class openstack_integration::repos { case $::osfamily { 'Debian': { include ::apt class { '::openstack_extras::repo::debian::ubuntu': repo => 'proposed', release => 'mitaka', # drop this line when mitaka is stable released package_require => true, } # Ceph is both packaged on UCA & # Official packages are on so we want to make sure # Ceph will be installed from there. apt::pin { 'ceph': priority => 1001, origin => '', } } 'RedHat': { class { '::openstack_extras::repo::redhat::redhat': # yum-plugin-priorities is already managed by ::ceph::repo manage_priorities => false, manage_rdo => false, repo_hash => { 'mitaka-current' => { 'baseurl' => '', 'descr' => 'Mitaka Current', 'gpgcheck' => 'no', 'priority' => 1, }, 'delorean-deps' => { 'baseurl' => '$basearch/openstack-liberty/', 'descr' => 'Liberty delorean-deps', 'gpgcheck' => 'no', 'priority' => 2, }, } } } default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily (${::osfamily})") } } class { '::ceph::repo': } }