Merge "Added container listing ratelimiting"
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,38 +15,49 @@ Configuration
All configuration is optional. If no account or container limits are provided
there will be no rate limiting. Configuration available:
======================== ========= ===========================================
Option Default Description
------------------------ --------- -------------------------------------------
clock_accuracy 1000 Represents how accurate the proxy servers'
system clocks are with each other. 1000
means that all the proxies' clock are
accurate to each other within 1
millisecond. No ratelimit should be
higher than the clock accuracy.
max_sleep_time_seconds 60 App will immediately return a 498 response
if the necessary sleep time ever exceeds
the given max_sleep_time_seconds.
log_sleep_time_seconds 0 To allow visibility into rate limiting set
this value > 0 and all sleeps greater than
the number will be logged.
rate_buffer_seconds 5 Number of seconds the rate counter can
drop and be allowed to catch up (at a
faster than listed rate). A larger number
will result in larger spikes in rate but
better average accuracy.
account_ratelimit 0 If set, will limit PUT and DELETE requests
to /account_name/container_name.
Number is in requests per second.
account_whitelist '' Comma separated lists of account names that
will not be rate limited.
account_blacklist '' Comma separated lists of account names that
will not be allowed. Returns a 497 response.
container_ratelimit_size '' When set with container_limit_x = r:
for containers of size x, limit requests
per second to r. Will limit PUT, DELETE,
and POST requests to /a/c/o.
======================== ========= ===========================================
================================ ======= ======================================
Option Default Description
-------------------------------- ------- --------------------------------------
clock_accuracy 1000 Represents how accurate the proxy
servers' system clocks are with each
other. 1000 means that all the
proxies' clock are accurate to each
other within 1 millisecond. No
ratelimit should be higher than the
clock accuracy.
max_sleep_time_seconds 60 App will immediately return a 498
response if the necessary sleep time
ever exceeds the given
log_sleep_time_seconds 0 To allow visibility into rate limiting
set this value > 0 and all sleeps
greater than the number will be
rate_buffer_seconds 5 Number of seconds the rate counter can
drop and be allowed to catch up (at a
faster than listed rate). A larger
number will result in larger spikes in
rate but better average accuracy.
account_ratelimit 0 If set, will limit PUT and DELETE
requests to
/account_name/container_name. Number
is in requests per second.
account_whitelist '' Comma separated lists of account names
that will not be rate limited.
account_blacklist '' Comma separated lists of account names
that will not be allowed. Returns a
497 response.
container_ratelimit_size '' When set with container_ratelimit_x =
r: for containers of size x, limit
requests per second to r. Will limit
PUT, DELETE, and POST requests to
container_listing_ratelimit_size '' When set with
container_listing_ratelimit_x = r: for
containers of size x, limit listing
requests per second to r. Will limit
GET requests to /a/c.
================================ ======= ======================================
The container rate limits are linearly interpolated from the values given. A
sample container rate limiting could be:
@ -328,13 +328,19 @@ use = egg:swift#ratelimit
# account_blacklist = c,d
# with container_limit_x = r
# for containers of size x limit requests per second to r. The container
# for containers of size x limit write requests per second to r. The container
# rate will be linearly interpolated from the values given. With the values
# below, a container of size 5 will get a rate of 75.
# container_ratelimit_0 = 100
# container_ratelimit_10 = 50
# container_ratelimit_50 = 20
# Similarly to the above container-level write limits, the following will limit
# container GET (listing) requests.
# container_listing_ratelimit_0 = 100
# container_listing_ratelimit_10 = 50
# container_listing_ratelimit_50 = 20
use = egg:swift#domain_remap
# You can override the default log routing for this filter here:
@ -23,6 +23,51 @@ from swift.common.memcached import MemcacheConnectionError
from swift.common.swob import Request, Response
def interpret_conf_limits(conf, name_prefix):
conf_limits = []
for conf_key in conf.keys():
if conf_key.startswith(name_prefix):
cont_size = int(conf_key[len(name_prefix):])
rate = float(conf[conf_key])
conf_limits.append((cont_size, rate))
ratelimits = []
while conf_limits:
cur_size, cur_rate = conf_limits.pop(0)
if conf_limits:
next_size, next_rate = conf_limits[0]
slope = (float(next_rate) - float(cur_rate)) \
/ (next_size - cur_size)
def new_scope(cur_size, slope, cur_rate):
# making new scope for variables
return lambda x: (x - cur_size) * slope + cur_rate
line_func = new_scope(cur_size, slope, cur_rate)
line_func = lambda x: cur_rate
ratelimits.append((cur_size, cur_rate, line_func))
return ratelimits
def get_maxrate(ratelimits, size):
Returns number of requests allowed per second for given size.
