relinker: make cleanup checks more robust

Before removing object files from the old partition ensure that all
required links exist in the new partition.  Allow for the object files
in the old partition to not necessarily be among the required files
if, for example, newer files have been created in the new partition
since relinking occurred.

When required links do not already exist in the new partition an
attempt is made to create them during cleanup.

Co-Authored-By: Tim Burke <>
Change-Id: I6e01ed29eb8971eeff96887efbfdfb76a01b00c3
This commit is contained in:
Alistair Coles 2021-03-08 17:16:37 +00:00 committed by Clay Gerrard
parent 4bb78de611
commit ebee4d4555
5 changed files with 316 additions and 148 deletions

View File

@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ import logging
import os
from functools import partial
from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES
from swift.common.exceptions import DiskFileDeleted, DiskFileNotExist, \
from swift.common.utils import replace_partition_in_path, config_true_value, \
audit_location_generator, get_logger, readconf, drop_privileges, \
RateLimitedIterator, lock_path
@ -215,8 +213,9 @@ def hook_post_partition(logger, states, step, policy, diskfile_manager,
def hashes_filter(next_part_power, suff_path, hashes):
hashes = list(hashes)
for hsh in hashes:
fname = os.path.join(suff_path, hsh, 'fake-file-name')
if replace_partition_in_path(fname, next_part_power) == fname:
fname = os.path.join(suff_path, hsh)
if fname == replace_partition_in_path(
fname, next_part_power, is_hash_dir=True):
return hashes
@ -363,79 +362,109 @@ def cleanup(conf, logger, device):
logger=logger, error_counter=error_counter)
if conf['files_per_second'] > 0:
locations = RateLimitedIterator(
locations, conf['files_per_second'])
for fname, device, partition in locations:
# Relinking will take a while; we'll likely have some tombstones
# transition to being reapable during the process. When we open
# them in the new partition space, they'll get cleaned up and
# raise DiskFileNotExist. Without replicators running, this is
# likely the first opportunity for clean-up. To avoid a false-
# positive error below, open up in the old space *first* -- if
# that raises DiskFileNotExist, ignore it and move on.
loc = diskfile.AuditLocation(
os.path.dirname(fname), device, partition, policy)
df = diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile_from_audit_location(loc)
except DiskFileQuarantined as exc:
logger.warning('ERROR Object %(obj)s failed audit and was'
' quarantined: %(err)r',
{'obj': loc, 'err': exc})
errors += 1
except DiskFileNotExist:
logger.debug('Found reapable on-disk file: %s', fname)
for hash_path, device, partition in locations:
# Compare the contents of each hash dir with contents of same hash
# dir in its new partition to verify that the new location has the
# most up to date set of files. The new location may have newer
# files if it has been updated since relinked.
new_hash_path = replace_partition_in_path(
hash_path, part_power, is_hash_dir=True)
if new_hash_path == hash_path:
expected_fname = replace_partition_in_path(fname, part_power)
if fname == expected_fname:
# Make sure there is a valid object file in the expected new
# location. Note that this could be newer than the original one
# (which happens if there is another PUT after partition power
# has been increased, but cleanup did not yet run)
loc = diskfile.AuditLocation(
os.path.dirname(expected_fname), device, partition, policy)
df = diskfile_mgr.get_diskfile_from_audit_location(loc)
# Get on disk data for new and old locations, cleaning up any
# reclaimable or obsolete files in each. The new location is
# cleaned up *before* the old location to prevent false negatives
# where the old still has a file that has been cleaned up in the
# new; cleaning up the new location first ensures that the old will
# always be 'cleaner' than the new.
new_df_data = diskfile_mgr.cleanup_ondisk_files(new_hash_path)
old_df_data = diskfile_mgr.cleanup_ondisk_files(hash_path)
# Now determine the most up to date set of on disk files would be
# given the content of old and new locations...
new_files = set(new_df_data['files'])
old_files = set(old_df_data['files'])
union_files = new_files.union(old_files)
union_data = diskfile_mgr.get_ondisk_files(
union_files, '', verify=False)
obsolete_files = set(info['filename']
for info in union_data.get('obsolete', []))
required_files = union_files.difference(obsolete_files)
required_links = required_files.intersection(old_files)
missing_links = 0
created_links = 0
for filename in required_links:
# Before removing old files, be sure that the corresponding
# required new files exist by calling relink_paths again. There
# are several possible outcomes:
# - The common case is that the new file exists, in which case
# relink_paths checks that the new file has the same inode
# as the old file. An exception is raised if the inode of
# the new file is not the same as the old file.
# - The new file may not exist because the relinker failed to
# create the link to the old file and has erroneously moved
# on to cleanup. In this case the relink_paths will create
# the link now or raise an exception if that fails.
# - The new file may not exist because some other process,
# such as an object server handling a request, has cleaned
# it up since we called cleanup_ondisk_files(new_hash_path).
# In this case a new link will be created to the old file.
# This is unnecessary but simpler than repeating the
# evaluation of what links are now required and safer than
# assuming that a non-existent file that *was* required is
# no longer required. The new file will eventually be
# cleaned up again.
old_file = os.path.join(hash_path, filename)
new_file = os.path.join(new_hash_path, filename)
except DiskFileQuarantined as exc:
logger.warning('ERROR Object %(obj)s failed audit and was'
' quarantined: %(err)r',
{'obj': loc, 'err': exc})
errors += 1
except DiskFileDeleted:
except DiskFileNotExist as exc:
err = False
if policy.policy_type == 'erasure_coding':
# Might be a non-durable fragment - check that there is
# a fragment in the new path. Will be fixed by the
# reconstructor then
if not os.path.isfile(expected_fname):
err = True
err = True
if err:
'Error cleaning up %s: %r', fname, exc)
errors += 1
cleaned_up += 1
logger.debug("Removed %s", fname)
suffix_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(fname))
if diskfile.relink_paths(old_file, new_file):
"Relinking (cleanup) created link: %s to %s",
old_file, new_file)
created_links += 1
except OSError as exc:
logger.warning('Error cleaning up %s: %r', fname, exc)
"Error relinking (cleanup): failed to relink %s to "
"%s: %s", old_file, new_file, exc)
errors += 1
missing_links += 1
if created_links:
if missing_links:
# the new partition hash dir has the most up to date set of on
# disk files so it is safe to delete the old location...
rehash = False
for filename in old_files:
os.remove(os.path.join(hash_path, filename))
rehash = True
except OSError as exc:
logger.warning('Error cleaning up %s: %r', hash_path, exc)
errors += 1
cleaned_up += 1
logger.debug("Removed %s", hash_path)
if rehash:
except Exception as exc:
# note: not counted as an error
'Error invalidating suffix for %s: %r',
hash_path, exc)
return determine_exit_code(

