    def _schedule_task_processing(self):
+        """_process_tasks() helper: prevent queuing up multiple requests for
+        task processing.  This method is called both by the application thread
+        and the processing thread.
+        """
+        if self.processor:
+            with self._process_tasks_lock:
+                already_scheduled = self._process_tasks_scheduled
+                self._process_tasks_scheduled = True
+            if not already_scheduled:
+                self.processor.wakeup(lambda: self._process_tasks())
+    @property
+    def _can_process_tasks(self):
+        """_process_tasks helper(): indicates that the driver is ready to
+        process Tasks.  In order to process messaging-related tasks, the reply
+        queue link must be active.
+        """
+        return (not self._closing and
+                self._replies and self._replies.ready())
+    def _start_shutdown(self):
+        """Called when the driver destroys the controller, this method attempts
+        to cleanly close the AMQP connection to the peer.
+        """
+        LOG.info("Shutting down AMQP connection")
+        self._closing = True
+        if self._socket_connection.connection.active:
+            # try a clean shutdown
+            self._socket_connection.connection.close()
+        else:
+            # don't wait for a close from the remote, may never happen
+            self._complete_shutdown()
+    # reply link active callback:
+    def _reply_link_ready(self):
+        """Invoked when the Replies reply link has become active.  At this
+        point, we are ready to send/receive messages (via Task processing).
+        """
+        LOG.info("Messaging is active (%s:%i)", self.hosts.current.hostname,
+                 self.hosts.current.port)
+        self._schedule_task_processing()
+    # callback from eventloop on socket error
+    def socket_error(self, error):
+        """Called by eventloop when a socket error occurs."""
+        LOG.debug("Socket failure: %s", error)
+        self._handle_connection_loss()
+    # Pyngus connection event callbacks (and their helpers), all invoked from
+    # the eventloop thread:
+    def connection_failed(self, connection, error):
+        """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when a non-recoverable
+        error occurs on the connection.
+        """
+        if connection is not self._socket_connection.connection:
+            # pyngus bug: ignore failure callback on destroyed connections
+            return
+        LOG.debug("AMQP Connection failure: %s", error)
+        self._handle_connection_loss()
+    def connection_active(self, connection):
+        """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the connection to
+        the peer is up.  At this point, the driver will activate all subscriber
+        links (server) and the reply link.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("Connection active (%s:%i), subscribing...",
+                  self.hosts.current.hostname, self.hosts.current.port)
+        for s in self._servers.itervalues():
+            s.attach(self._socket_connection.connection)
+        self._replies = Replies(self._socket_connection.connection,
+                                lambda: self._reply_link_ready())
+        self._delay = 0
+    def connection_closed(self, connection):
+        """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the connection has
+        cleanly closed.  This occurs after the driver closes the connection
+        locally, and the peer has acknowledged the close.  At this point, the
+        shutdown of the driver's connection is complete.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("AMQP connection closed.")
+        # if the driver isn't being shutdown, failover and reconnect
+        self._handle_connection_loss()
+    def connection_remote_closed(self, connection, reason):
+        """This is a Pyngus callback, invoked by Pyngus when the peer has
+        requested that the connection be closed.
+        """
+        if not self._closing:
+            # The messaging service/broker is trying to shut down the
+            # connection. Acknowledge the close, and try to reconnect/failover
+            # later once the connection has closed (connection_closed is
+            # called).
+            LOG.info("Connection closed by peer: %s",
+                     reason or "no reason given")
+            self._socket_connection.connection.close()
+    def _complete_shutdown(self):
+        """The AMQP Connection has closed, and the driver shutdown is complete.
+        Clean up controller resources and exit.
+        """
+        self._socket_connection.close()
+        self.processor.shutdown()
+        LOG.info("Messaging has shutdown")
+    def _handle_connection_loss(self):
+        """The connection to the messaging service has been lost.  Try to
+        reestablish the connection/failover.
+        """
+        if self._closing:
+            # we're in the middle of shutting down the driver anyways,
+            # just consider it done:
+            self._complete_shutdown()
+        else:
+            # for some reason, we've lost the connection to the messaging
+            # service.  Try to re-establish the connection:
+            if not self._reconnecting:
+                self._reconnecting = True
+                self._replies = None
+                if self._delay == 0:
+                    self._delay = 1
+                    self._do_reconnect()
+                else:
+                    d = self._delay
+                    LOG.info("delaying reconnect attempt for %d seconds", d)
+                    self.processor.schedule(lambda: self._do_reconnect(), d)
+                    self._delay = min(d * 2, 60)
+    def _do_reconnect(self):
+        """Invoked on connection/socket failure, failover and re-connect to the
+        messaging service.
+        """
+        if not self._closing:
+            self._reconnecting = False
+            self._senders = {}
+            self._socket_connection.reset()
+            hostname, port = self.hosts.next()
+            LOG.info("Reconnecting to: %s:%i", hostname, port)
+            self._socket_connection.connect(hostname, port)
diff --git a/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/driver.py b/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/driver.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b15c97298
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/driver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+#    Copyright 2014, Red Hat, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+Driver for the 'amqp' transport.
+This module provides a transport driver that speaks version 1.0 of the AMQP
+messaging protocol.  The driver sends messages and creates subscriptions via
+'tasks' that are performed on its behalf via the controller module.
