diff --git a/doc/source/overview_architecture.rst b/doc/source/overview_architecture.rst
index ec884e1d4a..b8c9a32f75 100644
--- a/doc/source/overview_architecture.rst
+++ b/doc/source/overview_architecture.rst
@@ -37,19 +37,37 @@ cluster, and the locations for a partition are stored in the mapping maintained
 by the ring. The ring is also responsible for determining which devices are
 used for handoff in failure scenarios.
-Data can be isolated with the concept of zones in the ring. Each replica
-of a partition is guaranteed to reside in a different zone. A zone could
-represent a drive, a server, a cabinet, a switch, or even a datacenter.
+The replicas of each partition will be isolated onto as many distinct regions,
+zones, servers and devices as the capacity of these failure domains allow.  If
+there are less failure domains at a given tier than replicas of the partition
+assigned within a tier (e.g. a 3 replica cluster with 2 servers), or the
+available capacity across the failure domains within a tier are not well
+balanced it will not be possible to achieve both even capacity distribution
+(`balance`) as well as complete isolation of replicas across failure domains
+(`dispersion`).  When this occurs the ring management tools will display a
+warning so that the operator can evaluate the cluster topology.
-The partitions of the ring are equally divided among all the devices in the
-Swift installation. When partitions need to be moved around (for example if a
-device is added to the cluster), the ring ensures that a minimum number of
-partitions are moved at a time, and only one replica of a partition is moved at
-a time.
+Data is evenly distributed across the capacity available in the cluster as
+described by the devices weight.  Weights can be used to balance the
+distribution of partitions on drives across the cluster. This can be useful,
+for example, when different sized drives are used in a cluster.  Device
+weights can also be used when adding or removing capacity or failure domains
+to control how many partitions are reassigned during a rebalance to be moved
+as soon as replication bandwidth allows.
-Weights can be used to balance the distribution of partitions on drives
-across the cluster. This can be useful, for example, when different sized
-drives are used in a cluster.
+.. note::
+    Prior to Swift 2.1.0 it was not possible to restrict partition movement by
+    device weight when adding new failure domains, and would allow extremely
+    unbalanced rings.  The greedy dispersion algorithm is now subject to the
+    constraints of the physical capacity in the system, but can be adjusted
+    with-in reason via the overload option.  Artificially unbalancing the
+    partition assignment without respect to capacity can introduce unexpected
+    full devices when a given failure domain does not physically support its
+    share of the used capacity in the tier.
+When partitions need to be moved around (for example if a device is added to
+the cluster), the ring ensures that a minimum number of partitions are moved
+at a time, and only one replica of a partition is moved at a time.
 The ring is used by the Proxy server and several background processes
 (like replication).
diff --git a/swift/cli/ringbuilder.py b/swift/cli/ringbuilder.py
index 83d466f64f..2d2177b9f7 100755
--- a/swift/cli/ringbuilder.py
+++ b/swift/cli/ringbuilder.py
@@ -21,13 +21,16 @@ from os.path import basename, abspath, dirname, exists, join as pathjoin
 from sys import argv as sys_argv, exit, stderr
 from textwrap import wrap
 from time import time
+import optparse
+import math
 from swift.common import exceptions
 from swift.common.ring import RingBuilder, Ring
 from swift.common.ring.builder import MAX_BALANCE
 from swift.common.utils import lock_parent_directory
 from swift.common.ring.utils import parse_search_value, parse_args, \
-    build_dev_from_opts, parse_builder_ring_filename_args, find_parts
+    build_dev_from_opts, parse_builder_ring_filename_args, find_parts, \
+    dispersion_report
@@ -246,9 +249,9 @@ swift-ring-builder <builder_file>
                              if dev is not None])
             balance = builder.get_balance()
         print '%d partitions, %.6f replicas, %d regions, %d zones, ' \
-              '%d devices, %.02f balance' % (builder.parts, builder.replicas,
-                                             regions, zones, dev_count,
-                                             balance)
+              '%d devices, %.02f balance, %.02f dispersion' % (
+                  builder.parts, builder.replicas, regions, zones, dev_count,
+                  balance, builder.dispersion)
         print 'The minimum number of hours before a partition can be ' \
               'reassigned is %s' % builder.min_part_hours
         print 'The overload factor is %.6f' % builder.overload
@@ -600,13 +603,23 @@ swift-ring-builder <builder_file> remove <search-value> [search-value ...]
