Emilien Macchi 5f2403df8f scenario001: use Default as Keystone default domain
Do not try to use another domain name for default domain.
Let's validate our modules with default features and we will iterate
later with specific use cases.

Change-Id: Iaac6f0feb2ff3f8f35d1ee02309f3b3f01390e97
2015-09-29 02:04:40 +00:00

478 lines
15 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Exec { logoutput => 'on_failure' }
# Common resources
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
include ::apt
class { '::openstack_extras::repo::debian::ubuntu':
release => 'liberty',
repo => 'proposed',
package_require => true,
$package_provider = 'apt'
'RedHat': {
class { '::openstack_extras::repo::redhat::redhat':
manage_rdo => false,
repo_hash => {
'openstack-common-testing' => {
'baseurl' => 'http://cbs.centos.org/repos/cloud7-openstack-common-testing/x86_64/os/',
'descr' => 'openstack-common-testing',
'gpgcheck' => 'no',
'openstack-liberty-testing' => {
'baseurl' => 'http://cbs.centos.org/repos/cloud7-openstack-liberty-testing/x86_64/os/',
'descr' => 'openstack-liberty-testing',
'gpgcheck' => 'no',
'openstack-liberty-trunk' => {
'baseurl' => 'http://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-liberty/current-passed-ci/',
'descr' => 'openstack-liberty-trunk',
'gpgcheck' => 'no',
package { 'openstack-selinux': ensure => 'latest' }
$package_provider = 'yum'
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily (${::osfamily})")
# Deploy MySQL Server
class { '::mysql::server': }
# Deploy RabbitMQ
class { '::rabbitmq':
delete_guest_user => true,
package_provider => $package_provider,
rabbitmq_vhost { '/':
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['rabbitmq'],
rabbitmq_user { ['neutron', 'nova', 'cinder', 'ceilometer', 'glance', 'sahara']:
admin => true,
password => 'an_even_bigger_secret',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['rabbitmq'],
rabbitmq_user_permissions { ['neutron@/', 'nova@/', 'cinder@/', 'ceilometer@/', 'glance@/', 'sahara@/']:
configure_permission => '.*',
write_permission => '.*',
read_permission => '.*',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['rabbitmq'],
# Deploy Keystone
class { '::keystone::client': }
class { '::keystone::cron::token_flush': }
class { '::keystone::db::mysql':
password => 'keystone',
class { '::keystone':
verbose => true,
debug => true,
database_connection => 'mysql://keystone:keystone@',
admin_token => 'admin_token',
enabled => true,
service_name => 'httpd',
include ::apache
class { '::keystone::wsgi::apache':
ssl => false,
workers => 2,
class { '::keystone::roles::admin':
email => 'test@example.tld',
password => 'a_big_secret',
class { '::keystone::endpoint':
default_domain => 'admin',
# Deploy Glance
class { '::glance::db::mysql':
password => 'glance',
include ::glance
include ::glance::client
class { '::glance::keystone::auth':
password => 'a_big_secret',
class { '::glance::api':
debug => true,
verbose => true,
database_connection => 'mysql://glance:glance@',
keystone_password => 'a_big_secret',
workers => 2,
class { '::glance::registry':
debug => true,
verbose => true,
database_connection => 'mysql://glance:glance@',
keystone_password => 'a_big_secret',
workers => 2,
class { '::glance::notify::rabbitmq':
rabbit_userid => 'glance',
rabbit_password => 'an_even_bigger_secret',
rabbit_host => '',
notification_driver => 'messagingv2',
# Deploy Neutron
class { '::neutron::db::mysql':
password => 'neutron',
class { '::neutron::keystone::auth':
password => 'a_big_secret',
class { '::neutron':
rabbit_user => 'neutron',
rabbit_password => 'an_even_bigger_secret',
rabbit_host => '',
allow_overlapping_ips => true,
core_plugin => 'ml2',
service_plugins => ['router', 'metering'],
debug => true,
verbose => true,
class { '::neutron::client': }
class { '::neutron::server':
database_connection => 'mysql://neutron:neutron@',
auth_password => 'a_big_secret',
identity_uri => '',
sync_db => true,
api_workers => 4,
class { '::neutron::plugins::ml2':
type_drivers => ['vxlan'],
tenant_network_types => ['vxlan'],
mechanism_drivers => ['openvswitch'],
class { '::neutron::agents::ml2::ovs':
enable_tunneling => true,
