2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 2013 Christian Schwede <christian.schwede@enovance.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
2014-04-14 14:04:37 -07:00
from contextlib import nested
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
import json
import mock
import os
import random
2014-11-28 20:19:02 +09:00
import re
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
import string
2014-04-14 14:04:37 -07:00
from StringIO import StringIO
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
import tempfile
import time
import unittest
2014-04-08 11:27:14 -07:00
import urlparse
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
from eventlet.green import urllib2
from swift.cli import recon
from swift.common import utils
from swift.common.ring import builder
class TestHelpers(unittest.TestCase):
def test_seconds2timeunit(self):
self.assertEqual(recon.seconds2timeunit(10), (10, 'seconds'))
self.assertEqual(recon.seconds2timeunit(600), (10, 'minutes'))
self.assertEqual(recon.seconds2timeunit(36000), (10, 'hours'))
self.assertEqual(recon.seconds2timeunit(60 * 60 * 24 * 10),
(10, 'days'))
def test_size_suffix(self):
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 2), '500 bytes')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 3), '5 kB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 6), '5 MB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 9), '5 GB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 12), '5 TB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 15), '5 PB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 18), '5 EB')
self.assertEqual(recon.size_suffix(5 * 10 ** 21), '5 ZB')
class TestScout(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
self.scout_instance = recon.Scout("type", suppress_errors=True)
self.url = ''
2015-02-06 21:33:59 +05:30
self.server_type_url = ''
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
def test_scout_ok(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.return_value.read = lambda: json.dumps([])
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout(
("", "8080"))
self.assertEqual(url, self.url)
self.assertEqual(content, [])
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
def test_scout_url_error(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.side_effect = urllib2.URLError("")
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout(
("", "8080"))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(content, urllib2.URLError))
self.assertEqual(url, self.url)
self.assertEqual(status, -1)
def test_scout_http_error(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.side_effect = urllib2.HTTPError(
self.url, 404, "Internal error", None, None)
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout(
("", "8080"))
self.assertEqual(url, self.url)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(content, urllib2.HTTPError))
self.assertEqual(status, 404)
2015-02-06 21:33:59 +05:30
def test_scout_server_type_ok(self, mock_urlopen):
def getheader(name):
d = {'Server': 'server-type'}
return d.get(name)
mock_urlopen.return_value.info.return_value.getheader = getheader
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout_server_type(
("", "8080"))
self.assertEqual(url, self.server_type_url)
self.assertEqual(content, 'server-type')
self.assertEqual(status, 200)
def test_scout_server_type_url_error(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.side_effect = urllib2.URLError("")
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout_server_type(
("", "8080"))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(content, urllib2.URLError))
self.assertEqual(url, self.server_type_url)
self.assertEqual(status, -1)
def test_scout_server_type_http_error(self, mock_urlopen):
mock_urlopen.side_effect = urllib2.HTTPError(
self.server_type_url, 404, "Internal error", None, None)
url, content, status = self.scout_instance.scout_server_type(
("", "8080"))
self.assertEqual(url, self.server_type_url)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(content, urllib2.HTTPError))
self.assertEqual(status, 404)
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
class TestRecon(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
self.recon_instance = recon.SwiftRecon()