     def rebalance():
-swift-ring-builder <builder_file> rebalance <seed>
+swift-ring-builder <builder_file> rebalance [options]
     Attempts to rebalance the ring by reassigning partitions that haven't been
     recently reassigned.
+        usage = Commands.rebalance.__doc__.strip()
+        parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
+        parser.add_option('-f', '--force', action='store_true',
+                          help='Force a rebalanced ring to save even '
+                          'if < 1% of parts changed')
+        parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', help="seed to use for rebalance")
+        options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
         def get_seed(index):
+            if options.seed:
+                return options.seed
-                return argv[index]
+                return args[index]
             except IndexError:
@@ -632,7 +645,8 @@ swift-ring-builder <builder_file> rebalance <seed>
         # special value(MAX_BALANCE) until zero weighted device return all
         # its partitions. So we cannot check balance has changed.
         # Thus we need to check balance or last_balance is special value.
-        if not devs_changed and abs(last_balance - balance) < 1 and \
+        if not options.force and \
+                not devs_changed and abs(last_balance - balance) < 1 and \
                 not (last_balance == MAX_BALANCE and balance == MAX_BALANCE):
             print 'Cowardly refusing to save rebalance as it did not change ' \
                   'at least 1%.'
@@ -648,10 +662,23 @@ swift-ring-builder <builder_file> rebalance <seed>
             print '-' * 79
-        print 'Reassigned %d (%.02f%%) partitions. Balance is now %.02f.' % \
-              (parts, 100.0 * parts / builder.parts, balance)
+        print ('Reassigned %d (%.02f%%) partitions. '
+               'Balance is now %.02f.  '
+               'Dispersion is now %.02f' % (
+                   parts, 100.0 * parts / builder.parts,
+                   balance,
+                   builder.dispersion))
         status = EXIT_SUCCESS
-        if balance > 5 and balance / 100.0 > builder.overload:
+        if builder.dispersion > 0:
+            print '-' * 79
+            print('NOTE: Dispersion of %.06f indicates some parts are not\n'
+                  '      optimally dispersed.\n\n'
+                  '      You may want adjust some device weights, increase\n'
+                  '      the overload or review the dispersion report.' %
+                  builder.dispersion)
+            status = EXIT_WARNING
+            print '-' * 79
+        elif balance > 5 and balance / 100.0 > builder.overload:
             print '-' * 79
             print 'NOTE: Balance of %.02f indicates you should push this ' % \
@@ -667,6 +694,83 @@ swift-ring-builder <builder_file> rebalance <seed>
+    def dispersion():
+        """
+swift-ring-builder <builder_file> dispersion <search_filter> [options]
+    Output report on dispersion.
+    --verbose option will display dispersion graph broken down by tier
+    You can filter which tiers are evaluated to drill down using a regex
+    in the optional search_filter arguemnt.
+    The reports columns are:
+    Tier  : the name of the tier
+    parts : the total number of partitions with assignment in the tier
+    %     : the percentage of parts in the tier with replicas over assigned
+    max   : maximum replicas a part should have assigned at the tier
+    0 - N : the number of parts with that many replicas assigned
+    e.g.
+        Tier:  parts      %   max   0    1    2   3
+        r1z1    1022  79.45     1   2  210  784  28
+        r1z1 has 1022 total parts assigned, 79% of them have more than the
+        recommend max replica count of 1 assigned.  Only 2 parts in the ring
+        are *not* assigned in this tier (0 replica count), 210 parts have
+        the recommend replica count of 1, 784 have 2 replicas, and 28 sadly
+        have all three replicas in this tier.
