Currently the setup_autorun() method expects the user-defined signal, SIGUSR1, to generate Guru Meditation Report upon killing a Nova Compute process, while supplying the said signal. However, testing in a DevStack environment, manually attempting to kill a Nova Compute process with SIGUSR1 [kill -s USR1 `pgrep nova-compute`] does not result in the process being terminated, and no error report is generated. It turns out[*] that SIGUSR1 is used by Apache 'mod_wsgi'. Using, the other user-defined signal, SIGUSR2 resolves this issue (i.e. 'nova-compute' process is terminated, and the Guru Meditation Report is generated successfully). So, use the signal USR2 instead of USR1. Also, update the corresponding tests. DocImpact: With this patch merged, to generate a successful Guru Meditation Report, supply the signal USR2 while killing a Nova Compute process [`kill -s USR2 `pgrep nova-compute`]. [*] https://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIRestrictSignal Change-Id: I9d3b6079ba2cca41fe4723723a6f80b2c3c0b9c0
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# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Provides Guru Meditation Report
This module defines the actual OpenStack Guru Meditation
Report class.
This can be used in the OpenStack command definition files.
For example, in a nova command module (under nova/cmd):
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 8,9,10
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as oslo_logging
from oslo_reports import opts as gmr_opts
from oslo_reports import guru_meditation_report as gmr
# maybe import some options here...
def main():
CONF(sys.argv[1:], default_config_files=['myapp.conf'])
oslo_logging.setup(CONF, 'myapp')
gmr.TextGuruMeditation.register_section('Some Special Section',
gmr.TextGuruMeditation.setup_autorun(version_object, conf=CONF)
server = service.Service.create(binary='some-service',
Then, you can do
.. code-block:: bash
and get a Guru Meditation Report in the file or terminal
where stderr is logged for that given service.
from __future__ import print_function
import inspect
import os
import signal
import sys
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslo_reports.generators import conf as cgen
from oslo_reports.generators import process as prgen
from oslo_reports.generators import threading as tgen
from oslo_reports.generators import version as pgen
from oslo_reports import report
class GuruMeditation(object):
"""A Guru Meditation Report Mixin/Base Class
This class is a base class for Guru Meditation Reports.
It provides facilities for registering sections and
setting up functionality to auto-run the report on
a certain signal.
This class should always be used in conjunction with
a Report class via multiple inheritance. It should
always come first in the class list to ensure the
MRO is correct.
timestamp_fmt = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
def __init__(self, version_obj, sig_handler_tb=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.version_obj = version_obj
self.traceback = sig_handler_tb
super(GuruMeditation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.start_section_index = len(self.sections)
def register_section(cls, section_title, generator):
"""Register a New Section
This method registers a persistent section for the current
:param str section_title: the title of the section
:param generator: the generator for the section
cls.persistent_sections.append([section_title, generator])
except AttributeError:
cls.persistent_sections = [[section_title, generator]]
def setup_autorun(cls, version, service_name=None,
log_dir=None, signum=None, conf=None):
"""Set Up Auto-Run
This method sets up the Guru Meditation Report to automatically
get dumped to stderr or a file in a given dir when the given signal
is received.
:param version: the version object for the current product
:param service_name: this program name used to construct logfile name
:param logdir: path to a log directory where to create a file
:param signum: the signal to associate with running the report
:param conf: Configuration object, managed by the caller.
if not signum and hasattr(signal, 'SIGUSR2'):
# SIGUSR2 is not supported on all platforms
signum = signal.SIGUSR2
if signum:
if log_dir is None and conf is not None:
log_dir = conf.oslo_reports.log_dir
lambda sn, tb: cls.handle_signal(
version, service_name, log_dir, tb))
def handle_signal(cls, version, service_name, log_dir, traceback):
"""The Signal Handler
This method (indirectly) handles receiving a registered signal and
dumping the Guru Meditation Report to stderr or a file in a given dir.
If service name and log dir are not None, the report will be dumped to
a file named $service_name_gurumeditation_$current_time in the log_dir
This method is designed to be curried into a proper signal handler by
currying out the version
:param version: the version object for the current product
:param service_name: this program name used to construct logfile name
:param logdir: path to a log directory where to create a file
:param traceback: the traceback provided to the signal handler
res = cls(version, traceback).run()
except Exception:
print("Unable to run Guru Meditation Report!",
if log_dir:
service_name = service_name or os.path.basename(
filename = "%s_gurumeditation_%s" % (
service_name, timeutils.utcnow().strftime(
filepath = os.path.join(log_dir, filename)
with open(filepath, "w") as dumpfile:
except Exception:
print("Unable to dump Guru Meditation Report to file %s" %
(filepath,), file=sys.stderr)
print(res, file=sys.stderr)
def _readd_sections(self):
del self.sections[self.start_section_index:]
self.add_section('Green Threads',
for section_title, generator in self.persistent_sections:
self.add_section(section_title, generator)
except AttributeError:
def run(self):
return super(GuruMeditation, self).run()
# GuruMeditation must come first to get the correct MRO
class TextGuruMeditation(GuruMeditation, report.TextReport):
"""A Text Guru Meditation Report
This report is the basic human-readable Guru Meditation Report
It contains the following sections by default
(in addition to any registered persistent sections):
- Package Information
- Threads List
- Green Threads List
- Process List
- Configuration Options
:param version_obj: the version object for the current product
:param traceback: an (optional) frame object providing the actual
traceback for the current thread
def __init__(self, version_obj, traceback=None):
super(TextGuruMeditation, self).__init__(version_obj, traceback,
'Guru Meditation')