# # [*auth_type*] - specified the type of authorization to use. # valid values are tempauth, swauth, and keystone. Optional # Defaults to keystone class swift::proxy( # why did cloudbuilders default this to false? $allow_account_management = true, $account_autocreate = false, $proxy_local_net_ip = '', $proxy_port = '11211', $auth_type = 'tempauth', $swauth_endpoint = '', $swauth_super_admin_key = 'swauthkey', $package_ensure = 'present' ) inherits swift { Class['memcached'] -> Class['swift::proxy'] validate_re($auth_type, 'tempauth|swauth|keystone') if(auth_type == 'keystone') { fail('Keystone is currently not supported, it should be supported soon :)') } if($user_swauth) { package { 'python-swauth': ensure => $package_ensure, before => Package['swift-proxy'], } } package { 'swift-proxy': ensure => $package_ensure, } file { "/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf": ensure => present, owner => 'swift', group => 'swift', mode => 0660, content => template('swift/proxy-server.conf.erb'), require => Package['swift-proxy'], } # TODO - this needs to be updated once the init file is not broken file { '/etc/init/swift-proxy.conf': mode => '0644', owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => ' # swift-proxy - SWIFT Proxy Server # This is temporarily managed by Puppet # until 917893 is fixed # The swift proxy server. description "SWIFT Proxy Server" author "Marc Cluet " start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [016] pre-start script if [ -f "/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf" ]; then exec /usr/bin/swift-init proxy-server start else exit 1 fi end script post-stop exec /usr/bin/swift-init proxy-server stop', before => Service['swift-proxy'], } service { 'swift-proxy': ensure => running, enable => true, provider => 'upstart', subscribe => File['/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf'], } }