At least print a warning on authentication error. I have no idea why an exception is being ignored here because if there is no session, nothing is going to happen. This at least will print some useful warning: (.venv)terry@f350:~/python-openstackclient$ os flavor list --os-cloud pro WARNING: openstackclient.shell Possible error authenticating: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'asdf' ERROR: openstack Authentication requires 'auth_url', which should be specified in 'HTTPClient' This error was caused by having a bogus value 'asdf' in the cloud.yaml for the cloud pro. Change-Id: Ie08432e0464cfa86b3b3f67ca29d3b7d23d2f46f
OpenStackClient (aka OSC) is a command-line client for OpenStack that brings the command set for Compute, Identity, Image, Object Store and Volume APIs together in a single shell with a uniform command structure.
The primary goal is to provide a unified shell command structure and a common language to describe operations in OpenStack.
- PyPi - package installation
- Online Documentation
- Launchpad project - release management
- Blueprints - feature specifications
- Bugs - issue tracking
- Source
- License: Apache 2.0
Getting Started
OpenStack Client can be installed from PyPI using pip:
pip install python-openstackclient
There are a few variants on getting help. A list of global options
and supported commands is shown with --help
openstack --help
There is also a help
command that can be used to get
help text for a specific command:
openstack help
openstack help server create
The CLI is configured via environment variables and command-line options as listed in http://docs.openstack.org/developer/python-openstackclient/authentication.html.
Authentication using username/password is most commonly used:
export OS_AUTH_URL=<url-to-openstack-identity>
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=<project-name>
export OS_USERNAME=<username>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password> # (optional)
The corresponding command-line options look very similar:
--os-auth-url <url>
--os-project-name <project-name>
--os-username <username>
[--os-password <password>]
If a password is not provided above (in plaintext), you will be interactively prompted to provide one securely.
Authentication may also be performed using an already-acquired token and a URL pointing directly to the service API that presumably was acquired from the Service Catalog:
export OS_TOKEN=<token>
export OS_URL=<url-to-openstack-service>
The corresponding command-line options look very similar:
--os-token <token>
--os-url <url-to-openstack-service>