require 'spec_helper_acceptance' describe 'basic swift' do context 'default parameters' do it 'should work with no errors' do pp= <<-EOS include ::openstack_integration include ::openstack_integration::repos include ::openstack_integration::rabbitmq include ::openstack_integration::mysql include ::openstack_integration::keystone exec { 'setenforce 0': path => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin', onlyif => 'which setenforce && getenforce | grep Enforcing', before => Class['::swift'], } package { 'curl': ensure => present } class { '::memcached': listen_ip => '', } # Swift resources class { '::swift': # not sure how I want to deal with this shared secret swift_hash_path_suffix => 'secrete', package_ensure => latest, } class { '::swift::keystone::auth': password => 'a_big_secret', } # === Configure Storage class { '::swift::storage': storage_local_net_ip => '', } # create xfs partitions on a loopback device and mounts them swift::storage::loopback { ['2','3','4']: seek => '200000', require => Class['swift'], } # Create storage policy 0 in swift.conf swift::storage::policy { '0': policy_name => 'Policy-0', policy_aliases => 'basic, single, A', default_policy => true, policy_type => 'replication' } # Create storage policy 1 in swift.conf swift::storage::policy { '1': policy_name => '3-Replica-Policy', policy_aliases => 'extra, triple, B', default_policy => false, deprecated => 'No', } # sets up storage nodes which is composed of a single # device that contains an endpoint for an object, account, and container swift::storage::node { '2': mnt_base_dir => '/srv/node', weight => 1, zone => '2', storage_local_net_ip => '', policy_index => 0, require => Swift::Storage::Loopback['2','3','4'] , } # ring_object_devices for a storage policy start with the policy id. # Create 3 ring_object_device starting with "1:" to be # added to an object-1 ring for storage policy 1. ring_object_device { "1:": zone => 2, weight => 1, require => Swift::Storage::Loopback['2'], } ring_object_device { "1:": zone => 2, weight => 1, require => Swift::Storage::Loopback['3'] , } ring_object_device { "1:": zone => 2, weight => 1, require => Swift::Storage::Loopback['4'] , } class { '::swift::ringbuilder': part_power => '18', replicas => '1', min_part_hours => 1, } swift::ringbuilder::policy_ring { '1': part_power => '18', replicas => '3', min_part_hours => 1, } class { '::swift::proxy': proxy_local_net_ip => '', pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'proxy-logging', 'cache', 'authtoken', 'keystone', 'dlo', 'proxy-server'], account_autocreate => true, } class { '::swift::proxy::authtoken': password => 'a_big_secret', } class { '::swift::keystone::dispersion': } -> class { '::swift::dispersion': } class {'::swift::objectexpirer': interval => 600, } class { [ '::swift::proxy::healthcheck', '::swift::proxy::proxy_logging', '::swift::proxy::cache', '::swift::proxy::keystone', '::swift::proxy::dlo' ]: } EOS # Need to be run 2 times because we have an exported when creating the ring. apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => false) apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true) # The third run tests idempotency apply_manifest(pp, :catch_changes => true) end describe port(8080) do it { be_listening.with('tcp') } end end context 'Using swiftinit service provider' do it 'should work with no errors' do swiftinit_pp= <<-EOS include ::openstack_integration include ::openstack_integration::repos include ::openstack_integration::rabbitmq include ::openstack_integration::mysql include ::openstack_integration::keystone exec { 'setenforce 0': path => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin', onlyif => 'which setenforce && getenforce | grep Enforcing', before => Class['::swift'], } package { 'curl': ensure => present } class { '::memcached': listen_ip => '', } # Swift resources class { '::swift': # not sure how I want to deal with this shared secret swift_hash_path_suffix => 'secrete', package_ensure => latest, } class { '::swift::keystone::auth': password => 'a_big_secret', } # === Configure Storage class { '::swift::storage': storage_local_net_ip => '', } # create xfs partitions on a loopback device and mounts them swift::storage::loopback { ['2','3','4']: seek => '200000', require => Class['swift'], } # Create storage policy 0 in swift.conf swift::storage::policy { '0': policy_name => 'Policy-0', policy_aliases => 'basic, single, A', default_policy => true, policy_type => 'replication' } # Create storage policy 1 in swift.conf swift::storage::policy { '1': policy_name => '3-Replica-Policy', policy_aliases => 'extra, triple, B', default_policy => false, deprecated => 'No', } # sets up storage nodes which is composed of a single # device that contains an endpoint for an object, account, and container swift::storage::node { '2': mnt_base_dir => '/srv/node', weight => 1, zone => '2', storage_local_net_ip => '', policy_index => 0, require => Swift::Storage::Loopback['2','3','4'] , } # ring_object_devices for a storage policy start with the policy id. # Create 3 ring_object_device starting with "1:" to be # added to an object-1 ring for storage policy 1. ring_object_device { "1:": zone => 2, weight => 1, require => Swift::Storage::Loopback['2'], } ring_object_device { "1:": zone => 2, weight => 1, require => Swift::Storage::Loopback['3'] , } ring_object_device { "1:": zone => 2, weight => 1, require => Swift::Storage::Loopback['4'] , } class { '::swift::storage::account': service_provider => 'swiftinit', } class { '::swift::storage::container': service_provider => 'swiftinit', } class { '::swift::storage::object': service_provider => 'swiftinit', } class { '::swift::ringbuilder': part_power => '18', replicas => '1', min_part_hours => 1, } swift::ringbuilder::policy_ring { '1': part_power => '18', replicas => '3', min_part_hours => 1, } class { '::swift::proxy': proxy_local_net_ip => '', pipeline => ['healthcheck', 'proxy-logging', 'cache', 'authtoken', 'keystone', 'dlo', 'proxy-server'], account_autocreate => true, service_provider => 'swiftinit', } class { '::swift::proxy::authtoken': admin_password => 'a_big_secret', } class { '::swift::keystone::dispersion': } -> class { '::swift::dispersion': } class {'::swift::objectexpirer': interval => 600, service_provider => 'swiftinit', } class { [ '::swift::proxy::healthcheck', '::swift::proxy::proxy_logging', '::swift::proxy::cache', '::swift::proxy::keystone', '::swift::proxy::dlo' ]: } EOS # Run one time to catch any errors upgrading to swiftinit service provider apply_manifest(swiftinit_pp, :catch_failures => true) # The second run tests idempotency apply_manifest(swiftinit_pp, :catch_changes => true) end describe port(8080) do it { be_listening.with('tcp') } end end end