+import logging
+import threading
+import time
+from six import moves
+from oslo import messaging
+from oslo.messaging._drivers import base
+from oslo.messaging._drivers import common
+from oslo.messaging.openstack.common import importutils
+from oslo.messaging.openstack.common import jsonutils
+from oslo.messaging import target as messaging_target
+# TODO(kgiusti): this module depends on platform specific libraries (proton)
+# which are not available on all systems (yet).  The unittest loader will
+# attempt to directly import this driver even if the dependent libraries are
+# not installed. Since the default set of unit tests do not exercise this
+# driver, we shouldn't cause them to fail due to the missing
+# dependencies. These hacks allow the import to succeed without raising an
+# import error and causing all the tests to fail. [Note: to run the set of test
+# for this driver, use the 'amqp1' test environment - e.g. 'tox -eamqp1']
+# Remove these hacks once the qpid-proton C libraries are available via Ubuntu
+# base repos and can be added to the base test-requirements.txt [they are
+# already available via EPEL]:
+class _FakeController(object):
+    """A mocked Controller to use if the controller module fails to import
+    due to missing dependencies.  Stubs out the _amqp1_opts option list and
+    provides a fake 'Task' superclass so the sub-classes SendTask, ListenTask,
+    and ReplyTask defined by this module will parse correctly on import.
+    This allows the tests to import the driver.py module without failing even
+    if the proton libraries are not installed.  Be aware that attempting to use
+    (instantiate) the PythonDriver will raise a NotImplementedError if the fake
+    controller is in use.  This is by design since the driver really cannot
+    work without the real controller and its dependencies.
+    """
+    fake_controller = True
+    Task = type('Task', (object,), {})
+    _amqp1_opts = list()
+proton = importutils.try_import("proton")
+    from oslo.messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import controller
+except ImportError:
+    controller = _FakeController()
+def get_opts():
+    """Provide access to the controller's configuration options."""
+    return controller._amqp1_opts
+# TODO(kgiusti) End of hack
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class SendTask(controller.Task):
+    """A task that sends a message to a target, and optionally allows for the
+    calling thread to wait for a reply.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, target, request, reply_expected, deadline):
+        super(SendTask, self).__init__()
+        self._target = target
+        self._request = request
+        self._deadline = deadline
+        if reply_expected:
+            self._reply_queue = moves.queue.Queue()
+        else:
+            self._reply_queue = None
+    def execute(self, controller):
+        """Runs on eventloop thread - sends request."""
+        if not self._deadline or self._deadline > time.time():
+            controller.request(self._target, self._request, self._reply_queue)
+        else:
+            LOG.warn("Send request to %s aborted: TTL expired.", self._target)
+    def get_reply(self, timeout):
+        """Retrieve the reply."""
+        if not self._reply_queue:
+            return None
+        try:
+            return self._reply_queue.get(timeout=timeout)
+        except moves.queue.Empty:
+            raise messaging.MessagingTimeout('Timed out waiting for a reply')
+class ListenTask(controller.Task):
+    """A task that creates a subscription to the given target.  Messages
+    arriving from the target are given to the listener.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, target, listener, notifications=False):
+        """Create a subscription to the target."""
+        super(ListenTask, self).__init__()
+        self._target = target
+        self._listener = listener
+        self._notifications = notifications
+    def execute(self, controller):
+        """Run on the eventloop thread - subscribes to target. Inbound messages
+        are queued to the listener's incoming queue.
+        """
+        if self._notifications:
+            controller.subscribe_notifications(self._target,
+                                               self._listener.incoming)
+        else:
+            controller.subscribe(self._target, self._listener.incoming)
+class ReplyTask(controller.Task):
+    """A task that sends 'response' message to address."""
+    def __init__(self, address, response, log_failure):
+        super(ReplyTask, self).__init__()
+        self._address = address
+        self._response = response
+        self._log_failure = log_failure
+    def execute(self, controller):
+        """Run on the eventloop thread - send the response message."""
+        controller.response(self._address, self._response)
+def marshal_response(reply=None, failure=None):
+    # TODO(grs): do replies have a context?
+    msg = proton.Message()
+    if failure:
+        failure = common.serialize_remote_exception(failure)
+        data = {"failure": failure}
+    else:
+        data = {"response": reply}
+    msg.body = jsonutils.dumps(data)
+    return msg
+def unmarshal_response(message, allowed):
+    # TODO(kgiusti) This may fail to unpack and raise an exception. Need to
+    # communicate this to the caller!
+    data = jsonutils.loads(message.body)
+    failure = data.get('failure')
+    if failure is not None:
+        raise common.deserialize_remote_exception(failure, allowed)
+    return data.get("response")
+def marshal_request(request, context, envelope):
+    msg = proton.Message()
+    if envelope:
+        request = common.serialize_msg(request)
+    data = {
+        "request": request,
+        "context": context
+    }
+    msg.body = jsonutils.dumps(data)
+    return msg
+def unmarshal_request(message):
+    data = jsonutils.loads(message.body)
+    return (data.get("request"), data.get("context"))
+class ProtonIncomingMessage(base.IncomingMessage):
+    def __init__(self, listener, ctxt, request, message):
+        super(ProtonIncomingMessage, self).__init__(listener, ctxt, request)
+        self._reply_to = message.reply_to
+        self._correlation_id = message.id
+    def reply(self, reply=None, failure=None, log_failure=True):
+        """Schedule a ReplyTask to send the reply."""
+        if self._reply_to:
+            response = marshal_response(reply=reply, failure=failure)
+            response.correlation_id = self._correlation_id
+            LOG.debug("Replying to %s", self._correlation_id)
+            task = ReplyTask(self._reply_to, response, log_failure)
+            self.listener.driver._ctrl.add_task(task)
+        else:
+            LOG.debug("Ignoring reply as no reply address available")
+    def acknowledge(self):
+        pass
+    def requeue(self):
+        pass
+class ProtonListener(base.Listener):
+    def __init__(self, driver):
+        super(ProtonListener, self).__init__(driver)
+        self.incoming = moves.queue.Queue()
+    def poll(self):
+        message = self.incoming.get()
+        request, ctxt = unmarshal_request(message)
+        LOG.debug("Returning incoming message")
+        return ProtonIncomingMessage(self, ctxt, request, message)
+class ProtonDriver(base.BaseDriver):
+    def __init__(self, conf, url,
+                 default_exchange=None, allowed_remote_exmods=[]):
+        # TODO(kgiusti) Remove once driver fully stabilizes:
+        LOG.warning("Support for the 'amqp' transport is EXPERIMENTAL.")
