Xingchao Yu 27654f3e17 Improve format of the documentations.
This patch is aim to unify format of the documentations in all
ceilometer classes.

Change-Id: I8b617a14146a90758fa6b8898637206bff6d2f29
2016-01-11 22:33:42 +08:00

25 lines
421 B

# == Class: ceilometer::client
# Installs the ceilometer python library.
# === Parameters:
# [*ensure*]
# (Optional) Ensure state for pachage.
# Defaults to 'present'.
class ceilometer::client (
$ensure = 'present'
) {
include ::ceilometer::params
package { 'python-ceilometerclient':
ensure => $ensure,
name => $::ceilometer::params::client_package_name,
tag => 'openstack',