# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy import mock from oslotest import base import six from oslo_reports.models import base as base_model from oslo_reports.models import with_default_views as mwdv from oslo_reports import report from oslo_reports.views import jinja_view as jv from oslo_reports.views.json import generic as json_generic from oslo_reports.views.text import generic as text_generic def mwdv_generator(): return mwdv.ModelWithDefaultViews(data={'string': 'value', 'int': 1}) class TestModelReportType(base.BaseTestCase): def test_model_with_default_views(self): model = mwdv_generator() model.set_current_view_type('text') self.assertEqual('int = 1\nstring = value', six.text_type(model)) model.set_current_view_type('json') self.assertEqual('{"int": 1, "string": "value"}', six.text_type(model)) model.set_current_view_type('xml') self.assertEqual('1value', six.text_type(model)) def test_recursive_type_propagation_with_nested_models(self): model = mwdv_generator() model['submodel'] = mwdv_generator() model.set_current_view_type('json') self.assertEqual(model.submodel.views['json'], model.submodel.attached_view) def test_recursive_type_propagation_with_nested_dicts(self): nested_model = mwdv.ModelWithDefaultViews(json_view='abc') data = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': nested_model}} top_model = base_model.ReportModel(data=data) top_model.set_current_view_type('json') self.assertEqual(nested_model.attached_view, nested_model.views['json']) def test_recursive_type_propagation_with_nested_lists(self): nested_model = mwdv_generator() data = {'a': 1, 'b': [nested_model]} top_model = base_model.ReportModel(data=data) top_model.set_current_view_type('json') self.assertEqual(nested_model.attached_view, nested_model.views['json']) def test_recursive_type_propogation_on_recursive_structures(self): nested_model = mwdv_generator() data = {'a': 1, 'b': [nested_model]} nested_model['c'] = data top_model = base_model.ReportModel(data=data) top_model.set_current_view_type('json') self.assertEqual(nested_model.attached_view, nested_model.views['json']) del nested_model['c'] def test_report_of_type(self): rep = report.ReportOfType('json') rep.add_section(lambda x: six.text_type(x), mwdv_generator) self.assertEqual('{"int": 1, "string": "value"}', rep.run()) # NOTE: this also tests views.text.header def test_text_report(self): rep = report.TextReport('Test Report') rep.add_section('An Important Section', mwdv_generator) rep.add_section('Another Important Section', mwdv_generator) target_str = ('========================================================================\n' # noqa '==== Test Report ====\n' # noqa '========================================================================\n' # noqa '||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||\n' # noqa '\n' # noqa '\n' # noqa '========================================================================\n' # noqa '==== An Important Section ====\n' # noqa '========================================================================\n' # noqa 'int = 1\n' # noqa 'string = value\n' # noqa '========================================================================\n' # noqa '==== Another Important Section ====\n' # noqa '========================================================================\n' # noqa 'int = 1\n' # noqa 'string = value') # noqa self.assertEqual(target_str, rep.run()) def test_to_type(self): model = mwdv_generator() self.assertEqual('1value', model.to_xml()) class TestGenericXMLView(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestGenericXMLView, self).setUp() self.model = mwdv_generator() self.model.set_current_view_type('xml') def test_dict_serialization(self): self.model['dt'] = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} target_str = ('' '
' '1' 'value
') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_list_serialization(self): self.model['lt'] = ['a', 'b'] target_str = ('' '1' 'ab' 'value') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_list_in_dict_serialization(self): self.model['dt'] = {'a': 1, 'b': [2, 3]} target_str = ('' '
1' '23
' '1' 'value
') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_dict_in_list_serialization(self): self.model['lt'] = [1, {'b': 2, 'c': 3}] target_str = ('' '1' '1' '23' 'value') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_submodel_serialization(self): sm = mwdv_generator() sm.set_current_view_type('xml') self.model['submodel'] = sm target_str = ('' '1' 'value' '' '1value' '' '') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_wrapper_name(self): self.model.attached_view.wrapper_name = 'cheese' target_str = ('' '1' 'value' '') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) class TestGenericJSONViews(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestGenericJSONViews, self).setUp() self.model = mwdv_generator() self.model.set_current_view_type('json') def test_basic_kv_view(self): attached_view = json_generic.BasicKeyValueView() self.model = base_model.ReportModel(data={'string': 'value', 'int': 1}, attached_view=attached_view) self.assertEqual('{"int": 1, "string": "value"}', six.text_type(self.model)) def