+        if proton is None or hasattr(controller, "fake_controller"):
+            raise NotImplementedError("Proton AMQP C libraries not installed")
+        super(ProtonDriver, self).__init__(conf, url, default_exchange,
+                                           allowed_remote_exmods)
+        # TODO(grs): handle authentication etc
+        hosts = [(h.hostname, h.port or 5672) for h in url.hosts]
+        # Create a Controller that connects to the messaging service:
+        self._ctrl = controller.Controller(hosts, default_exchange, conf)
+        # lazy connection setup - don't cause the controller to connect until
+        # after the first messaging request:
+        self._connect_called = False
+        self._lock = threading.Lock()
+    def _ensure_connect_called(func):
+        """Causes the controller to connect to the messaging service when it is
+        first used. It is safe to push tasks to it whether connected or not,
+        but those tasks won't be processed until connection completes.
+        """
+        def wrap(self, *args, **kws):
+            with self._lock:
+                connect_called = self._connect_called
+                self._connect_called = True
+            if not connect_called:
+                self._ctrl.connect()
+            return func(self, *args, **kws)
+        return wrap
+    @_ensure_connect_called
+    def send(self, target, ctxt, message,
+             wait_for_reply=None, timeout=None, envelope=False,
+             retry=None):
+        """Send a message to the given target."""
+        # TODO(kgiusti) need to add support for retry
+        if retry is not None:
+            raise NotImplementedError('"retry" not implemented by'
+                                      'this transport driver')
+        request = marshal_request(message, ctxt, envelope)
+        expire = 0
+        if timeout:
+            expire = time.time() + timeout  # when the caller times out
+            # amqp uses millisecond time values, timeout is seconds
+            request.ttl = int(timeout * 1000)
+            request.expiry_time = int(expire * 1000)
+        LOG.debug("Send to %s", target)
+        task = SendTask(target, request, wait_for_reply, expire)
+        self._ctrl.add_task(task)
+        result = None
+        if wait_for_reply:
+            # the following can raise MessagingTimeout if no reply received:
+            reply = task.get_reply(timeout)
+            # TODO(kgiusti) how to handle failure to un-marshal?  Must log, and
+            # determine best way to communicate this failure back up to the
+            # caller
+            result = unmarshal_response(reply, self._allowed_remote_exmods)
+        LOG.debug("Send to %s returning", target)
+        return result
+    @_ensure_connect_called
+    def send_notification(self, target, ctxt, message, version,
+                          retry=None):
+        """Send a notification message to the given target."""
+        # TODO(kgiusti) need to add support for retry
+        if retry is not None:
+            raise NotImplementedError('"retry" not implemented by'
+                                      'this transport driver')
+        return self.send(target, ctxt, message, envelope=(version == 2.0))
+    @_ensure_connect_called
+    def listen(self, target):
+        """Construct a Listener for the given target."""
+        LOG.debug("Listen to %s", target)
+        listener = ProtonListener(self)
+        self._ctrl.add_task(ListenTask(target, listener))
+        return listener
+    @_ensure_connect_called
+    def listen_for_notifications(self, targets_and_priorities):
+        LOG.debug("Listen for notifications %s", targets_and_priorities)
+        listener = ProtonListener(self)
+        for target, priority in targets_and_priorities:
+            topic = '%s.%s' % (target.topic, priority)
+            t = messaging_target.Target(topic=topic)
+            self._ctrl.add_task(ListenTask(t, listener, True))
+        return listener
+    def cleanup(self):
+        """Release all resources."""
+        LOG.debug("Cleaning up ProtonDriver")
+        self._ctrl.destroy()
+        self._ctrl = None
diff --git a/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/eventloop.py b/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/eventloop.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..806f27100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo/messaging/_drivers/protocols/amqp/eventloop.py
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#    Copyright 2014, Red Hat, Inc.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+#    a copy of the License at
+#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+#    under the License.
+A thread that performs all messaging I/O and protocol event handling.
+This module provides a background thread that handles messaging operations
+scheduled via the Controller, and performs blocking socket I/O and timer
+processing.  This thread is designed to be as simple as possible - all the
+protocol specific intelligence is provided by the Controller and executed on
+the background thread via callables.
+import errno
+import heapq
+import logging
+import os
+import select
+import socket
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import uuid
+import pyngus
+from six import moves
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class _SocketConnection():
+    """Associates a pyngus Connection with a python network socket,
+    and handles all connection-related I/O and timer events.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name, container, properties, handler):
+        self.name = name
+        self.socket = None
+        self._properties = properties or {}
+        self._properties["properties"] = self._get_name_and_pid()
+        # The handler is a pyngus ConnectionEventHandler, which is invoked by
+        # pyngus on connection-related events (active, closed, error, etc).
+        # Currently it is the Controller object.
+        self._handler = handler
+        self._container = container
+        c = container.create_connection(name, handler, self._properties)
+        c.user_context = self
+        self.connection = c
+    def _get_name_and_pid(self):
+        # helps identify the process that is using the connection
+        return {u'process': os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), u'pid': os.getpid()}
+    def fileno(self):
+        """Allows use of a _SocketConnection in a select() call.
+        """
+        return self.socket.fileno()
+    def read(self):
+        """Called when socket is read-ready."""
+        while True:
+            try:
+                rc = pyngus.read_socket_input(self.connection, self.socket)
+                if rc > 0:
+                    self.connection.process(time.time())
+                return rc
+            except socket.error as e:
+                if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN or e.errno == errno.EINTR:
+                    continue
+                elif e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
+                    return 0
+                else:
+                    self._handler.socket_error(str(e))
+                    return pyngus.Connection.EOS
+    def write(self):
+        """Called when socket is write-ready."""
