ZhongShengping 8686642562 Update resource references for dependencies
The latest version of puppet now reports these as catalog failures so
this change removes the unnecessary references and the references
should be updated.

Change-Id: I2001f8bb91ff70cf100140c7861606db459c2ad9
Closes-Bug: #1702964
Co-Authored-By: Alex Schultz <aschultz@redhat.com>
2017-08-01 16:09:42 -06:00

108 lines
3.2 KiB

# Install and configure base swift components
# == Parameters
# [*swift_hash_path_suffix*]
# (Required) String. A suffix used by hash_path to offer a bit more security
# when generating hashes for paths. It simply appends this value to all
# paths; if someone knows this suffix, it's easier for them to guess the hash
# a path will end up with. New installations are advised to set this
# parameter to a random secret, which would not be disclosed ouside the
# organization. The same secret needs to be used by all swift servers of the
# same cluster. Existing installations should set this parameter to an empty
# string.
# [*swift_hash_path_prefix*]
# (Required) String. A prefix used by hash_path to offer a bit more security
# when generating hashes for paths. It simply prepends this value to all paths;
# if someone knows this prefix, it's easier for them to guess the hash a path
# will end up with. New installations are advised to set this parameter to a
# random secret, which would not be disclosed ouside the organization. The
# same secret needs to be used by all swift servers of the same cluster.
# Existing installations should set this parameter to an empty string.
# as a salt when hashing to determine mappings in the ring.
# This file should be the same on every node in the cluster.
# [*package_ensure*]
# (Optional) The ensure state for the swift package.
# Defaults to present.
# [*client_package_ensure*]
# (Optional) The ensure state for the swift client package.
# Defaults to present.
# [*max_header_size*]
# (Optional) Max HTTP header size for incoming requests for all swift
# services. Recommended size is 32768 for PKI keystone tokens.
# Defaults to 8192
# == Dependencies
# None
# == Authors
# Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com
# == Copyright
# Copyright 2011 Puppetlabs Inc, unless otherwise noted.
class swift(
$swift_hash_path_suffix = undef,
$swift_hash_path_prefix = undef,
$package_ensure = 'present',
$client_package_ensure = 'present',
$max_header_size = '8192',
) {
include ::swift::deps
include ::swift::params
include ::swift::client
if ($swift_hash_path_prefix == undef and $swift_hash_path_suffix == undef) {
fail('You must specify at least swift_hash_path_prefix or swift_hash_path_suffix')
if !defined(Package['swift']) {
package { 'swift':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::swift::params::package_name,
tag => ['openstack', 'swift-package'],
File {
owner => 'swift',
group => 'swift',
tag => 'swift-file',
file { '/etc/swift':
ensure => directory,
user {'swift':
ensure => present,
require => Anchor['swift::install::end'],
file { '/var/lib/swift':
ensure => directory,
file { '/var/run/swift':
ensure => directory,
selinux_ignore_defaults => true,
file { '/etc/swift/swift.conf':
ensure => file,
File['/etc/swift/swift.conf'] -> Swift_config<||>
swift_config {
'swift-hash/swift_hash_path_suffix': value => $swift_hash_path_suffix;
'swift-hash/swift_hash_path_prefix': value => $swift_hash_path_prefix;
'swift-constraints/max_header_size': value => $max_header_size;