test_dict_serialization(self): self.model['dt'] = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} target_str = ('{' '"dt": {"a": 1, "b": 2}, ' '"int": 1, ' '"string": "value"' '}') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_list_serialization(self): self.model['lt'] = ['a', 'b'] target_str = ('{' '"int": 1, ' '"lt": ["a", "b"], ' '"string": "value"' '}') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_list_in_dict_serialization(self): self.model['dt'] = {'a': 1, 'b': [2, 3]} target_str = ('{' '"dt": {"a": 1, "b": [2, 3]}, ' '"int": 1, ' '"string": "value"' '}') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_dict_in_list_serialization(self): self.model['lt'] = [1, {'b': 2, 'c': 3}] target_str = ('{' '"int": 1, ' '"lt": [1, {"b": 2, "c": 3}], ' '"string": "value"' '}') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_submodel_serialization(self): sm = mwdv_generator() sm.set_current_view_type('json') self.model['submodel'] = sm target_str = ('{' '"int": 1, ' '"string": "value", ' '"submodel": {"int": 1, "string": "value"}' '}') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) class TestGenericTextViews(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestGenericTextViews, self).setUp() self.model = mwdv_generator() self.model.set_current_view_type('text') def test_multi_view(self): attached_view = text_generic.MultiView() self.model = base_model.ReportModel(data={}, attached_view=attached_view) self.model['1'] = mwdv_generator() self.model['2'] = mwdv_generator() self.model['2']['int'] = 2 self.model.set_current_view_type('text') target_str = ('int = 1\n' 'string = value\n' 'int = 2\n' 'string = value') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_basic_kv_view(self): attached_view = text_generic.BasicKeyValueView() self.model = base_model.ReportModel(data={'string': 'value', 'int': 1}, attached_view=attached_view) self.assertEqual('int = 1\nstring = value\n', six.text_type(self.model)) def test_table_view(self): column_names = ['Column A', 'Column B'] column_values = ['a', 'b'] attached_view = text_generic.TableView(column_names, column_values, 'table') self.model = base_model.ReportModel(data={}, attached_view=attached_view) self.model['table'] = [{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 3, 'b': 4}] target_str = (' Column A | Column B \n' # noqa '------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' # noqa ' 1 | 2 \n' # noqa ' 3 | 4 \n') # noqa self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_dict_serialization(self): self.model['dt'] = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} target_str = ('dt = \n' ' a = 1\n' ' b = 2\n' 'int = 1\n' 'string = value') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_list_serialization(self): self.model['lt'] = ['a', 'b'] target_str = ('int = 1\n' 'lt = \n' ' a\n' ' b\n' 'string = value') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_list_in_dict_serialization(self): self.model['dt'] = {'a': 1, 'b': [2, 3]} target_str = ('dt = \n' ' a = 1\n' ' b = \n' ' 2\n' ' 3\n' 'int = 1\n' 'string = value') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_dict_in_list_serialization(self): self.model['lt'] = [1, {'b': 2, 'c': 3}] target_str = ('int = 1\n' 'lt = \n' ' 1\n' ' [dict]\n' ' b = 2\n' ' c = 3\n' 'string = value') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_submodel_serialization(self): sm = mwdv_generator() sm.set_current_view_type('text') self.model['submodel'] = sm target_str = ('int = 1\n' 'string = value\n' 'submodel = \n' ' int = 1\n' ' string = value') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def test_custom_indent_string(self): view = text_generic.KeyValueView(indent_str='~~') self.model['lt'] = ['a', 'b'] self.model.attached_view = view target_str = ('int = 1\n' 'lt = \n' '~~a\n' '~~b\n' 'string = value') self.assertEqual(target_str, six.text_type(self.model)) def get_open_mocks(rv): file_mock = mock.MagicMock(name='file_obj') file_mock.read.return_value = rv open_mock = mock.MagicMock(name='open') open_mock().__enter__.return_value = file_mock return (open_mock, file_mock) class TestJinjaView(base.BaseTestCase): TEMPL_STR = "int is {{ int }}, string is {{ string }}" MM_OPEN, MM_FILE = get_open_mocks(TEMPL_STR) def setUp(self): super(TestJinjaView, self).setUp() self.model = base_model.ReportModel(data={'int': 1, 'string': 'value'}) @mock.mock_open(MM_OPEN) def test_load_from_file(self): self.model.attached_view = jv.JinjaView(path='a/b/c/d.jinja.txt') self.assertEqual('int is 1, string is value', six.text_type(self.model)) self.MM_FILE.assert_called_with_once('a/b/c/d.jinja.txt') def test_direct_pass(self): self.model.attached_view = jv.JinjaView(text=self.TEMPL_STR) self.assertEqual('int is 1, string is value', six.text_type(self.model)) def test_load_from_class(self): class TmpJinjaView(jv.JinjaView): VIEW_TEXT = TestJinjaView.TEMPL_STR self.model.attached_view = TmpJinjaView() self.assertEqual('int is 1, string is value', six.text_type(self.model)) def test_is_deepcopiable(self): view_orig = jv.JinjaView(text=self.TEMPL_STR) view_cpy = copy.deepcopy(view_orig) self.assertIsNot(view_orig, view_cpy)