+        while True:
+            try:
+                rc = pyngus.write_socket_output(self.connection, self.socket)
+                if rc > 0:
+                    self.connection.process(time.time())
+                return rc
+            except socket.error as e:
+                if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN or e.errno == errno.EINTR:
+                    continue
+                elif e.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
+                    return 0
+                else:
+                    self._handler.socket_error(str(e))
+                    return pyngus.Connection.EOS
+    def connect(self, hostname, port, sasl_mechanisms="ANONYMOUS"):
+        """Connect to host:port and start the AMQP protocol."""
+        addr = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, port,
+                                  socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        if not addr:
+            key = "%s:%i" % (hostname, port)
+            error = "Invalid peer address '%s'" % key
+            LOG.error(error)
+            self._handler.socket_error(error)
+            return
+        my_socket = socket.socket(addr[0][0], addr[0][1], addr[0][2])
+        my_socket.setblocking(0)  # 0=non-blocking
+        my_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
+        try:
+            my_socket.connect(addr[0][4])
+        except socket.error as e:
+            if e.errno != errno.EINPROGRESS:
+                error = "Socket connect failure '%s'" % str(e)
+                LOG.error(error)
+                self._handler.socket_error(error)
+                return
+        self.socket = my_socket
+        if sasl_mechanisms:
+            pn_sasl = self.connection.pn_sasl
+            pn_sasl.mechanisms(sasl_mechanisms)
+            # TODO(kgiusti): server if accepting inbound connections
+            pn_sasl.client()
+        self.connection.open()
+    def reset(self, name=None):
+        """Clean up the current state, expect 'connect()' to be recalled
+        later.
+        """
+        if self.connection:
+            self.connection.destroy()
+        self.close()
+        if name:
+            self.name = name
+        c = self._container.create_connection(self.name, self._handler,
+                                              self._properties)
+        c.user_context = self
+        self.connection = c
+    def close(self):
+        if self.socket:
+            self.socket.close()
+class Schedule(object):
+    """A list of callables (requests). Each callable may have a delay (in
+    milliseconds) which causes the callable to be scheduled to run after the
+    delay passes.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._entries = []
+    def schedule(self, request, delay):
+        """Request a callable be executed after delay."""
+        entry = (time.time() + delay, request)
+        heapq.heappush(self._entries, entry)
+    def get_delay(self, max_delay=None):
+        """Get the delay in milliseconds until the next callable needs to be
+        run, or 'max_delay' if no outstanding callables or the delay to the
+        next callable is > 'max_delay'.
+        """
+        due = self._entries[0][0] if self._entries else None
+        if due is None:
+            return max_delay
+        now = time.time()
+        if due < now:
+            return 0
+        else:
+            return min(due - now, max_delay) if max_delay else due - now
+    def process(self):
+        """Invoke all expired callables."""
+        while self._entries and self._entries[0][0] < time.time():
+            heapq.heappop(self._entries)[1]()
+class Requests(object):
+    """A queue of callables to execute from the eventloop thread's main
+    loop.
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._requests = moves.queue.Queue(maxsize=10)
+        self._wakeup_pipe = os.pipe()
+    def wakeup(self, request=None):
+        """Enqueue a callable to be executed by the eventloop, and force the
+        eventloop thread to wake up from select().
+        """
+        if request:
+            self._requests.put(request)
+        os.write(self._wakeup_pipe[1], "!")
+    def fileno(self):
+        """Allows this request queue to be used by select()."""
+        return self._wakeup_pipe[0]
+    def read(self):
+        """Invoked by the eventloop thread, execute each queued callable."""
+        os.read(self._wakeup_pipe[0], 512)
+        # first pop of all current tasks
+        requests = []
+        while not self._requests.empty():
+            requests.append(self._requests.get())
+        # then process them, this allows callables to re-register themselves to
+        # be run on the next iteration of the I/O loop
+        for r in requests:
+            r()
+class Thread(threading.Thread):
+    """Manages socket I/O and executes callables queued up by external
+    threads.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, container_name=None):
+        super(Thread, self).__init__()
+        # callables from other threads:
+        self._requests = Requests()
+        # delayed callables (only used on this thread for now):
+        self._schedule = Schedule()
+        # Configure a container
+        if container_name is None:
+            container_name = uuid.uuid4().hex
+        self._container = pyngus.Container(container_name)
+        self.name = "Thread for Proton container: %s" % self._container.name
+        self._shutdown = False
+        self.daemon = True
+        self.start()
+    def wakeup(self, request=None):
+        """Wake up the eventloop thread, Optionally providing a callable to run
+        when the eventloop wakes up.
+        """
+        self._requests.wakeup(request)
+    def schedule(self, request, delay):
+        """Invoke request after delay seconds."""
+        self._schedule.schedule(request, delay)
+    def destroy(self):
+        """Stop the processing thread, releasing all resources.
+        """
+        LOG.debug("Stopping Proton container %s", self._container.name)
+        self.wakeup(lambda: self.shutdown())
+        self.join()
+    def shutdown(self):
+        LOG.info("eventloop shutdown requested")
+        self._shutdown = True
+    def connect(self, hostname, port, handler, properties=None, name=None,
+                sasl_mechanisms="ANONYMOUS"):
+        """Get a _SocketConnection to a peer represented by url."""
+        key = name or "%s:%i" % (hostname, port)
+        # return pre-existing
+        conn = self._container.get_connection(key)
+        if conn:
+            return conn.user_context
+        # create a new connection - this will be stored in the
+        # container, using the specified name as the lookup key, or if
+        # no name was provided, the host:port combination
+        sc = _SocketConnection(key, self._container,
+                               properties, handler=handler)
+        sc.connect(hostname, port, sasl_mechanisms)
+        return sc
+    def run(self):
+        """Run the proton event/timer loop."""