self.swift_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
self.ring_name = "test_object_%s" % (
''.join(random.choice(string.digits) for x in range(6)))
self.tmpfile_name = "%s/%s.ring.gz" % (self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
utils.HASH_PATH_SUFFIX = 'endcap'
utils.HASH_PATH_PREFIX = 'startcap'
def tearDown(self, *_args, **_kwargs):
2014-09-22 09:46:34 -07:00
except OSError:
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
def test_gen_stats(self):
stats = self.recon_instance._gen_stats((1, 4, 10, None), 'Sample')
self.assertEqual(stats.get('name'), 'Sample')
self.assertEqual(stats.get('average'), 5.0)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('high'), 10)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('reported'), 3)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('low'), 1)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('total'), 15)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('number_none'), 1)
self.assertEqual(stats.get('perc_none'), 25.0)
def test_ptime(self):
with mock.patch('time.localtime') as mock_localtime:
mock_localtime.return_value = time.struct_time(
(2013, 12, 17, 10, 0, 0, 1, 351, 0))
timestamp = self.recon_instance._ptime(1387274400)
self.assertEqual(timestamp, "2013-12-17 10:00:00")
2014-06-10 08:08:13 -07:00
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
timestamp2 = self.recon_instance._ptime()
self.assertEqual(timestamp2, "2013-12-17 10:00:00")
2014-06-10 08:08:13 -07:00
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
def test_get_devices(self):
ringbuilder = builder.RingBuilder(2, 3, 1)
ringbuilder.add_dev({'id': 0, 'zone': 0, 'weight': 1,
'ip': '', 'port': 10000,
'device': 'sda1', 'region': 0})
ringbuilder.add_dev({'id': 1, 'zone': 1, 'weight': 1,
'ip': '', 'port': 10001,
'device': 'sda1', 'region': 0})
2014-09-15 17:22:54 +00:00
ringbuilder.add_dev({'id': 2, 'zone': 0, 'weight': 1,
'ip': '', 'port': 10002,
'device': 'sda1', 'region': 1})
ringbuilder.add_dev({'id': 3, 'zone': 1, 'weight': 1,
'ip': '', 'port': 10003,
'device': 'sda1', 'region': 1})
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
2014-09-15 17:22:54 +00:00
None, None, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
set([('', 10000), ('', 10001),
('', 10002), ('', 10003)]), ips)
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
0, None, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
set([('', 10000), ('', 10001)]), ips)
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
2014-09-15 17:22:54 +00:00
1, None, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
set([('', 10002), ('', 10003)]), ips)
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
0, 0, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
2013-12-17 09:10:31 +00:00
self.assertEqual(set([('', 10000)]), ips)
ips = self.recon_instance.get_devices(
2014-09-15 17:22:54 +00:00
1, 1, self.swift_dir, self.ring_name)
self.assertEqual(set([('', 10003)]), ips)
2014-04-08 11:27:14 -07:00
2014-04-14 14:04:37 -07:00
def test_get_ringmd5(self):
for server_type in ('account', 'container', 'object', 'object-1'):
ring_name = '%s.ring.gz' % server_type
ring_file = os.path.join(self.swift_dir, ring_name)
open(ring_file, 'w')
empty_file_hash = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
hosts = [("", "8080")]
with mock.patch('swift.cli.recon.Scout') as mock_scout:
scout_instance = mock.MagicMock()
url = 'http://%s:%s/recon/ringmd5' % hosts[0]
response = {
'/etc/swift/account.ring.gz': empty_file_hash,
'/etc/swift/container.ring.gz': empty_file_hash,
'/etc/swift/object.ring.gz': empty_file_hash,
'/etc/swift/object-1.ring.gz': empty_file_hash,
status = 200
scout_instance.scout.return_value = (url, response, status)
mock_scout.return_value = scout_instance
stdout = StringIO()
mock_hash = mock.MagicMock()
patches = [
mock.patch('sys.stdout', new=stdout),
mock.patch('swift.cli.recon.md5', new=mock_hash),
with nested(*patches):
mock_hash.return_value.hexdigest.return_value = \
self.recon_instance.get_ringmd5(hosts, self.swift_dir)
output = stdout.getvalue()
expected = '1/1 hosts matched'
for line in output.splitlines():
if '!!' in line:
self.fail('Unexpected Error in output: %r' % line)
if expected in line:
