Radoslav Gerganov ca17b7bd39 Fix setting the SOAP headers for remote calls.
We use SOAP headers to set 'opID' for all service calls and
'vcSessionCookie' for PBM service calls. Commit 6a6336 introduced
regression in setting the vcSessionCookie. This patch fixes this by
setting all headers in one place.

Change-Id: If9630a14d6275f30275825f1822f2cf9af2959a7
2017-01-13 13:08:54 +02:00

440 lines
17 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
Common classes that provide access to vSphere services.
import logging
import os
import netaddr
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import requests
import six
import six.moves.http_client as httplib
import suds
from suds import cache
from suds import client
from suds import plugin
import suds.sax.element as element
from suds import transport
from oslo_vmware._i18n import _
from oslo_vmware import exceptions
from oslo_vmware import vim_util
CACHE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 60 # One hour cache timeout
ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR = 'Address already in use'
CONN_ABORT_ERROR = 'Software caused connection abort'
RESP_NOT_XML_ERROR = 'Response is "text/html", not "text/xml"'
SERVICE_INSTANCE = 'ServiceInstance'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ServiceMessagePlugin(plugin.MessagePlugin):
"""Suds plug-in handling some special cases while calling VI SDK."""
def add_attribute_for_value(self, node):
"""Helper to handle AnyType.
Suds does not handle AnyType properly. But VI SDK requires type
attribute to be set when AnyType is used.
:param node: XML value node
if node.name == 'value' or node.name == 'val':
node.set('xsi:type', 'xsd:string')
def marshalled(self, context):
"""Modifies the envelope document before it is sent.
This method provides the plug-in with the opportunity to prune empty
nodes and fix nodes before sending it to the server.
:param context: send context
# Suds builds the entire request object based on the WSDL schema.
# VI SDK throws server errors if optional SOAP nodes are sent
# without values; e.g., <test/> as opposed to <test>test</test>.
class Response(six.BytesIO):
"""Response with an input stream as source."""
def __init__(self, stream, status=200, headers=None):
self.status = status
self.headers = headers or {}
self.reason = requests.status_codes._codes.get(
status, [''])[0].upper().replace('_', ' ')
six.BytesIO.__init__(self, stream)
def _original_response(self):
return self
def msg(self):
return self
def read(self, chunk_size, **kwargs):
return six.BytesIO.read(self, chunk_size)
def info(self):
return self
def get_all(self, name, default):
result = self.headers.get(name)
if not result:
return default
return [result]
def getheaders(self, name):
return self.get_all(name, [])
def release_conn(self):
class LocalFileAdapter(requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter):
"""Transport adapter for local files.
See http://stackoverflow.com/a/22989322
def __init__(self, pool_maxsize=10):
super(LocalFileAdapter, self).__init__(pool_connections=pool_maxsize,
def _build_response_from_file(self, request):
file_path = request.url[7:]
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
buff = bytearray(os.path.getsize(file_path))
resp = Response(buff)
return self.build_response(request, resp)
def send(self, request, stream=False, timeout=None,
verify=True, cert=None, proxies=None):
return self._build_response_from_file(request)
class RequestsTransport(transport.Transport):
def __init__(self, cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_maxsize=10,
# insecure flag is used only if cacert is not
# specified.
self.verify = cacert if cacert else not insecure
self.session = requests.Session()
self.session.mount('https://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter(
pool_connections=pool_maxsize, pool_maxsize=pool_maxsize))
self.cookiejar = self.session.cookies
self._connection_timeout = connection_timeout
def open(self, request):
resp = self.session.get(request.url, verify=self.verify)
return six.BytesIO(resp.content)
def send(self, request):
resp = self.session.post(request.url,
return transport.Reply(resp.status_code, resp.headers, resp.content)
class MemoryCache(cache.ObjectCache):
def __init__(self):
self._cache = {}
def get(self, key):
"""Retrieves the value for a key or None."""
now = timeutils.utcnow_ts()
for k in list(self._cache):
(timeout, _value) = self._cache[k]
if timeout and now >= timeout:
del self._cache[k]
return self._cache.get(key, (0, None))[1]
def put(self, key, value, time=CACHE_TIMEOUT):
"""Sets the value for a key."""
timeout = 0
if time != 0:
timeout = timeutils.utcnow_ts() + time
self._cache[key] = (timeout, value)
return True
_CACHE = MemoryCache()
class Service(object):
"""Base class containing common functionality for invoking vSphere
def __init__(self, wsdl_url=None, soap_url=None,
cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_maxsize=10,
connection_timeout=None, op_id_prefix='oslo.vmware'):
self.wsdl_url = wsdl_url
self.soap_url = soap_url
self.op_id_prefix = op_id_prefix
LOG.debug("Creating suds client with soap_url='%s' and wsdl_url='%s'",
self.soap_url, self.wsdl_url)
transport = RequestsTransport(cacert=cacert,
self.client = client.Client(self.wsdl_url,
self._service_content = None
self._vc_session_cookie = None
def build_base_url(protocol, host, port):
proto_str = '%s://' % protocol
host_str = '[%s]' % host if netaddr.valid_ipv6(host) else host
port_str = '' if port is None else ':%d' % port
return proto_str + host_str + port_str
def _retrieve_properties_ex_fault_checker(response):
"""Checks the RetrievePropertiesEx API response for errors.
Certain faults are sent in the SOAP body as a property of missingSet.
