Added wrapper classes which are inherited from base data types str, list, tuple and dict. Each of these wrapper classes and the Resource class contain a 'request_ids' attribute which is populated with a 'x-compute-request-id' or a 'x-openstack-request-id' received in a header from a response body. This change is required to return 'request_id' from client to log request_id mappings of cross projects. This patch is one of a series of patches for implementing return-request-id-to-caller. Co-authored-by: Ankit Agrawal <ankit11.agrawal@nttdata.com> Change-Id: I422c4f4ee59991ca89a0a16f548b537c8b61bb97 Implements: blueprint return-request-id-to-caller
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from requests import Response
import six
from novaclient import base
from novaclient import exceptions
from novaclient.tests.unit import utils
from novaclient.tests.unit.v2 import fakes
from novaclient.v2 import flavors
cs = fakes.FakeClient()
def create_response_obj_with_header():
resp = Response()
resp.headers['x-openstack-request-id'] = fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID
return resp
def create_response_obj_with_compute_header():
resp = Response()
resp.headers['x-compute-request-id'] = fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID
return resp
class BaseTest(utils.TestCase):
def test_resource_repr(self):
r = base.Resource(None, dict(foo="bar", baz="spam"))
self.assertEqual("<Resource baz=spam, foo=bar>", repr(r))
def test_getid(self):
self.assertEqual(4, base.getid(4))
class TmpObject(object):
id = 4
self.assertEqual(4, base.getid(TmpObject))
def test_resource_lazy_getattr(self):
f = flavors.Flavor(cs.flavors, {'id': 1})
self.assertEqual('256 MB Server', f.name)
cs.assert_called('GET', '/flavors/1')
# Missing stuff still fails after a second get
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, f, 'blahblah')
def test_eq(self):
# Two resources of the same type with the same id: equal
r1 = base.Resource(None, {'id': 1, 'name': 'hi'})
r2 = base.Resource(None, {'id': 1, 'name': 'hello'})
self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
# Two resoruces of different types: never equal
r1 = base.Resource(None, {'id': 1})
r2 = flavors.Flavor(None, {'id': 1})
self.assertNotEqual(r1, r2)
# Two resources with no ID: equal if their info is equal
r1 = base.Resource(None, {'name': 'joe', 'age': 12})
r2 = base.Resource(None, {'name': 'joe', 'age': 12})
self.assertEqual(r1, r2)
def test_findall_invalid_attribute(self):
# Make sure findall with an invalid attribute doesn't cause errors.
# The following should not raise an exception.
# However, find() should raise an error
def test_resource_object_with_request_ids(self):
resp_obj = create_response_obj_with_header()
r = base.Resource(None, {"name": "1"}, resp=resp_obj)
self.assertEqual(fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST, r.request_ids)
def test_resource_object_with_compute_request_ids(self):
resp_obj = create_response_obj_with_compute_header()
r = base.Resource(None, {"name": "1"}, resp=resp_obj)
self.assertEqual(fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST, r.request_ids)
class ListWithMetaTest(utils.TestCase):
def test_list_with_meta(self):
resp = create_response_obj_with_header()
obj = base.ListWithMeta([], resp)
self.assertEqual([], obj)
# Check request_ids attribute is added to obj
self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj, 'request_ids'))
self.assertEqual(fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST, obj.request_ids)
class DictWithMetaTest(utils.TestCase):
def test_dict_with_meta(self):
resp = create_response_obj_with_header()
obj = base.DictWithMeta({}, resp)
self.assertEqual({}, obj)
# Check request_ids attribute is added to obj
self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj, 'request_ids'))
self.assertEqual(fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST, obj.request_ids)
class TupleWithMetaTest(utils.TestCase):
def test_tuple_with_meta(self):
resp = create_response_obj_with_header()
expected_tuple = (1, 2)
obj = base.TupleWithMeta(expected_tuple, resp)
self.assertEqual(expected_tuple, obj)
# Check request_ids attribute is added to obj
self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj, 'request_ids'))
self.assertEqual(fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST, obj.request_ids)
class StrWithMetaTest(utils.TestCase):
def test_str_with_meta(self):
resp = create_response_obj_with_header()
obj = base.StrWithMeta("test-str", resp)
self.assertEqual("test-str", obj)
# Check request_ids attribute is added to obj
self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj, 'request_ids'))
self.assertEqual(fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST, obj.request_ids)
class BytesWithMetaTest(utils.TestCase):
def test_bytes_with_meta(self):
resp = create_response_obj_with_header()
obj = base.BytesWithMeta(b'test-bytes', resp)
self.assertEqual(b'test-bytes', obj)
# Check request_ids attribute is added to obj
self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj, 'request_ids'))
self.assertEqual(fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST, obj.request_ids)
if six.PY2:
class UnicodeWithMetaTest(utils.TestCase):
def test_unicode_with_meta(self):
resp = create_response_obj_with_header()
obj = base.UnicodeWithMeta(u'test-unicode', resp)
self.assertEqual(u'test-unicode', obj)
# Check request_ids attribute is added to obj
self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj, 'request_ids'))
self.assertEqual(fakes.FAKE_REQUEST_ID_LIST, obj.request_ids)