last_func = None
if size:
size = int(size)
for ratesize, rate, func in ratelimits:
if size < ratesize:
last_func = func
if last_func:
return last_func(size)
return None
class MaxSleepTimeHitError(Exception):
@ -57,45 +102,20 @@ class RateLimitMiddleware(object):
[acc.strip() for acc in
conf.get('account_blacklist', '').split(',') if acc.strip()]
self.memcache_client = None
conf_limits = []
for conf_key in conf.keys():
if conf_key.startswith('container_ratelimit_'):
cont_size = int(conf_key[len('container_ratelimit_'):])
rate = float(conf[conf_key])
conf_limits.append((cont_size, rate))
self.container_ratelimits = interpret_conf_limits(
conf, 'container_ratelimit_')
self.container_listing_ratelimits = interpret_conf_limits(
conf, 'container_listing_ratelimit_')
self.container_ratelimits = []
while conf_limits:
cur_size, cur_rate = conf_limits.pop(0)
if conf_limits:
next_size, next_rate = conf_limits[0]
slope = (float(next_rate) - float(cur_rate)) \
/ (next_size - cur_size)
def new_scope(cur_size, slope, cur_rate):
# making new scope for variables
return lambda x: (x - cur_size) * slope + cur_rate
line_func = new_scope(cur_size, slope, cur_rate)
line_func = lambda x: cur_rate
self.container_ratelimits.append((cur_size, cur_rate, line_func))
def get_container_maxrate(self, container_size):
Returns number of requests allowed per second for given container size.
last_func = None
if container_size:
container_size = int(container_size)
for size, rate, func in self.container_ratelimits:
if container_size < size:
last_func = func
if last_func:
return last_func(container_size)
return None
def get_container_size(self, account_name, container_name):
rv = 0
memcache_key = get_container_memcache_key(account_name,
container_info = self.memcache_client.get(memcache_key)
if isinstance(container_info, dict):
rv = container_info.get(
'object_count', container_info.get('container_size', 0))
return rv
def get_ratelimitable_key_tuples(self, req_method, account_name,
container_name=None, obj_name=None):
@ -118,18 +138,26 @@ class RateLimitMiddleware(object):
if account_name and container_name and obj_name and \
req_method in ('PUT', 'DELETE', 'POST'):
container_size = None
memcache_key = get_container_memcache_key(account_name,
container_info = self.memcache_client.get(memcache_key)
if isinstance(container_info, dict):
container_size = container_info.get(
'object_count', container_info.get('container_size', 0))
container_rate = self.get_container_maxrate(container_size)
if container_rate:
keys.append(("ratelimit/%s/%s" % (account_name,
container_size = self.get_container_size(
account_name, container_name)
container_rate = get_maxrate(
self.container_ratelimits, container_size)
if container_rate:
"ratelimit/%s/%s" % (account_name, container_name),
if account_name and container_name and not obj_name and \
req_method == 'GET':
container_size = self.get_container_size(
account_name, container_name)
container_rate = get_maxrate(
self.container_listing_ratelimits, container_size)
if container_rate:
"ratelimit_listing/%s/%s" % (account_name, container_name),
return keys
def _get_sleep_time(self, key, max_rate):
@ -161,23 +161,28 @@ class TestRateLimit(unittest.TestCase):
for x in range(0, num):
end = time.time()
