in Python 3 The SafeConfigParser class has been renamed
to ConfigParser in Python 3.2 [1]. The alias SafeConfigParser
maybe removed in future versions of Python 3. Use ConfigParser
instead of SafeConfigParser in Python 3.We're switching from
SafeConfigParser to ConfigParser because we're we're not explicitly
using the 'Safe' functionality.So it make the code potentially neater
if SafeConfigParser is even de-aliased in python3.
Change-Id: I932ced300a93040144e89c7f4acc95480b32749d
This change is necessary in order to use the project's script when preparing the environment on the
Hyper-V compute nodes used in the Hyper-V CI. Using the mentioned script
will set the latest requirements in nova, neutron, manila, etc.,
reducing the CI's amount of failures caused by outdated requirements.
Including Microsoft Windows as a supported operating system on this
project. Also, we update the and
files to support os.rename() of Windows.
On Windows, os.rename() will create a file with the source
name, without deleting the initial file first.
Example of a traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\Scripts\", line 9, in
'console_scripts', 'edit-constraints')()
line 74, in main
os.rename(args[0] + '.tmp', args[0])
WindowsError: [Error 183] Cannot create a file when that file already exists
This could be easily solved by removing the file before the rename.
Proposed fix:
Add before "os.rename(args[0] + '.tmp', args[0])" the line "os.remove(args[0])"
Add before "os.rename(tmpname, fullname)" the line "os.remove(fullname)"
Add "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows" in setup.cfg
DocImpact: Added Windows as a supported OS in setup.cfg
Change-Id: If123a65fd8d49d5c67a1db16827a9617ce520dba
Signed-off-by: Costin Galan <>