111 lines
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111 lines
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# Installs & configure the heat API service
# == Parameters
# [*enabled*]
# should the service be enabled. Optional. Defaults to true
# [*keystone_host*]
# keystone's admin endpoint IP/Host. Optional. Defaults to
# [*keystone_port*]
# keystone's admin endpoint port. Optional. Defaults to 35357
# [*keystone_protocol*] http/https
# Optional. Defaults to https
# [*keytone_user*] user to authenticate with
# Optional. Defaults to heat
# [*keystone_tenant*] tenant to authenticate with
# Optional. Defaults to services
# [*keystone_password*] password to authenticate with
# Mandatory.
class heat::api (
$enabled = true,
$keystone_host = '',
$keystone_port = '35357',
$keystone_protocol = 'http',
$keystone_user = 'heat',
$keystone_tenant = 'services',
$keystone_password = false,
$keystone_ec2_uri = '',
$auth_uri = '',
$bind_host = '',
$bind_port = '8004',
$verbose = 'False',
$debug = 'False',
) {
include heat::params
heat_api_config<||> ~> Service['heat-api']
Package['heat-api'] -> heat_api_config<||>
Package['heat-api'] -> Service['heat-api']
package { 'heat-api':
ensure => installed,
name => $::heat::params::api_package_name,
if $enabled {
$service_ensure = 'running'
} else {
$service_ensure = 'stopped'
Package['heat-common'] -> Service['heat-api']
if $rabbit_hosts {
heat_api_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_host': ensure => absent }
heat_api_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_port': ensure => absent }
heat_api_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts':
value => join($rabbit_hosts, ',')
} else {
heat_api_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_host': value => $rabbit_host }
heat_api_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_port': value => $rabbit_port }
heat_api_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts':
value => "${rabbit_host}:${rabbit_port}"
if size($rabbit_hosts) > 1 {
heat_api_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_ha_queues': value => true }
} else {
heat_api_config { 'DEFAULT/rabbit_ha_queues': value => false }
service { 'heat-api':
ensure => $service_ensure,
name => $::heat::params::api_service_name,
enable => $enabled,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => Class['heat::db'],
subscribe => Exec['heat-dbsync']
heat_api_config {
'DEFAULT/rabbit_userid' : value => $rabbit_userid;
'DEFAULT/rabbit_password' : value => $rabbit_password;
'DEFAULT/rabbit_virtualhost' : value => $rabbit_virtualhost;
'DEFAULT/debug' : value => $debug;
'DEFAULT/verbose' : value => $verbose;
'DEFAULT/log_dir' : value => $::heat::params::log_dir;
'DEFAULT/bind_host' : value => $bind_host;
'DEFAULT/bind_port' : value => $bind_port;
'ec2authtoken/keystone_ec2_uri' : value => $keystone_ec2_uri;
'ec2authtoken/auth_uri' : value => $auth_uri;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_host' : value => $keystone_host;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_port' : value => $keystone_port;
'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol' : value => $keystone_protocol;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name' : value => $keystone_tenant;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_user' : value => $keystone_user;
'keystone_authtoken/admin_password' : value => $keystone_password;