In Puppet 3 there was a need to use absolute names to prevent issues. Since Puppet 4 everything is absolute by default which makes this not needed. We need to change this everywhere so that we can revert the pin in [1] that now prevents us from using the latest version of the puppet-lint check puppet-lint-absolute_classname_check that properly checks that we dont use absolute names. [1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/697742/ Change-Id: I78b74fbeb08be7234189e4d266412fb7fb7a73c0
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class openstack_integration::panko {
include openstack_integration::config
include openstack_integration::params
if $::openstack_integration::config::ssl {
openstack_integration::ssl_key { 'panko':
notify => Service['httpd'],
require => Package['panko'],
Exec['update-ca-certificates'] ~> Service['httpd']
class { 'panko::logging':
debug => true,
include panko
class { 'panko::db':
database_connection => 'mysql+pymysql://panko:panko@',
class { 'panko::db::mysql':
password => 'panko',
class { 'panko::keystone::auth':
public_url => "${::openstack_integration::config::base_url}:8977",
internal_url => "${::openstack_integration::config::base_url}:8977",
admin_url => "${::openstack_integration::config::base_url}:8977",
password => 'a_big_secret',
class { 'panko::keystone::authtoken':
password => 'a_big_secret',
user_domain_name => 'Default',
project_domain_name => 'Default',
auth_url => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_admin_uri,
www_authenticate_uri => $::openstack_integration::config::keystone_auth_uri,
memcached_servers => $::openstack_integration::config::memcached_servers,
class { 'panko::api':
sync_db => true,
enabled => true,
service_name => 'httpd',
# NOTE(tobias-urdin): The panko-api package in Ubuntu installs the apache vhosts which we
# not need but we keep them as empty to not break package upgrades.
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') and (versioncmp($::operatingsystemmajrelease, '18') >= 0) {
ensure_resource('file', '/etc/apache2/sites-available/panko-api.conf', {
'ensure' => 'present',
'content' => '',
Package['panko-api'] -> File['/etc/apache2/sites-available/panko-api.conf'] ~> Anchor['panko::install::end']
include apache
class { 'panko::wsgi::apache':
bind_host => $::openstack_integration::config::ip_for_url,
ssl => $::openstack_integration::config::ssl,
ssl_key => "/etc/panko/ssl/private/${::fqdn}.pem",
ssl_cert => $::openstack_integration::params::cert_path,
workers => 2,