This method raises VimFaultException when a fault is found in the
:param response: response from RetrievePropertiesEx API call
:raises: VimFaultException
fault_list = []
details = {}
if not response:
# This is the case when the session has timed out. ESX SOAP
# server sends an empty RetrievePropertiesExResponse. Normally
# missingSet in the response objects has the specifics about
# the error, but that's not the case with a timed out idle
# session. It is as bad as a terminated session for we cannot
# use the session. Therefore setting fault to NotAuthenticated
# fault.
LOG.debug("RetrievePropertiesEx API response is empty; setting "
"fault to %s.",
fault_list = [exceptions.NOT_AUTHENTICATED]
for obj_cont in response.objects:
if hasattr(obj_cont, 'missingSet'):
for missing_elem in obj_cont.missingSet:
f_type = missing_elem.fault.fault
f_name = f_type.__class__.__name__
if f_name == exceptions.NO_PERMISSION:
details['object'] = f_type.object.value
details['privilegeId'] = f_type.privilegeId
if fault_list:
fault_string = _("Error occurred while calling "
raise exceptions.VimFaultException(fault_list,
def _set_soap_headers(self, op_id):
"""Set SOAP headers for the next remote call to vCenter.
SOAP headers may include operation ID and vcSessionCookie.
The operation ID is a random string which allows to correlate log
messages across different systems (OpenStack, vCenter, ESX).
vcSessionCookie is needed when making PBM calls.
headers = []
if self._vc_session_cookie:
elem = element.Element('vcSessionCookie').setText(
if op_id:
elem = element.Element('operationID').setText(op_id)
if headers:
def service_content(self):
if self._service_content is None:
self._service_content = self.retrieve_service_content()
return self._service_content
def get_http_cookie(self):
"""Return the vCenter session cookie."""
cookies = self.client.options.transport.cookiejar
for cookie in cookies:
if cookie.name.lower() == 'vmware_soap_session':
return cookie.value
def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
"""Returns the method to invoke API identified by param attr_name."""
def request_handler(managed_object, **kwargs):
"""Handler for vSphere API calls.
Invokes the API and parses the response for fault checking and
other errors.
:param managed_object: managed object reference argument of the
API call
:param kwargs: keyword arguments of the API call
:returns: response of the API call
:raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException,
VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
if isinstance(managed_object, str):
# For strings, use string value for value and type
# of the managed object.
managed_object = vim_util.get_moref(managed_object,
if managed_object is None:
skip_op_id = kwargs.pop('skip_op_id', False)
op_id = None
if not skip_op_id:
# Generate opID. It will appear in vCenter and ESX logs for
# this particular remote call.
op_id = '%s-%s' % (self.op_id_prefix,
LOG.debug('Invoking %s.%s with opID=%s',
request = getattr(self.client.service, attr_name)
response = request(managed_object, **kwargs)
if (attr_name.lower() == 'retrievepropertiesex'):
return response
except exceptions.VimFaultException:
# Catch the VimFaultException that is raised by the fault
# check of the SOAP response.
except suds.WebFault as excep:
fault_string = None
if excep.fault:
fault_string = excep.fault.faultstring
doc = excep.document
detail = None
if doc is not None:
detail = doc.childAtPath('/detail')
if not detail:
# NOTE(arnaud): this is needed with VC 5.1
detail = doc.childAtPath('/Envelope/Body/Fault/detail')
fault_list = []
details = {}
if detail:
for fault in detail.getChildren():
fault_type = fault.get('type')
if fault_type.endswith(exceptions.SECURITY_ERROR):
fault_type = exceptions.NOT_AUTHENTICATED
for child in fault.getChildren():
details[child.name] = child.getText()
raise exceptions.VimFaultException(fault_list, fault_string,
excep, details)
except AttributeError as excep:
raise exceptions.VimAttributeException(
_("No such SOAP method %s.") % attr_name, excep)
except (httplib.CannotSendRequest,
httplib.CannotSendHeader) as excep:
raise exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(
_("httplib error in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
except requests.RequestException as excep:
raise exceptions.VimConnectionException(
_("requests error in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
except Exception as excep:
# TODO(vbala) should catch specific exceptions and raise
# appropriate VimExceptions.
# Socket errors which need special handling; some of these
# might be caused by server API call overload.
if (six.text_type(excep).find(ADDRESS_IN_USE_ERROR) != -1 or
six.text_type(excep).find(CONN_ABORT_ERROR)) != -1:
raise exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(
_("Socket error in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
# Type error which needs special handling; it might be caused
# by server API call overload.
elif six.text_type(excep).find(RESP_NOT_XML_ERROR) != -1:
raise exceptions.VimSessionOverLoadException(
_("Type error in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
raise exceptions.VimException(
_("Exception in %s.") % attr_name, excep)
return request_handler
def __repr__(self):
return "vSphere object"
def __str__(self):
return "vSphere object"
class SudsLogFilter(logging.Filter):
"""Filter to mask/truncate vCenter credentials in suds logs."""
def filter(self, record):
if not hasattr(record.msg, 'childAtPath'):
return True
# Suds will log vCenter credentials if SessionManager.Login or
# SessionManager.SessionIsActive fails.
login = (record.msg.childAtPath('/Envelope/Body/Login') or
if login is None:
return True
if login.childAtPath('userName') is not None:
if login.childAtPath('password') is not None: # nosec
login.childAtPath('password').setText('***') # nosec
session_id = login.childAtPath('sessionID')
if session_id is not None:
return True
# Set log filter to mask/truncate vCenter credentials in suds logs.