* Add os_cacert flag support in manifests * Add all required tests for Agent Central Patch in Ceilometer: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38448/ Change-Id: I6689143daddfac71ca5dcc2c6fd55cd14a4455e3
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# The ceilometer::agent::compute class installs the ceilometer compute agent
# Include this class on all nova compute nodes
# == Parameters
# [*auth_url*]
# the keystone public endpoint
# Optional. Defaults to 'http://localhost:5000/v2.0'
# [*auth_region*]
# the keystone region of this compute node
# Optional. Defaults to 'RegionOne'
# [*auth_user*]
# the keystone user for ceilometer services
# Optional. Defaults to 'ceilometer'
# [*auth_password*]
# the keystone password for ceilometer services
# Optional. Defaults to 'password'
# [*auth_tenant_name*]
# the keystone tenant name for ceilometer services
# Optional. Defaults to 'services'
# [*auth_tenant_id*]
# the keystone tenant id for ceilometer services.
# Optional. Defaults to empty.
# [*auth_cacert*]
# Certificate chain for SSL validation. Optional; Defaults to 'None'
# [*enabled*]
# should the service be started or not
# Optional. Defaults to true
class ceilometer::agent::compute (
$auth_url = 'http://localhost:5000/v2.0',
$auth_region = 'RegionOne',
$auth_user = 'ceilometer',
$auth_password = 'password',
$auth_tenant_name = 'services',
$auth_tenant_id = '',
$auth_cacert = undef,
$enabled = true,
) inherits ceilometer {
include ceilometer::params
Ceilometer_config<||> ~> Service['ceilometer-agent-compute']
Package['ceilometer-agent-compute'] -> Service['ceilometer-agent-compute']
package { 'ceilometer-agent-compute':
ensure => installed,
name => $::ceilometer::params::agent_compute_package_name,
if ! $auth_cacert {
ceilometer_config { 'DEFAULT/os_cacert': ensure => absent }
} else {
ceilometer_config { 'DEFAULT/os_cacert': value => $auth_cacert }
if $::ceilometer::params::libvirt_group {
User['ceilometer'] {
groups +> [$::ceilometer::params::libvirt_group]
if $enabled {
$service_ensure = 'running'
} else {
$service_ensure = 'stopped'
Package['ceilometer-common'] -> Service['ceilometer-agent-compute']
service { 'ceilometer-agent-compute':
ensure => $service_ensure,
name => $::ceilometer::params::agent_compute_service_name,
enable => $enabled,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
ceilometer_config {
'DEFAULT/os_auth_url' : value => $auth_url;
'DEFAULT/os_auth_region' : value => $auth_region;
'DEFAULT/os_username' : value => $auth_user;
'DEFAULT/os_password' : value => $auth_password;
'DEFAULT/os_tenant_name' : value => $auth_tenant_name;
if ($auth_tenant_id != '') {
ceilometer_config {
'DEFAULT/os_tenant_id' : value => $auth_tenant_id;
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/instance_usage_audit' : value => 'True';
'DEFAULT/instance_usage_audit_period' : value => 'hour';
Nova_config<| |> {
before +> File_line[
file_line {
line =>
path => '/etc/nova/nova.conf',
notify => Service['nova-compute'];
line => 'notification_driver=ceilometer.compute.nova_notifier',
path => '/etc/nova/nova.conf',
notify => Service['nova-compute'];