With multiple concurrent VM spawning, the service time from compute service flow to vcenter to trigger soap requests is getting slower. As VIM adopt requests module to access the vcenter which have default http pool size set to 10. This need to be configured to be larger in scale environment. Change-Id: Ic9e9a87de378151a66187222231eaafd7a402ac5 Closes-Bug: #1479183
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# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
VMware PBM service client and PBM related utility methods
PBM is used for policy based placement in VMware datastores.
Refer http://goo.gl/GR2o6U for more details.
import logging
import os
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
import six.moves.urllib.request as urllib
import suds.sax.element as element
from oslo_vmware._i18n import _LW
from oslo_vmware import service
from oslo_vmware import vim_util
SERVICE_TYPE = 'PbmServiceInstance'
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Pbm(service.Service):
"""Service class that provides access to the Storage Policy API."""
def __init__(self, protocol='https', host='localhost', port=443,
wsdl_url=None, cacert=None, insecure=True, pool_maxsize=10):
"""Constructs a PBM service client object.
:param protocol: http or https
:param host: server IP address or host name
:param port: port for connection
:param wsdl_url: PBM WSDL url
:param cacert: Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a
TLS (https) server certificate.
:param insecure: Verify HTTPS connections using system certificates,
used only if cacert is not specified
:param pool_maxsize: Maximum number of connections in http
connection pool
base_url = service.Service.build_base_url(protocol, host, port)
soap_url = base_url + '/pbm'
super(Pbm, self).__init__(wsdl_url, soap_url, cacert, insecure,
def set_soap_cookie(self, cookie):
"""Set the specified vCenter session cookie in the SOAP header
:param cookie: cookie to set
elem = element.Element('vcSessionCookie').setText(cookie)
def retrieve_service_content(self):
ref = vim_util.get_moref(service.SERVICE_INSTANCE, SERVICE_TYPE)
return self.PbmRetrieveServiceContent(ref)
def __repr__(self):
return "PBM Object"
def __str__(self):
return "PBM Object"
def get_all_profiles(session):
"""Get all the profiles defined in VC server.
:returns: PbmProfile data objects
:raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException,
VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
LOG.debug("Fetching all the profiles defined in VC server.")
pbm = session.pbm
profile_manager = pbm.service_content.profileManager
res_type = pbm.client.factory.create('ns0:PbmProfileResourceType')
res_type.resourceType = 'STORAGE'
profiles = []
profile_ids = session.invoke_api(pbm,
LOG.debug("Fetched profile IDs: %s.", profile_ids)
if profile_ids:
profiles = session.invoke_api(pbm,
return profiles
def get_profile_id_by_name(session, profile_name):
"""Get the profile UUID corresponding to the given profile name.
:param profile_name: profile name whose UUID needs to be retrieved
:returns: profile UUID string or None if profile not found
:raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException,
VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
LOG.debug("Retrieving profile ID for profile: %s.", profile_name)
for profile in get_all_profiles(session):
if profile.name == profile_name:
profile_id = profile.profileId
LOG.debug("Retrieved profile ID: %(id)s for profile: %(name)s.",
{'id': profile_id,
'name': profile_name})
return profile_id
return None
def filter_hubs_by_profile(session, hubs, profile_id):
"""Filter and return hubs that match the given profile.
:param hubs: PbmPlacementHub morefs
:param profile_id: profile ID
:returns: subset of hubs that match the given profile
:raises: VimException, VimFaultException, VimAttributeException,
VimSessionOverLoadException, VimConnectionException
LOG.debug("Filtering hubs: %(hubs)s that match profile: %(profile)s.",
{'hubs': hubs,
'profile': profile_id})
pbm = session.pbm
placement_solver = pbm.service_content.placementSolver
filtered_hubs = session.invoke_api(pbm,
LOG.debug("Filtered hubs: %s", filtered_hubs)
return filtered_hubs
def convert_datastores_to_hubs(pbm_client_factory, datastores):
"""Convert given datastore morefs to PbmPlacementHub morefs.
:param pbm_client_factory: Factory to create PBM API input specs
:param datastores: list of datastore morefs
:returns: list of PbmPlacementHub morefs
hubs = []
for ds in datastores:
hub = pbm_client_factory.create('ns0:PbmPlacementHub')
hub.hubId = ds.value
hub.hubType = 'Datastore'
return hubs
def filter_datastores_by_hubs(hubs, datastores):
"""Get filtered subset of datastores corresponding to the given hub list.
:param hubs: list of PbmPlacementHub morefs
:param datastores: all candidate datastores
:returns: subset of datastores corresponding to the given hub list
filtered_dss = []
hub_ids = [hub.hubId for hub in hubs]
for ds in datastores:
if ds.value in hub_ids:
return filtered_dss
def get_pbm_wsdl_location(vc_version):
"""Return PBM WSDL file location corresponding to VC version.
:param vc_version: a dot-separated version string. For example, "1.2".
:return: the pbm wsdl file location.
if not vc_version:
ver = vc_version.split('.')
major_minor = ver[0]
if len(ver) >= 2:
major_minor = '%s.%s' % (major_minor, ver[1])
curr_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
pbm_service_wsdl = os.path.join(curr_dir, 'wsdl', major_minor,
if not os.path.exists(pbm_service_wsdl):
LOG.warn(_LW("PBM WSDL file %s not found."), pbm_service_wsdl)
pbm_wsdl = urlparse.urljoin('file:', urllib.pathname2url(pbm_service_wsdl))
LOG.debug("Using PBM WSDL location: %s.", pbm_wsdl)
return pbm_wsdl
def get_profiles(session, vm):
"""Query storage profiles associated with the given vm.
:param session: VMwareAPISession instance
:param vm: vm reference
:return: profile IDs
pbm = session.pbm
profile_manager = pbm.service_content.profileManager
object_ref = pbm.client.factory.create('ns0:PbmServerObjectRef')
object_ref.key = vm.value
object_ref.objectType = 'virtualMachine'
return session.invoke_api(pbm, 'PbmQueryAssociatedProfile',
profile_manager, entity=object_ref)
def get_profiles_by_ids(session, profile_ids):
"""Get storage profiles by IDs.
:param session: VMwareAPISession instance
:param profile_ids: profile IDs
:return: profile objects
profiles = []
if profile_ids:
pbm = session.pbm
profile_manager = pbm.service_content.profileManager
profiles = session.invoke_api(pbm,
return profiles