View File

@ -3217,7 +3217,7 @@ def audit_location_generator(devices, datadir, suffix='',
hook_pre_partition=None, hook_post_partition=None,
hook_pre_suffix=None, hook_post_suffix=None,
hook_pre_hash=None, hook_post_hash=None,
error_counter=None, yield_hash_dirs=False):
Given a devices path and a data directory, yield (path, device,
partition) for all files in that directory
@ -3236,6 +3236,7 @@ def audit_location_generator(devices, datadir, suffix='',
one of the DATADIR constants defined in the account,
container, and object servers.
:param suffix: path name suffix required for all names returned
(ignored if yield_hash_dirs is True)
:param mount_check: Flag to check if a mount check should be performed
on devices
:param logger: a logger object
@ -3257,6 +3258,8 @@ def audit_location_generator(devices, datadir, suffix='',
:param hook_post_hash: a callable taking hash_path as parameter
:param error_counter: a dictionary used to accumulate error counts; may
add keys 'unmounted' and 'unlistable_partitions'
:param yield_hash_dirs: if True, yield hash dirs instead of individual
device_dir = listdir(devices)
# randomize devices in case of process restart before sweep completed
@ -3316,6 +3319,10 @@ def audit_location_generator(devices, datadir, suffix='',
hash_path = os.path.join(suff_path, hsh)
if hook_pre_hash:
if yield_hash_dirs:
if os.path.isdir(hash_path):
yield hash_path, device, partition
files = sorted(listdir(hash_path), reverse=True)
except OSError as e:
@ -5792,19 +5799,21 @@ def get_partition_for_hash(hex_hash, part_power):
return struct.unpack_from('>I', raw_hash)[0] >> part_shift
def replace_partition_in_path(path, part_power):
def replace_partition_in_path(path, part_power, is_hash_dir=False):
Takes a full path to a file and a partition power and returns
the same path, but with the correct partition number. Most useful when
increasing the partition power.
Takes a path and a partition power and returns the same path, but with the
correct partition number. Most useful when increasing the partition power.
:param path: full path to a file, for example object .data file
:param part_power: partition power to compute correct partition number
:param is_hash_dir: if True then ``path`` is the path to a hash dir,
otherwise ``path`` is the path to a file in a hash dir.
:returns: Path with re-computed partition power
path_components = path.split(os.sep)
part = get_partition_for_hash(path_components[-2], part_power)
path_components[-4] = "%d" % part
part = get_partition_for_hash(path_components[-1 if is_hash_dir else -2],
path_components[-3 if is_hash_dir else -4] = "%d" % part
return os.sep.join(path_components)