+        """
+        status = EXIT_SUCCESS
+        if not builder._replica2part2dev:
+            print('Specified builder file \"%s\" is not rebalanced yet. '
+                  'Please rebalance first.' % argv[1])
+            exit(EXIT_ERROR)
+        usage = Commands.dispersion.__doc__.strip()
+        parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
+        parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+                          help='Display dispersion report for tiers')
+        options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+        if args[3:]:
+            search_filter = args[3]
+        else:
+            search_filter = None
+        report = dispersion_report(builder, search_filter=search_filter,
+                                   verbose=options.verbose)
+        print 'Dispersion is %.06f' % builder.dispersion
+        if report['worst_tier']:
+            status = EXIT_WARNING
+            print 'Worst tier is %.06f (%s)' % (report['max_dispersion'],
+                                                report['worst_tier'])
+        if report['graph']:
+            replica_range = range(int(math.ceil(builder.replicas + 1)))
+            part_count_width = '%%%ds' % max(len(str(builder.parts)), 5)
+            replica_counts_tmpl = ' '.join(part_count_width for i in
+                                           replica_range)
+            tiers = (tier for tier, _junk in report['graph'])
+            tier_width = max(max(map(len, tiers)), 30)
+            header_line = ('%-' + str(tier_width) +
+                           's ' + part_count_width +
+                           ' %6s %6s ' + replica_counts_tmpl) % tuple(
+                               ['Tier', 'Parts', '%', 'Max'] + replica_range)
+            underline = '-' * len(header_line)
+            print(underline)
+            print(header_line)
+            print(underline)
+            for tier_name, dispersion in report['graph']:
+                replica_counts_repr = replica_counts_tmpl % tuple(
+                    dispersion['replicas'])
+                print ('%-' + str(tier_width) + 's ' + part_count_width +
+                       ' %6.02f %6d %s') % (tier_name,
+                                            dispersion['placed_parts'],
+                                            dispersion['dispersion'],
+                                            dispersion['max_replicas'],
+                                            replica_counts_repr,
+                                            )
+        exit(status)
     def validate():
 swift-ring-builder <builder_file> validate
diff --git a/swift/common/ring/builder.py b/swift/common/ring/builder.py
index 063a3e0e4d..f2c04eba3c 100644
--- a/swift/common/ring/builder.py
+++ b/swift/common/ring/builder.py
@@ -89,6 +89,9 @@ class RingBuilder(object):
         self._last_part_moves = None
         self._last_part_gather_start = 0
+        self._dispersion_graph = {}
+        self.dispersion = 0.0
         self._remove_devs = []
         self._ring = None
@@ -143,6 +146,8 @@ class RingBuilder(object):
             self._last_part_moves_epoch = builder['_last_part_moves_epoch']
             self._last_part_moves = builder['_last_part_moves']
             self._last_part_gather_start = builder['_last_part_gather_start']
+            self._dispersion_graph = builder.get('_dispersion_graph', {})
+            self.dispersion = builder.get('dispersion', 0.0)
             self._remove_devs = builder['_remove_devs']
         self._ring = None
@@ -170,6 +175,8 @@ class RingBuilder(object):
                 '_last_part_moves_epoch': self._last_part_moves_epoch,
                 '_last_part_moves': self._last_part_moves,
                 '_last_part_gather_start': self._last_part_gather_start,
+                '_dispersion_graph': self._dispersion_graph,
+                'dispersion': self.dispersion,
                 '_remove_devs': self._remove_devs}
     def change_min_part_hours(self, min_part_hours):
@@ -348,6 +355,7 @@ class RingBuilder(object):
         if self._last_part_moves_epoch is None:
             self.devs_changed = False
+            self._build_dispersion_graph()
             return self.parts, self.get_balance()
         changed_parts = 0
@@ -371,12 +379,62 @@ class RingBuilder(object):
         self.devs_changed = False
         self.version += 1
+        changed_parts = self._build_dispersion_graph(old_replica2part2dev)
+        return changed_parts, balance
+    def _build_dispersion_graph(self, old_replica2part2dev=None):
+        """
+        Build a dict of all tiers in the cluster to a list of the number of
+        parts with a replica count at each index.  The values of the dict will
+        be lists of length the maximum whole replica + 1 so that the
+        graph[tier][3] is the number of parts with in the tier with 3 replicas
+        and graph [tier][0] is the number of parts not assigned in this tier.
