Some users wish to override the default package provider by their own. Tag all packages with the 'openstack' to allow mass resource attributes override using resource collectors. Closes-bug: #1391209 Change-Id: I09e54700438894e22d29605fec51bb056baf4050 Signed-off-by: Gael Chamoulaud <gchamoul@redhat.com>
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# == Class: heat::api
# Installs & configure the heat API service
# === Parameters
# [*enabled*]
# (optional) Should the service be enabled.
# Defaults to 'true'.
# [*manage_service*]
# (optional) Whether the service should be managed by Puppet.
# Defaults to 'true'.
# [*bind_host*]
# (Optional) Address to bind the server. Useful when
# selecting a particular network interface.
# Defaults to ''.
# [*bind_port*]
# (Optional) The port on which the server will listen.
# Defaults to '8004'.
# [*workers*]
# (Optional) The port on which the server will listen.
# Defaults to '0'.
# [*use_ssl*]
# (Optional) Whether to use ssl or not.
# Defaults to 'false'.
# [*cert_file*]
# (Optional) Location of the SSL certificate file to use for SSL mode.
# Required when $use_ssl is set to 'true'.
# Defaults to 'false'.
# [*key_file*]
# (Optional) Location of the SSL key file to use for enabling SSL mode.
# Required when $use_ssl is set to 'true'.
# Defaults to 'false'.
# === Deprecated Parameters
# No Deprecated Parameters.
class heat::api (
$manage_service = true,
$enabled = true,
$bind_host = '',
$bind_port = '8004',
$workers = '0',
$use_ssl = false,
$cert_file = false,
$key_file = false,
) {
include ::heat
include ::heat::params
include ::heat::policy
Heat_config<||> ~> Service['heat-api']
Class['heat::policy'] -> Service['heat-api']
Package['heat-api'] -> Heat_config<||>
Package['heat-api'] -> Class['heat::policy']
Package['heat-api'] -> Service['heat-api']
if $use_ssl {
if !$cert_file {
fail('The cert_file parameter is required when use_ssl is set to true')
if !$key_file {
fail('The key_file parameter is required when use_ssl is set to true')
package { 'heat-api':
ensure => installed,
name => $::heat::params::api_package_name,
tag => 'openstack',
if $manage_service {
if $enabled {
$service_ensure = 'running'
} else {
$service_ensure = 'stopped'
service { 'heat-api':
ensure => $service_ensure,
name => $::heat::params::api_service_name,
enable => $enabled,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => [Package['heat-common'],
subscribe => Exec['heat-dbsync'],
heat_config {
'heat_api/bind_host' : value => $bind_host;
'heat_api/bind_port' : value => $bind_port;
'heat_api/workers' : value => $workers;
# SSL Options
if $use_ssl {
heat_config {
'heat_api/cert_file' : value => $cert_file;
'heat_api/key_file' : value => $key_file;
} else {
heat_config {
'heat_api/cert_file' : ensure => absent;
'heat_api/key_file' : ensure => absent;