The __future__ module [1] was used in this context to ensure compatibility between python 2 and python 3. We previously dropped the support of python 2.7 [2] and now we only support python 3 so we don't need to continue to use this module and the imports listed below. Imports commonly used and their related PEPs: - `division` is related to PEP 238 [3] - `print_function` is related to PEP 3105 [4] - `unicode_literals` is related to PEP 3112 [5] - `with_statement` is related to PEP 343 [6] - `absolute_import` is related to PEP 328 [7] [1] https://docs.python.org/3/library/__future__.html [2] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/ussuri/drop-py27.html [3] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0238 [4] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3105 [5] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3112 [6] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0343 [7] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328 Change-Id: I15d451f6a832b2e698b28e7351a36ef7aea92abe
196 lines
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196 lines
8.1 KiB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import io
import mock
import os
import testscenarios
import testtools
from openstack_requirements.cmds import check_exists
from openstack_requirements import project
from openstack_requirements.tests import common
load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
def mock_read_requirements_file(filename):
if os.path.basename(filename) == 'upper-constraints.txt':
return common.upper_constraints
elif os.path.basename(filename) == 'global-requirements.txt':
return common.global_reqs
elif os.path.basename(filename) == 'blacklist.txt':
return common.blacklist
raise IOError('No such file or directory: %s' % filename)
class CheckExistsTest(testtools.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(CheckExistsTest, self).setUp()
def test_good_project(self, mock_project_read):
ret = check_exists.main([common.project_fixture.root])
self.assertEqual(ret, 0)
def test_project_missing_from_uc(self):
orig_mocked_read_req = check_exists.read_requirements_file
read_req_path = ('openstack_requirements.cmds.check_exists.'
def remove_req_read_reqs_file(filename):
if filename == 'upper-constraints.txt':
upper_cons = common.upper_constraints.copy()
return upper_cons
return orig_mocked_read_req(filename)
expected_out = ('six from requirements.txt not found in'
' upper-constraints')
# Start capturing some output
mock_stdout = io.StringIO()
with mock.patch('openstack_requirements.project.read',
return_value=common.project_project), \
mock.patch('sys.stdout', mock_stdout), \
mock.patch(read_req_path, remove_req_read_reqs_file):
ret = check_exists.main([common.project_fixture.root])
self.assertEqual(ret, 1)
self.assertIn(expected_out, mock_stdout.getvalue())
def test_project_missing_from_gr(self):
# Add some random package that wont exist in G-R
with open(common.project_fixture.req_file, 'a') as req_file:
req_file.write(u'SomeRandomModule #Some random module\n')
expected_out = ('somerandommodule from requirements.txt not found in'
' global-requirements')
# Start capturing some output
mock_stdout = io.StringIO()
proj_read = project.read(common.project_fixture.root)
with mock.patch('openstack_requirements.project.read',
return_value=proj_read), \
mock.patch('sys.stdout', mock_stdout):
ret = check_exists.main([common.project_fixture.root])
self.assertEqual(ret, 1)
self.assertIn(expected_out, mock_stdout.getvalue())
def test_project_multiple_missing_from_uc_and_gr(self):
orig_mocked_read_req = check_exists.read_requirements_file
read_req_path = ('openstack_requirements.cmds.check_exists.'
def remove_req_read_reqs_file(filename):
if filename == 'upper-constraints.txt':
upper_cons = common.upper_constraints.copy()
return upper_cons
return orig_mocked_read_req(filename)
new_reqs = '>1.10.0\nsomerandommodule\n'
# lets change the six requirement not include the u-c version
proj_read = project.read(common.project_fixture.root)
proj_read['requirements']['requirements.txt'] = \
proj_read['requirements']['requirements.txt'][:-1] + new_reqs
proj_read['requirements']['test-requirements.txt'] = \
proj_read['requirements']['test-requirements.txt'] + \
expected_outs = [
'lxml from requirements.txt not found in upper-constraints',
'somerandommodule from requirements.txt not found in '
'anotherrandommodule from test-requirements.txt not found in '
'six must be <= 1.10.0 from upper-constraints and include the '
'upper-constraints version']
# Start capturing some output
mock_stdout = io.StringIO()
with mock.patch('openstack_requirements.project.read',
return_value=proj_read), \
mock.patch('sys.stdout', mock_stdout), \
mock.patch(read_req_path, remove_req_read_reqs_file):
ret = check_exists.main([common.project_fixture.root])
self.assertEqual(ret, 1)
for expected in expected_outs:
self.assertIn(expected, mock_stdout.getvalue())
def test_project_req_bigger_then_uc(self):
# lets change the six requirement not include the u-c version
proj_read = project.read(common.project_fixture.root)
proj_read['requirements']['requirements.txt'] = \
proj_read['requirements']['requirements.txt'][:-1] + '>1.10.0\n'
expected_out = ('six must be <= 1.10.0 from upper-constraints and '
'include the upper-constraints version')
# Start capturing some output
mock_stdout = io.StringIO()
with mock.patch('openstack_requirements.project.read',
return_value=proj_read), \
mock.patch('sys.stdout', mock_stdout):
ret = check_exists.main([common.project_fixture.root])
self.assertEqual(ret, 1)
self.assertIn(expected_out, mock_stdout.getvalue())
def test_project_req_not_include_uc_version(self):
# lets change the six requirement not include the u-c version
proj_read = project.read(common.project_fixture.root)
proj_read['requirements']['requirements.txt'] = \
proj_read['requirements']['requirements.txt'][:-1] + \
expected_out = ('six must be <= 1.10.0 from upper-constraints and '
'include the upper-constraints version')
# Start capturing some output
mock_stdout = io.StringIO()
with mock.patch('openstack_requirements.project.read',
return_value=proj_read), \
mock.patch('sys.stdout', mock_stdout):
ret = check_exists.main([common.project_fixture.root])
self.assertEqual(ret, 1)
self.assertIn(expected_out, mock_stdout.getvalue())