+        i.e.
+        {
+            <tier>: [
+                <number_of_parts_with_0_replicas>,
+                <number_of_parts_with_1_replicas>,
+                ...
+                <number_of_parts_with_n_replicas>,
+                ],
+            ...
+        }
+        :param old_replica2part2dev: if called from rebalance, the
+            old_replica2part2dev can be used to count moved moved parts.
+        :returns: number of parts with different assignments than
+            old_replica2part2dev if provided
+        """
+        # Since we're going to loop over every replica of every part we'll
+        # also count up changed_parts if old_replica2part2dev is passed in
+        old_replica2part2dev = old_replica2part2dev or []
         # Compare the partition allocation before and after the rebalance
         # Only changed device ids are taken into account; devices might be
         # "touched" during the rebalance, but actually not really moved
         changed_parts = 0
-        for rep_id, _rep in enumerate(self._replica2part2dev):
-            for part_id, new_device in enumerate(_rep):
+        int_replicas = int(math.ceil(self.replicas))
+        max_allowed_replicas = self._build_max_replicas_by_tier()
+        parts_at_risk = 0
+        tfd = {}
+        dispersion_graph = {}
+        # go over all the devices holding each replica part by part
+        for part_id, dev_ids in enumerate(
+                itertools.izip(*self._replica2part2dev)):
+            # count the number of replicas of this part for each tier of each
+            # device, some devices may have overlapping tiers!
+            replicas_at_tier = defaultdict(int)
+            for rep_id, dev in enumerate(iter(
+                    self.devs[dev_id] for dev_id in dev_ids)):
+                if dev['id'] not in tfd:
+                    tfd[dev['id']] = tiers_for_dev(dev)
+                for tier in tfd[dev['id']]:
+                    replicas_at_tier[tier] += 1
                 # IndexErrors will be raised if the replicas are increased or
                 # decreased, and that actually means the partition has changed
@@ -385,9 +443,25 @@ class RingBuilder(object):
                     changed_parts += 1
-                if old_device != new_device:
+                if old_device != dev['id']:
                     changed_parts += 1
-        return changed_parts, balance
+            part_at_risk = False
+            # update running totals for each tiers' number of parts with a
+            # given replica count
+            for tier, replicas in replicas_at_tier.items():
+                if tier not in dispersion_graph:
+                    dispersion_graph[tier] = [self.parts] + [0] * int_replicas
+                dispersion_graph[tier][0] -= 1
+                dispersion_graph[tier][replicas] += 1
+                if replicas > max_allowed_replicas[tier]:
+                    part_at_risk = True
+            # this part may be at risk in multiple tiers, but we only count it
+            # as at_risk once
+            if part_at_risk:
+                parts_at_risk += 1
+        self._dispersion_graph = dispersion_graph
+        self.dispersion = 100.0 * parts_at_risk / self.parts
+        return changed_parts
     def validate(self, stats=False):
@@ -978,11 +1052,11 @@ class RingBuilder(object):
                     if candidates_with_room:
                         if len(candidates_with_room) > \
-                        # There exists at least one tier with room for
-                        # another partition and 0 other replicas already in
-                        # it, so we can use a faster search. The else
-                        # branch's search would work here, but it's
-                        # significantly slower.
+                            # There exists at least one tier with room for
+                            # another partition and 0 other replicas already
+                            # in it, so we can use a faster search. The else
+                            # branch's search would work here, but it's
+                            # significantly slower.