total_time = float(num) / rate - 1.0 / rate # 1st request isn't limited
total_time = float(num) / rate - 1.0 / rate # 1st request not limited
# Allow for one second of variation in the total time.
time_diff = abs(total_time - (end - begin))
if check_time:
self.assertEquals(round(total_time, 1), round(time_ticker, 1))
return time_diff
def test_get_container_maxrate(self):
def test_get_maxrate(self):
conf_dict = {'container_ratelimit_10': 200,
'container_ratelimit_50': 100,
'container_ratelimit_75': 30}
test_ratelimit = dummy_filter_factory(conf_dict)(FakeApp())
self.assertEquals(test_ratelimit.get_container_maxrate(0), None)
self.assertEquals(test_ratelimit.get_container_maxrate(5), None)
self.assertEquals(test_ratelimit.get_container_maxrate(10), 200)
self.assertEquals(test_ratelimit.get_container_maxrate(60), 72)
self.assertEquals(test_ratelimit.get_container_maxrate(160), 30)
test_ratelimit.container_ratelimits, 0), None)
test_ratelimit.container_ratelimits, 5), None)
test_ratelimit.container_ratelimits, 10), 200)
test_ratelimit.container_ratelimits, 60), 72)
test_ratelimit.container_ratelimits, 160), 30)
def test_get_ratelimitable_key_tuples(self):
current_rate = 13
@ -190,15 +195,15 @@ class TestRateLimit(unittest.TestCase):
the_app.memcache_client = fake_memcache
'DELETE', 'a', None, None)), 0)
'DELETE', 'a', None, None)), 0)
'PUT', 'a', 'c', None)), 1)
'PUT', 'a', 'c', None)), 1)
'DELETE', 'a', 'c', None)), 1)
'DELETE', 'a', 'c', None)), 1)
'GET', 'a', 'c', 'o')), 0)
'GET', 'a', 'c', 'o')), 0)
'PUT', 'a', 'c', 'o')), 1)
'PUT', 'a', 'c', 'o')), 1)
def test_memcached_container_info_dict(self):
mdict = headers_to_container_info({'x-container-object-count': '45'})
@ -223,8 +228,8 @@ class TestRateLimit(unittest.TestCase):
conf_dict = {'account_ratelimit': current_rate}
self.test_ratelimit = ratelimit.filter_factory(conf_dict)(FakeApp())
ratelimit.http_connect = mock_http_connect(204)
for meth, exp_time in [('DELETE', 9.8), ('GET', 0),
('POST', 0), ('PUT', 9.8)]:
for meth, exp_time in [
('DELETE', 9.8), ('GET', 0), ('POST', 0), ('PUT', 9.8)]:
req = Request.blank('/v/a%s/c' % meth)
req.method = meth
req.environ['swift.cache'] = FakeMemcache()
@ -281,8 +286,8 @@ class TestRateLimit(unittest.TestCase):
for thread in threads:
the_498s = [t for t in threads if \
''.join(t.result).startswith('Slow down')]
the_498s = [
t for t in threads if ''.join(t.result).startswith('Slow down')]
self.assertEquals(len(the_498s), 0)
self.assertEquals(time_ticker, 0)
@ -316,8 +321,8 @@ class TestRateLimit(unittest.TestCase):
for thread in threads:
the_497s = [t for t in threads if \
''.join(t.result).startswith('Your account')]
the_497s = [
t for t in threads if ''.join(t.result).startswith('Your account')]
self.assertEquals(len(the_497s), 5)
self.assertEquals(time_ticker, 0)
@ -350,6 +355,70 @@ class TestRateLimit(unittest.TestCase):
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
self.assertEquals(r[0], '204 No Content')
def test_ratelimit_max_rate_double_container(self):
global time_ticker
global time_override
current_rate = 2
conf_dict = {'container_ratelimit_0': current_rate,
'clock_accuracy': 100,
'max_sleep_time_seconds': 1}
self.test_ratelimit = dummy_filter_factory(conf_dict)(FakeApp())
ratelimit.http_connect = mock_http_connect(204)
self.test_ratelimit.log_sleep_time_seconds = .00001
req = Request.blank('/v/a/c/o')
req.method = 'PUT'
req.environ['swift.cache'] = FakeMemcache()
ratelimit.get_container_memcache_key('a', 'c'),
{'container_size': 1})
time_override = [0, 0, 0, 0, None]
# simulates 4 requests coming in at same time, then sleeping
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
self.assertEquals(r[0], 'Slow down')
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
self.assertEquals(r[0], 'Slow down')
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
self.assertEquals(r[0], '204 No Content')
def test_ratelimit_max_rate_double_container_listing(self):
global time_ticker
global time_override
current_rate = 2
conf_dict = {'container_listing_ratelimit_0': current_rate,
'clock_accuracy': 100,
'max_sleep_time_seconds': 1}
self.test_ratelimit = dummy_filter_factory(conf_dict)(FakeApp())
ratelimit.http_connect = mock_http_connect(204)
self.test_ratelimit.log_sleep_time_seconds = .00001
req = Request.blank('/v/a/c')
req.method = 'GET'
req.environ['swift.cache'] = FakeMemcache()
ratelimit.get_container_memcache_key('a', 'c'),
{'container_size': 1})
time_override = [0, 0, 0, 0, None]
# simulates 4 requests coming in at same time, then sleeping
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
self.assertEquals(r[0], 'Slow down')
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
self.assertEquals(r[0], 'Slow down')
r = self.test_ratelimit(req.environ, start_response)
self.assertEquals(r[0], '204 No Content')
def test_ratelimit_max_rate_multiple_acc(self):
num_calls = 4
current_rate = 2
@ -420,7 +489,7 @@ class TestRateLimit(unittest.TestCase):
begin = time.time()
self._run(make_app_call, num_calls, current_rate, check_time=False)
time_took = time.time() - begin
self.assertEquals(round(time_took, 1), 0) # no memcache, no limiting
self.assertEquals(round(time_took, 1), 0) # no memcache, no limiting
def test_restarting_memcache(self):
current_rate = 2
@ -437,7 +506,7 @@ class TestRateLimit(unittest.TestCase):
begin = time.time()
self._run(make_app_call, num_calls, current_rate, check_time=False)
time_took = time.time() - begin
self.assertEquals(round(time_took, 1), 0) # no memcache, no limiting
self.assertEquals(round(time_took, 1), 0) # no memcache, no limiting
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user