This class generates a script to test swift installation but the script has quite outdated implementation. It still required Keystone v2 API which was already removed from Keystone, so no longer works. Because verification of the deployment is out of scope of deployment tools, the class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Change-Id: I0409afde6d63d5c1b7b7193334545278faab4b0b
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283 lines
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# Example file for building out a multi-node environment
# This example creates nodes of the following roles:
# swift_storage - nodes that host storage servers
# swift_proxy - nodes that serve as a swift proxy
# swift_ringbuilder - nodes that are responsible for
# rebalancing the rings
# This example assumes a few things:
# * the multi-node scenario requires a puppetmaster
# * it assumes that networking is correctly configured
# These nodes need to be brought up in a certain order
# 1. storage nodes
# 2. ringbuilder
# 3. run the storage nodes again (to synchronize the ring db)
# 4. run the proxy
# 5. test that everything works!!
# this site manifest serves as an example of how to
# deploy various swift environments
#$swift_admin_password = 'admin_password'
$swift_admin_password = hiera('admin_password', 'admin_password')
# swift specific configurations
#$swift_shared_secret = 'changeme'
$swift_shared_secret = hiera('swift_shared_secret', 'changeme')
#$swift_local_net_ip = $ipaddress_eth0
$swift_local_net_ip = hiera('swift_local_net_ip', $ipaddress_eth0)
# Swift storage configurations
$rings = [
$account_pipeline = [
$container_pipeline = [
$object_pipeline = [
#$swift_keystone_node = ''
$swift_keystone_node = hiera('swift_keystone_node', '')
#$swift_proxy_node = ''
$swift_proxy_node = hiera('swift_proxy_node', '')
$swift_zone = hiera('swift_zone', 1)
# configurations that need to be applied to all swift nodes
$swift_keystone_db_password = hiera('keystone_db_password', 'keystone_db_password')
$swift_keystone_admin_email = hiera('admin_email', 'keystone@localhost')
$swift_keystone_admin_password = hiera('admin_password', 'ChangeMe')
# This node can be used to deploy a keystone service.
# This service only contains the credentials for authenticating
# swift
node 'swift-keystone' {
# set up mysql server
class { 'mysql::server':
config_hash => {
# the priv grant fails on precise if I set a root password
# TODO I should make sure that this works
# 'root_password' => $mysql_root_password,
'bind_address' => '',
keystone_config {
'DEFAULT/log_config': ensure => absent,
# set up all openstack databases, users, grants
class { 'keystone::db::mysql':
password => $swift_keystone_db_password,
class { 'keystone':
debug => $debug,
catalog_type => 'sql',
admin_password => $swift_keystone_admin_password,
enabled => $enabled,
sql_connection => "mysql://keystone_admin:${swift_keystone_db_password}@",
# Setup the Keystone Identity Endpoint
class { 'keystone::endpoint': }
# set up keystone admin users
class { 'keystone::roles::admin':
email => $swift_keystone_admin_email,
password => $swift_keystone_admin_password,
# configure the keystone service user and endpoint
class { 'swift::keystone::auth':
password => $swift_admin_password,
public_address => $swift_proxy_node,
# The example below is used to model swift storage nodes that
# manage 2 endpoints.
# The endpoints are actually just loopback devices. For real deployments
# they would need to be replaced with something that create and mounts xfs
# partitions
node /swift-storage/ {
class { 'swift':
# not sure how I want to deal with this shared secret
swift_hash_path_suffix => $swift_shared_secret,
package_ensure => latest,
# create xfs partitions on a loopback device and mount them
swift::storage::loopback { ['1', '2']:
base_dir => '/srv/loopback-device',
mnt_base_dir => '/srv/node',
require => Class['swift'],
# configure account/container/object server middlewares
swift::storage::filter::recon { $rings: }
swift::storage::filter::healthcheck { $rings: }
# install all swift storage servers together
class { 'swift::storage::all':
storage_local_net_ip => $swift_local_net_ip,
object_pipeline => $object_pipeline,
container_pipeline => $container_pipeline,
account_pipeline => $account_pipeline,
# specify endpoints per device to be added to the ring specification
@@ring_object_device { "${swift_local_net_ip}:6000/1":
zone => $swift_zone,
weight => 1,
@@ring_object_device { "${swift_local_net_ip}:6000/2":
zone => $swift_zone,
weight => 1,
@@ring_container_device { "${swift_local_net_ip}:6001/1":
zone => $swift_zone,
weight => 1,
@@ring_container_device { "${swift_local_net_ip}:6001/2":
zone => $swift_zone,
weight => 1,
# TODO should device be changed to volume
@@ring_account_device { "${swift_local_net_ip}:6002/1":
zone => $swift_zone,
weight => 1,
@@ring_account_device { "${swift_local_net_ip}:6002/2":
zone => $swift_zone,
weight => 1,
# collect resources for synchronizing the ring databases
node /swift-proxy/ {
class { 'swift':
# not sure how I want to deal with this shared secret
swift_hash_path_suffix => $swift_shared_secret,
package_ensure => latest,
# curl is only required so that I can run tests
package { 'curl': ensure => present }
class { 'memcached':
listen_ip => '',
# specify swift proxy and all of its middlewares
class { 'swift::proxy':
proxy_local_net_ip => $swift_local_net_ip,
pipeline => [
account_autocreate => true,
# TODO where is the ringbuilder class?
require => Class['swift::ringbuilder'],
# configure all of the middlewares
class { [
]: }
class { 'swift::proxy::bulk':
max_containers_per_extraction => 10000,
max_failed_extractions => 1000,
max_deletes_per_request => 10000,
yield_frequency => 60,
class { 'swift::proxy::ratelimit':
clock_accuracy => 1000,
max_sleep_time_seconds => 60,
log_sleep_time_seconds => 0,
rate_buffer_seconds => 5,
account_ratelimit => 0,
class { 'swift::proxy::s3token':
# assume that the controller host is the swift api server
auth_host => $swift_keystone_node,
auth_port => '5000',
class { 'swift::proxy::keystone':
operator_roles => ['admin', 'SwiftOperator'],
class { 'swift::proxy::authtoken':
password => $swift_admin_password,
# assume that the controller host is the swift api server
auth_host => $swift_keystone_node,
# collect all of the resources that are needed
# to balance the ring
Ring_object_device <<| |>>
Ring_container_device <<| |>>
Ring_account_device <<| |>>
# create the ring
class { 'swift::ringbuilder':
# the part power should be determined by assuming 100 partitions per drive
part_power => '18',
replicas => '3',
min_part_hours => 1,
require => Class['swift'],
# sets up an rsync db that can be used to sync the ring DB
class { 'swift::ringserver':
local_net_ip => $swift_local_net_ip,
# exports rsync gets that can be used to sync the ring files
@@swift::ringsync { ['account', 'object', 'container']:
ring_server => $swift_local_net_ip,