self.fail('Did not find expected substring %r '
'in output:\n%s' % (expected, output))
2014-09-25 00:48:49 +05:30
for ring in ('account', 'container', 'object', 'object-1'):
os.remove(os.path.join(self.swift_dir, "%s.ring.gz" % ring))
2014-11-28 20:19:02 +09:00
def test_quarantine_check(self):
hosts = [('', 6010), ('', 6020),
2015-06-01 06:50:33 +00:00
('', 6030), ('', 6040),
('', 6050)]
2014-11-28 20:19:02 +09:00
# sample json response from http://<host>:<port>/recon/quarantined
responses = {6010: {'accounts': 0, 'containers': 0, 'objects': 1,
'policies': {'0': {'objects': 0},
'1': {'objects': 1}}},
6020: {'accounts': 1, 'containers': 1, 'objects': 3,
'policies': {'0': {'objects': 1},
'1': {'objects': 2}}},
6030: {'accounts': 2, 'containers': 2, 'objects': 5,
'policies': {'0': {'objects': 2},
'1': {'objects': 3}}},
6040: {'accounts': 3, 'containers': 3, 'objects': 7,
'policies': {'0': {'objects': 3},
2015-06-01 06:50:33 +00:00
'1': {'objects': 4}}},
# A server without storage policies enabled
6050: {'accounts': 0, 'containers': 0, 'objects': 4}}
2014-11-28 20:19:02 +09:00
# <low> <high> <avg> <total> <Failed> <no_result> <reported>
expected = {'objects_0': (0, 3, 1.5, 6, 0.0, 0, 4),
'objects_1': (1, 4, 2.5, 10, 0.0, 0, 4),
2015-06-01 06:50:33 +00:00
'objects': (1, 7, 4.0, 20, 0.0, 0, 5),
'accounts': (0, 3, 1.2, 6, 0.0, 0, 5),
'containers': (0, 3, 1.2, 6, 0.0, 0, 5)}
2014-11-28 20:19:02 +09:00
def mock_scout_quarantine(app, host):
url = 'http://%s:%s/recon/quarantined' % host
response = responses[host[1]]
status = 200
return url, response, status
stdout = StringIO()
patches = [
mock.patch('swift.cli.recon.Scout.scout', mock_scout_quarantine),
mock.patch('sys.stdout', new=stdout),
with nested(*patches):
output = stdout.getvalue()
r = re.compile("\[quarantined_(.*)\](.*)")
for line in output.splitlines():
m = r.match(line)
if m:
ex = expected.pop(m.group(1))
" low: %s, high: %s, avg: %s, total: %s,"
" Failed: %s%%, no_result: %s, reported: %s"
% ex)
2015-03-12 15:40:39 +00:00
def test_drive_audit_check(self):
hosts = [('', 6010), ('', 6020),
('', 6030), ('', 6040)]
# sample json response from http://<host>:<port>/recon/driveaudit
responses = {6010: {'drive_audit_errors': 15},
6020: {'drive_audit_errors': 0},
6030: {'drive_audit_errors': 257},
6040: {'drive_audit_errors': 56}}
# <low> <high> <avg> <total> <Failed> <no_result> <reported>
expected = (0, 257, 82.0, 328, 0.0, 0, 4)
def mock_scout_driveaudit(app, host):
url = 'http://%s:%s/recon/driveaudit' % host
response = responses[host[1]]
status = 200
return url, response, status
stdout = StringIO()
patches = [
mock.patch('swift.cli.recon.Scout.scout', mock_scout_driveaudit),
mock.patch('sys.stdout', new=stdout),
with nested(*patches):
output = stdout.getvalue()
r = re.compile("\[drive_audit_errors(.*)\](.*)")
lines = output.splitlines()
for line in lines:
m = r.match(line)
if m:
" low: %s, high: %s, avg: %s, total: %s,"
" Failed: %s%%, no_result: %s, reported: %s"
% expected)
2014-04-08 11:27:14 -07:00
class TestReconCommands(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.recon = recon.SwiftRecon()
self.hosts = set([('', 10000)])
def mock_responses(self, resps):
def fake_urlopen(url, timeout):
scheme, netloc, path, _, _, _ = urlparse.urlparse(url)
self.assertEqual(scheme, 'http') # can't handle anything else
if ':' in netloc:
host, port = netloc.split(':', 1)
port = int(port)
host = netloc
port = 80
response_body = resps[(host, port, path[7:])]
resp = mock.MagicMock()
resp.read = mock.MagicMock(side_effect=[response_body])
return resp
return mock.patch('eventlet.green.urllib2.urlopen', fake_urlopen)
2015-02-06 21:33:59 +05:30
def test_server_type_check(self):
hosts = [('', 6010), ('', 6011),
('', 6012)]
# sample json response from http://<host>:<port>/
responses = {6010: 'object-server', 6011: 'container-server',
6012: 'account-server'}
def mock_scout_server_type(app, host):
url = 'http://%s:%s/' % (host[0], host[1])
response = responses[host[1]]
status = 200
return url, response, status
stdout = StringIO()
patches = [
mock.patch('sys.stdout', new=stdout),
res_object = 'Invalid: is object-server'
res_container = 'Invalid: is container-server'
res_account = 'Invalid: is account-server'
valid = "1/1 hosts ok, 0 error[s] while checking hosts."
