Previously, we had multiple packages, like storlet_middleware, storlet_gateway and so on, in our storlets repository. This patch integrates these packages into one package, to follow general manner of python packaging. Also, this patch replaces previous install system using ant by new install system using python setup.py. (top directory) + bin <- executable files + etc <- configration samples + src <- non-python codes | + c <- c codes | | + sbus <- Previously Engine/SBus/SBusTransportLayer | + java <- java codes | + SBus <- Previously Engine/SBus/SBusJavaFacade | + SCommon <- Previously Engine/SBus/SCommon | + SDaemon <- Previously Engine/SBus/SDaemon + storlets <- python codes. | + agent | | + daemon <- Previously Engine/agent/storlet_daemon | | + daemon_factory <- Previously Engine/agent/storlet_daemon_factory | + gateway <- Previously Engine/swift/storlet_gateway | + sbus <- Previously Engine/SBus/SBusPythonFacade | + swift_middleware <- Previously Engine/swift/storlet_middleware | + tools <- Previously tools + tests <- test codes + scripts <- Previously Engine/SMScripts + install_libs.sh <- Script used to build/install c/java codes + setup.cfg + setup.py NOTE1: Currently we have an independent installation tool for c/java, as the other existing OpenStack projects (ex. Monasca) do. To install c/java modules, run './install_libs.sh' at the top directory. It installs required files under /usr/local/lib/storlets, so you may need root privilege. NOTE2: We install agent resources also on host, but this is currently kept to be used for our future plan to let containers use agent resources by mounting it from host node. NOTE3: This patch also removes outdated ansible playbooks. Co-Authored-By: Eran Rom <eran@itsonlyme.name> Change-Id: Icdcafdf6e6d06917d715ad9a8cba45305613a6fb
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Copyright org.apache.openstack
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
Limitations under the License.
<!-- Storlets Engine build /-->
<target name="build_engine">
<ant dir="src/java" target="build" />
<target name="clean_engine">
<ant dir="src/java" target="clean" />
<!-- Storlets Engine install /-->
<target name="install_engine">
<ant dir="src/java" target="install" />
<target name="uninstall_engine">
<ant dir="src/java" target="uninstall" />
<!-- Storlets Samples build -->
<target name="build_storlets">
<ant dir="StorletSamples/java" target="build" />
<target name="clean_storlets">
<ant dir="StorletSamples/java" target="clean" />
<!-- Overall build -->
<target name="build" depends="build_engine, build_storlets" />
<target name="clean" depends="clean_engine, clean_storlets" />
<!-- Overall install -->
<target name="install" depends="install_engine" />
<target name="uninstall" depends="uninstall_engine" />
<!-- Deploy -->
<!-- To execute the below tasks you must have:
(1) ansible installed
(2) hosts file configured
<target name="deploy_host_engine" depends="build_engine">
<exec executable="ansible-playbook" dir="install/storlets" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg value="-i"/>
<arg value="storlets_dynamic_inventory.py"/>
<arg value="host_side_storlet_engine.yml"/>
<target name="deploy_container_engine" depends="build_engine">
<exec executable="ansible-playbook" dir="install/storlets" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg value="-i"/>
<arg value="storlets_dynamic_inventory.py"/>
<arg value="container_storlet_engine.yml"/>
<target name="deploy" depends="deploy_host_engine, deploy_container_engine"/>