class Puppet::Provider::SwiftRingBuilder < Puppet::Provider def self.instances # TODO iterate through the databases # and add the database that we used a property ring.keys.collect do |name| new(:name => name) end end def address_string(address) ip = if ip.ipv6? '[' + ip.to_s + ']' else ip.to_s end end def lookup_ring object_hash = {} if File.exists?(builder_file_path(policy_index)) # Swift < 2.2.2 Skip first 4 info lines from swift-ring-builder output if rows = swift_ring_builder(builder_file_path(policy_index)).split("\n")[4..-1] # Skip "Ring file ... is up-to-date" message, if printed. if !rows[0].nil? and rows[0] =~ /Ring file\b.*\bis up-to-date/ rows.shift end # Swift 2.2.2+ Skip additional line to account for Overload info if !rows[0].nil? and rows[0].start_with?('Devices:') rows.shift end rows.each do |row| # Swift 1.7+ output example: # /etc/swift/object.builder, build version 1 # 262144 partitions, 1.000000 replicas, 1 regions, 1 zones, 1 devices, 0.00 balance, 0.00 dispersion # The minimum number of hours before a partition can be reassigned is 1 # Devices: id region zone ip address port name weight partitions balance meta # 0 1 2 6022 2 1.00 262144 0.00 # 0 1 3 6002 1 1.00 262144 -100.00 # # Swift 1.8.0 output example: # /etc/swift/object.builder, build version 1 # 262144 partitions, 1.000000 replicas, 1 regions, 1 zones, 1 devices, 0.00 balance, 0.00 dispersion # The minimum number of hours before a partition can be reassigned is 1 # Devices: id region zone ip address port name weight partitions balance meta # 2 1 2 6002 1 1.00 262144 200.00 m2 # 0 1 3 6002 1 1.00 262144-100.00 m2 # # Swift 1.8+ output example: # /etc/swift/object.builder, build version 1 # 262144 partitions, 1.000000 replicas, 1 regions, 1 zones, 1 devices, 0.00 balance, 0.00 dispersion # The minimum number of hours before a partition can be reassigned is 1 # Devices: id region zone ip address port replication ip replication port name weight partitions balance meta # 0 1 2 6021 6021 2 1.00 262144 0.00 # # Swift 2.2.2+ output example: # /etc/swift/object.builder, build version 1 # 262144 partitions, 1.000000 replicas, 1 regions, 1 zones, 1 devices, 0.00 balance, 0.00 dispersion # The minimum number of hours before a partition can be reassigned is 1 # The overload factor is 0.00% (0.000000) # Devices: id region zone ip address port replication ip replication port name weight partitions balance meta # 0 1 2 6021 6021 2 1.00 262144 0.00 # Swift 2.9.1+ output example: # /etc/swift/object.builder, build version 1 # 262144 partitions, 1.000000 replicas, 1 regions, 1 zones, 1 devices, 0.00 balance, 0.00 dispersion # The minimum number of hours before a partition can be reassigned is 1 # The overload factor is 0.00% (0.000000) # Devices: id region zone ip address:port replication ip:replication port name weight partitions balance meta # 0 1 2 2 1.00 262144 0.00 # Swift 2.9.1+ output example: if row =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+):(\d+)\s+\S+:\d+\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*((-|\s-?)?\d+\.\d+)\s*(\S*)/ address = address_string("#{$4}") if !policy_index.nil? policy = "#{policy_index}:" else policy = '' end object_hash["#{policy}#{address}:#{$5}/#{$6}"] = { :id => $1, :region => $2, :zone => $3, :weight => $7, :partitions => $8, :balance => $9, :meta => $11, :policy_index => "#{policy_index}" } # Swift 1.8+ output example: elsif row =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+\d+\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*((-|\s-?)?\d+\.\d+)\s*(\S*)/ address = address_string("#{$4}") if !policy_index.nil? policy = "#{policy_index}:" else policy = '' end object_hash["#{policy}#{address}:#{$5}/#{$6}"] = { :id => $1, :region => $2, :zone => $3, :weight => $7, :partitions => $8, :balance => $9, :meta => $11 } # Swift 1.8.0 output example: elsif row =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*((-|\s-?)?\d+\.\d+)\s*(\S*)/ address = address_string("#{$4}") object_hash["#{address}:#{$5}/#{$6}"] = { :id => $1, :region => $2, :zone => $3, :weight => $7, :partitions => $8, :balance => $9, :meta => $11 } # This regex is for older swift versions elsif row =~ /^\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(-?\d+\.\d+)\s+(\S*)$/ address = address_string("#{$3}") object_hash["#{address}:#{$4}/#{$5}"] = { :id => $1, :region => 'none', :zone => $2, :weight => $6, :partitions => $7, :balance => $8, :meta => $9 } else Puppet.warning("Unexpected line: #{row}") end end end end object_hash end def builder_file_path(policy_index) self.class.builder_file_path(policy_index) end def exists? ring[resource[:name]] end def create [:zone, :weight].each do |param| raise(Puppet::Error, "#{param} is required") unless resource[param] end if :region == 'none' # Prior to Swift 1.8.0, regions did not exist. swift_ring_builder( builder_file_path(policy_index), 'add', "z#{resource[:zone]}-#{device_path}_#{resource[:meta]}", resource[:weight] ) else # Swift 1.8+ # Region defaults to 1 if unspecified resource[:region] ||= 1 swift_ring_builder( builder_file_path(policy_index), 'add', "r#{resource[:region]}z#{resource[:zone]}-#{device_path}_#{resource[:meta]}", resource[:weight] ) end end def device_path if resource[:name].split(/^\d+:/)[1].nil? return resource[:name] else return resource[:name].split(/^\d+:/)[1] end end def policy_index if resource[:name].split(/^\d+:/)[1].nil? return nil else Integer("#{resource[:name].match(/^\d+/)}") end end def id ring[resource[:name]][:id] end def id=(id) raise(Puppet::Error, "Cannot assign id, it is immutable") end def region ring[resource[:name]][:region] end def region=(region) raise(Puppet::Error, "Changing the region of a device is not possible.") end def zone ring[resource[:name]][:zone] end # TODO - is updating the zone supported? def zone=(zone) Puppet.warning('Setting zone is not yet supported, I am not even sure if it is supported') end def weight ring[resource[:name]][:weight] # get the weight end def weight=(weight) swift_ring_builder( builder_file_path, 'set_weight', "d#{ring[device_path][:id]}", resource[:weight] ) # requires a rebalance end def partitions ring[resource[:name]][:partitions] end def partitions=(part) raise(Puppet::Error, "Cannot set partitions, it is set by rebalancing") end def balance ring[resource[:name]][:balance] end def balance=(balance) raise(Puppet::Error, "Cannot set balance, it is set by rebalancing") end def meta ring[resource[:name]][:meta] end def meta=(meta) swift_ring_builder( builder_file_path, 'set_info', "d#{ring[device_path][:id]}", "_#{resource[:meta]}" ) end end