# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ VMware PBM service client and PBM related utility methods PBM is used for policy based placement in VMware datastores. Refer http://goo.gl/GR2o6U for more details. """ import logging import os import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse import six.moves.urllib.request as urllib import suds.sax.element as element from oslo_vmware._i18n import _LW from oslo_vmware import service from oslo_vmware import vim_util SERVICE_TYPE = 'PbmServiceInstance' LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Pbm(service.Service): """Service class that provides access to the Storage Policy API.""" def __init__(self, protocol='https', host='localhost', port=443, wsdl_url=None, cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_maxsize=10, connection_timeout=None): """Constructs a PBM service client object. :param protocol: http or https :param host: server IP address or host name :param port: port for connection :param wsdl_url: PBM WSDL url :param cacert: Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. :param insecure: Verify HTTPS connections using system certificates, used only if cacert is not specified :param pool_maxsize: Maximum number of connections in http connection pool :param connection_timeout: Maximum time in seconds to wait for peer to respond. """ base_url = service.Service.build_base_url(protocol, host, port) soap_url = base_url + '/pbm' super(Pbm, self).__init__(wsdl_url, soap_url, cacert, insecure, pool_maxsize, connection_timeout) def set_soap_cookie(self, cookie): """Set the specified vCenter session cookie in the SOAP header :param cookie: cookie to set """ elem = element.Element('vcSessionCookie').setText(cookie) self.client.set_options(soapheaders=elem) def retrieve_service_content(self): ref = vim_util.get_moref(service.SERVICE_INSTANCE, SERVICE_TYPE) return self.PbmRetrieveServiceContent(ref) def __repr__(self): return "PBM Object" def __str__(self): return "PBM Object" def get_all_profiles(session): """Get all the profiles defined in VC server. :returns: PbmProfile data objects :raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException """ LOG.debug("Fetching all the profiles defined in VC server.") pbm = session.pbm profile_manager = pbm.service_content.profileManager res_type = pbm.client.factory.create('ns0:PbmProfileResourceType') res_type.resourceType = 'STORAGE' profiles = [] profile_ids = session.invoke_api(pbm, 'PbmQueryProfile', profile_manager, resourceType=res_type) LOG.debug("Fetched profile IDs: %s.", profile_ids) if profile_ids: profiles = session.invoke_api(pbm, 'PbmRetrieveContent', profile_manager, profileIds=profile_ids) return profiles def get_profile_id_by_name(session, profile_name): """Get the profile UUID corresponding to the given profile name. :param profile_name: profile name whose UUID needs to be retrieved :returns: profile UUID string or None if profile not found :raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException """ LOG.debug("Retrieving profile ID for profile: %s.", profile_name) for profile in get_all_profiles(session): if profile.name == profile_name: profile_id = profile.profileId LOG.debug("Retrieved profile ID: %(id)s for profile: %(name)s.", {'id': profile_id, 'name': profile_name}) return profile_id return None def filter_hubs_by_profile(session, hubs, profile_id): """Filter and return hubs that match the given profile. :param hubs: PbmPlacementHub morefs :param profile_id: profile ID :returns: subset of hubs that match the given profile :raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException, VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException """ LOG.debug("Filtering hubs: %(hubs)s that match profile: %(profile)s.", {'hubs': hubs, 'profile': profile_id}) pbm = session.pbm placement_solver = pbm.service_content.placementSolver filtered_hubs = session.invoke_api(pbm, 'PbmQueryMatchingHub', placement_solver, hubsToSearch=hubs, profile=profile_id) LOG.debug("Filtered hubs: %s", filtered_hubs) return filtered_hubs def convert_datastores_to_hubs(pbm_client_factory, datastores): """Convert given datastore morefs to PbmPlacementHub morefs. :param pbm_client_factory: Factory to create PBM API input specs :param datastores: list of datastore morefs :returns: list of PbmPlacementHub morefs """ hubs = [] for ds in datastores: hub = pbm_client_factory.create('ns0:PbmPlacementHub') hub.hubId = ds.value hub.hubType = 'Datastore' hubs.append(hub) return hubs def filter_datastores_by_hubs(hubs, datastores): """Get filtered subset of datastores corresponding to the given hub list. :param hubs: list of PbmPlacementHub morefs :param datastores: all candidate datastores :returns: subset of datastores corresponding to the given hub list """ filtered_dss = [] hub_ids = [hub.hubId for hub in hubs] for ds in datastores: if ds.value in hub_ids: filtered_dss.append(ds) return filtered_dss def get_pbm_wsdl_location(vc_version): """Return PBM WSDL file location corresponding to VC version. :param vc_version: a dot-separated version string. For example, "1.2". :return: the pbm wsdl file location. """ if not vc_version: return ver = vc_version.split('.') major_minor = ver[0] if len(ver) >= 2: major_minor = '%s.%s' % (major_minor, ver[1]) curr_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) pbm_service_wsdl = os.path.join(curr_dir, 'wsdl', major_minor, 'pbmService.wsdl') if not os.path.exists(pbm_service_wsdl): LOG.warning(_LW("PBM WSDL file %s not found."), pbm_service_wsdl) return pbm_wsdl = urlparse.urljoin('file:', urllib.pathname2url(pbm_service_wsdl)) LOG.debug("Using PBM WSDL location: %s.", pbm_wsdl) return pbm_wsdl def get_profiles(session, vm): """Query storage profiles associated with the given vm. :param session: VMwareAPISession instance :param vm: vm reference :return: profile IDs """ pbm = session.pbm profile_manager = pbm.service_content.profileManager object_ref = pbm.client.factory.create('ns0:PbmServerObjectRef') object_ref.key = vm.value object_ref.objectType = 'virtualMachine' return session.invoke_api(pbm, 'PbmQueryAssociatedProfile', profile_manager, entity=object_ref) def get_profiles_by_ids(session, profile_ids): """Get storage profiles by IDs. :param session: VMwareAPISession instance :param profile_ids: profile IDs :return: profile objects """ profiles = [] if profile_ids: pbm = session.pbm profile_manager = pbm.service_content.profileManager profiles = session.invoke_api(pbm, 'PbmRetrieveContent', profile_manager, profileIds=profile_ids) return profiles