Change I1d1ac1ac46f49f64794ffc8631e166935537966c introduced the 'quota set --force' parameter to force set nova quotas. As part of that fix, we introduced a functional test, 'QuotaTests.test_quota_set_force' that works by attempting to set the 'limit' of the quota for instances to the current usage ('is_use') minus one. This test is flawed. It doesn't create any instances so when it fires by itself, it will always set the 'limit' to 0. When it fires at the same time as other tests (remember, we run tests in parallel), notably tests that rely on booting instances, it can cause other tests to fail with the following error: Quota exceeded for instances: Requested 1, but already used 0 of 0 instances (HTTP 403) We could attempt to work around this by creating a new project and using that project to fiddle with quotas. That's a lot of work though, and the returns are questionable: the 'quota set' command is an admin-only command by default and the '--force' parameter should almost never be used. Simply remove this test. Change-Id: Ic07ff6f4a7c1c27852c892eb906bb144aae91788 Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <sfinucan@redhat.com> Story: #2008327 Task: #41225
Team and repository tags
OpenStackClient (aka OSC) is a command-line client for OpenStack that brings the command set for Compute, Identity, Image, Network, Object Store and Block Storage APIs together in a single shell with a uniform command structure.
The primary goal is to provide a unified shell command structure and a common language to describe operations in OpenStack.
- PyPi - package installation
- Online Documentation
- Storyboard project - bugs and feature requests
- Blueprints - feature specifications (historical only)
- Source
- Developer - getting started as a developer
- Contributing - contributing code
- Testing - testing code
- IRC: #openstack-sdks on Freenode (irc.freenode.net)
- License: Apache 2.0
Getting Started
OpenStack Client can be installed from PyPI using pip:
pip install python-openstackclient
There are a few variants on getting help. A list of global options
and supported commands is shown with --help
openstack --help
There is also a help
command that can be used to get
help text for a specific command:
openstack help
openstack help server create
If you want to make changes to the OpenStackClient for testing and contribution, make any changes and then run:
python setup.py develop
pip install -e .
The CLI is configured via environment variables and command-line options as listed in https://docs.openstack.org/python-openstackclient/latest/cli/authentication.html.
Authentication using username/password is most commonly used:
export OS_AUTH_URL=<url-to-openstack-identity>
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=<project-name>
export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=<project-domain-name>
export OS_USERNAME=<username>
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=<user-domain-name>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password> # (optional)
The corresponding command-line options look very similar:
--os-auth-url <url>
--os-identity-api-version 3
--os-project-name <project-name>
--os-project-domain-name <project-domain-name>
--os-username <username>
--os-user-domain-name <user-domain-name>
[--os-password <password>]
If a password is not provided above (in plaintext), you will be interactively prompted to provide one securely.