View File

@ -935,7 +935,9 @@ class BaseDiskFileManager(object):
valid fileset, or None.
:param files: a list of file names.
:param datadir: directory name files are from.
:param datadir: directory name files are from; this is used to
construct file paths in the results, but the datadir is
not modified by this method.
:param verify: if True verify that the ondisk file contract has not
been violated, otherwise do not verify.
:param policy: storage policy used to store the files. Used to

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import uuid
from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO
from swift.cli import relinker
from swift.common import exceptions, ring, utils
from swift.common import ring, utils
from swift.common import storage_policy
from swift.common.exceptions import PathNotDir
from swift.common.storage_policy import (
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
digest = binascii.unhexlify(self._hash)
self.part = struct.unpack_from('>I', digest)[0] >> 24
self.next_part = struct.unpack_from('>I', digest)[0] >> 23
path = os.path.join(os.path.sep, account, container, obj)
self.obj_path = os.path.join(os.path.sep, account, container, obj)
# There's 1/512 chance that both old and new parts will be 0;
# that's not a terribly interesting case, as there's nothing to do
attempts.append((self.part, self.next_part, 2**PART_POWER))
@ -97,21 +97,23 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
self.objdir = os.path.join(
self.objects, str(self.part), self._hash[-3:], self._hash)
self.object_fname = + ".data"
self.obj_ts =
self.object_fname = self.obj_ts.internal + ".data"
self.objname = os.path.join(self.objdir, self.object_fname)
with open(self.objname, "wb") as dummy:
dummy.write(b"Hello World!")
write_metadata(dummy, {'name': path, 'Content-Length': '12'})
{'name': self.obj_path, 'Content-Length': '12'})
self.policy = StoragePolicy(0, 'platinum', True)
storage_policy._POLICIES = StoragePolicyCollection([self.policy])
self.part_dir = os.path.join(self.objects, str(self.part))
self.suffix_dir = os.path.join(self.part_dir, self._hash[-3:])
self.suffix = self._hash[-3:]
self.suffix_dir = os.path.join(self.part_dir, self.suffix)
self.next_part_dir = os.path.join(self.objects, str(self.next_part))
self.next_suffix_dir = os.path.join(
self.next_part_dir, self._hash[-3:])
self.next_suffix_dir = os.path.join(self.next_part_dir, self.suffix)
self.expected_dir = os.path.join(self.next_suffix_dir, self._hash)
self.expected_file = os.path.join(self.expected_dir, self.object_fname)
@ -599,7 +601,7 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
# partition!
self._setup_object(lambda part: part < 2 ** (PART_POWER - 1))
with mock.patch('swift.cli.relinker.replace_partition_in_path',
lambda *args: args[0]):
lambda *args, **kwargs: args[0]):
self.assertEqual(0, relinker.main([
'--swift-dir', self.testdir,
@ -611,11 +613,11 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
def test_cleanup_second_quartile_no_rehash(self):
# we need a part in upper half of current part power
self._setup_object(lambda part: part >= 2 ** (PART_POWER - 1))
self.assertGreater(self.part, 2 ** (PART_POWER - 1))
self.assertGreaterEqual(self.part, 2 ** (PART_POWER - 1))
def fake_hash_suffix(suffix_dir, policy):
# check that the suffix dir is empty and remove it just like the
# check that the hash dir is empty and remove it just like the
# real _hash_suffix
self.assertEqual([self._hash], os.listdir(suffix_dir))
hash_dir = os.path.join(suffix_dir, self._hash)
@ -984,21 +986,120 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
os.close(locks[0]) # Release the lock
def test_cleanup_not_yet_relinked(self):
# force rehash of new partition to not happen during cleanup
self._setup_object(lambda part: part >= 2 ** (PART_POWER - 1))
self.assertEqual(1, relinker.main([
with mock.patch.object(relinker.logging, 'getLogger',
self.assertEqual(0, relinker.main([
'--swift-dir', self.testdir,
'--devices', self.devices,
os.path.join(self.objdir, self.object_fname)))
self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(self.objname)) # old file removed