#Test for object server type - default
with nested(*patches):
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(res_container in output.splitlines())
self.assertTrue(res_account in output.splitlines())
#Test ok for object server type - default
with nested(*patches):
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(valid in output.splitlines())
#Test for account server type
with nested(*patches):
self.recon.server_type = 'account'
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(res_container in output.splitlines())
self.assertTrue(res_object in output.splitlines())
#Test ok for account server type
with nested(*patches):
self.recon.server_type = 'account'
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(valid in output.splitlines())
#Test for container server type
with nested(*patches):
self.recon.server_type = 'container'
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(res_account in output.splitlines())
self.assertTrue(res_object in output.splitlines())
#Test ok for container server type
with nested(*patches):
self.recon.server_type = 'container'
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertTrue(valid in output.splitlines())
2014-04-08 11:27:14 -07:00
def test_get_swiftconfmd5(self):
hosts = set([('', 10000),
('', 10000)])
cksum = '729cf900f2876dead617d088ece7fe8c'
responses = {
('', 10000, 'swiftconfmd5'):
json.dumps({'/etc/swift/swift.conf': cksum}),
('', 10000, 'swiftconfmd5'):
json.dumps({'/etc/swift/swift.conf': cksum})}
printed = []
with self.mock_responses(responses):
with mock.patch.object(self.recon, '_md5_file', lambda _: cksum):
self.recon.get_swiftconfmd5(hosts, printfn=printed.append)
output = '\n'.join(printed) + '\n'
self.assertTrue("2/2 hosts matched" in output)
def test_get_swiftconfmd5_mismatch(self):
hosts = set([('', 10000),
('', 10000)])
cksum = '29d5912b1fcfcc1066a7f51412769c1d'
responses = {
('', 10000, 'swiftconfmd5'):
json.dumps({'/etc/swift/swift.conf': cksum}),
('', 10000, 'swiftconfmd5'):
json.dumps({'/etc/swift/swift.conf': 'bogus'})}
printed = []
with self.mock_responses(responses):
with mock.patch.object(self.recon, '_md5_file', lambda _: cksum):
self.recon.get_swiftconfmd5(hosts, printfn=printed.append)
output = '\n'.join(printed) + '\n'
self.assertTrue("1/2 hosts matched" in output)
self.assertTrue(" (bogus) "
"doesn't match on disk md5sum" in output)
2014-06-25 14:05:05 +00:00
def test_object_auditor_check(self):
# Recon middleware response from an object server
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
values = {
'passes': 0, 'errors': 0, 'audit_time': 0,
'start_time': 0, 'quarantined': 0, 'bytes_processed': 0}
return [('', {
'object_auditor_stats_ALL': values,
'object_auditor_stats_ZBF': values,
}, 200)]
response = {}
def catch_print(computed):
response[computed.get('name')] = computed
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
cli._print_stats = catch_print
cli.object_auditor_check([('', 6010)])
# Now check that output contains all keys and names
keys = ['average', 'number_none', 'high',
'reported', 'low', 'total', 'perc_none']
names = [
for name in names:
computed = response.get(name)
for key in keys:
self.assertTrue(key in computed)
2015-04-12 22:35:56 +02:00
def test_disk_usage(self):
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
return [('', [
{"device": "sdb1", "mounted": True,
"avail": 10, "used": 90, "size": 100},
{"device": "sdc1", "mounted": True,
"avail": 15, "used": 85, "size": 100},
{"device": "sdd1", "mounted": True,
"avail": 15, "used": 85, "size": 100}],
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
default_calls = [
mock.call('Distribution Graph:'),
mock.call(' 85% 2 **********************************' +
mock.call(' 90% 1 **********************************'),
mock.call('Disk usage: space used: 260 of 300'),
mock.call('Disk usage: space free: 40 of 300'),
mock.call('Disk usage: lowest: 85.0%, ' +
'highest: 90.0%, avg: 86.6666666667%'),
mock.call('=' * 79),
