The idea behind the version-map code is to work around a lack of a node that has multiple python3 versions by taking a freeze from one version (say python-3.5) and cloning that to another (say python-3,4). This was written to facilitate the transition from trusty (3.4) to xenial (3.5). With the transition from xenial (3.5) to bionic (3.6) we need to do something similar. To aid the transition it'd be nice to be able to duplicate a 3.5 freeze to both 3.4 *and* 3.6. The current version_map doesn't allow for that. Enhance the version_map code to accommodate this situation. The idea would be to backport this as far as Ocata[1] [1] We need to look again at separating the requirements code from the data Change-Id: I8784509bc162eb6f2e80261bc2d81dbe63ce7989
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import copy
import hashlib
import optparse
import os.path
import subprocess
import sys
import fixtures
from openstack_requirements import requirement
def _parse_freeze(text):
"""Parse a freeze into structured data.
:param text: The output from a pip freeze command.
:return: A list of (package, version) tuples.
result = []
for line in text.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('-'):
raise Exception("Irregular line: %s" % line)
if line.startswith('#'):
if not line:
package, version = line.split('==')[:2]
result.append((package, version))
return result
def _freeze(requirements, python):
"""Generate a frozen install from requirements.
A constraints file is the result of installing a set of requirements and
then freezing the result. We currently special case pip and setuptools
as pip does, excluding them from the set. We may however want to revisit
this in future if releases of those things break our gate.
In principle we should determine this by introspecting all the packages
transitively, since we need to deal wit environment markers....
but thats reimplementing a large chunk of pip (and since pip doesn't
resolve yet, differently too). For now, we take a list of Python
executables to test under, and then union the results. This is in fact the
key difference between a constraints file and a requirements file: we're
not triggering installation, so we can and will list packages that are
not relevant to e.g. Python3 in the constraints output.
:param requirements: The path to a requirements file to use when generating
the constraints.
:param python: A Python binary to use. E.g. /usr/bin/python3
:return: A tuple (python_version, list of (package, version)'s)
output = []
version_out = subprocess.check_output(
[python, "--version"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode('utf-8')
version_all = version_out.split()[1]
version = '.'.join(version_all.split('.')[:2])
with fixtures.TempDir() as temp:
['virtualenv', '-p', python, temp.path]))
pip_bin = os.path.join(temp.path, 'bin', 'pip')
[pip_bin, 'install', '-U', 'pip', 'setuptools', 'wheel']))
[pip_bin, 'install', '-r', requirements]))
freeze = subprocess.check_output(
[pip_bin, 'freeze']).decode('utf-8')
return (version, _parse_freeze(freeze))
except Exception as exc:
if isinstance(exc, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
raise Exception(
"Failed to generate freeze: %s %s"
% ('\n'.join(output).decode('utf-8'), exc))
def _combine_freezes(freezes, blacklist=None):
"""Combine multiple freezes into a single structure.
This deals with the variation between different python versions by
generating environment markers when different pythons need different
versions of a dependency.
:param freezes: A list of (python_version, frozen_requirements) tuples.
:param blacklist: An iterable of package names to exclude. These packages
won't be included in the output.
:return: A list of '\n' terminated lines for a requirements file.
packages = {} # {package : {version : [py_version]}}
excludes = frozenset((requirement.canonical_name(s)
for s in blacklist) if blacklist else ())
reference_versions = []
for py_version, freeze in freezes:
if py_version in reference_versions:
raise Exception("Duplicate python %s" % py_version)
for package, version in freeze:
package, {}).setdefault(version, []).append(py_version)
for package, versions in sorted(packages.items()):
if package.lower() in excludes:
if (len(versions) != 1 or
list(versions.values())[0] != reference_versions):
# markers
for version, py_versions in sorted(versions.items()):
# Once the ecosystem matures, we can consider using OR.
for py_version in sorted(py_versions):
yield (
"%s===%s;python_version=='%s'\n" %
(package, version, py_version))
# no markers
yield '%s===%s\n' % (package, list(versions.keys())[0])
def _clone_versions(freezes, options):
for freeze_data in freezes:
versions = [v for v, d in freezes]
version, freeze = freeze_data
if version in options.version_map:
for dst_version in sorted(options.version_map[version]):
if dst_version not in versions:
print("Duplicating %s freeze to %s" %
(version, dst_version), file=sys.stderr)
freezes.append((dst_version, copy.copy(freeze)))
# -- untested UI glue from here down.
def _validate_options(options):
"""Check that options are valid.
:param options: The optparse options for this program.
if not options.pythons:
raise Exception("No Pythons given - see -p.")
for python in options.pythons:
if not os.path.exists(python):
raise Exception(
"Python %(python)s not found." % dict(python=python))
if not options.requirements:
raise Exception("No requirements file specified - see -r.")
if not os.path.exists(options.requirements):
raise Exception(
"Requirements file %(req)s not found."
% dict(req=options.requirements))
if options.blacklist and not os.path.exists(options.blacklist):
raise Exception(
"Blacklist file %(path)s not found."
% dict(path=options.blacklist))
version_map = {}
for map_entry in options.version_map:
if ':' not in map_entry:
raise Exception(
"Invalid version-map entry %(map_entry)s"
% dict(map_entry=map_entry))
src, dst = map_entry.split(':')
version_map.setdefault(src, set())
options.version_map = version_map
def _parse_blacklist(path):
"""Return the strings from path if it is not None."""
if path is None:
return []
with open(path, 'rt') as f:
return [l.strip() for l in f]
def _make_sort_key(line):
"""Produce a key that is unlikely to place similar values together.
We want to avoid sorting all of the oslo libraries together (or
all of the python-*client libraries) so when we do batch releases
we do not have merge conflicts in the individual patches updating
the constraints.
dep = line.partition('=')[0].encode('utf-8')
return hashlib.sha1(dep).digest()
def main(argv=None, stdout=None):
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
"-p", dest="pythons", action="append",
help="Specify Python versions to use when generating constraints."
"e.g. -p /usr/bin/python3")
"-r", dest="requirements", help="Requirements file to process.")
"-b", dest="blacklist",
help="Filename of a list of package names to exclude.")
"--version-map", dest='version_map', default=[], action='append',
help=('Add a : separated list of versions to clone. To \'clone\' '
'a freeze generated by python3.4 to python3.5 specify 3.4:3.5. '
'This is intended as as a way to transition between python '
'versions when it\'s not possible to have all versions '
options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if stdout is None:
stdout = sys.stdout
freezes = [
_freeze(options.requirements, python) for python in options.pythons]
_clone_versions(freezes, options)
blacklist = _parse_blacklist(options.blacklist)
frozen = sorted(_combine_freezes(freezes, blacklist), key=_make_sort_key)