  - The ``security group rule list`` command now uses Network v2
    when enabled which results in ``egress`` security group rules
    being displayed. The ``--long`` option was also added for
    Network v2 to display direction and ethertype information.
    In addition, security group rules for all projects will be
    displayed when the ``group`` argument is not specified
    (admin only). This is done by default when using Network v2,
    but requires the new ``--all-projects`` option when using
    Compute v2.
    [Bug `1519512 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1519512>`_]
  - The ``security group rule list`` command no longer ignores
    the ``group`` argument when it is set to an empty value.
    [Bug `1519512 <https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1519512>`_]