with mock.patch('__builtin__.print') as mock_print:
cli.disk_usage([('', 6010)])
with mock.patch('__builtin__.print') as mock_print:
expected_calls = default_calls + [
mock.call('LOWEST 5'),
mock.call('85.00% sdc1'),
mock.call('85.00% sdd1'),
mock.call('90.00% sdb1')
cli.disk_usage([('', 6010)], 0, 5)
with mock.patch('__builtin__.print') as mock_print:
expected_calls = default_calls + [
mock.call('TOP 5'),
mock.call('90.00% sdb1'),
mock.call('85.00% sdc1'),
mock.call('85.00% sdd1')
cli.disk_usage([('', 6010)], 5, 0)
2015-04-14 10:52:36 +00:00
def test_object_replication_check(self, mock_now, mock_print):
now = 1430000000.0
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
return [
{"object_replication_time": 61,
"object_replication_last": now},
{"object_replication_time": 23,
"object_replication_last": now},
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
default_calls = [
mock.call('[replication_time] low: 23, high: 61, avg: 42.0, ' +
'total: 84, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('Oldest completion was 2015-04-25 22:13:20 ' +
'(42 seconds ago) by'),
mock.call('Most recent completion was 2015-04-25 22:13:20 ' +
'(42 seconds ago) by'),
mock_now.return_value = now + 42
cli.object_replication_check([('', 6010),
('', 6020)])
def test_replication_check(self, mock_now, mock_print):
now = 1430000000.0
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
return [
{"replication_last": now,
"replication_stats": {
"no_change": 2, "rsync": 0, "success": 3, "failure": 1,
"attempted": 0, "ts_repl": 0, "remove": 0,
"remote_merge": 0, "diff_capped": 0, "start": now,
"hashmatch": 0, "diff": 0, "empty": 0},
"replication_time": 42},
{"replication_last": now,
"replication_stats": {
"no_change": 0, "rsync": 0, "success": 1, "failure": 0,
"attempted": 0, "ts_repl": 0, "remove": 0,
"remote_merge": 0, "diff_capped": 0, "start": now,
"hashmatch": 0, "diff": 0, "empty": 0},
"replication_time": 23},
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
default_calls = [
mock.call('[replication_failure] low: 0, high: 1, avg: 0.5, ' +
'total: 1, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[replication_success] low: 1, high: 3, avg: 2.0, ' +
'total: 4, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[replication_time] low: 23, high: 42, avg: 32.5, ' +
'total: 65, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[replication_attempted] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.0, ' +
'total: 0, Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('Oldest completion was 2015-04-25 22:13:20 ' +
'(42 seconds ago) by'),
mock.call('Most recent completion was 2015-04-25 22:13:20 ' +
'(42 seconds ago) by'),
mock_now.return_value = now + 42
cli.replication_check([('', 6011), ('', 6021)])
# We need any_order=True because the order of calls depends on the dict
# that is returned from the recon middleware, thus can't rely on it
mock_print.assert_has_calls(default_calls, any_order=True)
def test_load_check(self, mock_now, mock_print):
now = 1430000000.0
def dummy_request(*args, **kwargs):
return [
{"1m": 0.2, "5m": 0.4, "15m": 0.25,
"processes": 10000, "tasks": "1/128"},
{"1m": 0.4, "5m": 0.8, "15m": 0.75,
"processes": 9000, "tasks": "1/200"},
cli = recon.SwiftRecon()
cli.pool.imap = dummy_request
default_calls = [
mock.call('[5m_load_avg] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.6, total: 1, ' +
'Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[15m_load_avg] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.5, total: 1, ' +
'Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock.call('[1m_load_avg] low: 0, high: 0, avg: 0.3, total: 0, ' +
'Failed: 0.0%, no_result: 0, reported: 2'),
mock_now.return_value = now + 42
cli.load_check([('', 6010), ('', 6020)])
# We need any_order=True because the order of calls depends on the dict
# that is returned from the recon middleware, thus can't rely on it
mock_print.assert_has_calls(default_calls, any_order=True)