local_ip => '',
tunnel_types => ['vxlan'],
class { '::neutron::agents::metadata':
debug => true,
auth_password => 'a_big_secret',
shared_secret => 'a_big_secret',
metadata_workers => 2,
class { '::neutron::agents::lbaas':
debug => true,
class { '::neutron::agents::l3':
debug => true,
class { '::neutron::agents::dhcp':
debug => true,
class { '::neutron::agents::metering':
debug => true,
class { '::neutron::server::notifications':
nova_admin_password => 'a_big_secret',
# Deploy Nova
class { '::nova::db::mysql':
password => 'nova',
class { '::nova::keystone::auth':
password => 'a_big_secret',
class { '::nova':
database_connection => 'mysql://nova:nova@',
rabbit_host => '',
rabbit_userid => 'nova',
rabbit_password => 'an_even_bigger_secret',
glance_api_servers => 'localhost:9292',
verbose => true,
debug => true,
notification_driver => 'messagingv2',
notify_on_state_change => 'vm_and_task_state',
class { '::nova::api':
admin_password => 'a_big_secret',
identity_uri => '',
osapi_v3 => true,
neutron_metadata_proxy_shared_secret => 'a_big_secret',
osapi_compute_workers => 2,
ec2_workers => 2,
metadata_workers => 2,
default_floating_pool => 'public',
class { '::nova::cert': }
class { '::nova::client': }
class { '::nova::conductor': }
class { '::nova::consoleauth': }
class { '::nova::cron::archive_deleted_rows': }
class { '::nova::compute':
vnc_enabled => true,
instance_usage_audit => true,
instance_usage_audit_period => 'hour',
class { '::nova::compute::libvirt':
libvirt_virt_type => 'qemu',
migration_support => true,
vncserver_listen => '',
class { '::nova::scheduler': }
class { '::nova::vncproxy': }
class { '::nova::network::neutron':
neutron_admin_password => 'a_big_secret',
neutron_admin_auth_url => '',
# Deploy Cinder
class { '::cinder::db::mysql':
password => 'cinder',
class { '::cinder::keystone::auth':
password => 'a_big_secret',
class { '::cinder':
database_connection => 'mysql://cinder:cinder@',
rabbit_host => '',
rabbit_userid => 'cinder',
rabbit_password => 'an_even_bigger_secret',
verbose => true,
debug => true,
class { '::cinder::api':
keystone_password => 'a_big_secret',
identity_uri => '',
default_volume_type => 'BACKEND_1',
service_workers => 2,
class { '::cinder::quota': }
class { '::cinder::scheduler': }
class { '::cinder::scheduler::filter': }
class { '::cinder::volume': }
class { '::cinder::cron::db_purge': }
class { '::cinder::glance':
glance_api_servers => 'localhost:9292',
class { '::cinder::setup_test_volume':
size => '15G',
cinder::backend::iscsi { 'BACKEND_1':
iscsi_ip_address => '',
class { '::cinder::backends':
enabled_backends => ['BACKEND_1'],
Cinder::Type {
os_password => 'a_big_secret',
os_tenant_name => 'services',
os_username => 'cinder',
os_auth_url => '',
cinder::type { 'BACKEND_1':
set_key => 'volume_backend_name',
set_value => 'BACKEND_1',
notify => Service['cinder-volume'],
require => Service['cinder-api'],
# Deploy Ceilometer
class { '::ceilometer':
metering_secret => 'secrete',
rabbit_userid => 'ceilometer',
rabbit_password => 'an_even_bigger_secret',
rabbit_host => '',
debug => true,
verbose => true,
class { '::ceilometer::db::mysql':
password => 'ceilometer',
class { '::ceilometer::db':
database_connection => 'mysql://ceilometer:ceilometer@',
class { '::ceilometer::keystone::auth':
password => 'a_big_secret',
class { '::ceilometer::api':
enabled => true,
keystone_password => 'a_big_secret',
keystone_identity_uri => '',
service_name => 'httpd',
class { '::ceilometer::wsgi::apache':
ssl => false,
workers => '2',
class { '::ceilometer::collector': }
class { '::ceilometer::expirer': }
class { '::ceilometer::alarm::evaluator': }
class { '::ceilometer::alarm::notifier': }
class { '::ceilometer::agent::notification': }
class { '::ceilometer::agent::polling': }
class { '::ceilometer::agent::auth':
auth_password => 'a_big_secret',
auth_url => '',
# Deploy Sahara
class { '::sahara::db::mysql':
password => 'sahara',
class { '::sahara::keystone::auth':
password => 'a_big_secret',
# because of bug 1356053
service_type => 'data_processing',
class { '::sahara':
database_connection => 'mysql://sahara:sahara@',