self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.expected_file)) # link created
self.assertEqual([], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning'))
'Relinking (cleanup) created link: %s to %s'
% (self.objname, self.expected_file),
self.assertEqual([], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning'))
# old partition should be cleaned up
# suffix should be invalidated in new partition
hashes_invalid = os.path.join(self.next_part_dir, 'hashes.invalid')
with open(hashes_invalid, 'r') as fd:
def test_cleanup_same_object_different_inode_in_new_partition(self):
# force rehash of new partition to not happen during cleanup
self._setup_object(lambda part: part >= 2 ** (PART_POWER - 1))
# new file in the new partition but different inode
with open(self.expected_file, 'w') as fd:
fd.write('same but different')
with mock.patch.object(relinker.logging, 'getLogger',
res = relinker.main([
'--swift-dir', self.testdir,
'--devices', self.devices,
self.assertEqual(1, res)
with open(self.objname, 'r') as fd:
self.assertEqual('Hello World!',
with open(self.expected_file, 'r') as fd:
self.assertEqual('same but different',
warning_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning')
self.assertEqual(1, len(warning_lines), warning_lines)
self.assertIn('Error relinking (cleanup): failed to relink %s to %s'
% (self.objname, self.expected_file), warning_lines[0])
# suffix should not be invalidated in new partition
hashes_invalid = os.path.join(self.next_part_dir, 'hashes.invalid')
def test_cleanup_older_object_in_new_partition(self):
# relink of the current object failed, but there is an older version of
# same object in the new partition
# force rehash of new partition to not happen during cleanup
self._setup_object(lambda part: part >= 2 ** (PART_POWER - 1))
older_obj_file = os.path.join(
utils.Timestamp(int(self.obj_ts) - 1).internal + '.data')
with open(older_obj_file, "wb") as fd:
fd.write(b"Hello Olde Worlde!")
write_metadata(fd, {'name': self.obj_path, 'Content-Length': '18'})
with mock.patch.object(relinker.logging, 'getLogger',
res = relinker.main([
'--swift-dir', self.testdir,
'--devices', self.devices,
self.assertEqual(0, res)
self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(self.objname)) # old file removed
self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.expected_file)) # link created
'Relinking (cleanup) created link: %s to %s'
% (self.objname, self.expected_file),
self.assertEqual([], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning'))
# old partition should be cleaned up
# suffix should be invalidated in new partition
hashes_invalid = os.path.join(self.next_part_dir, 'hashes.invalid')
with open(hashes_invalid, 'r') as fd:
def test_cleanup_deleted(self):
# force rehash of new partition to not happen during cleanup
self._setup_object(lambda part: part >= 2 ** (PART_POWER - 1))
# rehash during relink creates hashes.invalid...
hashes_invalid = os.path.join(self.next_part_dir, 'hashes.invalid')
# Pretend the object got deleted in between and there is a tombstone
# note: the tombstone would normally be at a newer timestamp but here
# we make the tombstone at same timestamp - it is treated as the
# 'required' file in the new partition, so the .data is deleted in the
# old partition
fname_ts = self.expected_file[:-4] + "ts"
os.rename(self.expected_file, fname_ts)
@ -1008,6 +1109,14 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
'--devices', self.devices,
# old partition should be cleaned up
# suffix should not be invalidated in new partition
with open(hashes_invalid, 'r') as fd:
def test_cleanup_reapable(self):
# relink a tombstone
@ -1029,21 +1138,46 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error'), [])
self.assertEqual(self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning'), [])
"Found reapable on-disk file: %s" % self.objname,
# self.expected_file may or may not exist; it depends on whether the
# object was in the upper-half of the partition space. ultimately,
# that part doesn't really matter much -- but we definitely *don't*
# want self.objname around polluting the old partition space.
# reclaimed during relinker cleanup...
# reclaimed during relinker relink or relinker cleanup, depending on
# which quartile the partition is in ...
def test_cleanup_doesnotexist(self):