+        LOG.debug("Starting Proton thread, container=%s",
+                  self._container.name)
+        while not self._shutdown:
+            readers, writers, timers = self._container.need_processing()
+            readfds = [c.user_context for c in readers]
+            # additionally, always check for readability of pipe we
+            # are using to wakeup processing thread by other threads
+            readfds.append(self._requests)
+            writefds = [c.user_context for c in writers]
+            timeout = None
+            if timers:
+                deadline = timers[0].deadline  # 0 == next expiring timer
+                now = time.time()
+                timeout = 0 if deadline <= now else deadline - now
+            # adjust timeout for any deferred requests
+            timeout = self._schedule.get_delay(timeout)
+            try:
+                results = select.select(readfds, writefds, [], timeout)
+            except select.error as serror:
+                if serror[0] == errno.EINTR:
+                    LOG.warning("ignoring interrupt from select(): %s",
+                                str(serror))
+                    continue
+                raise  # assuming fatal...
+            readable, writable, ignore = results
+            for r in readable:
+                r.read()
+            self._schedule.process()  # run any deferred requests
+            for t in timers:
+                if t.deadline > time.time():
+                    break
+                t.process(time.time())
+            for w in writable:
+                w.write()
+        LOG.info("eventloop thread exiting, container=%s",
+                 self._container.name)
+        self._container.destroy()
diff --git a/oslo/messaging/opts.py b/oslo/messaging/opts.py
index 603156e04..5ca0ab4aa 100644
--- a/oslo/messaging/opts.py
+++ b/oslo/messaging/opts.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from oslo.messaging._drivers import impl_zmq
 from oslo.messaging._drivers import matchmaker
 from oslo.messaging._drivers import matchmaker_redis
 from oslo.messaging._drivers import matchmaker_ring
+from oslo.messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import driver as amqp1_driver
 from oslo.messaging._executors import impl_eventlet
 from oslo.messaging.notify import notifier
 from oslo.messaging.rpc import client
@@ -41,7 +42,8 @@ _global_opt_lists = [
-    transport._transport_opts
+    transport._transport_opts,
+    amqp1_driver.get_opts()
 _opts = [
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 2e650fb0d..994d4ccbd 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ oslo.messaging.drivers =
     rabbit = oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit:RabbitDriver
     qpid = oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_qpid:QpidDriver
     zmq = oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_zmq:ZmqDriver
+    amqp = oslo.messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp:ProtonDriver
     # To avoid confusion
     kombu = oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit:RabbitDriver
diff --git a/tests/test_amqp_driver.py b/tests/test_amqp_driver.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7df6eb11e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_amqp_driver.py
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import logging
+import os
+import select
+import socket
+import threading
+import time
+import uuid
+from six import moves
+import testtools
+from oslo import messaging
+from oslo.messaging._drivers.protocols.amqp import driver as amqp_driver
+from oslo.messaging.openstack.common import importutils
+from tests import utils as test_utils
+# TODO(kgiusti) Conditionally run these tests only if the necessary
+# dependencies are installed.  This should be removed once the proton libraries
+# are available in the base repos for all supported platforms.
+pyngus = importutils.try_import("pyngus")
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class _ListenerThread(threading.Thread):
+    """Run a blocking listener in a thread."""
+    def __init__(self, listener, msg_count):
+        super(_ListenerThread, self).__init__()
+        self.listener = listener
+        self.msg_count = msg_count
+        self.messages = moves.queue.Queue()
+        self.daemon = True
+        self.start()
+    def run(self):
+        LOG.info("Listener started")
+        while self.msg_count > 0:
+            in_msg = self.listener.poll()
+            self.messages.put(in_msg)
+            self.msg_count -= 1
+            if in_msg.message.get('method') == 'echo':
+                in_msg.reply(reply={'correlation-id':
+                                    in_msg.message.get('id')})
+        LOG.info("Listener stopped")
+    def get_messages(self):
+        """Returns a list of all received messages."""
+        msgs = []
+        try:
+            while True:
+                m = self.messages.get(False)
+                msgs.append(m)
+        except moves.queue.Empty:
+            pass
+        return msgs
+@testtools.skipUnless(pyngus, "proton modules not present")
+class TestProtonDriverLoad(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestProtonDriverLoad, self).setUp()
+        self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'amqp'
+    def test_driver_load(self):
+        transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf)
+        self.assertIsInstance(transport._driver,
+                              amqp_driver.ProtonDriver)
+class _AmqpBrokerTestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    @testtools.skipUnless(pyngus, "proton modules not present")
+    def setUp(self):
+        LOG.info("Starting Broker Test")
+        super(_AmqpBrokerTestCase, self).setUp()
+        self._broker = FakeBroker()
+        self._broker_addr = "amqp://%s:%d" % (self._broker.host,
+                                              self._broker.port)
+        self._broker_url = messaging.TransportURL.parse(self.conf,
+                                                        self._broker_addr)
+        self._broker.start()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super(_AmqpBrokerTestCase, self).tearDown()
+        self._broker.stop()
+        LOG.info("Broker Test Ended")
+class TestAmqpSend(_AmqpBrokerTestCase):
+    """Test sending and receiving messages."""
+    def test_driver_unconnected_cleanup(self):
+        """Verify the driver can cleanly shutdown even if never connected."""
+        driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url)
+        driver.cleanup()
+    def test_listener_cleanup(self):
+        """Verify unused listener can cleanly shutdown."""