                             roomiest_tier = max(
                                 (t for t in candidates_with_room
                                  if other_replicas[t] == 0),
@@ -1183,7 +1257,7 @@ class RingBuilder(object):
             builder = RingBuilder(1, 1, 1)
         for dev in builder.devs:
-            #really old rings didn't have meta keys
+            # really old rings didn't have meta keys
             if dev and 'meta' not in dev:
                 dev['meta'] = ''
             # NOTE(akscram): An old ring builder file don't contain
diff --git a/swift/common/ring/utils.py b/swift/common/ring/utils.py
index f93326cc17..2ca2134605 100644
--- a/swift/common/ring/utils.py
+++ b/swift/common/ring/utils.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 from collections import defaultdict
 from operator import itemgetter
 import optparse
+import re
 def tiers_for_dev(dev):
@@ -331,3 +332,53 @@ def find_parts(builder, argv):
             partition_count.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
         return sorted_partition_count
+def dispersion_report(builder, search_filter=None, verbose=False):
+    if not builder._dispersion_graph:
+        builder._build_dispersion_graph()
+    max_allowed_replicas = builder._build_max_replicas_by_tier()
+    worst_tier = None
+    max_dispersion = 0.0
+    sorted_graph = []
+    for tier, replica_counts in sorted(builder._dispersion_graph.items()):
+        tier_name = get_tier_name(tier, builder)
+        if search_filter and not re.match(search_filter, tier_name):
+            continue
+        max_replicas = int(max_allowed_replicas[tier])
+        at_risk_parts = sum(replica_counts[max_replicas + 1:])
+        placed_parts = sum(replica_counts[1:])
+        tier_dispersion = 100.0 * at_risk_parts / placed_parts
+        if tier_dispersion > max_dispersion:
+            max_dispersion = tier_dispersion
+            worst_tier = tier_name
+        max_dispersion = max(max_dispersion, tier_dispersion)
+        if not verbose:
+            continue
+        tier_report = {
+            'max_replicas': max_replicas,
+            'placed_parts': placed_parts,
+            'dispersion': tier_dispersion,
+            'replicas': replica_counts,
+        }
+        sorted_graph.append((tier_name, tier_report))
+    return {
+        'max_dispersion': max_dispersion,
+        'worst_tier': worst_tier,
+        'graph': sorted_graph,
+    }
+def get_tier_name(tier, builder):
+    if len(tier) == 1:
+        return "r%s" % (tier[0], )
+    if len(tier) == 2:
+        return "r%sz%s" % (tier[0], tier[1])
+    if len(tier) == 3:
+        return "r%sz%s-%s" % (tier[0], tier[1], tier[2])
+    if len(tier) == 4:
+        device = builder.devs[tier[3]] or {}
+        return "r%sz%s-%s/%s" % (tier[0], tier[1], tier[2],
+                                 device.get('device', 'IDd%s' % tier[3]))
diff --git a/test/unit/cli/test_ringbuilder.py b/test/unit/cli/test_ringbuilder.py
index 6c449a8204..2fb231f9d6 100644
--- a/test/unit/cli/test_ringbuilder.py
+++ b/test/unit/cli/test_ringbuilder.py
@@ -286,15 +286,26 @@ class TestCommands(unittest.TestCase):
                 self.assertEquals(e.code, 2)
     def test_validate_generic_error(self):
-        with mock.patch.object(RingBuilder, 'load',
-                               mock.Mock(side_effect=
-                               IOError('Generic error occurred'))):
+        with mock.patch.object(
+                RingBuilder, 'load', mock.Mock(
+                    side_effect=IOError('Generic error occurred'))):
             argv = ["", self.tmpfile, "validate"]
             except SystemExit as e:
                 self.assertEquals(e.code, 2)
+    def test_warn_at_risk(self):
+        self.create_sample_ring()
+        ring = RingBuilder.load(self.tmpfile)
+        ring.devs[0]['weight'] = 10
+        ring.save(self.tmpfile)
