zhu.boxiang 1ab2cec63b fix: Use -U to upgrade the skyline-console with tarball
Use -U to upgrade the skyline-console with tarball when
building the skyline container.

Change-Id: I494ee49e8ce5983823388c60124364e0a7064f36
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2022-03-10 19:10:57 +08:00
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2022-02-14 09:50:48 +08:00
2022-02-14 09:50:48 +08:00

Skyline API

English | 简体中文

Skyline is an OpenStack dashboard optimized by UI and UE. It has a modern technology stack and ecology, is easier for developers to maintain and operate by users, and has higher concurrency performance.

Skyline's mascot is the nine-color deer. The nine-color deer comes from Dunhuang mural "the nine-color king deer", whose moral is Buddhist cause-effect and gratefulness, which is consistent with 99cloud's philosophy of embracing and feedback community since its inception. We also hope Skyline can keep light, elegant and powerful as the nine-color deer, to provide a better dashboard for the openstack community and users.

Table of contents


Quick Start


  • An OpenStack environment that runs at least core components and can access OpenStack components through Keystone endpoints
  • A Linux server with container engine (docker or podman) installed


  1. Edit the /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml file in linux server

    You can refer to the sample file, and modify the following parameters according to the actual environment

    • database_url
    • keystone_url
    • default_region
    • interface_type
    • system_project_domain
    • system_project
    • system_user_domain
    • system_user_name
    • system_user_password

Deployment with Sqlite

  1. Run the skyline_bootstrap container to bootstrap

    rm -rf /tmp/skyline && mkdir /tmp/skyline
    docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
    # Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
    docker logs skyline_bootstrap
  2. Run the skyline service after bootstrap is complete

    docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
    docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml -v /tmp/skyline:/tmp --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest

Deployment with MariaDB

  1. Connect to database of the OpenStack environment and create the skyline database

    $ mysql -u root -p
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)
  2. Grant proper access to the databases

    Replace SKYLINE_DBPASS with a suitable password.

    MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
    MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON skyline.* TO 'skyline'@'%'  IDENTIFIED BY 'SKYLINE_DBPASS';
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
  3. Create skyline service credentials

    # Source the admin credentials
    $ source admin-openrc
    # Create the skyline user
    $ openstack user create --domain default --password-prompt skyline
    User Password:
    Repeat User Password:
    | Field               | Value                            |
    | domain_id           | default                          |
    | enabled             | True                             |
    | id                  | 1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ikl |
    | name                | skyline                          |
    | options             | {}                               |
    | password_expires_at | 2020-08-08T08:08:08.123456       |
    # Add the admin role to the skyline user:
    $ openstack role add --project service --user skyline admin
  4. Run the skyline_bootstrap container to bootstrap

    docker run -d --name skyline_bootstrap -e KOLLA_BOOTSTRAP="" -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest
    # Check bootstrap is normal `exit 0`
    docker logs skyline_bootstrap
  5. Run the skyline service after bootstrap is complete

    docker rm -f skyline_bootstrap
    docker run -d --name skyline --restart=always -v /etc/skyline/skyline.yaml:/etc/skyline/skyline.yaml --net=host 99cloud/skyline:latest

Test Access

You can now access the dashboard: https://<ip_address>:9999

Develop Skyline-apiserver

Support Linux & Mac OS (Recommend Linux OS) (Because uvloop & cython)

Dependent tools

Use the new feature Context Variables of python37. Considering that most systems do not support python37, we choose to support python38 at least.

  • make >= 3.82
  • python >= 3.8
  • poetry >= 1.1.0 (Installation Guide)
  • node >= 10.22.0 (Optional if you only develop with apiserver)
  • yarn >= 1.22.4 (Optional if you only develop with apiserver)

Install & Run

  1. Installing dependency packages

    make install
  2. Set skyline.yaml config file

    cp etc/skyline.yaml.sample etc/skyline.yaml
    export OS_CONFIG_DIR=$(pwd)/etc

    Maybe you should change the params with your real environment as followed:

    - database_url
    - keystone_url
    - default_region
    - interface_type
    - system_project_domain
    - system_project
    - system_user_domain
    - system_user_name
    - system_user_password

    If you set such as sqlite:////tmp/skyline.db for database_url , just do as followed. If you set such as mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/skyline for database_url , you should refer to steps 1 and 2 of the chapter Deployment with MariaDB at first.

  3. Init skyline database

    pushd libs/skyline-apiserver/
    make db_sync
  4. Run skyline-apiserver

    $ poetry run uvicorn --reload --reload-dir libs/skyline-apiserver/skyline_apiserver --port 28000 --log-level debug skyline_apiserver.main:app
    INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    INFO:     Started reloader process [154033] using statreload
    INFO:     Started server process [154037]
    INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
    INFO:     Application startup complete.

    You can now access the online API documentation:

  5. Build Image

    make build

Devstack Integration

Fast integration with Devstack to build an environment.

Kolla Ansible Deployment

Kolla Ansible to build an environment.

A modern dashboard for OpenStack - API server
Readme 11 MiB
Python 98%
Shell 0.8%
Makefile 0.5%
Jinja 0.4%
Dockerfile 0.2%