+        driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url)
+        target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic")
+        listener = driver.listen(target)
+        self.assertIsInstance(listener, amqp_driver.ProtonListener)
+        driver.cleanup()
+    def test_send_no_reply(self):
+        driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url)
+        target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic")
+        listener = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 1)
+        rc = driver.send(target, {"context": True},
+                         {"msg": "value"}, wait_for_reply=False)
+        self.assertIsNone(rc)
+        listener.join(timeout=30)
+        self.assertFalse(listener.isAlive())
+        self.assertEqual(listener.messages.get().message, {"msg": "value"})
+        driver.cleanup()
+    def test_send_exchange_with_reply(self):
+        driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url)
+        target1 = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic", exchange="e1")
+        listener1 = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target1), 1)
+        target2 = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic", exchange="e2")
+        listener2 = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target2), 1)
+        rc = driver.send(target1, {"context": "whatever"},
+                         {"method": "echo", "id": "e1"},
+                         wait_for_reply=True,
+                         timeout=30)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(rc)
+        self.assertEqual(rc.get('correlation-id'), 'e1')
+        rc = driver.send(target2, {"context": "whatever"},
+                         {"method": "echo", "id": "e2"},
+                         wait_for_reply=True,
+                         timeout=30)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(rc)
+        self.assertEqual(rc.get('correlation-id'), 'e2')
+        listener1.join(timeout=30)
+        self.assertFalse(listener1.isAlive())
+        listener2.join(timeout=30)
+        self.assertFalse(listener2.isAlive())
+        driver.cleanup()
+    def test_messaging_patterns(self):
+        """Verify the direct, shared, and fanout message patterns work."""
+        driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url)
+        target1 = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic", server="server1")
+        listener1 = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target1), 4)
+        target2 = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic", server="server2")
+        listener2 = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target2), 3)
+        shared_target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic")
+        fanout_target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic",
+                                         fanout=True)
+        # this should go to only one server:
+        driver.send(shared_target, {"context": "whatever"},
+                    {"method": "echo", "id": "either-1"},
+                    wait_for_reply=True)
+        self.assertEqual(self._broker.topic_count, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self._broker.direct_count, 1)  # reply
+        # this should go to the other server:
+        driver.send(shared_target, {"context": "whatever"},
+                    {"method": "echo", "id": "either-2"},
+                    wait_for_reply=True)
+        self.assertEqual(self._broker.topic_count, 2)
+        self.assertEqual(self._broker.direct_count, 2)  # reply
+        # these should only go to listener1:
+        driver.send(target1, {"context": "whatever"},
+                    {"method": "echo", "id": "server1-1"},
+                    wait_for_reply=True)
+        driver.send(target1, {"context": "whatever"},
+                    {"method": "echo", "id": "server1-2"},
+                    wait_for_reply=True)
+        self.assertEqual(self._broker.direct_count, 6)  # 2X(send+reply)
+        # this should only go to listener2:
+        driver.send(target2, {"context": "whatever"},
+                    {"method": "echo", "id": "server2"},
+                    wait_for_reply=True)
+        self.assertEqual(self._broker.direct_count, 8)
+        # both listeners should get a copy:
+        driver.send(fanout_target, {"context": "whatever"},
+                    {"method": "echo", "id": "fanout"})
+        listener1.join(timeout=30)
+        self.assertFalse(listener1.isAlive())
+        listener2.join(timeout=30)
+        self.assertFalse(listener2.isAlive())
+        self.assertEqual(self._broker.fanout_count, 1)
+        listener1_ids = [x.message.get('id') for x in listener1.get_messages()]
+        listener2_ids = [x.message.get('id') for x in listener2.get_messages()]
+        self.assertTrue('fanout' in listener1_ids and
+                        'fanout' in listener2_ids)
+        self.assertTrue('server1-1' in listener1_ids and
+                        'server1-1' not in listener2_ids)
+        self.assertTrue('server1-2' in listener1_ids and
+                        'server1-2' not in listener2_ids)
+        self.assertTrue('server2' in listener2_ids and
+                        'server2' not in listener1_ids)
+        if 'either-1' in listener1_ids:
+            self.assertTrue('either-2' in listener2_ids and
+                            'either-2' not in listener1_ids and
+                            'either-1' not in listener2_ids)
+        else:
+            self.assertTrue('either-2' in listener1_ids and
+                            'either-2' not in listener2_ids and
+                            'either-1' in listener2_ids)
+        driver.cleanup()
+    def test_send_timeout(self):
+        """Verify send timeout."""
+        driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url)
+        target = messaging.Target(topic="test-topic")
+        listener = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 1)
+        # the listener will drop this message:
+        try:
+            driver.send(target,
+                        {"context": "whatever"},
+                        {"method": "drop"},
+                        wait_for_reply=True,
+                        timeout=1.0)
+        except Exception as ex:
+            self.assertIsInstance(ex, messaging.MessagingTimeout, ex)
+        else:
+            self.assertTrue(False, "No Exception raised!")
+        listener.join(timeout=30)
+        self.assertFalse(listener.isAlive())
+        driver.cleanup()
+class TestAmqpNotification(_AmqpBrokerTestCase):
+    """Test sending and receiving notifications."""
+    def test_notification(self):
+        driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url)
+        notifications = [(messaging.Target(topic="topic-1"), 'info'),
+                         (messaging.Target(topic="topic-1"), 'error'),
+                         (messaging.Target(topic="topic-2"), 'debug')]
+        nl = driver.listen_for_notifications(notifications)
+        listener = _ListenerThread(nl, 3)
+        targets = ['topic-1.info',
+                   'topic-1.bad',  # should be dropped
+                   'bad-topic.debug',  # should be dropped
+                   'topic-1.error', 'topic-2.debug']
+        for t in targets:
+            driver.send_notification(messaging.Target(topic=t),
+                                     "context", {'target': t},
+                                     1.0)
+        listener.join(timeout=30)
+        self.assertFalse(listener.isAlive())
+        topics = [x.message.get('target') for x in listener.get_messages()]
+        self.assertTrue('topic-1.info' in topics)
+        self.assertTrue('topic-1.error' in topics)
+        self.assertTrue('topic-2.debug' in topics)
+        self.assertEqual(self._broker.dropped_count, 2)
+        driver.cleanup()
+@testtools.skipUnless(pyngus, "proton modules not present")
+class TestFailover(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestFailover, self).setUp()
+        LOG.info("Starting Failover Test")
+        self._brokers = [FakeBroker(), FakeBroker()]
+        hosts = []
+        for broker in self._brokers:
+            hosts.append(messaging.TransportHost(hostname=broker.host,
+                                                 port=broker.port))
+        self._broker_url = messaging.TransportURL(self.conf,
+                                                  transport="amqp",
+                                                  hosts=hosts)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super(TestFailover, self).tearDown()
+        for broker in self._brokers:
+            if broker.isAlive():
+                broker.stop()
+    def test_broker_failover(self):
+        """Simulate failover of one broker to another."""