# two plugins because of hardcode in tempest:
# https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/config.py#L923
plugins => ['vanilla', 'hdp'],
rabbit_userid => 'sahara',
rabbit_password => 'an_even_bigger_secret',
rabbit_host => '',
rpc_backend => 'rabbit',
admin_password => 'a_big_secret',
admin_user => 'sahara',
admin_tenant_name => 'services',
debug => true,
verbose => true,
class { '::sahara::service::api': }
class { '::sahara::service::engine': }
class { '::sahara::client': }
class { '::sahara::notify':
enable_notifications => true,
# Configure Tempest and the resources
$os_auth_options = '--os-username admin --os-password a_big_secret --os-tenant-name openstack --os-auth-url'
exec { 'manage_m1.nano_nova_flavor':
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin',
provider => shell,
command => "nova ${os_auth_options} flavor-create m1.nano 42 128 0 1",
unless => "nova ${os_auth_options} flavor-list | grep m1.nano",
Keystone_user_role['admin@openstack'] -> Exec['manage_m1.nano_nova_flavor']
exec { 'manage_m1.micro_nova_flavor':
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin',
provider => shell,
command => "nova ${os_auth_options} flavor-create m1.micro 84 128 0 1",
unless => "nova ${os_auth_options} flavor-list | grep m1.micro",
Keystone_user_role['admin@openstack'] -> Exec['manage_m1.micro_nova_flavor']
neutron_network { 'public':
tenant_name => 'openstack',
router_external => true,
Keystone_user_role['admin@openstack'] -> Neutron_network<||>
neutron_subnet { 'public-subnet':
cidr => '',
ip_version => '4',
allocation_pools => ['start=,end='],
gateway_ip => '',
enable_dhcp => false,
network_name => 'public',
tenant_name => 'openstack',
include ::vswitch::ovs
vs_bridge { 'br-ex':
ensure => present,
notify => Exec['create_br-ex_vif'],
# creates br-ex virtual interface to reach floating-ip network
exec { 'create_br-ex_vif':
path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin',
provider => shell,
command => 'ip addr add dev br-ex; ip link set br-ex up',
refreshonly => true,
glance_image { 'cirros':
ensure => present,
container_format => 'bare',
disk_format => 'qcow2',
is_public => 'yes',
# TODO(emilien) optimization by 1/ using Hiera to configure Glance image source
# and 2/ if running in the gate, use /home/jenkins/cache/files/ cirros image.
# source => '/home/jenkins/cache/files/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img',
source => 'http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img',
glance_image { 'cirros_alt':
ensure => present,
container_format => 'bare',
disk_format => 'qcow2',
is_public => 'yes',
# TODO(emilien) optimization by 1/ using Hiera to configure Glance image source
# and 2/ if running in the gate, use /home/jenkins/cache/files/ cirros image.
# source => '/home/jenkins/cache/files/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img',
source => 'http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img',
class { '::tempest':
debug => true,
use_stderr => false,
log_file => 'tempest.log',
tempest_clone_owner => 'jenkins',
git_clone => false,
tempest_clone_path => '/tmp/openstack/tempest',
lock_path => '/tmp/openstack/tempest',
tempest_config_file => '/tmp/openstack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf',
configure_images => true,
configure_networks => true,
identity_uri => '',
identity_uri_v3 => '',
admin_username => 'admin',
admin_tenant_name => 'openstack',
admin_password => 'a_big_secret',
admin_domain_name => 'Default',
auth_version => 'v3',
image_name => 'cirros',
image_name_alt => 'cirros_alt',
cinder_available => true,
glance_available => true,
horizon_available => false,
nova_available => true,
neutron_available => true,
ceilometer_available => true,
sahara_available => true,
public_network_name => 'public',
flavor_ref => '42',
flavor_ref_alt => '84',
image_ssh_user => 'cirros',
image_alt_ssh_user => 'cirros',
img_file => 'cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-disk.img',
# TODO(emilien) optimization by 1/ using Hiera to configure Glance image source
# and 2/ if running in the gate, use /home/jenkins/cache/files/ cirros image.
# img_dir => '/home/jenkins/cache/files',
img_dir => '/tmp/openstack/tempest',