def test_cleanup_new_does_not_exist(self):
# Pretend the file in the new place got deleted inbetween
# Pretend the file in the new place got deleted in between relink and
# cleanup: cleanup should re-create the link
with mock.patch.object(relinker.logging, 'getLogger',
self.assertEqual(0, relinker.main([
'--swift-dir', self.testdir,
'--devices', self.devices,
self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.expected_file)) # link created
self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.objname)) # link created
'Relinking (cleanup) created link: %s to %s'
% (self.objname, self.expected_file),
self.assertEqual([], self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning'))
def test_cleanup_new_does_not_exist_and_relink_fails(self):
# force rehash of new partition to not happen during cleanup
self._setup_object(lambda part: part >= 2 ** (PART_POWER - 1))
# rehash during relink creates hashes.invalid...
hashes_invalid = os.path.join(self.next_part_dir, 'hashes.invalid')
# Pretend the file in the new place got deleted in between relink and
# cleanup: cleanup attempts to re-create the link but fails
with mock.patch('', side_effect=OSError):
with mock.patch.object(relinker.logging, 'getLogger',
self.assertEqual(1, relinker.main([
@ -1052,9 +1186,20 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
'--devices', self.devices,
['Error cleaning up %s: %s' % (self.objname,
self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(self.objname)) # old file intact
['Error relinking (cleanup): failed to relink %s to %s: '
% (self.objname, self.expected_file)]
# suffix should not be invalidated in new partition
with open(hashes_invalid, 'r') as fd:
# nor in the old partition
old_hashes_invalid = os.path.join(self.part_dir, 'hashes.invalid')
@ -1062,7 +1207,6 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
ec_ndata=4, ec_nparity=2)])
def test_cleanup_diskfile_error(self):
# Switch the policy type so all fragments raise DiskFileError.
with mock.patch.object(relinker.logging, 'getLogger',
@ -1073,36 +1217,12 @@ class TestRelinker(unittest.TestCase):
log_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning')
self.assertEqual(3, len(log_lines),
'Expected 3 log lines, got %r' % log_lines)
# Once to check the old partition space...
self.assertIn('Bad fragment index: None', log_lines[0])
# ... again for the new partition ...
self.assertIn('Bad fragment index: None', log_lines[0])
# ... and one last time for the rehash
self.assertIn('Bad fragment index: None', log_lines[1])
def test_cleanup_quarantined(self):
# Pretend the object in the new place got corrupted
with open(self.expected_file, "wb") as obj:
with mock.patch.object(relinker.logging, 'getLogger',
self.assertEqual(1, relinker.main([
'--swift-dir', self.testdir,
'--devices', self.devices,
log_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('warning')
self.assertEqual(2, len(log_lines),
'Expected 2 log lines, got %r' % log_lines)
self.assertIn('metadata content-length 12 does not match '
'actual object size 5', log_lines[0])
self.assertIn('failed audit and was quarantined', log_lines[1])
# once for cleanup_ondisk_files in old and new location, once for
# get_ondisk_files of union of files, once for the rehash
self.assertEqual(4, len(log_lines),
'Expected 5 log lines, got %r' % log_lines)
for line in log_lines:
self.assertIn('Bad fragment index: None', line, log_lines)
def test_rehashing(self):
calls = []

View File

@ -4358,6 +4358,14 @@ cluster_dfw1 =
self.assertEqual(utils.replace_partition_in_path(old, 10), old)
self.assertEqual(utils.replace_partition_in_path(new, 11), new)
# check hash_dir option
old = '/s/n/d/o/700/c77/af088baea4806dcaba30bf07d9e64c77'
exp = '/s/n/d/o/1400/c77/af088baea4806dcaba30bf07d9e64c77'
actual = utils.replace_partition_in_path(old, 11, is_hash_dir=True)
self.assertEqual(exp, actual)
actual = utils.replace_partition_in_path(exp, 11, is_hash_dir=True)
self.assertEqual(exp, actual)
def test_round_robin_iter(self):
it1 = iter([1, 2, 3])
it2 = iter([4, 5])