Problem showed up with django_openstack_auth job that installs from
source. The change to devstack to verify LIBS_FROM_GIT kicked in
(Iffef2007f99a0e932b68c4c897ebbfb748cac2b4) and starting failing the
job. The problem was that the edit_constraint was not fixing the
django-openstack-auth line in upperconstraints.txt as the setup.cfg
had name = django_openstack_auth. Note that when things finally get
installed setup_tools' safe_name kicks in to standardize names and for
example glance_store will show up as glance-store in pip freeze. So we
should be able to treat this situation better and allow constraints to
have the safe names (using dashes).
Co-Authored-By: Robert Collins <>
Change-Id: Ibaa22657a2cf2c0ad96dbd0b9bc43cdafe6a1d56