Takashi Kajinami 12ce6b7631 dispersion: auth_key should be secret
Change-Id: Ida0029d1cfc9cf05db62e7b214098205f76d2c56
2022-04-25 18:52:09 +09:00

120 lines
3.6 KiB

# == Class: swift::dispersion
# This class creates a configuration file for swift-dispersion-report and
# and swift-dispersion-populate tools.
# These tools need access to all the storage nodes and are generally ran
# on the swift proxy node.
# For more details, see :
# https://docs.openstack.org/swift/latest/admin_guide.html#cluster-health
# === Parameters
# [*auth_url*]
# String. The full URL to the authentication endpoint (eg. keystone)
# Optional. Defaults to ''.
# [*auth_user*]
# String. The Swift username to use to run the tools.
# Optional. Defaults to 'dispersion'.
# [*auth_tenant*]
# String. The user's tenant/project.
# Optional. Defaults to 'services'.
# [*auth_pass*]
# String. The user's password.
# Optional. Defaults to 'dispersion_password'.
# [*auth_version*]
# String. The version to pass to the 'swift' command.
# Use '2.0' when using Keystone.
# Optional. Defaults to '2.0'
# [*endpoint_type*]
# String. The ability to choose which Swift endpoint to use.
# Optional. Defaults to 'publicURL'.
# [*swift_dir*]
# String. The path to swift configuration folder
# Optional. Defaults to '/etc/swift'.
# [*coverage*]
# Integer. The percentage of partitions to cover.
# Optional. Defaults to 1
# [*retries*]
# Integer. Number of retries.
# Optional. Defaults to 5.
# [*concurrency*]
# Integer. Process concurrency.
# Optional. Defaults to 25.
# [*dump_json*]
# 'yes' or 'no'. Should 'swift-dispersion-report' dump json results ?
# Optional. Defaults to no.
# === Note
# Note: if using swift < 1.5.0, swift-dispersion-report and
# swift-dispersion-populate might need to be patched with
# https://github.com/openstack/swift/commit/9a423d0b78a105caf6011c6c3450f7d75d20b5a1
# === Authors
# Francois Charlier fcharlier@ploup.net
class swift::dispersion (
$auth_url = '',
$auth_user = 'dispersion',
$auth_tenant = 'services',
$auth_pass = 'dispersion_password',
$auth_version = '2.0',
$endpoint_type = 'publicURL',
$swift_dir = '/etc/swift',
$coverage = 1,
$retries = 5,
$concurrency = 25,
$dump_json = 'no'
) {
include swift::deps
include swift::params
Swift_dispersion_config<||> ~> Exec['swift-dispersion-populate']
file { '/etc/swift/dispersion.conf':
ensure => file,
owner => $::swift::params::user,
group => $::swift::params::group,
mode => '0640',
swift_dispersion_config {
'dispersion/auth_url': value => $auth_url;
'dispersion/auth_user': value => "${auth_tenant}:${auth_user}";
'dispersion/auth_key': value => $auth_pass, secret => true;
'dispersion/auth_version': value => $auth_version;
'dispersion/endpoint_type': value => $endpoint_type;
'dispersion/swift_dir': value => $swift_dir;
'dispersion/dispersion_coverage': value => $coverage;
'dispersion/retries': value => $retries;
'dispersion/concurrency': value => $concurrency;
'dispersion/dump_json': value => $dump_json;
exec { 'swift-dispersion-populate':
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'],
subscribe => File['/etc/swift/dispersion.conf'],
timeout => 0,
# lint:ignore:140chars
onlyif => "swift -A ${auth_url} --os-username ${auth_user} --os-project-name ${auth_tenant} --os-password ${auth_pass} -V ${auth_version} stat | grep 'Account: '",
unless => "swift -A ${auth_url} --os-username ${auth_user} --os-project-name ${auth_tenant} --os-password ${auth_pass} -V ${auth_version} list | grep dispersion_",
# lint:endignore
require => Package['swiftclient'],