ZhongShengping 8686642562 Update resource references for dependencies
The latest version of puppet now reports these as catalog failures so
this change removes the unnecessary references and the references
should be updated.

Change-Id: I2001f8bb91ff70cf100140c7861606db459c2ad9
Closes-Bug: #1702964
Co-Authored-By: Alex Schultz <aschultz@redhat.com>
2017-08-01 16:09:42 -06:00

39 lines
960 B

# == Class: swift::proxy::swauth
# === Parameters:
# [*package_ensure*]
# The status of the python-swauth package.
# Defaults to 'present'
# [*swauth_endpoint*]
# (optional) The endpoint used to autenticate to Swauth WSGI.
# Defaults to ''
# [*swauth_super_admin_key*]
# (optional) The Swauth WSGI filter admin key.
# Defaults to 'swauthkey'
class swift::proxy::swauth(
$swauth_endpoint = '',
$swauth_super_admin_key = 'swauthkey',
$package_ensure = 'present'
) {
include ::swift::deps
package { 'python-swauth':
ensure => $package_ensure,
tag => 'swift-package',
Package['python-swauth'] -> Package<| title == 'swift-proxy' |>
swift_proxy_config {
'filter:swauth/use': value => 'egg:swauth#swauth';
'filter:swauth/default_swift_cluster': value => "local#${swauth_endpoint}";
'filter:swauth/super_admin_key': value => $swauth_super_admin_key;