+        self._brokers[0].start()
+        driver = amqp_driver.ProtonDriver(self.conf, self._broker_url)
+        target = messaging.Target(topic="my-topic")
+        listener = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 2)
+        rc = driver.send(target, {"context": "whatever"},
+                         {"method": "echo", "id": "echo-1"},
+                         wait_for_reply=True,
+                         timeout=30)
+        self.assertIsNotNone(rc)
+        self.assertEqual(rc.get('correlation-id'), 'echo-1')
+        # 1 request msg, 1 response:
+        self.assertEqual(self._brokers[0].topic_count, 1)
+        self.assertEqual(self._brokers[0].direct_count, 1)
+        # fail broker 0 and start broker 1:
+        self._brokers[0].stop()
+        self._brokers[1].start()
+        deadline = time.time() + 30
+        responded = False
+        sequence = 2
+        while deadline > time.time() and not responded:
+            if not listener.isAlive():
+                # listener may have exited after replying to an old correlation
+                # id: restart new listener
+                listener = _ListenerThread(driver.listen(target), 1)
+            try:
+                rc = driver.send(target, {"context": "whatever"},
+                                 {"method": "echo",
+                                  "id": "echo-%d" % sequence},
+                                 wait_for_reply=True,
+                                 timeout=2)
+                self.assertIsNotNone(rc)
+                self.assertEqual(rc.get('correlation-id'),
+                                 'echo-%d' % sequence)
+                responded = True
+            except messaging.MessagingTimeout:
+                sequence += 1
+        self.assertTrue(responded)
+        listener.join(timeout=30)
+        self.assertFalse(listener.isAlive())
+        # note: stopping the broker first tests cleaning up driver without a
+        # connection active
+        self._brokers[1].stop()
+        driver.cleanup()
+class FakeBroker(threading.Thread):
+    """A test AMQP message 'broker'."""
+    if pyngus:
+        class Connection(pyngus.ConnectionEventHandler):
+            """A single AMQP connection."""
+            def __init__(self, server, socket_, name):
+                """Create a Connection using socket_."""
+                self.socket = socket_
+                self.name = name
+                self.server = server
+                self.connection = server.container.create_connection(name,
+                                                                     self)
+                self.connection.user_context = self
+                self.connection.pn_sasl.mechanisms("ANONYMOUS")
+                self.connection.pn_sasl.server()
+                self.connection.open()
+                self.sender_links = set()
+                self.closed = False
+            def destroy(self):
+                """Destroy the test connection."""
+                while self.sender_links:
+                    link = self.sender_links.pop()
+                    link.destroy()
+                self.connection.destroy()
+                self.connection = None
+                self.socket.close()
+            def fileno(self):
+                """Allows use of this in a select() call."""
+                return self.socket.fileno()
+            def process_input(self):
+                """Called when socket is read-ready."""
+                try:
+                    pyngus.read_socket_input(self.connection, self.socket)
+                except socket.error:
+                    pass
+                self.connection.process(time.time())
+            def send_output(self):
+                """Called when socket is write-ready."""
+                try:
+                    pyngus.write_socket_output(self.connection,
+                                               self.socket)
+                except socket.error:
+                    pass
+                self.connection.process(time.time())
+            # Pyngus ConnectionEventHandler callbacks:
+            def connection_remote_closed(self, connection, reason):
+                """Peer has closed the connection."""
+                self.connection.close()
+            def connection_closed(self, connection):
+                """Connection close completed."""
+                self.closed = True  # main loop will destroy
+            def connection_failed(self, connection, error):
+                """Connection failure detected."""
+                self.connection_closed(connection)
+            def sender_requested(self, connection, link_handle,
+                                 name, requested_source, properties):
+                """Create a new message source."""
+                addr = requested_source or "source-" + uuid.uuid4().hex
+                link = FakeBroker.SenderLink(self.server, self,
+                                             link_handle, addr)
+                self.sender_links.add(link)
+            def receiver_requested(self, connection, link_handle,
+                                   name, requested_target, properties):
+                """Create a new message consumer."""
+                addr = requested_target or "target-" + uuid.uuid4().hex
+                FakeBroker.ReceiverLink(self.server, self,
+                                        link_handle, addr)
+            def sasl_step(self, connection, pn_sasl):
+                pn_sasl.done(pn_sasl.OK)  # always permit
+        class SenderLink(pyngus.SenderEventHandler):
+            """An AMQP sending link."""
+            def __init__(self, server, conn, handle, src_addr=None):
+                self.server = server
+                cnn = conn.connection
+                self.link = cnn.accept_sender(handle,
+                                              source_override=src_addr,
+                                              event_handler=self)
+                self.link.open()
+                self.routed = False
+            def destroy(self):
+                """Destroy the link."""
+                self._cleanup()
+                if self.link:
+                    self.link.destroy()
+                    self.link = None
+            def send_message(self, message):
+                """Send a message over this link."""
+                self.link.send(message)
+            def _cleanup(self):
+                if self.routed:
+                    self.server.remove_route(self.link.source_address,
+                                             self)
+                    self.routed = False
+            # Pyngus SenderEventHandler callbacks:
+            def sender_active(self, sender_link):
+                self.server.add_route(self.link.source_address, self)
+                self.routed = True
+            def sender_remote_closed(self, sender_link, error):
+                self._cleanup()
+                self.link.close()
+            def sender_closed(self, sender_link):
+                self.destroy()
+        class ReceiverLink(pyngus.ReceiverEventHandler):
+            """An AMQP Receiving link."""