+        argv = ["", self.tmpfile, "rebalance"]
+        try:
+            swift.cli.ringbuilder.main(argv)
+        except SystemExit as e:
+            self.assertEquals(e.code, 1)
 class TestRebalanceCommand(unittest.TestCase):
diff --git a/test/unit/common/ring/test_utils.py b/test/unit/common/ring/test_utils.py
index 2a9cbfcf59..0a7cae2828 100644
--- a/test/unit/common/ring/test_utils.py
+++ b/test/unit/common/ring/test_utils.py
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ from swift.common import ring
 from swift.common.ring.utils import (build_tier_tree, tiers_for_dev,
                                      parse_search_value, parse_args,
                                      build_dev_from_opts, find_parts,
-                                     parse_builder_ring_filename_args)
+                                     parse_builder_ring_filename_args,
+                                     dispersion_report)
 class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -188,6 +189,67 @@ class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase):
                 3, count, "Partition %d has only %d replicas" %
                 (partition, count))
+    def test_dispersion_report(self):
+        rb = ring.RingBuilder(8, 3, 0)
+        rb.add_dev({'id': 0, 'region': 1, 'zone': 0, 'weight': 100,
+                    'ip': '', 'port': 10000, 'device': 'sda1'})
+        rb.add_dev({'id': 1, 'region': 1, 'zone': 1, 'weight': 200,
+                    'ip': '', 'port': 10001, 'device': 'sda1'})
+        rb.add_dev({'id': 2, 'region': 1, 'zone': 1, 'weight': 200,
+                    'ip': '', 'port': 10002, 'device': 'sda1'})
+        rb.rebalance(seed=10)
+        self.assertEqual(rb.dispersion, 39.84375)
+        report = dispersion_report(rb)
+        self.assertEqual(report['worst_tier'], 'r1z1')
+        self.assertEqual(report['max_dispersion'], 39.84375)
+        # Each node should store 256 partitions to avoid multiple replicas
+        # 2/5 of total weight * 768 ~= 307 -> 51 partitions on each node in
+        # zone 1 are stored at least twice on the nodes
+        expected = [
+            ['r1z1', 2, '0', '154', '102'],
+            ['r1z1-', 1, '205', '51', '0'],
+            ['r1z1-', 1, '205', '51', '0'],
+            ['r1z1-', 1, '205', '51', '0'],
+            ['r1z1-', 1, '205', '51', '0']]
+        def build_tier_report(max_replicas, placed_parts, dispersion,
+                              replicas):
+            return {
+                'max_replicas': max_replicas,
+                'placed_parts': placed_parts,
+                'dispersion': dispersion,
+                'replicas': replicas,
+            }
+        expected = [
+            ['r1z1', build_tier_report(
+                2, 256, 39.84375, [0, 0, 154, 102])],
+            ['r1z1-', build_tier_report(
+                1, 256, 19.921875, [0, 205, 51, 0])],
+            ['r1z1-', build_tier_report(
+                1, 256, 19.921875, [0, 205, 51, 0])],
+            ['r1z1-', build_tier_report(
+                1, 256, 19.921875, [0, 205, 51, 0])],
+            ['r1z1-', build_tier_report(
+                1, 256, 19.921875, [0, 205, 51, 0])],
+        ]
+        report = dispersion_report(rb, 'r1z1.*', verbose=True)
+        graph = report['graph']
+        for i in range(len(expected)):
+            self.assertEqual(expected[i][0], graph[i][0])
+            self.assertEqual(expected[i][1], graph[i][1])
+        # overcompensate in r1z0
+        rb.add_dev({'id': 3, 'region': 1, 'zone': 0, 'weight': 500,
+                    'ip': '', 'port': 10003, 'device': 'sda1'})
+        rb.rebalance(seed=10)
+        report = dispersion_report(rb)
+        self.assertEqual(rb.dispersion, 40.234375)
+        self.assertEqual(report['worst_tier'], 'r1z0-')
+        self.assertEqual(report['max_dispersion'], 30.078125)
 if __name__ == '__main__':