# == Class: trove::conductor # # Manages trove conductor package and service # # === Parameters: # # [*enabled*] # (optional) Whether to enable the trove-conductor service # Defaults to true # # [*manage_service*] # (optional) Whether to start/stop the service # Defaults to true # # [*package_ensure*] # (optional) The state of the trove conductor package # Defaults to 'present' # # [*conductor_manager*] # (optional) Trove conductor manager. # Defaults to 'trove.conductor.manager.Manager'. # # [*workers*] # (optional) Number of trove conductor worker processes to start # Default: $facts['os_workers'] # # [*enable_profiler*] # (optional) If False fully disable profiling feature. # Default: $facts['os_service_default'] # # [*trace_sqlalchemy*] # (optional) If False doesn't trace SQL requests. # Default: $facts['os_service_default'] # class trove::conductor( $enabled = true, $manage_service = true, $package_ensure = 'present', $conductor_manager = 'trove.conductor.manager.Manager', $workers = $facts['os_workers'], $enable_profiler = $facts['os_service_default'], $trace_sqlalchemy = $facts['os_service_default'], ) { include trove::deps include trove::params # basic service config trove_config { 'DEFAULT/trove_conductor_workers': value => $workers; } # profiler config trove_config { 'profiler/enabled': value => $enable_profiler; 'profiler/trace_sqlalchemy': value => $trace_sqlalchemy; } trove::generic_service { 'conductor': enabled => $enabled, manage_service => $manage_service, package_name => $::trove::params::conductor_package_name, service_name => $::trove::params::conductor_service_name, package_ensure => $package_ensure, } }