+            def __init__(self, server, conn, handle, addr=None):
+                self.server = server
+                cnn = conn.connection
+                self.link = cnn.accept_receiver(handle,
+                                                target_override=addr,
+                                                event_handler=self)
+                self.link.open()
+                self.link.add_capacity(10)
+            # ReceiverEventHandler callbacks:
+            def receiver_remote_closed(self, receiver_link, error):
+                self.link.close()
+            def receiver_closed(self, receiver_link):
+                self.link.destroy()
+                self.link = None
+            def message_received(self, receiver_link, message, handle):
+                """Forward this message out the proper sending link."""
+                if self.server.forward_message(message):
+                    self.link.message_accepted(handle)
+                else:
+                    self.link.message_rejected(handle)
+                if self.link.capacity < 1:
+                    self.link.add_capacity(10)
+    def __init__(self, server_prefix="exclusive",
+                 broadcast_prefix="broadcast",
+                 group_prefix="unicast",
+                 address_separator=".",
+                 sock_addr="", sock_port=0):
+        """Create a fake broker listening on sock_addr:sock_port."""
+        if not pyngus:
+            raise AssertionError("pyngus module not present")
+        threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+        self._server_prefix = server_prefix + address_separator
+        self._broadcast_prefix = broadcast_prefix + address_separator
+        self._group_prefix = group_prefix + address_separator
+        self._address_separator = address_separator
+        self._wakeup_pipe = os.pipe()
+        self._my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self._my_socket.bind((sock_addr, sock_port))
+        self.host, self.port = self._my_socket.getsockname()
+        self.container = pyngus.Container("test_server_%s:%d"
+                                          % (self.host, self.port))
+        self._connections = {}
+        self._sources = {}
+        # count of messages forwarded, by messaging pattern
+        self.direct_count = 0
+        self.topic_count = 0
+        self.fanout_count = 0
+        self.dropped_count = 0
+    def start(self):
+        """Start the server."""
+        LOG.info("Starting Test Broker on %s:%d", self.host, self.port)
+        self._shutdown = False
+        self.daemon = True
+        self._my_socket.listen(10)
+        super(FakeBroker, self).start()
+    def stop(self):
+        """Shutdown the server."""
+        LOG.info("Stopping test Broker %s:%d", self.host, self.port)
+        self._shutdown = True
+        os.write(self._wakeup_pipe[1], "!")
+        self.join()
+        LOG.info("Test Broker %s:%d stopped", self.host, self.port)
+    def run(self):
+        """Process I/O and timer events until the broker is stopped."""
+        LOG.info("Test Broker on %s:%d started", self.host, self.port)
+        while not self._shutdown:
+            readers, writers, timers = self.container.need_processing()
+            # map pyngus Connections back to _TestConnections:
+            readfd = [c.user_context for c in readers]
+            readfd.extend([self._my_socket, self._wakeup_pipe[0]])
+            writefd = [c.user_context for c in writers]
+            timeout = None
+            if timers:
+                # [0] == next expiring timer
+                deadline = timers[0].next_tick
+                now = time.time()
+                timeout = 0 if deadline <= now else deadline - now
+            readable, writable, ignore = select.select(readfd,
+                                                       writefd,
+                                                       [],
+                                                       timeout)
+            worked = set()
+            for r in readable:
+                if r is self._my_socket:
+                    # new inbound connection request received,
+                    # create a new Connection for it:
+                    client_socket, client_address = self._my_socket.accept()
+                    name = str(client_address)
+                    conn = FakeBroker.Connection(self, client_socket, name)
+                    self._connections[conn.name] = conn
+                elif r is self._wakeup_pipe[0]:
+                    os.read(self._wakeup_pipe[0], 512)
+                else:
+                    r.process_input()
+                    worked.add(r)
+            for t in timers:
+                now = time.time()
+                if t.next_tick > now:
+                    break
+                t.process(now)
+                conn = t.user_context
+                worked.add(conn)
+            for w in writable:
+                w.send_output()
+                worked.add(w)
+            # clean up any closed connections:
+            while worked:
+                conn = worked.pop()
+                if conn.closed:
+                    del self._connections[conn.name]
+                    conn.destroy()
+        # Shutting down
+        self._my_socket.close()
+        for conn in self._connections.itervalues():
+            conn.destroy()
+        return 0
+    def add_route(self, address, link):
+        # route from address -> link[, link ...]
+        if address not in self._sources:
+            self._sources[address] = [link]
+        elif link not in self._sources[address]:
+            self._sources[address].append(link)
+    def remove_route(self, address, link):
+        if address in self._sources:
+            if link in self._sources[address]:
+                self._sources[address].remove(link)
+                if not self._sources[address]:
+                    del self._sources[address]
+    def forward_message(self, message):
+        # returns True if message was routed
+        dest = message.address
+        if dest not in self._sources:
+            self.dropped_count += 1
+            return False
+        LOG.debug("Forwarding [%s]", dest)
+        # route "behavior" determined by prefix:
+        if dest.startswith(self._broadcast_prefix):
+            self.fanout_count += 1
+            for link in self._sources[dest]:
+                LOG.debug("Broadcast to %s", dest)
+                link.send_message(message)
+        elif dest.startswith(self._group_prefix):
+            # round-robin:
+            self.topic_count += 1
+            link = self._sources[dest].pop(0)
+            link.send_message(message)
+            LOG.debug("Send to %s", dest)
+            self._sources[dest].append(link)
+        else:
+            # unicast:
+            self.direct_count += 1
+            LOG.debug("Unicast to %s", dest)
+            self._sources[dest][0].send_message(message)
+        return True
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 4146e7df8..f53d7ba35 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ commands = python setup.py build_sphinx
 deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements-py3.txt
+# test AMQP 1.0 driver, requires QPID Proton developer packages
+deps = -r{toxinidir}/amqp1-requirements.txt
+        {[testenv]deps}
 show-source = True
 ignore = H237,H402,H405,H904