Kilo oslo-messaging deprecates rabbit/kombu settings in the DEFAULT section. Rabbitmq won't talk to us anymore if we try to use SSLv3 as it disabled support for SSLv3. Openstack components use python's openssl implementation which does not support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 yet so we just switch to TLSv1. Support for newer TLS should come with python 2.7.9+ The kombu_ssl_* parameters should not be required when rabbit_use_ssl => true Rather, rabbit_use_ssl must be set to true if the kombu_ssl_* parameters are used. Change-Id: I327dc193d878cb1574b69d5f5b502c25fa203a66 Closes-Bug: #1409667 Closes-Bug: #1356083
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# Copyright (C) 2014 eNovance SAS <licensing@enovance.com>
# Author: Emilien Macchi <emilien.macchi@enovance.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# trove::init
# Trove base config
# == Parameters
# [*rabbit_host*]
# (optional) Location of rabbitmq installation.
# Note that, for security reasons, this rabbitmq host should not be the
# same that the core openstack services are using for communication. See
# http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-April/061759.html
# Defaults to 'localhost'
# [*rabbit_hosts*]
# (optional) List of clustered rabbit servers.
# Note that, for security reasons, these rabbitmq hosts should not be the
# same that the core openstack services are using for communication. See
# http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-April/061759.html
# Defaults to false
# [*rabbit_port*]
# (optional) Port for rabbitmq instance.
# Defaults to '5672'
# [*rabbit_password*]
# (optional) Password used to connect to rabbitmq.
# Defaults to 'guest'
# [*rabbit_userid*]
# (optional) User used to connect to rabbitmq.
# Defaults to 'guest'
# [*rabbit_virtual_host*]
# (optional) The RabbitMQ virtual host.
# Defaults to '/'
# [*rabbit_use_ssl*]
# (optional) Connect over SSL for RabbitMQ
# Defaults to false
# [*rabbit_notification_topic*]
# (optional) Notification topic.
# Defaults to false.
# [*kombu_ssl_ca_certs*]
# (optional) SSL certification authority file (valid only if SSL enabled).
# Defaults to undef
# [*kombu_ssl_certfile*]
# (optional) SSL cert file (valid only if SSL enabled).
# Defaults to undef
# [*kombu_ssl_keyfile*]
# (optional) SSL key file (valid only if SSL enabled).
# Defaults to undef
# [*kombu_ssl_version*]
# (optional) SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled).
# Valid values are TLSv1, SSLv23 and SSLv3. SSLv2 may be
# available on some distributions.
# Defaults to 'TLSv1'
# [*amqp_durable_queues*]
# (optional) Define queues as "durable" to rabbitmq.
# Defaults to false
# [*qpid_hostname*]
# (optional) Location of qpid server
# Defaults to 'localhost'
# [*qpid_port*]
# (optional) Port for qpid server
# Defaults to '5672'
# [*qpid_username*]
# (optional) Username to use when connecting to qpid
# Defaults to 'guest'
# [*qpid_password*]
# (optional) Password to use when connecting to qpid
# Defaults to 'guest'
# [*qpid_heartbeat*]
# (optional) Seconds between connection keepalive heartbeats
# Defaults to 60
# [*qpid_protocol*]
# (optional) Transport to use, either 'tcp' or 'ssl''
# Defaults to 'tcp'
# [*qpid_sasl_mechanisms*]
# (optional) Enable one or more SASL mechanisms
# Defaults to false
# [*qpid_tcp_nodelay*]
# (optional) Disable Nagle algorithm
# Defaults to true
# [*rpc_backend*]
# (optional) The rpc backend implementation to use, can be:
# trove.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu (for rabbitmq)
# trove.openstack.common.rpc.impl_qpid (for qpid)
# Defaults to 'trove.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu'
# [*mysql_module*]
# (optional) Deprecated. Does nothing.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*database_connection*]
# (optional) Connection url to connect to trove database.
# Defaults to 'sqlite:////var/lib/trove/trove.sqlite'
# [*database_idle_timeout*]
# (optional) Timeout before idle db connections are reaped.
# Defaults to 3600
# [*nova_compute_url*]
# (optional) URL without the tenant segment.
# Defaults to false.
# [*nova_proxy_admin_user*]
# (optional) Admin username used to connect to nova.
# Defaults to 'admin'
# [*nova_proxy_admin_pass*]
# (required) Admin password used to connect to nova.
# [*nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name*]
# (optional) Admin tenant name used to connect to nova.
# Defaults to 'admin'
# [*control_exchange*]
# (optional) Control exchange.
# Defaults to 'trove'.
# [*cinder_url*]
# (optional) URL without the tenant segment.
# Defaults to false.
# [*swift_url*]
# (optional) Swift URL ending in AUTH_.
# Defaults to false.
# [*use_neutron*]
# (optional) Use Neutron
# Defaults to true
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) The state of the package.
# Defaults to 'present'
class trove(
$rabbit_host = 'localhost',
$rabbit_hosts = false,
$rabbit_password = 'guest',
$rabbit_port = '5672',
$rabbit_userid = 'guest',
$rabbit_virtual_host = '/',
$rabbit_use_ssl = false,
$rabbit_notification_topic = 'notifications',
$kombu_ssl_ca_certs = undef,
$kombu_ssl_certfile = undef,
$kombu_ssl_keyfile = undef,
$kombu_ssl_version = 'TLSv1',
$amqp_durable_queues = false,
$database_connection = 'sqlite:////var/lib/trove/trove.sqlite',
$database_idle_timeout = 3600,
$rpc_backend = 'trove.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu',
$nova_compute_url = false,
$nova_proxy_admin_user = 'admin',
$nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name = 'admin',
$control_exchange = 'trove',
$cinder_url = false,
$swift_url = false,
$use_neutron = true,
$package_ensure = 'present',
$mysql_module = undef,
) {
include ::trove::params
if $mysql_module {
warning('The mysql_module parameter is deprecated. The latest 2.x mysql module will be used.')
exec { 'post-trove_config':
command => '/bin/echo "Trove config has changed"',
refreshonly => true,
Trove_datastore<||> -> Trove_datastore_version<||>
if $nova_compute_url {
trove_config { 'DEFAULT/nova_compute_url': value => $nova_compute_url }
else {
trove_config { 'DEFAULT/nova_compute_url': ensure => absent }
if $cinder_url {
trove_config { 'DEFAULT/cinder_url': value => $cinder_url }
else {
trove_config { 'DEFAULT/cinder_url': ensure => absent }
if $swift_url {
trove_config { 'DEFAULT/swift_url': value => $swift_url }
else {
trove_config { 'DEFAULT/swift_url': ensure => absent }
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' {
# TO-DO(mmagr): Conditional should be removed as soon as following bug
# is really fixed. On Ubuntu trove-common is not installable without already
# running database and correctly filled trove.conf:
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openstack-trove/+bug/1365561
package { 'trove':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::trove::params::common_package_name
$group_require = Package['trove']
} else {
$group_require = undef
group { 'trove':
ensure => 'present',
name => 'trove',
system => true,
require => $group_require
file { '/etc/trove/':
ensure => directory,
group => 'trove',
require => Group['trove']