Log (Watchdog's) Timeouts with duration

... and clean up WatchDog start a little.

If this pattern proves useful we could consider extending it.

Change-Id: Ia85f9321b69bc4114a60c32a7ad082cae7da72b3
This commit is contained in:
Clay Gerrard 2023-04-25 17:04:44 -05:00
parent b61602b70c
commit 8d23dd8ac6
3 changed files with 28 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -1611,8 +1611,10 @@ class LogAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter, object):
emsg = '%s: %s' % (exc.__class__.__name__, exc.line)
elif isinstance(exc, eventlet.Timeout):
emsg = exc.__class__.__name__
if hasattr(exc, 'seconds'):
emsg += ' (%ss)' % exc.seconds
detail = '%ss' % exc.seconds
if hasattr(exc, 'created_at'):
detail += ' after %0.2fs' % (time.time() - exc.created_at)
emsg += ' (%s)' % detail
if isinstance(exc, swift.common.exceptions.MessageTimeout):
if exc.msg:
emsg += ' %s' % exc.msg
@ -6176,14 +6178,15 @@ class Watchdog(object):
:param timeout: duration before the timeout expires
:param exc: exception to throw when the timeout expire, must inherit
from eventlet.timeouts.Timeout
from eventlet.Timeout
:param timeout_at: allow to force the expiration timestamp
:return: id of the scheduled timeout, needed to cancel it
now = time.time()
if not timeout_at:
timeout_at = time.time() + timeout
timeout_at = now + timeout
gth = eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent()
timeout_definition = (timeout, timeout_at, gth, exc)
timeout_definition = (timeout, timeout_at, gth, exc, now)
key = id(timeout_definition)
self._timeouts[key] = timeout_definition
@ -6206,8 +6209,7 @@ class Watchdog(object):
:param key: timeout id, as returned by start()
if key in self._timeouts:
except KeyError:
@ -6227,15 +6229,14 @@ class Watchdog(object):
self._next_expiration = None
if self._evt.ready():
for k, (timeout, timeout_at, gth, exc) in list(self._timeouts.items()):
for k, (timeout, timeout_at, gth, exc,
created_at) in list(self._timeouts.items()):
if timeout_at <= now:
if k in self._timeouts:
except KeyError:
e = exc()
# set this after __init__ to keep it off the eventlet scheduler
e.seconds = timeout
e.created_at = created_at
eventlet.hubs.get_hub().schedule_call_global(0, gth.throw, e)
if (self._next_expiration is None

View File

@ -1144,11 +1144,15 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
# test eventlet.Timeout
with ConnectionTimeout(42, 'my error message') \
as connection_timeout:
now = time.time()
connection_timeout.created_at = now - 123.456
with mock.patch('swift.common.utils.time.time',
log_msg = strip_value(sio)
self.assertNotIn('Traceback', log_msg)
self.assertTrue('ConnectionTimeout' in log_msg)
self.assertTrue('(42s)' in log_msg)
self.assertTrue('(42s after 123.46s)' in log_msg)
self.assertNotIn('my error message', log_msg)
with MessageTimeout(42, 'my error message') as message_timeout:
@ -8744,13 +8748,16 @@ class TestWatchdog(unittest.TestCase):
w._evt.send = mock.Mock(side_effect=w._evt.send)
gth = object()
now = time.time()
timeout_value = 1.0
with patch('eventlet.greenthread.getcurrent', return_value=gth),\
patch('time.time', return_value=10.0):
patch('time.time', return_value=now):
# On first call, _next_expiration is None, it should unblock
# greenthread that is blocked for ever
key = w.start(1.0, Timeout)
key = w.start(timeout_value, Timeout)
self.assertIn(key, w._timeouts)
self.assertEqual(w._timeouts[key], (1.0, 11.0, gth, Timeout))
self.assertEqual(w._timeouts[key], (
timeout_value, now + timeout_value, gth, Timeout, now))

View File

@ -4927,7 +4927,7 @@ class TestECObjController(ECObjectControllerMixin, unittest.TestCase):
for line in error_lines[:nparity]:
self.assertIn('retrying', line)
for line in error_lines[nparity:]:
self.assertIn('ChunkReadTimeout (0.01s)', line)
self.assertIn('ChunkReadTimeout (0.01s', line)
for line in self.logger.logger.records['ERROR']:
self.assertIn(req.headers['x-trans-id'], line)
@ -5012,7 +5012,7 @@ class TestECObjController(ECObjectControllerMixin, unittest.TestCase):
error_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error')
self.assertEqual(ndata, len(error_lines))
for line in error_lines:
self.assertIn('ChunkReadTimeout (0.01s)', line)
self.assertIn('ChunkReadTimeout (0.01s', line)
for line in self.logger.logger.records['ERROR']:
self.assertIn(req.headers['x-trans-id'], line)